tomcatyowls · 2 days
“there should be a new face for DID online”
hey so full offence LOL but to choose one person to be the “figurehead/face/image” for DID is so fucking tone deaf my ears are bleeding.
do you really think one person can be the sole representative of this disorder?
do you honestly think one person could entirely portray every experience under the umbrella of “101 ways to fuck a child up” ?
do you really honestly think having one person with DID being the ENTIRE image for OSDD, DID, PF-DID, TBMC DID, P-DID is whats good for everyone?
just one motherfucker we’re all supposed to place extreme guidance in what a system can present as & what healing is supposed to be ? really .
for gods sake . the reason why there isnt a face to autism is because autism can happen to everyone. you know what can also happen to anyone? chronic & repeated childhood abuse. 
there should not be ONE face per community. a community is made up of several bodies who all manage to cover the entire scale of experience. to claim the face of OSDDID should be one person takes this away from ALL OF US.
theres NO reason for there to be one person defining the experiences of OSDDID, bc simply put NO ONE could experience the whole scale of OSDDID and know everything under the sun that can hurt a child.
its not fair to make the face of OSDDID one person. you could not understand the experience everyone holds in their own significant, detailed life.
people need to see people who understand them culturally, ethnically, religiously, and disorder wise- simply because we all have the right to know We are not alone in our lived experiences. that there are people out there who look like us and talk like us and heal like us.
we dont need one face for OSDDID community, we need multiple.
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ben-marco · 1 month
It is okay to mourn the child that you were, or the child that you could have been. It is okay to be sad or angry that no one protected you like you should have been protected. It is okay to grieve.
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thecorvidforest · 11 months
sometimes DID is screaming crying hellish agony and sometimes it’s trying to figure out WHO THE FUCK DOWNLOADED 117 PICTURES OF SHARKS ON OUR PHONE
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didosddinfo · 6 months
The Basics of DID/OSDD
DID, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, is a trauma-caused disorder that forms in early childhood, anywhere before the age of 9 (cutoff age is debated but the typical range is before age 6-9, but some people extend it to 10 because that's the typical age where your identity starts forming independant of your primary caregivers)
Most of the established and spread facts about DID come from the Theory of Structural Dissociation (TOSD)
Here's a good resource explaining The TOSD:
To sum things up, there are levels of dissociation that can occur, and disorders that fall into each level. The lowest end of this spectrum is PTSD, and the highest is DID. Here's a graphic of those levels, and I'll go into each disorder briefly:
Tumblr media
Altered States
Altered states are normal, and likely to occur in everyone at some point. No trauma is required to cause these states. Altered states include normal daydreaming (not including MaDD which is disordered)
Primary Dissociation
Primary Dissociation occurs in people with PTSD. This presents as having one ANP (Apparantly Normal Part, aka you) and one EP (Emotional Part, which occurs when having PTSD flashbacks)
This level is specifically for single-event PTSD, as C-PTSD falls under the next level:
Secondary Dissociation
Complex-PTSD falls under this level because of the occurance of multiple EPs, but still one ANP. These EPs are for a myriad of traumas a person with C-PTSD has experienced.
Dissociative Disorders
This is where we start touching on systems. This level includes OSDD and UDD.
OSDD (Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder) is a bit of an umbrella disorder, and it encapsulates multiple different types of OSDD. The one you've most likely heard of is OSDD1b, but I'll go into all of them.
OSDD1a is a disorder in which a person has multiple identity states but they lack distinction. They have intense enough amnesia to qualify for DID, but their identity states aren't differentiated enough to fully qualify for DID. This can sometimes (not always, of course) present as multiple identity states that are all one person, just at different ages when trauma happened.
OSDD1b is a disorder in which a person has multiple identity states that qualify for DID, but have no amnesia. A common misconception is that to be diagnosed with DID, you have to have blackout amnesia (will explain amnesia types later in the post), but any type of amnesia can qualify. OSDD1b is for systems who have absolutely no amnesia.
OSDD2 is a disorder in which there are identity disturbances and dissociation caused by brainwashing, torture, cults, and things of that sort. From what I understand, OSDD2 occurs after the cutoff age of DID or OSDD1, hence why this disorder does not cause a system.
OSDD3 seems to be a temporary diagnosis for symptoms of dissociation, derealization, depersonalization, amnesia, sudden loss of motor skills, ect for less than one month, occuring directly after a traumatic event. If the symptoms persist after this one month period, another diagnosis may be looked at.
OSDD-4 is a disorder in which people experience dissociative trances that do not have any known cause. People slip in and out of these trance states, often unaware of their environment while in them, and may "come to" confused and with amnesia from their time in the trance state.
And lastly, UDD. UDD, or Unspecified Dissociative Disorder, is exactly as it sounds. It's a catchall diagnosis for when a dissociative disorder is present, but it's unknown exactly which one. This can include systems, or it can include other dissociative disorders.
Tertiary Dissociation
Teritary Dissociation is what includes DID, C-DID, and HC-DID.
DID is the disorder we are all reading this post for. It is a disorder that causes multiple identity states that are distinctly different, called alters (or other terms depending on the system's comfort, such as headmates or sysmates), and amnesia between these identity states.
C-DID is a community term which stands for Complex DID. It is synonymous with Polyfragmented DID; they both mean the same thing. C-DID is characterized by a more complex system structure and the presence of many fragments, occuring because of more complex and longterm trauma that starts before the age of 5 (so earlier than the DID cutoff), and typically continues long after the system forms. There are many signs of polyfragmentation in a system, but the most siginifigant are the earlier onset of trauma, presence of many fragments, and more complex internal structure.
HC-DID is another community term which stands for Highly Complex DID. This term is synonymous with programmed systems/RAMCOA systems. These systems formed because of childhood trauma involving Mind Control (the MC of RAMCOA), aka programming. I won't go too in-depth on HC-DID systems, because I'm not confident in my knowledge at this time. However a great blog I can recommend for anyone wanting to learn more is @cultishhellvent
You might have noticed at the top of the graphic I included earlier a little blurb about DPDR, or Depersonalization Derealization Disorder. This is a dissociative disorder characterized by, well, persistant depersonalization and derealization. This disorder cannot co-occur alongside DID, but DID can cause depersonalization and derealization. The DPDR diagnosis is for those who don't have another dissociative disorder like DID, but do experience those specific symptoms of depersonalization and derealization.
P-DID, or Partial DID, is a version of DID in which one alter is almost always fronting. Other alters are present, and may front in specific situations, but typically the one alter will stay at front and other alters will come and go from co-con or co-front.
Things To Know About Systems
So here is a bunch of catagories of info about systems that I feel are necessary to know if you're looking to know the basics.
Amnesia Types
Blackout Amnesia is amnesia that is full and total. Periods of blackout amnesia will be fully gone from the person's memory. However, contrary to popular belief, blackout amnesia does not entail literally 'blacking out' and 'waking up' at a later time. It simply means the memories from a time period are totally and utterly gone and inaccessable to you.
Greyout Amnesia has two typical definitions. The first is amnesia that slowly occurs as time goes on, like slowly forgetting the days as you pass them, at a faster rate than would be considered typical for those without a dissociative disorder. The second definition is similar to blackout amnesia, except some memories can be retained. So you may not fully remember an event you went to last week, but you might be able to recall a few blips of major things that took place. Most detail is usually lost.
Emotional Amnesia is when you remember the actual event or time frame, but none of the emotions attached to it. This usually presents as being able to remember a traumatic event, but feeling numb or disconnected to it, or like it happened to someone else.
And something important to keep in mind is that these amnesia types are not hard rules, and amnesia is often somewhere between these three labels.
Innerworlds, or headspaces, are internal worlds in which alters can go when they aren't fronting (fronting meaning to be in control of the body)
Not all systems have innerworlds, and many systems with Aphantasia (when you can't visualize) simply don't have the ability to create them.
Innerworlds are often created unintentionally as the system grows up, but they can be intentionally created and that can be a beneficial process to the system.
Alter Roles
Alter roles are labels systems can assign to their alters to describe what role they play in the system's life. Some common ones include Host (primary fronter), Protector (self-explanitory), Persecutor (causes the system harm for whatever reason), Traumaholder (alters who hold trauma), and Littles (child alters)
These roles are not hard set, they are simply labels to help explain and put words to what certain alters' jobs in the system may be. And, not all alters have a discernable role.
Introjects are alters who form based on an existing identity. This is common in fragments, since they aren't as fully formed, but can of course also happen in fully formed alters.
There are two main catagories of introjects, however many people like to get specific with the terms they use.
Fictives are introjects of fictional characters. This can be from visual media, books, OCs, ect.
Factives are introjects of real people. This can be from friends, abusers, family, celebrities, ect.
Introjects are NOT the same as the thing they are sourced in. They are their own separate people, and should be treated as such.
One of the specific terms I mentioned could be songtives (introjects from songs). I wanted to briefly mention that as an example of the specific terms systems may use.
Co-con, or co-conciousness, is when two or more alters are present at the front. This is usually used to describe one alter fronting, with one or more other alters hanging out nearby and talking occasionally.
Co-front, or co-fronting, is when two or more alters are sharing the front together fully. Think of two people trying to drive the same car at once.
I think I've covered everything I wanted to cover. If I missed anything, said anything incorrect, or you'd like something added please feel free to send an ask or comment/reblog.
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starlitvases · 4 months
I really need people to understand that when I and other systems say, "I'm grateful for my system and I'm happy that I'm a system," it does not mean that we wanted to be systems.
I never wanted to go through horrific abuse to become a system. I never wanted to be programmed to be a system. I never wanted any of that. I wanted a happy and fulfilling childhood, but I didn't have that privilege. I never did.
My system is how I survived. It's how I was able to cope and actually live and breathe. I'd be dead without my system. Do I hate how we formed? Of course, I do. Do I hate my system? Not even in my dreams.
I'm allowed to be happy as a system, especially if it's what saved me. I'm allowed to be grateful that my system kept me alive and has allowed me to begin healing. I'm allowed to have happy moments. Don't misconstrue my words, and don't belittle anyone else who shares the same sentiment.
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dirtyjorts · 2 months
I may post/reblog about being a system. And that’s not a bad thing. No, I’m not “faking” because I’m posting about it. No, I’m not bragging about my diagnosis or trauma. And no, I’m not doing this because I’m anti-recovery. I do it for myself, and for people who may relate.
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pigeon-system-boys · 6 months
And reminder: be careful sharing your trauma. Better not share trigger-words or what you see and feel during flashback, or progs, or shit like this. Trolls will use it.
Don't share your location, address, real names... stuff like this
And if you do, stay safe pls.
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pink-devolve · 2 months
RadQueer Blocklist
This is a long list of every radqueer account I could find under the basic RQ tags. If there’s an account that’s not on this list, please message me with the account name and I will add it.
Not every account on here is inherently extremely harmful. If a person called themself radqueer, I added them to the list. Some of this is based on opinion, like if a person says they’re anti-contact but is doing things the show otherwise, I tagged them as pro contact. And if a person doesn’t identify as trans-race/trans-disabled but is being a bigot, I tagged them as such.
Don’t harass anyone on this list. And for legal reasons, if I’m labeling someone as predatory, that is just an accusation.
List under cut
‼️- Predatory
🛑- Pro-C
⚠️- Trans-abuser
🔱- Trans-abused
☢️- Trans-disabled
🚫- Trans-race
❎- Rq, other
- Kangalpuppy, pro-c for everything, says minors, animals and d3ad ppl can consent ‼️🛑
- Radmutt, pro-c for everything, says minors, animals, and d3ad ppl can consent ‼️🛑
- Mommytransid, 25/yo dating a minor ‼️🛑⚠️
- Sootdazai, claims to abuse and “program” its partners. Claims to have r4p3d one of his partners ‼️🛑⚠️🔱🚫
- Here-4-vibez, pro-r4p3, pro-c, transCSA, claims to have “plural obsessive disorder” ‼️🛑⚠️🔱
- Arsynnotarson, pro-c zoo, makes posts about dating animals, transabused ‼️🛑🔱
- Hobiesbrokenguitar, pro-c zoo, trans-race ‼️🛑🚫
- Office-vampire, trans-abuser, talks about jacking off to trauma narratives, adult and asked young teenagers to send their trauma narratives ‼️🛑⚠️
- Shotamania, pro-c MAP, trans-abuser/harmful, says “they’re pro everything” ‼️🛑⚠️
- 88-arachnids-grip-88, threatened to send SH pics to someone in order to try and manipulate them, told someone how to kts, threatened to kill animals, “trans-groomer” ‼️🛑⚠️
- Lobotomizuki, dating Ciel, claims to be trans-abuser, trans-disabled, trans-r4p1st 🛑🔱☢️
- Paraluvs, transabused, posts self harm art on their page, pro-c, minor in kink 🛑🔱
- Predqueer, pro-c, complains about not knowing what programming is while talking about transramcoa. Coins terms🛑🔱
- Val-loves-rqs, trans-ramcoa/abused, pro-c 🛑🔱
- Radicalclues, trans-disabled, trans-race, trans-abused, adult para account that interacts with young teen para accounts, “”mirrored-contact”” 🛑🚫🔱☣️
- Deer-mageikan, pro-c 🛑
- Cakechaser, pro-contact, says all furries are zoos, compares being transgender to being transrace, trans-abused(asks people to abuse them) 🛑🔱🚫
- Transillusionisms, trans-abused/er, trans-ramcoa, pro-romantic contact zoo 🛑⚠️🔱
- Foliage-446, transdisabled, minor owned para acc, xeno-satanist🛑☢️
- Deucey-deuce, pro-c, trans-abused/er 🛑⚠️🔱
- Transhcdid, trans-abused/er, pro-c, claims transramcoa terms. Makes extremely offensive flags for said terms(like graphics depicting abuse) Transdisabled 🛑⚠️🔱☢️
- Jamesbuchananbarness, transn@z1, doesn’t state contact stance⚠️🚫☢️
- Ziziscampsite, trans-n@z1, has n@z1-fan art as their pfp, says they were a n@z1 in a past life ⚠️☢️🚫
- Bloodydelusional, trans-disabled, transabused/er, says they will coin anything and have no DNI ☢️⚠️🔱
- h0lyl0l1, transtbmc /other abuse, transdisabled, transrace, transabuser ⚠️🔱☢️🚫
- Toxicpilled, transabuser, transabused, trans-slave ⚠️🔱🚫
- Radumbrella, minor owned para acc, trans-race, trans-drugaddict, trans-cannibal, transabused ⚠️🔞🔱🚫☢️
Transramcoa, identifies as trans-ramcoa and creates terms centered around ramcoa. Usually the flags are extremely offensive, trans-race, trans-disabled ⚠️🚫🔱☢️
- Wwwjunocom, trans-disabled, trans-abusive, trans-sch001-sh00t3r ☢️⚠️
- Leyleypsychotic, “”fult””(faux cult) leader, trans-abused, trans-disabled ⚠️🔱☢️
- Transdhampir, trans-disabled, trans-abuser, trans-abused, coins RQ terms ⚠️☢️🔱
- Doctors-littlehelper, trans-harmed, trans-harmful ⚠️🔱
- Wocatana2, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Narcissistic-gremlin, co-owner of RQ server, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Toxic-debris, coins trans-abuse/r terms 🔱⚠️
- Alastor-my-love, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Luci-st4r, trans-abused, trans-abuser ⚠️🔱
- Abuserprince, says they’re complex-contact, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Rqplushie, “”fult”” leader, minor ran para acc, trans-race ⚠️🚫
- Dreamingchu2, trans-abused, trans-abuser, trans-plural, trans-race, trans-disabled (it goes on but I got lazy)⚠️🔱🚫☢️
- Trulycupid, racist, created a term called “winter-punk”, not trans-race afaik but they get the emoji 🚫
- Radiumqueer, claims gender=sex and therefore trans-race is just as valid as transgender 🚫
- Thatparablog, transrace 🚫
- Wadeystabs, trans-race, RQ 🚫
- Astrolective, RQ, trans-race 🚫
- Uwameshi, says being trans-race ””phobic”” is the same thing as being transphobic 🚫
- Mistymeow69, RQ, trans-race 🚫
- Anothertransidblog, trans-race 🚫
- Transrace, “trans-race activism blog” 🚫
- Tr4nsr4c14lj4p4n3s3g1rl, trans-race 🚫
- Transidveronica, trans-race 🚫
- 4ndr0m3da, trans-disabled, trans-race ☢️🚫
- Forgedesires, trans-disabled, trans-race ☢️🚫
- The-catwithin, trans-native, trans-disabled ☢️🚫
- Plushie-ina-big-sweater, trans-race, trans-disabled ☢️🚫
- Sqrmsh, trans-race and transdisabled ☢️🚫
- Brainlessspuppy, trans-disabled, coins terms ☢️
- Lucifer-radqueer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Loatheticbeast, transplural ☢️
- Hearts4romeii, transplural, talks graphically about how she wants to khs ☢️
- Littlemelonberry, trans-addict, supportive of abusive identities ☢️
- Iotaisradqueer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Radicalnpdisms, RQ, trans-disabled ☢️
- Thecodakkeeffectt, coins medically-unrecognized-disorders ☢️
- Radqueer-fanboy, transplural ☢️
- Emopack, trans-autistic ☢️
- Radqueerstars, trans-disabled ☢️
- Toxic-exes, trans-disabled ☢️
- Haventhing, trans-severesh, uses flags that have drawings of SH and blades ☢️
- Needygirlonline, trans-disabled, trans-plural ☢️
- Transx-mogai-cafe, coins terms, trans-disabled ☢️
- Lolinawinii, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transabled-archive, archives all “trans-abled” terms ☢️
- Snowlovesyourq, trans-autistic ☢️
- Transagestuffuwu, trans-disabled, cross-tags ☢️
- Gay-we1rdo, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transpluralunite, trans-plural, trans-disabled ☢️
- Toransuneko, trans-disabled ☢️
- Arctic-fox-queer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Maned-wolfe, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transshells, trans-disabled, term coiner ☢️
- Dyspunktional-raven, gets mad when people say autistic instead of cis-autistic(etc) ☢️
- E4t-fl3sh, trans-disabled, trans-autistic ☢️
- Wuskie-woof-meom, trans-disabled ☢️
- Cloudytransx, trans-didfaker(?), trans-disabled 🔱☢️
- Francislikeseverybeing, trans-disabled, trans-abused, trans-ramcoa 🔱☢️
- Adxmmu88xy, trans-autistic, trans-plural, trans-ch1lds3xw0rk3r 🔱☢️
- Radicallysoup, trans-ramcoa, trans-disabled, interacts with and reblogs posts made by predatory/abusive people, trans-plural🔱☢️
- Ur-local-goldfish, transabused, transdisabled, alt account of gorgeous-rq-girlies🔱☢️
- Transharmed, trans abused, term coiner, trans-disabled 🔱☢️
- Transharmedbutsillier, transharmed alt acc, posts nsfw trans-harmed stuff 🔱☢️
- Dwlliennwurse, uses a typing quirk without translations, coins terms, trans-abused, trans-autistic 🔱☢️
- Npdblythe, trans-hcdid 🔱☢️
- Rq-selfship-fun, trans-abused 🔱
- Radqueerdogboy, trans-abused 🔱
- Fish-of-fanqia, trans-abused, claims to be in a “”fult””(faux-cult) 🔱
- Rqcrimeboyz, trans-abused, RQ 🔱
- A-system-in-a-system, trans-abused, trans-ramcoa 🔱
- Radicalbunny, trans-abused, uses several transid labels for extreme abuse, uses stutter quirk without translations 🔱
- R4dqu33r-g1nny-w34sl3y, trans-abused, trans-programmed 🔱
- Maxrqstuff, trans-hcdid 🔱
- Voidformed, coins trans-harmed terms 🔱
- Catsang, transramcoa 🔱
Selfsanguinamory, catsangs alt acc 🔱
- Vivziequeer, talks about wanting to be used by people, RQ 🔱
- Wortha-prettypenny, coins radqueer labels ❎
- Colorsof-therainbow, wortha-prettypenny’s other acc ❎
- Xxbl00d-st4rxx, RQ, has requested that people send them trauma-dumps for fetish reasons ❎
- Radqueer-takes, just posts pro rad-queer discourse ❎
- Berrytasticdeer, RQ ❎
- Pricklymuffinzzzzz, RQ ❎
- Randobitchyasscoiningshite, RQ ❎
- Digitallyadored, RQ ❎
- Gorgeous-rq-girlies, RQ coining blog ❎
- Cr1ng3yl0z3r, RQ ❎
- Gnarpcotics, RQ ❎
- Waitercore, RQ ❎
- Radqueer-empire, blog for a radqueer discord server ❎
- Blissfuloverdose7, RQ ❎
- Varii-corvid, coins terms ❎
- Minecraftenthusiast2882, coins terms ❎
- Rotnik-tmblr, RQ ❎
- Incestoophilia, wrote an article on incest called “keeping it in the family” 31 y/o that consistently interacts with young teenagers ❎
- Rq-boxes, RQ ❎
- Radqueerfluff, RQ ❎
- Wayofthefunkmaster, RQ ❎
- Weirdness-is-good, wayofthefunkmasters alt acc ❎
- Thedigitalwave, compares antis to transphobes, RQ ❎
- Radqueerpfps, makes flag pfps ❎
- Rq-term-search, RQ ❎
- Gluestrawbz, coins terms ❎
- Animal-creature, RQ ❎
- Sleepyeepyvoidcat, uses paid ads to promote their account(I got one on my dashboard), RQ ❎
- Dexxxma, RQ, partner of radicalclues ❎
- Sincerestkisses, RQ ❎
- Little—beetle, RQ ❎
- Qu33rjude, RQ ❎
- Russetfur1128, RQ ❎
- Rinlencoins, coining account ❎
- Jesterrq, RQ ❎
- Honeydew-wecantwo, RQ ❎
- Hunter-fox, coins RQ terms ❎
- Gamezee420, RQ ❎
- Cherishyne, RQ ❎
- R0tsm4z3, RQ ❎
- Morachivist, coins trans-race terms, refuses to say their contact stance ❎
- Hellelaplace, RQ ❎
- Luckas-rockz, RQ ❎
- Rqheadcanons, headcanons characters as harmful labels ❎
- Curiouscattohours, RQ ❎
- Rainbowfam, RQ ❎
- Acidic-nebula-raincloud, RQ ❎
- Satanlovesradqueers, term coiner ❎
- Peppermint-bloodshed92, coins terms ❎
- Spookrq, RQ ❎
- Radqueer-headspace, makes RQ content and coins terms, “”complex-contact”” ❎
- Gearbox-dollhouse, calls themself a yandere, RQ ❎
- Gearbox-dolls, alt account for gearbox-dollhouse ❎
- Bloodydollies, nsfw RQ alt account for gearbox-dollhouse ❎
- Anyolovez, RQ ❎
- Pastel-golden, RQ ❎
- Transthehorrors, coins terms, RQ ❎
- Lostbhappy, owner of RQ discord server ❎
- Rqmoodboards, RQ ❎
- Alexidentitiescoiningblog, coins terms ❎
- Radicaalkirby, RQ ❎
- Rosiesdelights, coins terms, RQ ❎
- Userboxmachine, makes RQ userboxes ❎
- Yourlocaledgysnake, RQ ❎
- Ur-transx-favs, creates RQ headcanons ❎
- Radqueerstim, makes RQ stim boards ❎
- Freaksboards, RQ stimboard acc ❎
- Internalcondom, RQ ❎
- Antirq-blocklist, RQ ❎
- Yourfaveis-transid-coded, transid head canons ❎
- Transstimland, makes RQ stimboards ❎
- Princesse-du-rose, RQ ❎
- Fungus-ID, RQ, term coiner ❎
- Theradroom, RQ confessionals ❎
- Adamssafeheaven, RQ ❎
If you notice a mistake, dm me and I’ll fix it. And again if there is someone not on here that needs to be added, please dm me. Better yet, write a brief description of them and add the emojis.
Ik they’re probably going to throw a fit about this and out themselves. So I’ll update the list in a few days.
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cultsurvivorsafe · 2 months
Cult survivors, you don't lack intelligence. You don't lack morality. Your abuse was and never will be your fault.
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ridibulous · 5 months
I'm having a bit of a normal one tonight so
• shoutout to hc-did systems who don't have a fucking clue what all their programs are or how exactly they work or how they're triggered and may constantly be living like they're walking on eggshells.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who have no fucking idea what the full extent of their trauma is and are terrified to figure out more and/or want to learn everything that happened so badly.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who don't know or understand everything about their innerworld. fuck it shoutout to hc-did systems who just Don't Know in general!
• shoutout to hc-did systems who don't have any "real" or "physical" proof of their ramcoa besides their own memories.
• shoutout to hc-did systems whos perpetrators never got a lick of punishment for what they did to you or others.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who actively want or are trying to get their perpetrators punished for what they did.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who can't have their perpetrators punished for what they did.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who might still be in danger. real or perceived.
this ramcoa shit is so confusing and exhausting and horrible and lonely and fucking (re)traumatizing and it's so hard. i'm tired I just want people to believe me sometimes but how much do I believe other people believe me when I share the sheer horrors that rear their ugly heads in our mind. from alters popping up or a memory just appearing out of nowhere to just whole somatic flashbacks. how much can we take? how much DID we take?
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ben-marco · 2 months
The DID/OSDD and RAMCOA communities desperately need to re-acquaint themselves with Internet safety protocol. Hell, most young people on the Internet these days need to do better at keeping themselves and their personal information safe.
No one on the Internet is entitled to know anything about you. No one. Please be safe out there.
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thecorvidforest · 10 months
can i just say, it’s really gross how so much of the plural community (as well as doctors, therapists, and friends of systems) sincerely recommends hurting persecutors in order to make them stop persecuting. the amount of stories i’ve seen where systems are bragging about how they beat their persecutor/s into submission is disgusting. persecutors deserve to heal and to love and to be loved just as much as anyone.
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dolleyeddog · 2 months
i feel like we don't need to keep coining new community terms for "different types" of DID. i think there being so many community terms used now rather than actual medical terms is kinda making things confusing.
i also feel like people forget DID is an actual medical diagnosis and term. you can't fit any and everything under the umbrella of DID because that's just not how it works. words mean things.
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reclaimingsomethings · 7 months
Trans Ramcoa
I dont want to make this a habit however, when looking for terms to reclaim, I came across a post that made me recoil in disgust. @ cincinique made a post defending the not reclaimed term Trans Ramcoa and I would like to bring this to people attention so they can block the people interacting with this post and defending this term. I would like this to be perfectly clear, if you use the term Trans-Ramcoa or similar Trans-id terms, you are:
Defending Child pornography
Romanticizing Child Prostitution
Romanticizing the torture of Children
Defending Child rapists
Not in a million years will these people understand what we went through as a child, all the abuse and torture we experienced at the hands of the people who were supposed to love us. To call this a kink, to say its just you being "kinky" is you getting off to the idea of child torture. You calling this a kink is you pushing people into dangerous situations were they will be abused and tortured. What you post matters. What you do matters. Do not make your legacy online supporting child rape and child torture.
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doggboyy · 3 months
Reminder that you can't say you support ''transramcoa'' people AND say that you don't support abuse and torture. Being 'transramcoa' is calling ramcoa desirable, that's the whole point of the fucking term. Calling ramcoa something you WANT to go through is supporting abusers. You are aiding people who torture children. There's no way to sugarcoat it, that is what you're doing. You're putting down survivors and supporting their abusers. You're treating ramcoa like a flashy identity. You're acting like it's something fun to put on your account to stand out, and not a form of abuse. You're treating child rape and torture like a queer identity. There's nothing else to it. That's what you're doing. You're calling it a term for inclusivity, and something adaptable. Not a term used to explain abuse. Seriously, get offline. This shit is rotting your brain
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