mimicminato · 2 years
So...I dissapeared and started sitting down to write HP Crossover Fanfiction. In the process I started to tear apart and place back together the lore surrounding the Fanfiction.
I have now created another Fanfiction Crossover AU and in the process fandom’d the aboslute hell out of the Founder of Hogwarts.
That is all.
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mimicminato · 2 years
They say the best present for Christmas is the presence of family, that must be why the first Christmas alone is always the hardest on the heart.
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mimicminato · 2 years
Welcome To This Insanity...
How to start this off, hm… This blog was initially used for a different Crossover AU - One I was planning to make into a comic, but that idea fell through, at least for now it has anyway.
As for why we're here, I found this tweet a few months ago, and I wanted to try it.
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I wanted to make sure that I knew enough about the series off the top of my head that I could do it justice; Which left me with; • NARUTO • Harry Potter • RockmanEXE/Megaman Battle Network • Genshin Impact • Yu-Gi-Oh! • Sonic • Five Nights at Freddy's
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Now we have our series, we need our characters, so I ended up putting 32 Characters on the wheels in total, Fourteen Yu-Gi-Oh! characters and eighteen Harry Potter characters.
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Now, this is where the fun starts; how do you get a werewolf professor with self-esteem issues together with a reincarnation who doesn't care for magic or other people? Timeline and cannon absurdity, that's how.
Given that this is labelled an AU Crossover and not just a Crossover gives you an idea of how I needed to adjust character personalities to make this work in the slightest. I also had to greatly adjust the Wizarding World and Lore of Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Ancient Egypt otherwise, it would have fallen apart at the seams straight away. Needless to say, I got really, really invested. In fact, I have an entire timeline drawn out, a collection of 100+ polaroids I made with the aid of Pinterest, Character descriptions and backstories, and an array of Flash Fiction. Which will never see the light of day if I have anything to say about it I have two other detailed AU Blogs so updates may be sporadic at best. I hope you enjoy your stay in this blog of cannon loopholes and lore rewriting.
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mimicminato · 2 years
Sorry for the lack of activity, I’ve been busy with IRL things happening!
I’ll be back to posting soon, With more than just Harry Potter content!
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mimicminato · 3 years
Some Questions With @mimicminato
Why did you start the blog?
Jazzy and I started Rp-ing after we found out we both loved Harry Potter; Specifically, we both shipped Wolfstar.
The RP got so interesting that I needed somewhere to write it down!
You're stealing from @luna-animarum!
I am luna-animarum; I completely lost access to the email and had to open a new blog, and here we are - I have been transparent about this.
What do you mean by "!CompleteAU/Non-Cannon/RP/Slight-Crossover"?
Complete AU means that while the characters etc., might be similar, they are not the same as in Cannon.
Non-Cannon means this is NOT following the Cannon Story or Timeline.
RP means that this is based on a Roleplay.
Slight-Crossover means that this is a Harry Potter RP; however, Yu-Gi-Oh! does cross into this RP in some ways.
How does Yu-Gi-Oh! have anything to do with Harry Potter?
Haha, That's what I'm figuring out. It started as a joke, "Like what if we made the Science-based Seto Kaiba the child of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin?" And with that, it snowballed out of control, and Polaris (Formally Sothis) was made.
What's with the Art section?
It's just a dump of all the art I made while bored, and I haven't posted most of it because I keep forgetting.
Is there Fanfiction?
Yep. I am in the process of writing a Fanfiction directly based on the RP, So if something happens in the RP, it WILL happen in the Fanfiction. I am taking to RP and just writing around it to make it a story and not vague descriptions of movement and speech.
Why the disclaimers on the Fanfiction?
Disclaimers and warnings are fundamental, Some people may find some of the content triggering or offensive, and it's my job as the writer to state, "Hey! Beware, this might not be suitable for you, and you might want to decide if you can deal with potential triggers!"
The story touches on some serious topics, and I do not want someone suffering because there were no warnings about triggers or potential triggers.
Are you finished with the blog?
Nowhere close! I have so many things to add and expand on! (And a lot of editing because I can't spell to save my life)
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mimicminato · 3 years
Welcome to Hunting Season - The Modern Wolfstar AU
The City of Black Hollow, was founded in the 1600s by Lord Alphecca Black and quickly expanded into a bustling city in the south of England.
The megalopolis itself looks magnificent. Black Hollow has an enchanting atmosphere with its Slate rooftops, sand-lime bricks walls, and seafront piers.
The city has a flourishing economy, mainly supported by Fishing, Wood-crafting and Wine Brewing.
The 'Lupus Librarium' and its 'Lunaris Astrum' Coffee Shop share the same building. Lupus Librarium is an extensive three-story loft-style building with large windows and a Victorian Aesthetic. With a scatting of plants, table with in-built plugs, and free wifi - it is one of the best studying spots in town.
Remus Lupin: (Headcannons by Jazzy875​)
Is twenty
He still has Lycanthropy but accepts it and turns into an beautiful gold and white wolf.
Remus opened a tiny bookstore at the age of 18, which very quickly became popular, and he moved into a large bookstore with a coffee shop intertwined with it.
Remus hired his childhood friend James Potter as a barista and general aid.
Sirius Black: (Headcannons by Myself)
Is twenty-one
He was kicked out of his family home at sixteen and has been on the streets ever since.
He has a small amount of money and earns some by drawing people on the street.
Dreams of studying Art and proving family wrong by gaining a degree in it.
Often comes by the Lupus Librarium to read books on Art or find pictures and people to draw.
James Potter:  (Headcannons by Myself)  
Is twenty
Asks a pretty red-head out by writing "Will you go out with me?" on her coffee.
A single mother raised him after his father was shot dead in the crossfire between police and a wanted man.
Training to be a Paramedic.
Lily Evans:  (Headcannons by Jazzy875)  
Is twenty
Studying Greek Mythology at Oxford University
She finds the 'Coffee Question' endearing and says yes.
Moved out of her family home after a volatile argument between herself and her sister about her choice of university and degree.
If you want to make something with this feel free, I’d love to see what you make!
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mimicminato · 3 years
I have become obsessed with the idea of a Modern AU where Remus owns a Bookstore/Cafe and meets Sirius, who frequents cafes and coffee shops to draw quietly in the corner.
Have I thought of backstories and stuff, yes. Am I ever going to write it down? Probably Not. But I might post them if someone's interested.
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mimicminato · 3 years
My Favourite Characters: The Top 10
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Regulus Black
Minerva McGonagall
Lily Potter 
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
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mimicminato · 3 years
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs from my Spirit Animal Perspective.
Please note, This is my interpretation of the meanings of Spirit Animals, and the interpretation may differ from person to person and from the HP Cannon.
Moony- Wolves represent; Intelligence, Power, Instincts, Freedom, Passion, Control, Fear, and a Lack of Trust.
Wormtail- Rats are rather interesting when looked at this way - they represent; Abundance, Success, Adaptability, Kindness, Fertility, Creativity, Foresight, and Intelligence.
Padfoot- Black Dogs have a double meaning: They represent; Protection, Hunting, Playfulness, Guardianship, Healing, and Companionship on one side. But on the other; Grief, Depression, Loneliness, Separation, and Death.
Prongs- Stags represent; Stamina, Virility, Grace, Maturity, Experience, Instincts, Regeneration, Nobility, Leadership and Spiritual Enlightenment.
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mimicminato · 3 years
You know what.
I’ve had it.
Up until recently I was looking at Snape like “Yeah, he did a lot of {swear} up {swear} like becoming a Death Eater, and hanging out with the wrong crowd and that was the less horrific things he did,
I can see he is a complex character - The concept of his character was a brilliant idea but I think it was handled poorly.
And, yeah, The Maraduers were {swear} but they were also stupid kids, like Snape, who let their rivalry spiral out of control but they realised they were {swear} and all started to grow up.”
And then I met the “Snape Stans” - My opinon on Snape has now completely been tarnished by some of you.
I have read the books tens of times, watched the all the movies since I was a child and vividly remember Deathly Hallows being released in the movies.
Don’t you DARE tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about or that I’m not a real fan since I point out charater flaws and build off of them.
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mimicminato · 3 years
Sirius Orion Black 
Remus John Lupin 
Polaris Anseth Lupin-Black 
Ariel Ava Lupin-Black 
Lyra Ruby Lupin-Black
Perseus Lucas Lupin-Black 
Oberon Aiden Lupin-Black 
Nashira Vivian Lupin-Black 
Chara Wendy Lupin-Black 
Lupus Gabriel Lupin-Black 
Hesperos Silas Lupin-Black 
Calytrix Oaklee Lupin-Black 
James Fleamont Potter
Lily Jasmine Potter
Harrison James Potter
Severus Tobias Snape
Count Dracula
Grim Reapers 
Fallen Angels 
Family Tree
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mimicminato · 3 years
James: How many Padfoot's does it take to change a lightbulb?
Remus: Just one. The real question is how many ladders does he need?
Remus: How will you reach?
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mimicminato · 3 years
Every year after "The Prank" at Christmas and Birthdays Remus received some silver cutlery or tableware from an 'Anonymous source' COUGHSnapeCOUGH. By the time he started as a Professor, he had almost 2 sets of cutlery, about 15 pots and pans and a complete set of tableware.
The Christmas of 1993 gifted him the final two spoons to complete his second cutlery set.
By the time of his death his 'collection' was worth around £5000 - £10000 Muggle Pounds or about 1004 - 2008 Galleons (1G = £5) due to the silver being about 80-90% pure.
Yes, He could have sold some of it for money but he kept it all just in case he needed a load of silver for... uh, 'pest control'.
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mimicminato · 3 years
“The green light filled the cramped hallway, it lit the pram pushed against the wall, it made the banisters glare like lightning rods, and James Potter fell like a marionette whose strings were cut…” - DH Chapter 17
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Yeah.. Was supposed to post this quick thing on Hallowe'en but I completely forgot.
Eh, You can have it now. It’s only four days late.
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mimicminato · 3 years
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Main Headcannons
Extra Headcannons
Likes to sleep during the day Compulsively cracks neck Hesitates slightly before speaking Memorizes poetry Sneezes multiple times in a row Requires being pampered whenever possible Fantastic chef, But hates to cook Picks at own skin, hair, or clothing when tense
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mimicminato · 3 years
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Main Headcannons
Extra Headcannons
Collects coins Likes to tell dirty jokes Collects novelty mugs Messy, but insists it's an organized chaos Always has a shoe that's undone Snorts when laughing Always snacking on something Bounces leg when sitting
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mimicminato · 3 years
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Main Headcannons
Extra Headcannons
Tells jokes with no punchlines Requires a 20 minute "Power Nap" at lunch Has a dramatic sneeze Names and becomes attached to anything deemed "Cute" Tells stories with no point or conclusion Always shreds random pieces of paper or napkins Draws with ink Collects ink colours and quills
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