misslillymillysworld 3 years
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Chapter 2
A low hum filled your bedroom. You shuddered, neon vibrator moving ever so deliciously over your clit. Hmmm, it felt good. Amazing, especially when Jimin in that tight suit from earlier made his cameo in your mind.
You remembered his plump lips and imagined them kissing the vein that was slowly pulsing in your neck while his fingers lovingly caressed your full breasts and rubbed your sensitive nipples taut. You heard his raspy voice in your head, urging you on.
"Yes baby, just like that hmmm."
" Slow circles baby, just like that."
" Now up the speed and hold it right there."
You imagined him losing control at the sight of you spread open and flipping you over to pound into you wantonly. At that, your pleasure peaked, eyesight becoming hazy as your body shook, racked by wave after wave of sweet release, one name leaving your lips over and over.
You hadn't come so deliciously in a while.
With THAT handled you could finally let your mind focus on other things. Like how you were supposed to be getting ready for tonight's dinner, not spread-eagled on the bed panting.
Sighing contentedly you made your way over to your lavishly decorated bathroom. After much deliberation, a bubble bath it was.
You let your anxiety melt away with the jasmine-scented bubbles that were tickling at your skin. Heaving a sigh of pleasure you let your mind wander to your first celebration dinner. You, Jae, Max, and Sadie had bagged your first big client and things were starting to look up for you.
You had split the bill at that cozy little restaurant four ways and vowed to give the contract your everything. Your blood, sweat, and tears had paid off and now you were going to be pulling up to the hottest new spot in town, having lost count of all the celebratory dinners that had followed after that night.
Your little vibrator sesh and bath left you feeling damn good. You felt sexy as hell and decided you might as well rake up a few casualties while having a blast with your friends turned business partners. Scrap the boring red body con dress you had picked out yesterday. You were going with a racy black floor-length number with deep slits running on either side.
Its plunging off-the-shoulder neckline was adorned with delicate black lace and showed just enough skin. Your barely covered lace-clad tits would sit temptingly above the cinched waistline and the rest of the dress would hug your generous curves to perfection.
Looking yourself over in the floor-length mirror, you hummed in satisfaction. Makeup on full glam, hair straightened to perfection, and done up in a dangerously long, sleek ponytail, subtle was definitely not the look you were going for.
You let the sound of your sexy black heels echo through the hallway as you made your way out the door and to the hired limo waiting outside.
As you approached the limo you spotted a slightly flustered-looking Max stepping out in front of the driver. He was clad in a tailored navy suit and a crisp white shirt, his honey blonde hair slicked back to perfection.
'Gorgeous,' you thought. If Sadie hadn't been thirsty for him since college you'd definitely have been all over that.
When you spotted Sadie being helped out by a now openly blushing Max you understood the reason behind his flustered state. She wore a long flowy white sleeveless dress with a plunging white lace adorned V neckline, a cinched waist, and two deep slits running up to her mid-thigh.
She looked like an angel. A sexy angel.
Max couldn't take his eyes off her, even as she squealed and made her way over to you. Why he'd never made his move truly baffled you.
"Oh my God girl, you look bad bad like kill them boys dead bad!" she squealed.
"And you Sades look like the sexy angel sent to collect all the souls..."
"I hate when they get all morbid," said Jae from inside the limo.
"Yeah man," Max grinned as he stepped aside to let Jae out.
Jae, Jae, Jae that sexy mother fucker.
In all black, he looked like sin itself. His jet black hair was slicked back too, save for a few trusses that graced the right side of his forehead. You watched as he sauntered over to you, muscles rippling under the tailored black suit that seemed like it had been painted on.
"Well well well, looks like fate has us looking like THAT couple vacationing from Hades again," Jae mused as his eyes traveled hungrily over your form.
"You look utterly sinful babe. My God. How are we not married?" he continued, bringing his fist up to his mouth in mock exaggeration.
"She doesn't do dogs Jae that's how," retorted Sadie in a tone that had you all keeling over with laughter.
The ride to the restaurant was pleasant, you guys going over each other's days and toasting to what was surely going to be a fun night. As the hot new spot came into view you couldn't help but gasp. It was modern and opulent. You made a note to get better acquainted with the owner. This spot would do well for dining your A-list clients. Max and Jae definitely seemed to echo your sentiments.
You were welcomed and led to your table, which was one of the best in the room according to your host. You couldn't help but take in all the decadent finishings and the sultry ambiance they helped create.
As you sat down you noticed an upper level off in the distance. Jae noticed it too and the server following his gaze quickly spoke,
"That Sir is the owners' space, they dine here with or without business clients on quite a regular basis. They will be here tonight too, they like to make sure our VIP guests are very comfortable."
You could understand the hype about this place. Course after course blew you away. You even regretted wearing your tight black number with its cinched waist. Sadly, you had to practice restraint and forgo what would probably have been the best dessert of your life.
While Jae gave you an earful about a planned business trip, you watched a very satisfied-looking Max and Sadie huddled together, deep in conversation. You then flicked a glance to the upper level which now seemed to be occupied, presumably by the mysterious owners of the restaurant.
"Jaehyun, you sly bastard is that you?" a smooth voice drawled.
"JK!?" an utterly delighted Jae beamed.
You turned to see the drop-dead-gorgeous man clad in all black - black slacks, black waistcoat, black silky shirt and instinctively clenched your jaw to stop it from hanging open.
You heard Sadie let out a little squeak and watched Max's face flash. The man's doe eyes landed on you, lingered, and then moved to Sadie. A bright smile then graced his angular face.
"Please, it's Jungkook now, no one's called me that since our rookie days... But you, my friend, haven't changed one bit, I guess leaving the idol life did you some good."
Jae gushed at Jungkook's words and responded in kind.
"The mogul life looks good on you too."
"Ladies," Jungkook said as he stared intently at you and Sadie.
You were just about to respond when a familiar voice rang through the air. Its owner stopping to put an arm around Jungkook.
"Miss Thompson, we meet again. I see you've had the pleasure of meeting Jungkook over here," Jimin mused, eyeing you and Jae who was now sitting impossibly close to you.
The air seemed to thicken as two more figures joined the table. You were positively shook. Sadie was gone. Max was not amused but hiding it well. There in all their glory stood RM and V, looking good enough to eat in their tailored business suits.
"I believe introductions are definitely in order," said V, checking you out openly. Hungrily even.
"Ah yes," said Jimin taking your hand and bringing it up to his lips, a naughty glint in his eye, "this, gentlemen, is Miss Thompson."
Son of a bitch, he'd introduced you like you were some lover of his or something.
You straightened, looking each man in the eye.
"Very nice to meet you gentlemen, Y/n Thompson of Black Ice Media, these are my partners Sadie Gold, Jaehyun Jeong, and Max Levy," as you gestured towards each of them.
You watched as realization hit the faces of Jungkook, V, and RM.
Jungkook spoke up first.
"Pleasure to meet you indeed. Jaehyun you sly dog, so this is what you've been working on since you left Korea."
Jae seemed flustered and was uncharacteristically quiet.
Jungkook turned to look at his friends and continued. "You guys remember my friend Jaehyun from NCT right?"
They nodded in agreement oohs and ahhs filling the air.
Finally, a deep, velvety voice spoke, taking your breath away and somehow also making you soak your lace panties.
"Apologies for the interruption Jae, Y/n, Sadie, Max, we'll let you guys continue with your evening. I'll have the waiter bring you our best bubbly and whatever else you wish to drink tonight," Namjoon said. Mesmerizing gaze still holding yours, he added with a dimply smirk, "on the house."
Your dirty thoughts were interrupted by a throat clearing.
"Well, that was..." Max said.
"Awkward." You finished.
"Introductions always are babe, they always are," Jae said as he sipped his drink.
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misslillymillysworld 3 years
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He looked you over deliciously slow, his dark eyes glazing over with lust.
"Welcome to Hype Entertainment," he said in a seductively accented tenor voice.
You could just imagine that voice urging you on as he took you from behind.
In your 30 years of existence, no man had ever rendered you completely and utterly dumbstruck. Yet, here he was, in all his strapping glory - Jimin Park. Former pop idol turned music industry tycoon at just 33 years old.
In the quiet office, your racing heartbeat threatened to give away what your face wouldn't. You were a mess, flushed and burning under your perfectly tailored navy power suit.
"Thank you, Mr. Park, we are looking forward to heading up your penetration strategy."
You drew out the last part, lingering on the words while you threw a somewhat cocky glance his way.
"Delighted to have you on board of course," Jimin returned your gaze, his grey eyes holding your hazel orbs for an electrifying moment. You flashed him a coy smile and he looked away quickly, clearing his throat.
Haha. Gotcha.
You'd be damned if you let him think he got to you that easily.
You were a sexy shark, devouring whole industries and leaving stragglers behind in a dense cloud of obscurity. Which, in the fiercely competitive world of business, meant certain death. Marketing was your thing and your services came at a premium.
You had founded a wildly successful consultancy firm with your close friends Max, Jae, and Sadie - who you'd met in college.
Hype Entertainment had contracted you to head up their entry into the North American music market. With solid gold status in Asian markets, Hype was looking to shake up the global scene. Expanding into the US was a logical first step and a major part of the plan.
Freshly signed contract in hand, you let the sound of your red bottoms echo through the office as Jimin led you out. You couldn't help but steal glances at him. Sans suit jacket, you could make out the shape of his thighs and just how tight his ass was. Idol days behind him, he had filled out quite nicely.
He was the epitome of masculinity. Delectably sculpted, sex appeal oozed right from his immaculately styled hair to his plump pink lips. He was dangerous. The slight throb between your legs assured you of the fact.
"We'll be in touch to discuss preliminaries Mr. Park, it would be prudent to get both teams firing on all cylinders."
"Certainly Miss Thompson," he mused in a slightly deeper tone that sent a shiver down your spine and tickled your core. The cheek. Yep. Your black lace thong was soaked through.
Fuck him. With as much dignity as you could muster, you bowed quickly, pulled your shoulders back, and proceeded to strut out of there.
Once inside your car, you popped down the mirror to check yourself. Makeup, flawless. Hair, sleek. If only you felt as good as you looked. Damn Jae for ditching you. Fucking traitor, leaving you to handle Park Jimin on your own...
You were interrupted by the buzzing of your phone.
It was Jae calling - like he could sense your murderous thoughts.
"Jae," you started.
"Don't Jae me. How's Park Jimin in the flesh?"
"We just closed on one of the biggest deals of our lives and that's all you're thinking?"
Jae chuckled darkly. "Babe, you know I was a simp for BTS back in the day...tell me... are his lips still sinfully plump?... What about his hair? They hardly get camera time now that they're business hotshots. Did you get to meet any of the others?"
"Jae omg chill, no I didn't meet the others. We'll be meeting them in due time, speaking of which... YOU'D BETTER tone the fangirl down or I swear..." you scolded, voice raising a pitch.
"You'll finally suck my dick?" Jae piped in a breathy tone.
"Keep dreaming Jaehyun," you deadpanned - this man would be the death of you. Your best friend was just something else. Sweet and competent one minute and crazy ex-Idol fuck boy the next minute.
"You know you've wanted this since you laid eyes on me. I became a boss for you baby. I left that NCT life to strike it big with you sweet cheeks," he continued.
"Uhm Jae, there were definitely other reasons (scandals, obsessive man whoring) but I could be wrong. "
"Ouch! My hearteu!" Jae fake sputtered as you belly laughed into the phone.
"See you at dinner babe, gotta run!" you said after you'd finally caught your breath.
You had hours to spare before your celebration dinner later that evening but you needed to go home and get your damn bearings after that intense meeting with Jimin.
You could only imagine how meeting the rest of them would go. You, Y/n Thompson a sputtering, dribbling mess as you tried to mutter a coherent thought to V or worse yet, RM - your ultimate bias wrecker.
Yes, you were rather rapidly falling into the fantasies of your early twenties and needed to get a handle on yourself STAT.
Damn Jimin for getting you all hot and bothered...
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misslillymillysworld 3 years
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Y/n Thompson - CEO of Black Ice Consulting
Jaehyun Jeong / Jae - Chief Business Development Officer of Black Ice
Sadie Gold- Chief Strategic Officer at Black Ice Consulting
Max Levy- Chief Intelligence Officer at Black Ice Consulting
Park Jimin - Chief Business Development Officer at Hype Entertainment.
Kim Namjoon / RM - Chief Executive Officer of Hype Entertainment
Min Yoongi / SUGA - Chief Security Officer at Hype Entertainment.
Kim Taehyung / V - Chief Personnel Officer
Jeon Jungkook / Kookie- Chief Technology Officer at Hype Entertainment
Jackson Wang- Co/CEO of Cube Entertainment
Seo Ye-ji - Hacker
Johnny Lee- Ceo of Cube Entertainment
Credits to the owners of all the images used.
The cover is an edit of an image found on Pinterest
Borahae 馃挏
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misslillymillysworld 3 years
Fanfic Title
His [ Belonging to Him ] | BTS- Park Jimin馃敒
"When I make you mine, you won't so much as touch that pretty little pussy without my permission. You'll be mine to ruin, to do with as I please."
Story Description
The insatiable lust Y/n keeps buried deep inside starts to creep to the surface after she meets Park Jimin. Having sworn off relationships, Y/n plans to lead an uncomplicated single life. Jimin, on the other hand, has other plans.
Plans to ruin her.
Plans to make her his.
But you know what they say about the best laid plans...
Bleeding hearts and lusty liaisons... Nothing is as it seems. Read on to see how the characters navigate secrets, lies and betrayal in this racy ceo/business au....
A little bit about you the reader
Name: Y/n Thompson
Title: CEO of Black Ice Consulting
Age: 30
Relationship status: Chronically single and too damaged to mingle.
Most notable personality trait: Always Horny
Hobbies: Masturbating, crossfit, masturbating, going to the gym, masturbating
Current dilemma: Contracted to Hype Entertainment, an agency owned by the now retired BTS. Frazzled as fuck after meeting Park Jimin.
Available on here on Wattpad.
Would you like me to post the chapters here on tumblr too?
馃挏 let me know
This is purely a work of fiction.
Mature Audiences Only
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