miskribas · 3 years
Plot Bunnies, Plot Chickens, Etc.
As a lot of people aren’t familiar with plot creatures, I thought I’d shed some light on the members of the mental menagerie…
The Plot Bunny - Story ideas that come bounding in and start multiplying.
The Plot Chicken - They squawk, flap around, and shit everywhere, but when you actually need to do something with them, they scatter.
The Plot Sloth - Takes its sweet goddamned time turning into something useful.
The Plot Mule - When you mash two plots together and get something cool, but you can’t get a sequel out of it to save your life.
The Plot Cat - Lazy little bastards who take up your headspace, scare away all the other plot bunnies, but won’t actually do anything except lay there.
The Plottweiler - Barks loudly and viciously so you can’t ignore it, distracts you from everything else you want to write, but leaves you too paralyzed with fear to actually put words down.
The Plot Squirrel - Cute, distracting, full of nuts, and just TRY to keep up with that train of thought.
The Plot Bedbug - Shows up during the night, chews on you so you can’t sleep, and disappears in the daylight.
The Plot Tick - Burrows in, bleeds you dry, and leaves you with the creepy-crawlies. Mostly preys on horror writers.
The Plotroach - Totally unappealing, but so tenacious they’ll survive anything until you finally give up and write them.
What Plot Creatures have you encountered?
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miskribas · 3 years
hats off to that one uquiz question that did more for my character development than months of mbti tests.
so without further ado, i hereby present:
nasrin and cally: are respectful and grateful that god gave them a purpose on this world :-)
kai: attempts to extort god.
chance: throws a basketball into their halo
zero: asks what their pronouns are and what they go by.
marla: “back on my one man band shit. i don’t want your help, cloud man, so don’t offer. i trust no-one.”
tag list:
@run-rivers-run @pied-piper-of-hamlet @misfitgirlsworld @anaestheticdisaster @adaparkwrites
(Comment/DM/ask to be added or removed)
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miskribas · 3 years
fiction writer on tumblr right here!!
Hi, can you like or reblog this if you’re a fiction writer on tumblr. I’ll follow you ✒️.
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miskribas · 3 years
the question is: if i could meet one of the characters from the colour of always in real life would i give ryan a hug or hit cooper repeatedly on the head with a rolled up newspaper and tell him to pull his head out of his ass?
(the answer is neither. i love them both but jane has access to shitty illegal recordings of uk national theatre plays and that beats everything.)
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miskribas · 3 years
it’s 5.06pm and i am far too sick to be bringing back tcoa but here i am doing it anyway
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miskribas · 4 years
self care is drinking 3 pots of coffee and getting into a knife fight w god
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miskribas · 4 years
☆~ Please reblog/like this if you'd like an occasional visit from the Random Oc Questions Fairy! ~☆
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miskribas · 4 years
what emotion do you write from
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miskribas · 4 years
reblog if you’re an active writeblr.
writersociety is a brand new blog that i’m dedicating to the writeblr community. i want writers on tumblr to connect with each other, to interact with each other, to lift each other up and inspire each other.
in short, i want to boost your blog.
from this account i’ll be reblogging author introductions, wip intros, creative writing, prose, poetry, fanfiction, short stories, writing prompts, etc., with one goal: to get you and your writeblr friends the recognition you deserve.
like this idea? follow this blog, reblog this post, and start tagging your work with #writersociety. dm me posts from your favorite blogs. send me an ask and gush about your friend’s wip. tag me under a writing resource post. get me out there, so i can return the favor.
this is for every single one of you. this is writersociety. this is just the beginning.
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miskribas · 4 years
Tumblr media
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miskribas · 4 years
Tumblr media
welcome to my blog, where 99% of the time you will probably not be getting the content you signed up for.
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miskribas · 4 years
“We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”
— Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
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miskribas · 4 years
New goal: Follow every writeblr in the tumblr universe wahahahahahaha
Seriously, though, if there are any writeblrs left that I’m not following, reblog this so I can further my holy quest.
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miskribas · 4 years
Vibing writeblr asks
Pineapple: What are a few foods that appear in your project?
Black and gold: Make a moodboard for a chapter
Cuffed jeans: What is the clothing style of your main character?
Polaroids: Paste an excerpt of some of your favourite descriptions you’ve written!
Yellow: Do you have a specific playlist you listen to while writing?
Galaxy: What is the main setting of your project?
Hiking: Does your project’s setting have any holidays?
Clear lip gloss: What is the social scene of your project?
Bullet journal: Do you have a Pinterest board for your project?
Character Specific:
(for these, you can either ask for a random character or pick a character from a wip!)
Gummy bears: Does the character have any jewellery special to them?
Rose sunglasses: Would the character go tanning with friends?
Striped shirts: Would they prefer hot cocoa, coffee or tea?
Surfing at dawn: What is something the character has always wanted to do?
Dark chocolate: Did they eat their veggies when they were little?
Friendship bracelets: What is their sense of humour?
Rain boots: What is their favourite kind of weather?
Snowy rooftops: Where would they love to go before they die?
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miskribas · 4 years
What do you mean writing involves writing??
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miskribas · 4 years
Tumblr media
It's about the Vindication and the Power Fantasy
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miskribas · 4 years
Shoutout to any trans friends that’ll be misgendered by family during this holiday season. You’re strong and you’ll get through this. I love you and wish you the best.
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