mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
Um h-hewwo, are you doing alright? You haven't been active for some time👉👈🥺💕
Ah, sorry about that heh (^.^’) I’ve been slightly more active on my main (simping-for-tendou) and tbh I havent exactly gotten too much inspiration for many things. Also i think tumblr is being dumb and not sending me all my notifs cause i literally had no idea there were asks in my inbox
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
My request for you is to have an amazing day! You're doing great with your writing and I'm super proud of you!
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
Snuggles With Jotaro and Risotto
- It’s so warm
- Like you won’t need blankets in summer if you have these two
- They’ll definitely keep you warm in winter
- Positions of snuggles may vary
- You might be on top of Jotaro or Risotto or sandwiched between the two 
- If you add plushes into the mix, It’ll be you surrounded by your favorite plushes and then them on either side
- Soft Tall Bois
- Forehead Kisses
- Honestly I just think cuddling with them would be incredibly peaceful and really therapeutic
 Hope you Enjoyed!! This was really cute uwu
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
How do you think Abbachio would act with a S/O whose aesthetic is all pastel and glitter and cute. Like they stand next to each other and people just have questions. But Abbachio knows. Abba knows the truth. Underneath the frills and lace... they're actually hardcore. Like can put him to shame in the comfort of their own home. I just...I need Abbachio in my life.
Oh I love contradictory appearances, keeps people on their toes heheh
Abbacchio with an S/O who has a hidden side~
- With cute frills and bright colors literally no one expected her to be the one Abbacchio likes
- I mean she looks like his polar opposite
- But Abbacchio knows the truth
- Behind closed doors, she’s a whole different person
- Gone are the sparkles and soft cuteness, replaced with shiny ink black skin tight outfits
- There’s at least two times more skin showing than usual
- In her normal outfits one would assume she prefers milk tea or a ramune soda
- But she can down shots of hard liquor like no one’s business
- She once drank Abbacchio under the table and the alcohol they were drinking would probably put a normal man six feet under
- You’d think her favorite song is something soft and cute like love songs but Haelstorm and hard rock is more her style
- She’s basically the definition of “YOU THOUGHT I WAS A BEAN, BUT I WAS IN FACT A HARDCORE BADASS”
Hope you Enjoyed!! I had a bit of a hard time figuring out how to end these but i feel pretty good about them uwu
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
Hewwoooo!! Can I ask for HCs? What about the Bucci gang with a fem!s/o who is insecure about her *cough*big*cough* boobs? Like she feels that having big boobs is a disadvantage and that she feels like...fat? If it's too much then what about just Mista, Abba, and Bruno? Thankss ❤️
I personally don’t have much of a chest but I know a lot of people who do so I kinda get the complications that come with having a large chest, Hope you Enjoy!! Also I’m doing Mista, Abba, and Bruno cause I feel I can better grasp their characters (kinda)
- I don’t take Abbacchio as the very verbal type so I think he would be supportive in the more physically affectionate sense
- He’s gonna let you know that he loves you no matter your chest size, big or small you’re still you
- Would be the type to buy you supportive garments and things to relieve you of the pain your chest gives you, things like really really secure bras and things to brace your back and help get rid of the back pain
- Massages (I personally think that Abba has hands like a god and can work out any knots you might have)
- Really likes to hold you cause he has a hard time with verbally expressing things
- Anytime you express that you think your form is a disadvantage he will remind you of the times where without your help the mission might’ve been a bust and someone could’ve gotten hurt if you hadn’t have been there
- Literally the sweetest about it
- Compliments you near constantly, whether it be subtle or very blunt yet sweet, he’s going to make sure you know he thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous
- Even compliments you during missions when he should reALLY BE FOCUSING, BRUNO THEY’VE GOT A GUN--
- Likes to buy you dresses/outfits that look very flattering on you cause sometimes you just need the right outfit to make you go “oh wow...” like he does everytime he sees you
- Also gives massages, you can’t tell me his hands wouldn’t be absolutely magical at getting rid of back pain
- Literally fawning over you like ohmygod Mista stop you’re gonna make her faint--
- Let’s be real all of them would attempt to get rid of your pain in anyway they can so he would also attempt massages, he’s just a tad bit clumsier at it
- I firmly believe that Mista loves any and all figures cause what really matters to him is someone being able to put up with his tetraphobia
- And Sex Pistols
- His compliments are kind of confusing but he gets his point across
- He’s gonna make sure you know how much he loves you and even if you exasperatedly say “stooooop--” he’s gonna keep going until you collapse into giggles and show him a smile
Hope you enjoyed!! 
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
you did amazing on that super strong reader. If you want (and you don't have to if you don't want) but what about the rest of la squadra with a reader like that. (Melone: Bench press me)
- Honestly he would admire his girlfriend’s strength like a lot
- The absolute look of surprise when she can pick him up with little to no effort
- Team mom is very appreciative of her strength- he can rearrange the base with a buddy/girlfriend now
- Things get done so much faster and it takes so much stress off of him
- It is not a secret that he spoils her
- Spooning positions switch a lot but both of them are content with either position
- Will probably act like he doesn’t really care when he first meets her
- Warms up to her though when she saves Pesci from almost dying on a mission
- Being really strong helps when keeping someone from falling of a building
- Still the biggest tsundere there is despite getting closer with her
- Secretly spoils her by buying her makeup she likes and expensive dresses when he can
- Is the little spoon but will violently deny it if anyone says so (*cough cough* Illuso *cough*)
- Like Ghiaccio he’s intimidated by her
- He’s one of the taller and physically stronger ones out of the group so her being stronger than him makes him standoffish at first
- He gathers info about her first and foremost, either by snooping through her stuff in the mirror world or subtly interrogating her
- When he finds out that she’s actually really sweet despite her strength it confuses him just a little bit but he quickly covers up the confusion
- Once he gets used to her though he will leave messages on the foggy mirror 
- Usually compliments and sometimes outfit suggestions
- He once swapped the dress she was going to wear after showering with his favorite one in her wardrobe
- Mutual spooning- if that’s a thing I dunno, That’s just what I call the position where they face each other for cuddling
- His immediate first reaction is in fact “pick me up”
- He is very very touchy and is Not Ashamed
- Will figure out her lifting limit if its the last thing he does
- He giggles so much when she picks him up
- 10/10 would help her with her makeup
- Knows her measurements and can and will get custom dresses made for her
- Especially ones that flatter her figure cause you know he loves to stare
- Immediate little spoon, would be the big spoon if she wants him to be but he absolutely loves being the little spoon
- This poor bean
- He was so flustered when he met her
- The first time she picked him up he literally squeaked and turned the brightest shade of red
- Like Melone he also helps her with her makeup- really they do each others  makeup and it’s honestly endearing
- He feels just a bit more confident around her
- Mostly cause he want her to not only be proud of him but she is very encouraging and it helps him a lot
- He is a well of nervous compliments- he compliments her outfit at least once a day
- Definitely little spoon no doubts about it
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
I have three requests in my inbox right now but i am Bone Tired so i will probably save those for tomorrow before my brain decides to turn to mush and my writing slowly becomes more and more unintelligible lmao
catch y’all bright and early tomorrow morning!
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
What about formaggio or ghiaccio with a physically strong, think wonder woman body type, fem reader who, despite first looks, is a actually super sweet and feminine.
I’m gonna do both and no one can stop me---
- Definitely puts up a tough guy front at first
- He probably thinks she will be incredibly rude or something at first and is either A: kind of a dick or B: avoids her as much as he can
- But as he gets to know her and goes on missions with her he starts to see her sweet side and how she’s very concerned if she hurt someone unintentionally
- Very surprised to find out she’s more feminine than masculine like he expected
- Will 100% blow up at anyone who says she’s unattractive because of her muscles
- If she picks him up he will go completely silent and then turn very very red in the face
- No one can tell if he’s blushing or angry about it
- (He’s blushing)
- Will attempt to be the big spoon as much as he can but definitely doesn’t mind being the little spoon (he will never admit it, nor will he admit he feels safe in her arms)
- First thing he does when he meets her is flirt with her
- Very much into the muscles
- His type of combating the A-holes who tell her that her muscles are unattractive is basically saying “What, jealous you’ll never have guns like my sweetie baby?” with the biggest shit eating grin on his face
- 10/10 will want her to pick him up
- “Come on, show me how strong you are!”
- Literally cheers when she lifts him up on her shoulder
- Practically begs to be the little spoon--
- Formaggio is honestly just gonna be the most outwardly supportive boyfriend in the world
- Like he is so ready to show off his beautiful strong girlfriend
Hope you enjoyed!! Honestly I myself wouldn’t mind a woman that strong picking me up----
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
Got another risotto one. What about Risotto with a fem reader whose taller then him? Like he's 6'8". And then a reader whose taller then that? Jesus that's an Amazon.
I am Very Gay and this idea sounds Very Appealing lmao
- Personally I feel like he may be just a little bit intimidated, there’s not many people taller than him, let alone women
- Whether you’re taller than him because of heels or just plain genetics, he’s gonna have to get used to looking up more often
- He likes to hold his s/o, no matter their weight or height
- Which is probably because he feels the safest place for you is in his arms where he can protect you (even though you’re taller than him and could probably protect yourself)
- Are people shaming you for being such a tall woman? Give him names. They won’t bother you anymore
- 10/10 would worship every glorious inch of your body
- There’s so much of you to love and he’s going to make sure you know how much he loves you
- He won’t admit it out loud but he does enjoy it when you look down at him and smile--
- Also the amount of Power the two of you radiate when you are both angry at someone--
- He has only ever asked you once to pick him up and now he blushes whenever he thinks about it
- He wouldn’t mind being the little spoon every once in a while 
- As a person who is five foot five inches, I would be incredibly intimidated by both of you--
Hope you enjoyed!! I had a fun time imagining what it would be like to be taller than a man I barely reach shoulder height to hehe
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
Hi!! I’m getting my wisdom teeth taken out on Wednesday and I was wondering if you could write something where our favorite Italian cowboy/doctor takes care of his post-op s/o? I loved the riz hcs, can’t wait to see what else you come up with! 💕
i had to get a bit of help with this cause I’ve never gotten my wisdom teeth removed (probably will in the future though--) so I hope this prepares you kinda?
scenario under the cut cause I might get carried away-- also its probably gonna be third personish sometimes? cause idk how to describe whats going on from the readers perspective
As you came to in the mostly white room, the first thing you noticed was how fuzzy everything was. It felt like your mouth was stuffed with cotton-- and it probably was. You moved your head as best as you could to look around, your eyes finding the doctor on one side of the room. A dopey smile crossed your face as you sluggishly lifted your arm in a pretty awkward wave, a slurred greeting leaving your lips.
On the other side of you, your head practically flopping to the other side, was probably the most gorgeous sight you have ever seen in your entire life. Flowing golden hair, bright green eyes, and.... wearing a cowboy hat inside.... the first words out of your mouth made them grin, “Are you an Angel...?” 
“I can be your angel if you want me to be”
The rapid fire nodding made you a bit dizzy but the laugh you heard from the person made it all feel better. You reached your hands out towards them, making grabby motions which made them laugh even more while they gently intertwined their fingers with yours. 
The doctor had briefed Gyro about what he would need to help you with while you recover and eventually said the two of you were good to go. Helping you walk out of the clinic, he listened to your laughing gas induced rambles, ranging from kittens to how soft his hair is.
Getting into the car was kind of awkward, your legs didn’t seem to want to do what you needed them to. After about five minutes of confusion and odd mumbles from you, the two of you were set and ready to head home, Gyro stopping by a fast food place to get you a cold smoothie to help with the soreness. Plus it’s not like there were many other options for you to eat after getting some teeth removed.
- the rest is going in headcanons cause I lost my flow ;^;
- He would probably be hovering constantly but thankfully it doesn’t feel suffocating
- Constantly teases you about how you called him an angel while under anesthesia 
- He definitely helps you change your gauze if you can’t do it yourself, always very gentle when he does
- Watches cute cat videos with you while you recover and feeds you the few foods you can have
-  He gets things for you since the medicine they gave you makes you really sluggish and you’d probably be prone to dropping things a lot
- Extra cuddles and kisses cause he knows you need it right now, recovery is never fun
- Does his absolute best to keep your open wounds from getting infected (also as a fair warning: constant pain and swelling after the first two or three days after surgery is a telltale sign that the removal points got infected)
Hope you enjoyed!! and please feel free to request again or just pop into my inbox to chat, I don’t mind uwu
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
OWO Can you do a scenario where reader has a migraine a Diavolo takes care of her? MOM LOVES YOU
scenario under the cut cause I dunno how long this is gonna be--
also its gonna be based off my migraines which suck donkey dong--
Coming home from work with a migraine was definitely not the plan for today. 
It felt like your eyes would pop out of their sockets with how much pressure was behind them, and the throbbing just wouldn’t stop. It didn’t help that you had run out of migraine medication and the nearest pharmacy closes early nowadays. sighing in exhaustion, you dropped your keys into the bowl near the door and shuffled your shoes off, rubbing tiredly at your eyes. 
Expecting to be the only one home at the time, you walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of water before trudging your way to the bedroom, sluggishly removing the work uniform of the day after setting your drink on the night stand. pulling on sweatpants and one of your boyfriend’s large T-shirts, you unclipped your bra for maximum comfort before climbing under the covers. 
Pulling the extra blanket down at the end of the bed on top of the comforter, you let the weight encompass you like a warm hug, quietly mumbling for the home system to turn off the lights in the room. Just as you are snuggling your face deep into your pillow, you hear the office door open and close and a soft noise of surprise floats from your pink haired boyfriend’s lips.
He smiles softly at your form, concern floating across his features as he sees your face twist into pain despite how comfortable your position looks. Slipping into slightly more comfortable clothing, he quietly pads his way across the room to you and kisses your forehead softly, causing you to open your eyes sleepily.
Once you registered that it was him, his name quietly drifted from your lips, barely more than a mumble, “mmn, Diavolo.... I didn’t think you were home yet....”
Smiling, he rounds the bed and climbs in next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your back into his chest. As he speaks you feel his deep voice vibrate through your torso,
“are you alright tesoro? you are so comfy yet in pain. What’s wrong?”
As you mumble out the cause of your pain, he tuts softly as he nuzzles his face into your neck, asking softly if you had taken any medicine to get rid of the pain. At your quiet no, he kissed your temple and said he would be back with some pain killers, prompting you to softly mention that you thought you’d run out.
“We always keep a spare bottle in the bathroom, did you forget?” he chuckled softly. His soft steps made their way to the bathroom, the faint sound of pills being shaken out barely reaching your ears. Coming back, he helps you sit up and hands you the pills, you quickly taking them as fast as you can with tired movements. 
Setting your glass back on the night stands, Diavolo rounds the bed again and snuggles in close, wrapping his arms tight around you and humming softly, letting you rest your head on his chest and slowly drift off to the sound of his heartbeat.
Hope you enjoyed!! This was a lot of fun to write, and honestly this is lowkey what I want someone to do for me when I get migraines hehe
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
May I request a risotto x chubby reader? Like what risotto might tell her to make her feel better about herself?
ohmygod this is the cutest thing in the world and my brain is going to explode im---- OF COURSE YOU CAN SWEETHEART MY HEART IS SOARING RIGHT NOW
- first off, Risotto is in love with literally all of you, you fit perfectly into his arms and he absolutely adores how soft you are
- I have no doubts that he would kiss every inch of you if you were ever feeling bad about your weight, lots of cuddles too
- he would talk all about how much he loves your curves and how much he loves to rest his head on your chest after a long day 
- “hugging you..... feels like peace...”
- I personally see Risotto as being very much of the strong silent type so most of his reassurances will probably be touch based
- also the amount of pet names he would have for you when he does speak up-- UGH OHMYGOD HE’S PRECIOUS
- picking you up for hugs if you’re a decent amount shorter than him--
- honest to god he will nuzzle his check on yours and bury his face in the crook of your neck, he is definitely very very touchy feely
sorry if these aren’t as long or quite what you were looking for but I had a lot of fun thinking these up!! hope you enjoyed uwu 
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mistas-wife-writes · 4 years
I’m very laid back so making rules was sort of hard but Hello and Welcome to my blog! 
1: my requests close at around 15 asks in my inbox because I am not sure how fast i will be able to get them answered (if they even get up to there)
2: keep NSFW requests or asks limited to the events 
3: I write for multiple fandoms! although my main focus right now is JoJos Bizarre Adventure I also do other animes! (please ask if i have seen the anime, spoilers don’t bother me though)
 4  5: as for JJBA, I will write for just about any character from most of the parts except maybe part 8 as I don’t have a very good grasp on how I think they would act
6: please be as specific as you can!! it will help me figure things out easier and possibly be more enjoyable for you 
7: if you have more than one character you want to see in a situation, it will most likely be headcanons
8: my strong suit is headcanons but I can do fics, this is why I would like you to be as specific as possible as to what you want, anything simple might turn out as headcanons
other than that, just be kind to everyone on here and have a nice time on my blog!
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