Tactical Breach Wizards is a fairly short game. Not a ton of story content or character work compared to a major RPG like baldur's gate or Dragon Age. But the character work that we get is absolutely delicious. (Spoilers Ahoy) Let's talk about Dall. Dall is probably the most serious character we see. Zan and Jen are trying to avoid a dark future that Zan witnessed in a prophecy. Banks is out for revenge. Rion doesn't want to see his hometown consumed by war, but all of them are kind of detached. Possibly because, despite their various traumas, they are Wizards. They have super powers, and are generally at a considerable advantage over their foes. Dall is also a wizard, but if you look at her kit, she's only got a single ability that is clearly magical: her swap. If you keep an eye on the worldbuilding, it becomes clear. The other wizards have Vessels and Channels, magically crafted items that let them use different powers or their powers in a new way. They have training in how to use their magic. Dall is from a nation that is taught that magic only exists among "Blessed" members of the brutal theocracy that Dall is fighting against. She has no training and no support. She has her tricks, but mostly she's on equal footing with her opponents, she's even using the equipment of a Riot Priest, probably the most visible symbol of the oppression she's fighting. And speaking of that brutal theocracy, Dall does something I don't think I've seen very much. "Rebel fighting against an oppressive theocracy" is pretty common, but Dall, and most of her fellow rebels, are wholehearted believers in the religion. Usually rebels against the oppressive theocracy have a bit of the Reddit atheist thing going on. "Ugh, how can anybody believe in that nonsense" Dall instead has fury. How DARE the Chapel take her faith, a source of strength and comfort to her, and use it as a tool of oppression. How DARE they claim to speak for the divine.
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@beradan and I went to the Connecticut Renaissance Faire today as unnamed White Rat and Saint of Steel acolytes.
Emily's embroidery is from art by @magpiemalarkey, mine was designed by my partner based on art from various Kingfisher romance covers.
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'Mid' autumn festival? I find it quite based actually.
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This scene cracked me up so bad so had to grab screenshots of it this play through lol
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finally, the thrilling radio play adaptation
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Father Brown S01E03, The Wrong Shape
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heading out the door
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minos was such a pussy. if my wife gave birth to an epic minotaur baby i wouldn't have locked him in a labyrinth. i would have taken him to the mcdonalds play place (athens) every day and let him eat as many stray mcnuggets (athenians) off the floor as he wanted. i love you hungry son
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anyway sound off. at what stage do ppl think Han figured out the Force was real. the boring answer is after seeing Obi-wan vanish but i think he could rationalise that away as his eyes playing tricks on him. what do we think.
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Hello, I opened Photoshop again
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biased take from a big kzkr shipper yeah i know, but kaoru's life link makes me ugly cry everytime. it's hard to see two people who clearly still have a thing for each other after 17 years be apart
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What they dont tell you about the real reason Terminator armour is equipped with teleporter beacons isnt because they are state of the art, spared no expenses badasses.
The truth is they are so wide they kept getting stuck everywhere, and hearing “Help me Battle-Brother, I'm stuck” over the vox made all the squadmates giggle and not focus enough on killing.
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I really think people have forgotten just how bad things were under the Trump Administration. Literally every day there was news about some service being cut or someone terrible appointed somewhere they shouldn't be or what have you. He constantly flirted with WW3 and military dictatorship. It was such a blur of badness that there aren't big standouts for people to point to to make him "the XYZ president." it was everything. all the time. Why do we not remember this.
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it’s ninety-nine degrees outside, four fuck-thousand percent humidity, and my husband was like, “i’m gonna go for a bike ride.” and i was like “why. no. why. don’t put us on the news like that. local fool collapses on unnecessary journey. don’t do it.” so he says he doesn’t want to “hide in the house” because the sun is shining. bruh. honeybruh. “the sun is shining” does not cover it. its hot outside. its motherfucking hot as fuck outside. our outdoor plants have been crying into their hands all week. whole cars are melting into the sewer. our fucking patio umbrella developed sentience to ask me for lemonade this morning
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