misshoshigaki · 7 years
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Sakura vs Shin - Taijutsu battle
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misshoshigaki · 7 years
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Sakura + Guardians Of The Crescent Moon Kingdom Movie
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misshoshigaki · 7 years
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Trying to get myself to do more art again, picked up some good blue markers the other day for Kisame doodles. They bleed more than I wanted but I can suck it up unu
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misshoshigaki · 7 years
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サクラ Sakura
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misshoshigaki · 7 years
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Because Anon requested a long-haired Sakura. I’ve figured I might be able to take requests after all….as long as I keep it at sketches and doodles. 
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misshoshigaki · 7 years
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misshoshigaki · 7 years
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I have a lot of feelings about buffed-up!Sakura so 
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misshoshigaki · 7 years
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My queen, my love 💚(my first attempt at digital art..holy hell i’m lost)
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misshoshigaki · 7 years
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misshoshigaki · 7 years
Oh, would you look at that! A new chapter!
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misshoshigaki · 8 years
What they said: Sakura is useless.
What I heard: Despite her growing up with talentless civilian parents and being ignored by her gennin sensei, I will hold Sakura to the standards set by the son of the Fourth Hokage who has a limitless chakra source inside him and the heir to the Uchiha clan who wouldn't have done anything out of the ordinary if it weren't for his inherited magical eyes and a curse seal. I am incapable of judging her on her own, so I won't acknowledge how amazing it is that despite her origins she became a tremendous medical ninja, helped defeat a member of Akatsuki, and saved hundreds of lives all at the age of 15. I will constantly compare her to the two most haxed characters in the world who wouldn't have done anything special if not for circumstances of birth because I'm dumb.
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misshoshigaki · 9 years
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This has been sitting in my folder for awhile now, but I got busier and decided to finish it during one of my study breaks. (Part 1/?)
From the same fanfic that has ruined my life (chp 21) by @actuallydeglace
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misshoshigaki · 9 years
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INTERSECT - James Boswell 2015
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misshoshigaki · 9 years
Title: Drunk ( a This Is Not My Cat short) Word count: 832 Prompt:  Tries to get into the wrong apartment when drunk
Someone was at the door. It was 1:48 am, why was there someone at her door? And it sounded like they were trying to get in. Now, her first instinct should have been to grab her phone, retreat to her bedroom, lock the door, and get ready to call the police if they didn't go away. Or at least text her neighbours that she might need some help. Instead she decided to investigate. Sakura crept quietly into the front hall, avoiding the squeaky floor board, and peered through the peephole. She couldn't see anyone.
This, even to Sakura, screamed danger. She had just heard someone rattling the door handle and the scrap of a key but the hall looked completely deserted.
"What the fuck?" she muttered to herself, squinting through the peephole again. She nearly jumped out of her skin when something thumped against the door. She stepped back slowly. She couldn't see the light coming through the crack under the door anymore; something, or someone, was blocking it.
She stared at the problem for almost half a minute, trying to figure out what to do. Should she call someone? Could she just go to bed and pretend this wasn't happening?
She crept silently back to the living room to retrieve her phone. In a flash of good thinking, she turned off the ringer before doing anything else; she had seen enough horror movies to know that was important. She scrolled through her contact list first; she didn't really want to call the police or the buildings security if this turned out to be a false alarm which would lead to waking up the entire building and no one would be happy about that. She settled on Itachi; he was the closest, being just down the hall. She didn't really expect he would be up at this hour, but she knew Kisame would still be at work, so he was her best bet. At least this way there would be a record if she suddenly went missing, right?  
'I think someone is trying to break into my apartment' she typed. She didn't really know what else to say.
Her head shot up when she heard the buzz of a cell phone, coming from the hall. It sounded like it was right out side her door.
"What the fuck?" she muttered again. Sakura walked back in to the front hall. 'Itachi, are you outside my door right now?' she typed again. A few seconds after she hit send, the phone buzzed. Without a second thought she unlocked the door and yanked it open, sending a passed out Itachi sprawling into her apartment. He groaned and curled onto his side.
"You okay, Itachi?" Sakura asked and nudged him with her foot. He made another pathetic moan and tried, ineffectively, to roll away from her prodding. She had never seen him like this and it was alarming. Was he sick? Was he dying? She knealed beside him and rolled him onto his back so she could get a better look. "I'm starting to get really worried; what happened?"
It was then she noticed the reeked of beer as he swatted her hands away. She sat back on her heels.
"Really, Itachi?" she shook her head disapprovingly. On second thought, she had seen him like this before, at Kisame's birthday party. Now, how was she going to get him out of the entrance? She couldn't just leave him in the hall. Could she? No. She was a good friend, and good friends don't leave drunk friends in the hall to sleep it off even if they scared the shit out of you.
She stood and grasped his jacket at the shoulders with both hands, dragging him like a ragdoll into the living room. Itachi was completely passed out at this point, sound asleep. Instead of trying to lift him onto the couch, which would probably end with her straining her back or breaking the coffee table, she opted to drape a blanket over him and stuff a pillow under his head where he lay. He looked peaceful, but she knew he was going to be in a world of hurt tomorrow.
"You're going to be so hung over in the morning," she told him. She felt a little bit bad, even if this was his own doing. She remembered what he was like the morning after the party. In another flash of brilliance, she placed a small bucket by his head and a glass of water on the near by coffee table along with a bottle of aspirin. "There. I hope you appreciate this."
Now that the living room was occupied she relocated to her bedroom. She was just getting to an exciting part in the novel she was reading when she was interrupted, but she supposed it was about time she went to sleep.
"Good night, Itachi," she whispered, before closing her door. "You better have one hell of a story to tell me tomorrow."
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misshoshigaki · 9 years
How long has it been since I’ve actually made a post on here?
I still haven’t given up on TINMC. I swear! I’m going to finish it... eventually. I will, however, post a little tiny short that takes place in the same AU, but means nothing to the plot. Just a little something I wrote up from a prompt, trying to get back into the swing of writing.
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misshoshigaki · 9 years
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misshoshigaki · 9 years
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(via Cosplay Monday: Kisame Hoshigaki)
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