missmultifandom09 · 2 days
Lars! (Art by me)
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missmultifandom09 · 4 days
Jasper🧡 (art by me)
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missmultifandom09 · 4 days
Lapis! (Art by me)
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missmultifandom09 · 27 days
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missmultifandom09 · 1 month
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I think I need to give Jacob some appreciation too, what do you all think?
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missmultifandom09 · 3 months
S: “I’m sure I’ll see you soon…perhaps somewhere ‘unsanctioned’…”
“Oh fuck…Sebastian…please”
S: “what was that? You like that? Merlin’s beard, love how you’re squeezing my cock…”
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missmultifandom09 · 3 months
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missmultifandom09 · 5 months
omg I'm so glad I found your account I'm shocked there isn't more mccarty content/appreciation on here
I’m glad you found me:)
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missmultifandom09 · 7 months
Maybe dating mccarty headcanons?
Yes. Just yes.
Dating McCarty HeadCanons:
Tw: mentions of firearms and lots and lots of love
* McCarty flexes how many guns he has and how safe you are by his side, especially at the time when the murders took place
* McCarty teases the absolute daylight out of you with cheesy pickup lines, overboard compliments, and subtle touches in public
* McCarty spoons you during cuddle time. He’ll hold you close, play with your hair, rub your back, and whisper sweet nothings into your ear
* During the relationship, he teaches you how to properly handle a gun
* When you’re sad, he will do anything in his power to turn that frown upside down
* McCarty may act big and touch but it surely doesn’t take much to fluster the guy, just compliment him and touch his hair
* Super defensive
* McCarty likes to cause commotion but if he sees you’re shy or uncomfortable he’ll refrain
Hope you enjoyed! I’ll probably make more in the future:D
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missmultifandom09 · 7 months
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McCarty icon<33
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missmultifandom09 · 7 months
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(Art by me)
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missmultifandom09 · 7 months
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McCarty at the end credits of Thanksgiving! <333
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missmultifandom09 · 7 months
McCarty x reader (Thanksgiving)
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AN-I do not own the character nor the movie, all credit goes to rightful owners, but I do own the fanfiction so do not steal or use my work without credit. I hope you enjoy
P.S-this is my first fanfic of this character so apologies if it’s a bit rusty
Tw-pining, intimacy, mentions of murder, and firearms
-Plymouth, Massachusetts-
You were on your way to the town’s delinquent’s house. The two of you had been acquaintances for nearly a year next month. The two of you had been standbys during the Black Friday sale at RightMart that had left several dead and more than a dozen injured.
You had gotten to know him as McCarty. While everyone knew him as the crazy metalhead booze seller, you got to know him on more of a personal level.
The two of you would listen to metal together and he even let you watch him play bass. He was quite good at it in your opinion though he begged to differ.
When you finally arrived at the destination, he was waiting on the porch, sitting in his uncle’s old rocking chair. He pushed himself up and stretched.
“What brings you ‘round here, m’lady?”
You looked up at his tall stature.
“Parents are out of town and knowing you still have your ammo, I was curious if I could camp out here.”
He quirked a brow. “Camp out here, eh? You’re always welcome, you know that.”
He opened the door and extended an arm to welcome you in first.
You stepped foot in the small but cozy house you had been in for the fifth time now. He quickly led you up to his room and took off his vest.
“Make yourself at home, I don’t bite.”
You chuckled and sat on his bed.
“…unless you want me to,” he teased with a snicker before joining you.
He got an alert on his phone and he checked, his expression turning to one of shock.
“Ah shit, woman’s lower half found the top of the RightMart sign!”
He showed you the news article while letting out a snicker.
“Ya could say she’s got a stick up her ass,” he said gesturing to the description of how the point of the star was where the half-corpse was stuck upon.
“So gross,” you sighed. “Who would do such a thing?”
“Probably someone who lost it after last year’s massacre.”
The smell of canned soup filled the kitchen as your new protector fixed up dinner. He hummed the tune to “Where Eagles Dare” by The Misfits as he fixed up the meal for the two of you. Once finished, he served you first then himself.
The two of you sat across from each other at the dinner table. You were feeling uneasy about the recent murder of the woman whose identity was released as a customer from last year’s massacre. You and McCarty had been standbys but you couldn’t help but think maybe the two of you were targets. You were snapped out of your thoughts by a familiar hand being waved in front of your face.
“You ok there? Spaced out a bit.”
“Sorry, just thinking about that article.”
“Don’t worry about it, you’ve got your big ‘ol man to protect ya,” he smirked smugly.
You couldn’t help but smile at that. He looked pretty today, but you weren’t in that mindset for long due to another notification on his phone.
“Shit got a reminder that Jacob’s coming over tomorrow night to help set up for the party.”
You rubbed the back of your neck. “Party?”
“Yeah, not for the faint of heart. I know you don’t like parties so I’ll keep the spare room off limits for guests so you can hang out in there.”
“Thank you,” you smiled softly.
He smiled. “Of course.”
Nighttime was nearing and McCarty had been in the shower for nearly 10 minutes now. You were laying in his bed, scrolling through your phone, drowsiness heavy on your head. The door opened and you looked up at the delinquent who had wet hair and little bullets of water dripping down his skin. He had a towel tied loosely around his waist as he searched for a shirt to wear.
“This one?” He pulled out a shirt with a design from the band Artillery.
“Hot,” you said looking up from your phone and smiling.
“Great,” he put the shirt on in front of you before grabbing a pair of jeans and underwear and going back to the bathroom.
When he returned his hair remained wet knowing he was too lazy to dry it. He laid down on the bed beside you.
“Hey,” he spoke up.
You looked at him. “Hey.”
“Don’t be worried about the murder ok? You’ve got me to protect ya.”
You smiled. “Thank you, Carty.”
He smiled and pulled you into a hug. “Anytime.”
You hugged him back and felt a warmth on your cheeks. You felt so safe with him and maybe more than just safety.
The next day came and there was a second murder. Now you were more anxious than the previous day.
That night you were nowhere near tired due to the growing anxiety in your chest.
McCarty noticed your distress and quickly sat beside you.
You were distracted by the pet name and snapped out of your daze. “Huh?”
“I’m here. I’ll protect you.”
He pulled you into another warm hug and you felt butterflies deep in the pit of your stomach.
“That killer would be a fool to mess with an armed badass such as myself.”
You smiled. “You’re right.”
He pulled away from you and looked you in the eyes. His hand made its way and cupped your jaw. Your eyes made their way to his hypnotic lips before meeting eyes with him.
“You’re hiding something, aren’t you?”
You felt a sense of guilt and averted your eyes.
“Look at me,” he said in a singsong voice, his pine cologne fogging your brain.
You felt his gentle touch tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as your eyes found his once again.
“Tell me, sweetheart, what are you feeling?”
You gulped.
“Or better yet…”
He got close to your ear.
“Show me.”
You felt your voice get caught in your throat and he snickered.
“Cat got your tongue?”
He let out a husky breath and moved away from your ear.
“Show me what you want, honey.”
He leaned close to your lips. You felt your heart skip a beat as your eyes fluttered closed.
You could just about feel his lips against yours, but before they officially touched, the doorbell rang.
He quickly turned toward the door. He grabbed his firearm from the junk drawer and put the safe on before shoving it in his pants.
“Don’t want that to blow my nuts off.”
You would have laughed if it wasn’t for the growing paranoia of the thought of a murderer behind that door.
He checked out the window. “Phew, just the mailman.”
He let out a relieved sigh before putting his gun back in the drawer.
The relief flooded over you before the butterflies in your stomach tackled it as his eyes locked with yours once again.
The air was filled with warm blossoms of tension. Not a bad tension, a warm feeling in your chest that you were sure he was feeling too. The dimness of the lights, the crickets outdoors, and the cool room temperature overcome by the warm blanket of longing all just made the tugging on your heartstrings more intense.
His eyes remained on yours before he took a step toward you, the creaking of the floor letting you know you were safe in his presence.
“Hey,” he whispered in a warm tone.
“Hey,” you whispered back.
Soon enough his palm rested behind your neck as his gaze landed on your plush lips.
You let out a shallow breath as you looked up at him, he leaned down and brushed his lips against yours, the simple touch sending a warm shiver down your spine, sparking your heart.
You let your eyes flutter closed once again as you stood on the tips of your toes. Your lips pressed against his firmly and he let out a sigh through his nostrils. Your foreheads rested against each other as he kissed you back softly, testing the waters.
Your arms draped around his neck and he sat you on the table.
He remained gentle as the two of you shared the intimate moment.
He parted from you after a long 10 seconds and stared into your eyes.
“I love you.”
You looked up at him. “I love you too, Carty.”
“And whatever may happen next, I’ll forever be your protector.”
Hope you enjoyed:D I know I enjoyed writing it and I’m sure I’ll be writing more on McCarty soon enough. If you have any recommendations or requests, feel free to comment:)
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missmultifandom09 · 7 months
For all you thirsty fuckers out there I made a bot of McCarty(the tall delinquent we know you’re obsessed with):
You’re welcome
P.s. I’ll most likely be writing about him soon enough<3
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missmultifandom09 · 7 months
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Saw the new Thanksgiving slasher movie yesterday and this guy had me head over heels😍
His character was clearly referenced to Eddie Munson from Stranger Things and the Christmas lights in the room are telling me the makers of the movie definitely liked Stranger Things lol
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missmultifandom09 · 7 months
How others see my baby:
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How I see my baby:
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(This is Eddy, my oc, he’s a beast with an unsettling cover but a good heart)
(Art by me. Do not steal or copy in any way. Thank u)
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missmultifandom09 · 7 months
I’m back after forever!
I had to get surgery due to internal bleeding as well as school being stressful resulting in no motivation to post. I’m now going to focus on more horror aspected posts!
Thank you for your understanding.
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