mistycalstatus · 6 years
Oh Devis!
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Oh Devis (Goddesses)! Do not waste your lives in fashion and passion. Open your eyes. Strive for the higher life, the grand, the sublime, the only real life in the Soul. Is it sufficient if your satisfied with the petty material necessities of life on earth? Do you remember what Maitrey said to Yajnalkya? (from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. “What shall i do with the wealth of this whole world if thereby i would not become immortal?” said her to her husband. How many ladies of this world will b bold enough to assert this wise saying of the Upanishadic ideal of a woman? Immortality does not pertain to the physical body. Once born, a man has to die, i.e., cast off the physical body. The state in which you freely enjoy the continuity of life without entering the cycle of birth and death is immortality. Unless you identify yourself with the Cosmic Self which transcends all limitations of space and time, you cannot enjoy immortality. To get stuck up in family, children and relatives is not the ideal of courageous and wise women. Every mother of the world should realize her responsibility to awaken herself, her children, her family and her husband, to the true light and splendor of spiritual life. What a glorious mother was Madalasa! (from Markandeya Purana). Did she ask her children to study up to the post-graduate examination, and then seek for some employment? “You are pure, you are Consciousness, you are devoid of names and forms.” …such was the Advatic instruction which Madalasa gave to her children when she rocked them in the cradle. How many mothers of the present-day world have got the fortune to teach their children such a profound knowledge? On the other hand, the present-day mothers would try to crush the spiritual tendency of their children…even if it is found in a microscopic state! What a sad and pitiable condition! Wake up, oh mothers, oh sisters! Recognize your responsibility. Spiritualize yourselves. Spiritualize your children. Spiritualize your husbands. You are the makers of the family! Therefore spiritualize yourselves. Assert in yourselves the spirit of Brahmacharini. Do not be cowardly. Come out of your fleshy homes of delusion, the home of vanity! A woman is not a woman if she is devoid of spiritual fire in her, if she is ignorant of a higher life in the Soul. A woman’s duty is not merely family, he duty is also to transcend the family. Her duty does not lie in wearing attractive clothes, gold ornaments, bangles, powders and scents. Her duty does not lie in only raising her children. Her highest duty is concerned with self-realization. Such a woman is a real symbol of God. She is to be adored, she is to be worshipped!
Swami Sivananda.
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mistycalstatus · 6 years
Amour Braque
C’è un modo di vivere banale e superficiale così dannatamente diffuso, tanto da fagocitarsi le forme d’arte più sublimi: la musica in primis con quel rumore di fondo indistinto, colmo di vane parole, che oggi ben si adatta però a quell’animo umano grossolano e cafone, privo di qualsiasi dimensione di umanità. È necessario scavare a lungo e con pazienza infinita sotto la coltre sempre più spessa di questa appagata superficialità, per trovare ancora forme vive di arte, spiriti illuminati, così fortunatamente sofferenti esclusi ed emarginati tanto da poter conservare intatta ancora la rara capacità di essere e fare arte.
È un creare oscuro, “dark”, vivo, onesto e profondo: l’ascolto non inganna e se si riesce a percepirne ancora il punto di grazia, è necessaria la non condivisione: in pochi meritano l’ascolto e a chi merita è una musica che arriva, più o meno presto, più o meno tardi.
Ed è così “Amour Braque“, il nuovo lavoro degli Spiritual Front, non un disco ma un reticolo di rimandi e citazioni percepibili solo da un animo vero, vivo. Qui non troverete una recensione o una guida all’ascolto, perché ripeto, a pochi giunge realmente il senso di questa vera e propria opera d’arte contemporanea. Non si tratta di gusti musicali, cultura o retaggio ma di coraggio e sfrontatezza, di ascolto onesto e catartico che trova in tracce come “Pain is love” la ragione del tutto : «What we did it’s what we had… What we need is what we get.. What we feel is what we see».
È la grazia e la violenza, il romanticismo cupo e leggero, fatto di suoni dell’est, country, tango, new wave ma anche di sfacciata italianità, come da sempre e solo Simone Salvatori sa fare.
Ci sono refrain che rimangono in testa per giorni come «Forgive me and make me bleed» di “Tenderness through violence” o «I’ll never be able to love» di “Disaffection“, ma c’è anche il pianto della desolazione di un cuore sfranto che cerca negli abissi di un paradiso perduto l’amore mai avuto.
Non mancano le marce funebri su tutte le violenze e le deturpazioni subite come in “This past was only mine” e degli incisi che lasciano le lacrime strozzarsi in gola, perché inaspettatamente in italiano e sussurrati anziché cantati, come l’«Abbiamo chiesto troppo senza mai dare nulla in cambio» di “An end named hope“.
C’è poi la cover, la copertina grafica del disco, realizzata dall’artista surrealista Saturno Buttò che cattura gli occhi dell’animo più deturpato e violentato ma proprio per questo ancora più incline e sensibile all’ascolto.
The church of Spiritual Front non scherza affatto e alla fine il messaggio è forse molto più profondo di quanto si potrebbe mai immaginare: le melodie sono un distillato nettare di darkness, pain, love, sex, blood, sadomy e decay… ma il senso profondo è rivelato solo all’animo sfrontato di chi conosce il dolore e la violenza del coraggio di essere realmente se stessi.
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mistycalstatus · 7 years
Bharat Sikka
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And the people went into their hide, they oh From the start they didn't know exactly why, why Winter came and made it so all look alike, look alike
Underneath the grass would grow, aiming at the skyIt was swift, it was just, another wave of a miracle But no one, nothing at all would go for the kill If they called on every soul in the land, on the moon Only then would they know a blessing in disguiseThe curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike beforeTell me now of the very souls that look alike, look alike
Do you know the stranglehold covering their eyes? If I call on every soul in the land, on the moon Tell me if I'll ever know a blessing in disguiseThe curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before And the curse ruled from the underground down by the shore And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
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mistycalstatus · 7 years
Cupio Mori
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                                                   cassée et égarée 
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mistycalstatus · 7 years
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Was it the blue night gone fragile. Was it the light ways so frightening. Was it two wills one mirror holding us dearer now.
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mistycalstatus · 7 years
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You've been sleeping for miles so what did you see? Here the sky's been falling white flowers and there's ice in all the trees I've been tapping the table I've been hoping to drink, there's a line that goes all the way from my childhood to you.
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mistycalstatus · 7 years
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mistycalstatus · 7 years
Les creatures
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“Io non ho più voglia di ascoltare questa musica leggera meglio sparire nel mistero del colore delle cose quando il sole se ne va. Resta poco tempo per capire il significato dell’amore, ighiozzia di questi anni, il Vangelo di Giovanni la mia vera identità”. 
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mistycalstatus · 7 years
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L'oiseau, c'est une idée dans l'air. 
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mistycalstatus · 8 years
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Robyn: Rick, I'm so alone. 
Rick: We all are.
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mistycalstatus · 8 years
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....swim with the current and float away down by the river everyday...
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mistycalstatus · 8 years
Au même endroit
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mistycalstatus · 8 years
Kali Padma
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mistycalstatus · 8 years
A’ bout de souffle...
....je rentre dans ton cerveau et j’arrive à ton cœur..juste au fond du coeur sans honte pour effacer même le dernier amour...
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mistycalstatus · 8 years
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mistycalstatus · 8 years
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mistycalstatus · 8 years
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Tendono alla chiarità le cose oscure, si esauriscono i corpi in un fluire di tinte: queste in musiche. Svanire �� dunque la ventura delle venture.
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