minochrome · 6 months
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I keep forgetting I have tumblr tbh
Revamped my sona so here's that I guess LMAO
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minochrome · 7 months
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i just need people to see this image of my cat. that is all thank you
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minochrome · 10 months
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Hey look it's the other rain world oc!
This is Feral Gazing Stars. She is the aforementioned super close friend of Gales. Unlike Gales, who really doesn't care that much about solving the Great Problem, Stars is fairly adamant about wanting to be the one to find the solution. She is certain that the wildlife around her 'knows' things that she doesn't (even if only by their instincts), and has become fascinated by ecology. She is constantly studying the creatures that seek out her structure for shelter, and even creates her own plants and animals to watch and learn about. Because Stars and Gales are so far apart from each other, so much so that typical communication takes an almost ridiculously long time to reach the other, they typically won't use traditional messaging to communicate. Stars, who has a particular interest in slugcats due to their intelligence, has a tendency to create slugcats to use as messengers, as while the journey is still long, they can deliver a message faster, and Stars can give them gifts to bring with them for Gales.
(Gales is in the previous post btw)
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minochrome · 10 months
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Felt like designing a rain world OC. Made an iterator :3
This is Blinding Gales! They're a silly lil fella, and have a bit of a lizard obsession. They're extremely close with another iterator (haven't decided on the second one's name yet), who made a flower to keep Gales company, since the two are so far apart that contact is extremely difficult and very slow. But, the flower was made a tad too sturdy and adaptive, so now Gale has flowers stuck growing on their arm
Will draw their friend later but yea rain world iterator time :3 :3
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minochrome · 1 year
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Mino try not to forget they have a tumblr challenge (impossible)
Here is three Sought characters and also a candy deer that belongs to Folly
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minochrome · 1 year
Realized I haven't posted anything here in a while! Have a few bug women.
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minochrome · 1 year
Forbidden gummy worms
did you know?
you love chubby springtails.
you love them. you have to.
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(likely Sensillanura sp., Vitronura giselae and Neanura muscorum)
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minochrome · 1 year
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Don't usually draw fanart but rw is just such a cool game I had to
Tried to emulate the overall style bc it's super pretty and tbh I think I got pretty close for a first attempt! It was fun to do I'll def try out the style again
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minochrome · 1 year
This is only a tiny amount of the characters btw. There are (currently) 27 drawn and there are a total of 81 cats in this story. Not even including all the dead ones :')
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Me when I decided to make a warriors story but now I have to draw 50 billion different cats
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minochrome · 1 year
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Me when I decided to make a warriors story but now I have to draw 50 billion different cats
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minochrome · 1 year
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Here's some silly guys I've drawn that are owned by other people!
Ara (humanoid one) is a reaper, and is the reaper queen. She's relatively nice and is a mother to 4, and usually is the one calming down drama caused by her more violent family members.
The other two are owned by Folly! They're for their angel story. The lion is a seraphim named Ari, and the red squirrel is a currently unnamed demon.
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minochrome · 1 year
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Here, have some mildly angsty gun birds
These guys are Akiko and Oyadai! They're husband and wife and have been together for around 15 years.
Oyadai is the ex-general of the shadowbirds' army. She is a transfem woman, and most shadowbirds don't care about this factor (Akiko included). Those that did care simply got kicked out of the army.
Akiko is the current general of the army. He took over relatively recently, so he's a bit new to it, but Oyadai makes sure to give him tips when he needs it.
About five years ago, the two were attacked by a small patrol of angels while on their way to settle an issue with the reapers. They were both struck by the same bullet, with Akiko simply being grazed across the forehead while the bullet completely destroyed Oyadai's eyes. Both of them recovered, but Oyadai is now completely blind.
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minochrome · 1 year
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Wow look Mino is making another story again (she will never stop)
This is a revival of a reaaaalllllly old story (og story was made about 5 years ago) that I did with a non-tumblr friend
All three of these characters are from the og and tbh they haven't really changed much they're just written/designed better than in 2017
Pink lady is Gemini (Gem)! She's the princess of the reapers and is really probably not a healthy girlfriend but that's ok. She murders people quite a lot but she's less murdery than a lot of reapers. She gets very jealous of her boyfriend's female friends, but sees zero issue with having male friends
Fluffy grey wing guy is Gray! Used to be spelled Greye in the original story but I'm lazy so it's no longer a fancy spelling. He's a werewolf-angel hybrid and is Gem's boyfriend. They have known each other for about a week and are already prepping to get married like the very healthy and not at all toxic couple they are
Yellow/orange lady is Kira! She is the last fire phoenix in the world and is not very happy about it. She's been stuck in a birdcage in bird form for 27 years (she is 28) so she's not great with people. Because of this she also can't read or write (she never got the chance to learn she was busy being trapped in a cage) but she's working hard to learn and is very excited to soon be able to read all the books Gray has. She also struggles a bit with casual talk but she's trying her best and gets very happy when people talk to her. Despite everything she's overall a happy person, and gets very excited when learning about the world she's been unable to witness until now.
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minochrome · 1 year
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o my goodness cala in omori game (drawn over the king crawler sprite)
clearer version under the cut :3
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mino gave me the idea for this btw hi mino
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minochrome · 1 year
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Have an excessively tall woman!
This is Mab, queen of the unseelie and somehow one of the less problematic fey rulers! She's a bit crabby towards outsiders (she has zero qualms with murder) but she's very protective of and affectionate towards her family and friends.
Also she's 7'2
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minochrome · 2 years
This post is getting way more traction than I expected so here's some extra Snake Lore for anyone who's interested:
*He is a black mamba snake! This is actually his first version where he's species-accurate, in all his previous iterations he was a purplish black because for some reason I never looked up what a black mamba looked like.
*He has a MASSIVE crush on his (only) friend. She doesn't know this of course, and frankly neither does he. One of them will probably figure it out eventually. Or not. They're really not the greatest with this kinda thing.
*He has absolutely horrible eyesight. He can see heat (just like irl snakes) but he can barely see anything in terms of colors. He has glasses to mediate this, but he simply chooses to be blind for The Angst.
*His weird eyes are due to a larger lore thing. Tbh I'm too lazy to write the specifics rn, but the summary is there's a magic lake making water zombies and he is one of said water zombies.
Idk how many people are gonna see this, but if any of you guys are curious about something that's not mentioned here feel free to ask :)
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Meet the angriest snake in fiction
This is Kuvali! He's originally from an rp from 2018, and he's gotten revamped!
He's not actually the angriest snake but he is still angry and also has only one friend (both of them need therapy)
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minochrome · 2 years
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Meet the angriest snake in fiction
This is Kuvali! He's originally from an rp from 2018, and he's gotten revamped!
He's not actually the angriest snake but he is still angry and also has only one friend (both of them need therapy)
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