mineralandgematlas · 9 days
Don't forget Non Binary people who don't "look" non binary and are straight. My best friend is this. This is my design by the way.
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Remember to make space for the heteros this month too - yes, really.
Lesbians who became straight men
Gay men who became straight women
All straight drag artists (note that not all of them are cis!)
People with complex identities who thusly encompass multiple orientations (like genderfluid and multigender people who, yes, are sometimes straight, or even simultaneously with other labels)
Hetero aro and ace people. Especially. Seriously.
People with fluid orientations
Gnc people who find joy in their straightness
Many queer people are also straight. Queerness is note solely reliant on gayness. These people too, are a part of pride. Remember that.
[All discourse attempts will be swiftly blocked. Exclusionists fuck off]
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mineralandgematlas · 9 days
Okay anyone who is trans I need your help here. I am seeing so much transphobia and don't know what to do. I am so overwhelmed because I am an empath and want to help. All I know to do is make a charity which I am actually doing to help people like you all out. I don't know what else I can do. I am so fucking angry for you all I want to hurt the ones being evil! What can I do to help this want to hurt the transphobes? I feel like I am gonna explode.
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mineralandgematlas · 20 days
The amount of ridiculous childish behavior that I have seen from both sides of the political spectrum makes me all the more glad every day that I'm Anarchist.
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mineralandgematlas · 21 days
So everyone knows that I'm a trans ally and I have been for a long time I have donated, marched for trans rights, gone off on assholes being gross to my buddies who are trans and have advocated for transmen, non binary people and intersex people being ignored by the ros vs wade effecting them as well. I'm also someone who's too strong believer in anyone can be hateful and sometimes it can be the complete wrong type of hate because the person they're targeting is even the thing that they're saying.
A few years ago I was bullied, sexually harassed and threatened with sexual assault when I had a really good Tumblr that had a good following on. I had shared that cis phobia and transphobia are two sides the same fucked up coin and that transphobia can actually even affect cis people since I myself have dealt with it and was shocked. I hear also come across the form where people were again trying to say that bisexual was a famous pansexual when it's not and that's honestly really fucking rude to do to someone else and my phone at the time was an LG Stylo and I could not figure out how to turn off the autocorrect feature so when I said that bisexual means an attraction to men and women and yes that includes trans men and women it auto corrected to it does not include. Even though I literally explained this and even showed actual screen recordings of it I was harassed horribly as I said above. And yes I'm aware of bisexual is also I like or traction of any two genders my wife is actually a non-traditional bisexual who's attracted to non-binary people with a they them and he him pronoun and cis and trans masculine men so men in general minus the non binary part.
Now years later when people are actually seeing it happens to us and wanna apologize to me I just say It's too late. They told me to the point where I almost left this world I will not accept apologies for it.
Now for context the guy in this video who has the scars across his chest had them done so because he was a really overweight guy and he got himself healthy and he is a cis man. And some dumbass toxic says person made this comment on his video
Gender dysphoria doesn't always mean you want to change your gender for cis people it can mean that you are unhappy with your body and you think you look too feminine or too masculine. I myself think my hips are too feminine and it bothers me.
Gender affirming care is not just trans people getting it everyone can get it it's anything that makes you feel more like the gender that you want to be or are. For example, getting a breast job done, or getting penile enlargement is all considered gender affirming care.
Transphobia has gotten so bad of the past 5 years that even cis people are dealing with it. There have been multiple occasions when women who are cisgender have gone into a place and been asked to leave because they assume that they were transgender based on their more masculine appearance.
Leave people to fuck alone and let them be who they want to be trans rights are human rights and transphobia is disgusting. Transphobia is no longer only attacking trans people which is actually a good thing because now there's more people who are going to be fighting for trans individuals to have rights since they are seeing it and dealing with it first hand. Now obviously in some cases it's just going to make the toxic cis people who well are toxic even more pissed off but who cares because they made their beds now they have to lay in it.
Obviously it shouldn't have taken it to get to that point for others to start fighting but I guess we can take it where we can get it.
I personally have been trying to fight for trans rights for as long as I can remember. I'm worried about my friends now that are going to be going to the first pride that's in an area that's pretty badly conservative.
If anyone in the LGBT wants to come out to it, it's in Deep Creek Maryland if you want to come out and help support not only disabled individuals who are LGBT but trans individuals as well who also may be disabled because I'm alone with my wife and it's going to be very difficult for just us to do this.
And on a side note I am so tired of anytime someone talks shit about trans people have you noticed they only worry about how little girls are supposedly in danger? They never talk about little boys or anyone in between. And the reason I mention that is because there is a school where cisgendered women were protesting by not competing in track and field because a trans woman wanted to compete on the women's team.
Aren't these the same women who always talk about how anything a man can do they can do and they can also do it better? Imean let's go there since they're obviously seeing the trans woman as a man and being little assholes. It honestly always goes back to them only seeing what's in someone's pants and they are seeing her as a man which is bullshit and always seeing it as any time a guy comes around that we're automatically predators.
I guess they really can't do anything that a guy can do since they're so offended when someone who's assigned male at birth is trying to compete with them.
Like did I miss some kind of like letter or upgrade that being assigned male at birth supposedly makes you better at track and field or sports in general? Because people I can promise you right now as someone who was born a male and stayed a male I sucked ass at sports in school.
But any wahoozel transmen are men transwomen are women and non-binary people are valid. And sorry not sorry if you're so obsessed with what someone's got in their pants go on P*rnHub and if you're doing to someone who's under 18 you're a pedophile. That's all that's the rant.
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mineralandgematlas · 5 months
Exactly! Fuck you if you are this type of person.
"oh you have an allergy? sorry I harassed you for being a picky eater, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a picky eater, I still get to harass those people"
"oh you have chronic pain? sorry I harassed you for being lazy, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a lazy person, I still get to harass those people"
"oh you're autistic? sorry I harassed you for being weird, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a weird person, I still get to harass those people"
"oh you're deaf? sorry I harassed you for ignoring me, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. you're just not actually a rude person, I still get to harass those people"
"man why does everything have to be a disorder now? I miss the old days when people would TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for being failures and it was socially exceptable for me to harass them, now I look like a jerk when I bully people for annoying me."
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mineralandgematlas · 5 months
I was homeless and *trigger warning* I was raped multiple times and not one person helped me. I even had women laugh at me because MeN dOnT gEt RaPeD and when I got away from one of my attackers I OBVIOUSLY was injured I WAS FUCKING ARRESTED FOR INDECENT EXPOSURE I WAS LITERALLY A FUCKING TEENAGER I WAS A CHILD! All of this because male rape wasn't a crime until 2012. I was homeless and THIS is what happened! homeless people are still fucking people! Welfare and homeless people aren't the issue rich assholes who buy LITERAL 4,000 dollar keychains AND rich assholes law makers ARE THE PROBLEM. EAT.THE.RICH AND STOP MAKING LAWS AGAINST PEOPLE FOR FUCKING EXISTING!
Nothing shuts down a bougie conversation like "well, when I was homeless—" Nothing. It's one and done. They are fucking taken out. The conversation is dead. Done.
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mineralandgematlas · 5 months
I am gonna be real since I have always done that. I feel worthless and hopeless. I feel like no ome cares about me. I feel like people only wanna get in my pants and wannna sexual harass me and be creepy which they DO all the time yet I hate my body, my face, and MY entire person. I feel lost in an Abyss and just keep falling. I am bleedimg from my hands from trying to catch myself on the edges as I fall. There end in sight except a pin prick of light. I am so tired. I can't close my eyes otherwise the small window I have to catch myself will pass me back and I die. But I am so tired. I am toen and syreched so thin. I have cried enough tears to fill the ocean and punched so many walls that my hands are now numb to pain. Yeah sure I spiral but the spirals are only bringing up shit that is still in the shadows waiting to come forward. I just want to breathe and to feel again. I don't wanna live this way. I have screamed but it falls on deaf ears. Im just black and blue following in snow covered tracks that end to only loss.
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mineralandgematlas · 6 months
Exactly right and then when my friend is out of harm's way and safe then I can go back and smash the toxic fuckers face in with a sledgehammer who did this to my friend.
if your friend asks you to misgender them in front of their family, do it. if your friend asks you to refer to their partner as their roommate or friend, do it. if they ask you to deadname them, do it. allyship is about prioritizing the safety of marginalized people, especially when it comes before your desire to fight their oppressors.
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mineralandgematlas · 6 months
Merry happy day of dealing with people's bullshit and not high fiving them with a metal chair.
happy normal fuckin day to everyone who doesnt celebrate christmas or rly any holidays today n tomorrow. hope you have an average day. hope its chill like any other
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mineralandgematlas · 6 months
Also Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all my male r@pe and se*ual abuse survivors who feel invalidated by misandrists and deal with people telling them theur abuse doesn't matter because they are men. I see you and feel it too. YOU ARE VALID.
merry christmas to everyone who didn’t get presents today because their family couldn’t afford it and merry christmas to everyone who couldn’t make it home for the holidays and merry christmas to everyone spending it alone i want you all to know that i hope you all have a great great end of the year and i love you all and even if your holidays weren’t how you pictured them i hope you still have a good rest of the holidays and year
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mineralandgematlas · 6 months
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I know it's a bit blurry and hard to see but this was the best one I could find of a rough specimen. So, this gemstone is going to upset and rock the gemology and geology world. According to multiple sources, this stone that shares a chemical structure with Ruby and Sapphire has a higher hardness than diamond! Diamond has held that record since around 1812 when the Mohn hardness scale was created.
This gemstone is called Carmeltazite and was announced as a discovery in 2019. This rare and expensive stone was found in Mount Carmel, Haifa District, Israel and has since only been found here. Unfortunately, due to the idiocy of the Israeli government committing genocide on Muslims and Jews we most likely won't have any more of these stones until further notice which will make the already high price tag skyrocket.
This link is one that seems to be the most accurate if you would like to read more on this stone.
Carmeltazite, ZrAl2Ti4O11, a new mineral trapped in corundum from volcanic rocks of Mt Carmel, Northern Israel — Macquarie University (mq.edu.au)
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mineralandgematlas · 7 months
I hope you guys will like me trying to pull back some joy in this blog. Recently shit has gotten really messy in my head.
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mineralandgematlas · 7 months
Sorry to burst tranphobes bubbles but I feel more safe around trans women than I do cis women. A trans women has never r@ped me and then used the fact she's a women to get away with it. Just saying. Oh also me being attracted to trans women and cis women as well as cis and trans men still makes me bisexual. Trans isn't a WHOLE other gender you neanderthals. This has been my Ted Talk.
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mineralandgematlas · 7 months
So I am gonna be mia for a bit......I HAVE FUCKING COVID! AGAIN!
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mineralandgematlas · 7 months
My husband is Jew by blood and I have Muslim faith/ moddle eastern in my blood as well. My brothers husband is Muslim and his best friend is Jew and my brother? He's Athiest and I am methodist Christian. We all need to understand that this is an attack on BOTH Jews and Muslims and we need to fight against the government and coexist with the rest of us.
I feel like this should go without saying, but: Non-Muslims and Non-Jews can and should reblog posts about the upticks in antisemitism and islamophobia and how scared Jewish ppl and Muslim ppl are right now. If nothing else, it's an easy thing to do to spread awareness. But it also signals "hey, I'm listening, I promise" which is not something any of us are confident any of y'all are doing.
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mineralandgematlas · 7 months
@kaitokenji37 look at the baby!
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mineralandgematlas · 7 months
Them: YoUr TrAnSpHoBiC bEcAUsE yOu ArE bIsExUaL
Me: * Holding my stomach laughing as my trans husband is literally glaring and face palming from the amount of bullshit from this idiot.
Them: Yeah see you are laughing!
My husband: *Deep breathe* I'M TRANS YOU NEANDERTHAL!
Them:......*more clueless*
Me: Oh yeah my asshole sings the sponge Bob theme song to him too and my dick talks in simoleish.
My husband: *Dying from laughter*
@kaitokenji37 do you remember this?
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