missjabez · 11 days
Phil: *bites lip* Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are? Alan: That isn't gonna work, hands behind your back.
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missjabez · 2 months
People be infantilising Connor and often use some crappy arguments like "of course he's child-like, he was only activated for a few months, he's not mature enough for relationships" and then ship reed900
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missjabez · 4 months
btw i saw an entire ant colony moving today (idk why, but they were carrying their eggs and all) and they LITERALLY trampled a little path in the grass. like a trail in the woods but infinitely smaller. ant-sized little footpath through the grass. it was incredible to see.
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missjabez · 5 months
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missjabez · 5 months
The fascinating relationship between ants and aphids. Some species of ants farm aphids, protecting them from predators and eating the liquid they secrete.
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(Source: West coast seeds)
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missjabez · 5 months
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Concern for an injured sister.
One of these Lasius emarginatus works was stepped on by someone as she tried to cross the sidewalk. She is mortally wounded but not yet dead. A cluster of her sisters have gathered to see if anything can be done. After trying to rouse and move her they gave up and moved on. The sidewalks are dangerous and most ants use the cracks as little highways.
All this silent drama is going on even as the important fast walking New Yorkers keep stomping by.
Ants are very simple creatures, they have tiny brains, and simple thoughts. But, they are able to try to help each other. There are no excuses for us.
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missjabez · 5 months
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04.01.2024 | Minthara
Basket Full of Equipment. SFW version by AnteMaxx. Abs retexture by ilikedetectives and I. Extra Dyes for the Fashionable Folk of Faerun by AstralSprout. Camera by Frans Bouma. Captured using ReShade.
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missjabez · 7 months
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missjabez · 7 months
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missjabez · 7 months
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a murder wife study i did a few days ago 🔪🔪🔪
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missjabez · 7 months
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Any other queers more willing to take over the Absolute Cult when Minthara pitches it to you? Just me?
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missjabez · 7 months
Testing new ways to recruit Minthara in Patch 6 - Part 1 (KO at the grove battle)
First of what may become a series of attempts to find new ways to recruit Minthara on the good playthrough.
Now according to the patch notes:
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It's unclear what they mean by "number of valid methods". So far the ONLY valid methods to recruit Minthara are siding with the Goblins (ie the best method) or to knock her out while temporarily hostile. I go on all about it in this post.
So to start I wanted to see if the number of cases where she becomes temporarily hostile have been expanded. And the first method I wanted to test is possibly the coolest way to knock her out; by fighting her and the goblin horde at the grove! I don't need to show any screenshots of that, suffice to say, she was marked fully hostile by the game, and her knocked out status was NOT temporary (ie., said this entity would disappear permanently after a long rest)
So I played the rest out as you normally would; long resting to go to the tiefling party, then heading to the mountain pass, past the undead patrol, into the shadow-cursed lands, summoned Kar'niss, turned on him at the Harpers, yada yada Last Light Inn yada yada Isobel and Marcus.
So I arrive at Moonrise, and while expecting nothing, who do I see?
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THERE SHE IS! And wearing her camp clothing cause I stole her armor again lmao (and she didn't wear the blazer of benevolence I reverse-looted into her inventory, cause she'd rather be in her PJs in front of her boss than anything from Volo. Honestly understandable.)
The cutscene plays out normally, but after going down into the prison, freeing her mind and fighting her interrogators
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She just... breaks. No dialogue, not interactable, doesn't follow me, nothing. Killing the other guards outside doesn't do anything.
At first I was ready to call this whole attempt bugged (which don't get me wrong, this IS a bug)
But I thought, what if I have her play along (I never did that in my own playthrough) So I reload, and trick the guards instead.
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SUCCESS! She's a follower npc now!
We deceive our way out of Moonrise, send her back to camp
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Also, incredibly funny that both Astarion and Karlach approve, when Astarion is the only one who voices major objections, and earlier Karlach had this to say at camp before we headed into the prison
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I guess seeing her tortured and grateful for being freed warmed Karlach's heart to her. Awww :3
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Ladies and gentlemen, we got her
It's not completely without bugs. Karlach and Wyll both didn't have anything to say about Minthara's recruitment, but that might have been because I hadn't exhausted their reactive dialogue beforehand, as they both had things to say about prior events. Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion and Gale (y'know the regular durge squad) all had their normal reactions.
Also Halsin isn't there cause he's currently at Last Light hanging out with Art. I hadn't even found Thaniel yet. Although I don't anticipate any interactions with those two, as the ultimatum dialogue is still inaccessible, and even if it was, involves an absolutely convoluted way to get both Halsin and Minthara that will almost never happen anyway.
Final Verdict: Recruiting Minthara by KOing her while defending the grove - WORKS!
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missjabez · 7 months
i’m not here to claim that wyll doesn’t deserve more extra content or that larian’s perspective of him isn’t rooted in racism in any way whatsoever. however, i sincerely believe that it’s always important to list the facts first before misinformation continues to spread which only results in more needless outrage.
these are all of wyll’s scenes that exist in the game as of now:
meeting karlach, mizora, and his transformation, the tiefling party kiss, the dance scene, mizora visiting camp, another scene where mizora visits camp, and the proposal scene. additionally, mizora and uldred can join camp, if he is alive.
in strict comparison - this is the exact amount of scenes the other origin characters have:
Astarion has 9 scenes, 6 of which can possibly be romantic.
Lae’zel has 7 non-standard dialogue scenes, 3 of which can possibly be romantic.
Shadowheart has 6 non-standard dialogue scenes, 3 of which can possibly be romantic.
Gale has 6 non-standard dialogue scenes, 3 of which can possibly be romantic.
Karlach has 4 non-standard dialogue scenes, 3 of which can possibly be romantic.
Wyll has 5 non-standard dialogue scenes, 2 of which can possibly be romantic.
source: [x]
wyll is lacking one scene compared to characters like shadowheart and gale. lae’zel merely has another non-standard dialogue scene, while astarion has double the amount of possible romance scenes and 9 scenes in total.
here is a video of wyll’s entire story: [x] at a duration of 2:25:24 in total it’s very similar in length to the romances of the other companions the same channel uploaded. (minthara & halsin excluded)
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i have also seen many people refer to the datamined voicelines as proof of how much content wyll lacks. this, however, doesn’t tell us much since those compilations include battle grunts, noises, and other repeated lines. if you want to check them out for yourself, here is chubblot’s playlist on youtube: [x]
wyll’s romance/approval-specific greetings also exist, they are merely bugged. although i have heard that some people have been able to trigger them. bugged content is something that also affects other companions – in fact, most of gale’s romance scenes and some integral dialogue have been bugged for months now with no fixes anywhere in sight. if you don’t want to look for wyll’s greetings in the files, i took the liberty of doing it for you:
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alas, his general reactivity after act i remains the same as with the others. aka: he's barely responsive to his surroundings nor to any key decisions the player makes.
wyll also isn’t the only character who isn’t able to make his own choice on whether he agrees to sell his soul for his father’s life or not. in fact, the only characters who can decide their own fate are shadowheart and lae’zel. the latter option only now being added with patch 6.
so what exactly did wyll get after patch 6? the same amount of kisses like everyone else: 4 in total. as well as some new idle animations and polished facial expressions. the kiss where he invites tav for a quick twirl had already been added in an earlier update (patch 5, 30th november 2023). which means it’s understandable that certain characters who didn’t receive any new animations or other content before were now added with patch 6 as well.
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wyll’s quest regarding ansur also didn’t get removed from the game. this is plain false. larian merely changed the subcategory in the journal (which larian had done previously with astarion’s gur-related quest as well)
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if you have a gripe with this particular decision: that is valid. the quest, however, is still the exact same as it was before.
i see fandom heading in this really dangerous direction where people fully believe they have the right to attack others for pointing out the existence of false information. i understand that people are upset about wyll having less content than characters like astarion and i am in no way here to claim that you should refrain from calling out racism where it’s due. however, this hostile behavior directed at anyone who dares to disagree with you is creating a really toxic environment within online spaces, where people hesitate to engage with the wyll side of the fandom at all (out of fear of immediately receiving the racist card for merely correcting inconsistencies in logic). and in case it needs to be said again: it is never justified to harass real people or send death threats to others under any circumstances, much less if it concerns a fictional character.
i, much like everyone, really want wyll to receive more love from fandom and larian alike. but it is no one’s place to police other players on how they should engage with this specific character in their own game. if others simply couldn’t connect to wyll as much as you personally have – for whatever reason – that is on them. it's them who are missing out. this shouldn’t hinder your enjoyment of this character in any way or discourage you from creating more fan content.
TL;DR: it’s completely valid to request more wyll content, but please don’t resort to “demands” or public pressure directed at the devs. this is only doing more harm in the long run (to wyll’s, as well as his fanbase's reputation within the rest of the fandom instead of actually accomplishing much). don’t spread misinformation that he’s the only one of the companions who is continuously receiving the short end of the stick in terms of content, general reactivity, and bug fixes. if anything, the biggest difference is between him and astarion (again, much like every other companion).
🙏 please be respectful to each other 🙏
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missjabez · 7 months
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Dominating the Netherbrain with Minthara.
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missjabez · 7 months
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(also my friend suggested the The Spider and the Snake as a ship name and im obsessed, he also wrote a very short fic about them in like 30 mins lmao)
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missjabez · 8 months
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missjabez · 8 months
Not a single red flag
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