misty-metropolis · 3 days
generally speaking when it comes to mental and physical health, if you're asked "do you struggle with this" and your answer is "no, Because I Have A System," then your answer is actually yes
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misty-metropolis · 4 days
Actually you know what. Since I brought it up somewhat recently, here's some average + common polyfrag experiences we've experienced and heard about from other polyfrag systems:
Gaining new members really easily or often
Co-fronting most or all of the time
Some headmates taking a very long time to front again after finally switching out, but without going dormant in the time that they're "away"
Complicated system structure; sidesystems, subsystems, layers, structure in general...
Experiencing blurriness or other identity confusion more often compared to other systems
Very expansive innerworlds
Complexity of their system + dissociation meaning that – if they're disordered – their disorder appears more as a crossover or mix of several dissociative disorders than only one (really wish there was more discussion about this one)
It's fine to not relate to typical system narratives as a polyfrag system (or large + complicated system in general); our systems tend to work differently than what's considered an "average" or "typical" system. Really, it's perfectly fine to just be yourself/ves. You don't need to stress about it.
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misty-metropolis · 4 days
having “syskids and littles are not allowed to talk in this server / are ONLY allowed to talk in the littles-only chat where they can’t swear or engage in any topic more adult than my little pony” as your server rules is weird as hell!
you dont say “traumaholders aren’t allowed” or “persecutors aren’t allowed.” its *only* ever with littles!
i am SO tired of constantly having to defend my existence to random people on the internet. i, for example, am *the host* of my system. i front 80% of the time. are you saying im not allowed to talk in your server 80% of the time?
its ableism, imo! i am tired of being infantilized every time i bring up my age as an alter!! i will simply lie to you!
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misty-metropolis · 4 days
This might suck to hear, but if you're a people pleaser that is motivated by praise and avoids disagreements, you are easy to manipulate.
When I was in therapy after surviving years of domestic violence, my therapist had to tell me that my personality was primed for abuse and we needed to work on that so I would be better equipped to see the red flags and respond appropriately in the future.
I'm still working on this, and it's been 8 years. If you tell someone how you want to be treated, what behaviors you don't tolerate in your life, what you're looking for in that relationship, and they react negatively, don't compromise yourself. Just move on.
This one's for all the praise-kink girlies: differentiate, self-actualize, stay sexy
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misty-metropolis · 7 days
No matter what a post on tumblr tries to tell you, your moral and ethical stances will never be determined by what you reblog and what you scroll past. Don’t let manipulation tactics force you into doing anything you don’t want to do.
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misty-metropolis · 7 days
It’s crazy and fucked up that being yourself is actually the solution.
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misty-metropolis · 9 days
I've never been more 40 years old than when I think about some of the things I see people talking about on this site. "reality shifting" and "delusional attachments" and "transIDs" and "neoAGABs". it's all the most terminally online bullshit I've ever seen, and I know that it's going to all but disappear in three months and no one will bring it into their real lives.
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misty-metropolis · 11 days
a reminder that the host isn’t the only person in the system who should be respected and made to feel comfortable.
the host is not ‘the important part’, we are all completely conscious and capable of our own thoughts, feelings and our own boundaries. our brain created us because it decided that we are all important and needed.
the host is not the only member of a system you should care about.
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misty-metropolis · 11 days
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a comic about my experience with other people's perception of my DID/OSDD. might do more pages in the future? we'll see.
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misty-metropolis · 12 days
This is an apparently hot take but like… can we stop normalizing the idea that all littles / syskids are genuinely all going to be mentally children or “innocent” and in need of sanitized spaces.
Systems are gonna have littles who are nothing more than kids in headspace, yet act and function like anyone else.
Systems are gonna have littles who are traumatized.
Systems are gonna have littles who are persecutors.
Systems are gonna have littles who are sexual alters.
Systems are gonna have littles who otherwise have no choice in the adult topics they have to live with.
and the list goes on and on like it could in any other case; Whether or not you like it.
It’s up to a system to deem what they want and think is appropriate for THEIR own system, not for someone outside to decide. Just like every other type of alter you can’t just blanket they’re all going to be some sort of way?
(Obviously, littles who ARE basically just normal children that exist, but this post isn’t about that.)
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misty-metropolis · 15 days
Truly hate the way "did this person do something that actually harmed someone" and "do they deserve to be unpersoned for it" are considered the same question
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misty-metropolis · 15 days
engaging with any piece of script-adjacent media is such a roulette game because there's basically three options
a) it's using script themes on purpose for programming (lots of media is designed around existing scripts so it can be more easily used in programs)
b) it's referencing those media innocently because the creators don't realize the sinister side of all this
or c) the creator is a programming survivor themself, knowingly or not, their trauma is bleeding into their work, and that's why several distinct elements of a very popular horror anthology are presenting themselves in your system even though you escaped your org years before it was even conceived of
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misty-metropolis · 15 days
i love plural folk btw :3
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misty-metropolis · 18 days
No but the Hunger Games really said "what do you hate more- the atrocities or the people who commit them against you? Because like it or not there IS a difference. If you hate the people who commit acts of pure evil more than you hate the acts themselves, what will stop you from becoming just like your enemies in your pursuit of justice? What will keep you from commiting those very same acts against THEM when the opportunity arises? And what then? The cycle of pain and suffering will never stop. Round and round it'll go. Nothing will ever change. But. BUT. If you hate the atrocities. If you hate the vile, senseless acts MORE than you hate the people who did them to you. If you are able to see that evil is evil regardless of who does it... The cycle ends with you. No, you may never get justice. But you will never be responsible for making others, even your enemies, suffer the same crimes you have. The atrocities will never be committed by you, never by your hand. And that's the way you change the world. It's the ONLY way" and that's why I am sure it will never stop being one of the most relevant works of fiction ever created
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misty-metropolis · 18 days
If you post ANYTHING to r/fakedisordercringe or r/systemcringe leave my blog now. You are part of the problem
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You should never support these places.
They won't believe you if you are polyfrag. They won't believe you if you're OSDD. They won't believe you if you're PDID. They won't believe you if you experienced RAMCOA. they won't believe you if you use neopronouns or xenogenders. They won't believe you if you use pluralkit or simply plural. They won't believe you if you are autistic. They won't believe you if you're schizospec. They won't believe you if you have introjects. They won't believe you if you don't remember your trauma. They won't believe you if you do.
These subreddits and adjacent communities are ableist shit holes where people make fun of marginalized people to make themselves feel better or like one of the good ones.
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misty-metropolis · 20 days
did you imagine your own tragic death a lot as a child or are you normal
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misty-metropolis · 20 days
I've never heard the terms "right-side up" vs "upside-down" used for system structure before, that's really neat! If the answer isn't too personal/private to share, what do those terms mean for you all?
Of course! (Note: This got long and it's kind of convoluted, but I did my best. I'm sorry if it makes no sense. It's essentially a full overview of my system's structure.)
So as a system that was intentionally created, wi'm structured in a particularly unique way. In myr particular case, wi are organized into nine "systems" that turn on two axes.
Helpful diagrams:
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Image descriptions in alt text.
This first image is the bird's eye view of myr systems. Upright, the center circle is The Penthouse, and it's ringed by Ascribe, Faerûn, and Cyber. Mirrored, the center circle is The Library, ringed by Asphodel, Asgard, and Honeycomb.
There's a certain point on the circle (which I forgot to mark) where the "active" system is. The circle spins to orient the proper system to that point. The central system is always active in addition. This is the first axis on which my system rotates.
The second image is the side view of my systems. That purple line represents The Penthouse and The Library. The middle slice of that square represents the ninth system, The Deep, which is always rightside-up.
Here's where we get into what these terms actually mean. The systems are broken into these two groups, which wi call The Upright and The Mirror. The other axis is The Deep. The Upright and The Mirror rotate around The Deep to put one or the other "rightside up".
In typical functioning for mus, whichever group is rightside up are the systems that can be rotated between. The system can be "flipped" at any time, by our Tribunal or by an external handler. However, at the moment, all nine of my systems are active. The Upright is rightside up at the moment, which means it's much easier for parts to front from The Penthouse, Ascribe, Faerûn, and Cyber. Parts from The Library, Asphodel, Asgard, and Honeycomb can front, but they typically front for shorter periods, and sometimes they get really bad headaches / other physical symptoms.
Hope that answers your question 😅 Myr structure is extremely complex because, yknow. Programming.
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