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Feel free to send in asks for Natsu, Laito, or mun!
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Member Introduction
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Salutations, everyone!
My name is Yuki!
I am a 24 year old creator! When I’m not RPing, I’m a writer, artist, and voice actress, aspiring to create many stories and create a game of my own!
My path towards creating my own projects started with joining the DL fandom with my main DL OC, Hisoka. Had it not been for her, I would not be where I am and working hard to make my dream come true. While Hisoka was originally made to be a protector for Yui due to hate, She just ended up being shipped with Ruki. Hisoka is a Classic Tsundere (not to be confused with modern Tsundere), and a vampire huntress who’s character keyword can only be the word “Tragedy”. She means a lot to me, and I hope you can come to like her as a character as well! 💙
Main OC Blog: https://star-crossedfidelity.tumblr.com
1. Main Information
Name: Hisoka Kuroi
Age: 17
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 160 cm (5'3”)
Weight: 53 (Kg) (119 Ibs)
Blood Type: O
Sign: Scorpio
Birthday: November 15
Sexuality: Demisexual
Father: Mamoru Kuroi
Mother: Katsumi Kuroi
Occupation: 3rd year High School Student, Vampire Huntress
Hobbies: Reading, Doing Housework
Favorite Food: Vegetable Soup
Least Favorite Food: Liver
Favorite Drink: Coffee
Least Favorite Drink: Tomato Juice
With a slightly built and curvy body and about the height of 5’3”, Hisoka has short, slightly wavy hair dyed in a medium brown color, and slightly narrowed, sapphire blue eyes; She also has grotesque, clawed scars around her right ankle and a slight scar on the right side of her chest.
In her uniform, Hisoka wears it without the bow or ribbons and leaves one button open from her white shirt; The slit in her skirt is sown shut, and wears calf-length, black socks from below the knee.
Outside of school, Hisoka would either wear a shoulder less, black-and-white dress with a black collar with a silver bead, black, thigh-high socks, and calf-length white boots with a black belt around it; Or a black, leather jacket over a white top with a cross with a cross necklace, and black leather pants with black leather boots.
Hisoka is an intelligent, protective tomboy with a strong will. Despite her cold and ruthless front, She is compassionate, athletic, and extremely loyal to the point of selflessness to those she cares dearly; However due to her occupation as a huntress, She is unable to be honest and hides her kindness, becoming rather timid and soft-spoken or hot-tempered and hostile depending on who it is towards.
However because of the training she had to go through, Hisoka is somewhat mentally-unstable; Thus, her idea of loyalty and devotion is to an extreme level, to a point she is even willing to kill for those she holds dearly in order to keep them safe.
Hisoka also gets bubbly and child-like when easily excited, which is a trait that stayed with her from childhood. This caused embarrassment to her when she catches on. Generally, Hisoka is actually a shy person; Submissive, obedient, and inexperienced.
Ever since she was born, Hisoka’s fate was predestined for her; She is to become the family heiress and become the new Head of an secret organization of Vampire Hunters, succeeding her grandmother; with the expectations to become an adroit Vampire Huntress like past Kuroi family heirs. However, This fate was unkown to Hisoka herself and grew up with a normal childhood, where she became spoiled and ignorant of even the existance of Vampires and dreamt of becoming a ballerina and a bride.
However, the illusion of a normal life came to an end on the day of her 6th birthday, where a Vampire broke into their house and tried to kill Hisoka at night only to kill her parents right in front of her, as they tried to protect her. This incident tramatized Hisoka as the last thing she remembered from that night was killing the vampire with her father’s dagger and fainting from exhaustion. Later that night, Hisoka was taken to the Organization by a fellow Vampire Hunter named “Tatsuya”, who was originally assigned to kill the Vampire, and was told about the dark truth about the existence of Vampires, along with the truth about the organization and her family of vampire hunters.
Due to her grandmother being in Russia during the time, Hisoka was told to stay in a Church with Seiji Komori and his daughter Yui for the time being; While she was cynical towards the latter, Hisoka does warm up to her due to her kindness and was motivated to embrace her fate to become a vampire huntress herself, vowing to protect humans and their innocence from experiencing the same horrors she experienced with her hatred towards vampires. Even going as far as to take “special training”, more harsher than normal training, specifically for her family, Hisoka hardens and turns from a timid and gentle child into a cold and ruthless huntress that follows orders accordingly. Since then, the Huntress spent the next 11 years working her way up as a fearsome huntress.
Upon learning her only friend now out of her reach, one thing leads to another, and she found herself as a Ryoutei Academy in a position to become a watchdog for the Mukami family to use, specifically for the eldest out of the four brothers, Ruki Mukami; Since then, the forbidden fruit was bitten into, forging a pair of star-crossed lovers between vampire and huntress.
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Do you like macarons? Does Laito share them with you?
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Natsu: "Yeah, I like them! I especially like the fruity ones, but not bananas. Bananas are gross to me. And yeah, he does! Surprisingly, he is willing to share his snacks. Sure, he's greedy and wants more of them since they're his favorite, but he's nice enough to share them if I ask. Sometimes there's a compromise though, and that's that I have to give him a kiss or cuddle, which is fine by me if it means I get some macarons too."
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Diaboys. How would you describe your lovers personality?
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Laito: "Odd, idiotic, and shy if you want the short version of it. But In general, I'd say Natsu is quite aloof, does her own thing, and has her own ways of doing things even if it isn't the most practical. Jokes tend to go over her head and it's quite easy to tease her without her realizing it, honestly. She's not fond of new people or those she doesn't know well, so I actually like that if it means more time of her choosing to spend with me. She can be smart, but it's more book smarts over any other intelligence. So at least she's smart in that area. I sometimes fake needing school help just so she also has to be with me, because why not?"
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Kanato: "Tomoky isn't a perfect Doll, but indeed seems like she tries to. She obeys all my commands and does whatever I ask her to, she learns pretty quickly, right, Teddy? Fu fu... I think she was predestined to be with me, after all, the other girls are obnoxious. She just suits me."
I've got to add, though, I pretty much had to tame her, Doll is much more obedient than she was before, she used to play smart and try to confront me... Pathetic."
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Reiji: “My dear Mana actually has quite some layers to her so it is not something to just put into simple words.If you are however asking me for a rather brief summary, she is a very intelligent and strong-willed woman though a bit of an airhead sometimes.”
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Subaru: “ーー An idiot. Sharon’s the kinda girl who’d walk into a trap with her damn eyes wide open. Not only is she way too trustin’ of others, but she really needs to be more careful ‘round those shitty brothers of mine! I’ve warned her a million times by now but she never learns, damnit!
...What? You expected me to say somethin’ positive as well? Che. Guess I’ve got no other choice. ...As much as her kindness gets on my nerves when it’s directed at others, it feels kinda nice to have someone care ‘bout you...Ahー How should I put it? Bein’ together helps me calm down. ...Her smile’s pretty cute too. ...O-Oi! Don’t you dare tell her I said that, ‘kay!? 
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Shu: "Ophelia? Ah, my beloved Ophelia. I can say that she is a person with a lot of energy, sometimes she gets me quite tired but I still love to hold her close because she is very calm. *Chuckles* "And if I use the right method I can make her quiet very quickly~. Also her personality can be so unpredictable that it is a challenge to find out what she will do"
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Azusa: A little...too gentle, he seems likes a...good kid, but...also looks as if...he's troubled...with a lot of burdens...held back with a lot of secrets, not willing to...express them, however...pretending to be strong...from the outside. Sometimes...he also likes to...get spoiled...such like...., likes...relying on others...But I wish...the one you rely on...is only me...
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Kou: Stubbornly passionate, incredibly headstrong and hardcore, and above all..a little impulsive like me. What that means is that once he sets his mind on something, not even I can stop him or get in his way. You can call him dedicated like that, although he does bring about a temper with it, but that's to be expected. It could be about love, or his work, he does things so methodically that it's just on a level that I'm always amazed and impressed by him.
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Carla: Alena’s personality? That women is indeed a surprising, bold, amusing, and quite…odd. *chuckles* ..however despite her odd behavior at times, she’s a very heartwarming and filled with determination. As her lover, I’m proud to have her by my side. It’s not bad to have someone like her to surprise me at times and especially for me to reward her~
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Shin: Reis’s? Fufuh, she’s a bookworm. But surprisingly at times she can be too…kind. She’s very organized and workaholic— and remarkably her cheeks get red merely by small teases. A very amusing person indeed, as you’d expect from my woman~
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Kino: Shortcake's personality? She's very shy, naive and trusting, so teasing her is very easy and fun~. It is very amusing to see her all flustered and nervous, stuttering when she's ashamed. She's also very forgiving and patient, so no matter how much I tease her she always let it go~ *chuckles*.
Sometimes she's is too kind and attentive for her own good, always trying not to hurt other's feelings and getting hurt herself most of the times. She's also very easy to please, loving and sweet and that makes her quite cute. Of course she only shows those sides to me, not that I want everyone to see them anyway~.
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Yui: "I'm aware that the general public has described Adela as an "Entitled Ice Queen". With me she completely drops the act. Though I'll admit she can be very protective. Adela can also be quite thoughtful when she really wants to make my day! She is also surprisingly shy when I tease her. I'm probably not allowed to say any of this because she has to keep her status. I just want more people to know Adela's true self, so thank you for your question!"
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Hello! My name’s Vee. :3 I’m a 27-year old teacher and I live in Belgium with my mom and my cat.
I joined the DL party pretty late in december 2019, when I decided to pick up HDB again after it collected dust in my cupboard for 2-3 years after my initial purchase. I figured it would be a good way to keep practicing my Japanese now that I was graduating soon and no longer had any Japanese classes.
Needless to say, I got hooked and soon started a very ambitious project of translating all of the games and drama CDs. Since I also wanted to share these with the world, I decided to make a Tumblr blog to publush all of my translation work.
My OC Sharon was originally created for the Mystic Messenger universe, but I altered her backstory so she would fit as a DL bride. uwu She’s my baby and I love drawing her as well as her main ship (Subaron).
Main OC blog: @strawberry–bride​
Name(s): Sharon (current), Takeshita Nozomi (birth name)
Age: 18
Date of birth: March 9th, 2004
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Occupation: Student at Ryoutei academy (year 2)
Father: Takeshita Ayumu
Mother: Tanaka Sachiko
Other notable family members: Takeshita Sousuke (older cousin)
Hobbies: Baking, doodling
Favorite color: Peach
Favorite food: Pancakes with whipped cream and fresh strawberries
Least favorite food: Anything spicy
Favorite drink: Strawberry milk
Least favorite drink: Coffee
Sharon is a petite lady, standing at only 4′11′’ or 152 cm. She is very much self-conscious about her height and will often try and look for ways to make herself taller.
While her short frame may cause her to come across as childish, her figure is very curvy with most of the weight going to her chest, hips and thighs area. However, she also has a bit of a pudgy - but very soft - tummy. (Side note: She absolutely hates it when people squeeze her stomach and will SCREAM when someone does it.)
Her most notable feature has to be her long, strawberry blonde hair. While not bright pink or fuschia, it has a distinct pink tint to it, matching with her overall pink and red aesthetic. In length, her locks rival those of Rapunzel and while this means a lot of extra time spent in the bathroom every morning, Sharon has not be able to bring herself to cut her hair.
While we are on the topic of hair, you will also never see Sharon without her trademark strawberry-shaped hairclip. Aside from being a reference to her favorite food, it also holds a lot of sentimental value as is it one of the few mementos of her parents which she has left.
Sharon’s face is round with squeezable cheeks and soft features. Her nose is on the smaller side, but she has large, brown eyes which can make for a powerful weaon at times. She may not be physically strong, but do not underestimate the puppy eyes.
Her fashion style is very feminine and features a lot of soft, pastel tones. She likes various shades of pink and red, but will occasionally switch it up with a light blue or purple. She prefers to wear skirts and dresses over pants and likes to pair them with a cute cardigan. At home, she will occasionally wear an oversized hoodie to simply lounge around in.
You could say that her personality matches her physical appearance in the sense that it could be summed up in one word ーー soft.
On a surface level, Sharon is a kind and compassionate girl who is always there to lend others a helping hand when they need it. She is patient and soft-spoken and perhaps a little too forgiving, strongly convinced that everybody deserves a second chance.
However, her personality is very much the result of her past trauma. Sharon struggles with a lot of self-esteem and self-image issues, which subconsciously pushed her to sacrifice her own needs and well-being for the sake of others. If she is not being of use to others, she struggles to find worth in her existence. While this may come across as noble, it is also extremely dangerous as it makes it very easy for those with bad intentions to manipulate her and bend her to their will.
Once she learns to accept herself more, you will discover a new side of her. She can be surprisingly stubborn and perhaps even a little cheeky when she wants to. If in a relationship, it it not uncommon for her to display somewhat jealous behavior towards those who show (romantic) interest in her partner. While she would never grow violent as a result, she will become very pouty and grumpy.
Last but not least, it has to be said that she is not the brightest bulb of the batch. This reflects in her grades, but also in terms of ‘life knowledge’, Sharon will often make somewhat questioning decisions or come to weird conclusions. While some may say it’s part of her charm, you have to be ready for these ‘big dumb’ moments.
Sharon is the only daughter of Takeshita Ayumu (武下亜勇夢) and Tanaka Sachiko (田中幸子), born as Takeshita Nozomi (武下望未).
Her name is a combination of the words for ‘hope’ and ‘future’, because her birth symbolizes the message her parents spent their whole life trying to show to the whole world. Unfortunately, their lives were cut short when they died in a car accident, but they always believed that their daughter would carry on their legacy.
The relationship between her parents was ‘forbidden’ and shunned by their families on both sides. After all, her father was eldest son of the Takeshita family, Japan’s most famous family of Vampire Hunters and her mother was of Vampire blood. By falling in love with her, Ayumu went against everything his family had ever taught him. However, he never felt at home in that family in the first place since he did not share their philosophy that all Vampires (or demons in general) are heartless monsters. While Sachiko was skeptical about his true intentions at first and feared he was only trying to get close to her to eventually take her life, it was those genuine feelings of him which ultimately won her over.
The two of them cut ties with their respective families to be happy together and the result of their unusual love was their pride and joy. Their literal ‘hope for the future’ ーー Nozomi.
What could have been a happy family abruptly came to an end on one stormy night. Ayumu and Sachiko left the house by car after Sharon begged the two of them to go buy her favorite snacks because she ran out. Unfortunately, they did not make it back alive. Sharon continues to blame her own selfishenss for her death, which eventually became the trigger for her to start leading a self-sacrificing life in hopes of atoning for killing the people she loved most on this earth.
Sharon was then brought to an orphanage and was given the new name ‘Sharon’. It was at this orphanage where she spent most of her childhood. Unfortunately, she was never chosen, delivering a huge blow to her already low self-esteem. Eventually, she gave up on being adopted and instead took on a semi-caretaker role, helping out the other caretakers to look after the youngest children.
By a cruel tiwst of fate, it was the orphanage which had become her new home which eventually betrayed her. The orphanage had strong ties to the local Church, the very same Church which had made a contract with Karlheinz to regularly send a ‘sacrifical bride’ to his sons and in return, the Vampires would not cause any trouble in the city.
Sharon was chosen as one of those brides and brought to the Sakamaki manor. What she hoped would be a new start, would turn out to be a horrific nightmareーー
It will eventually be revealed that her parents death was not a ‘simple’ accident. They had planned to meet up with Ayumu’s father even before Sharon asked them to go on an errand for her. The store just so happened to be on the way there, so they hoped to kill two birds with one stone.
The young couple hoped his family was finally ready to listen to them, but alas, it was all a trap set up by Ayumu’s younger brother (the father of Sousuke), who assisinated both of them.
>  Information on the Subaru x Sharon ship over here  <
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Shin and Reis will skip this ask.
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Carla: Any dates that suits my Alena will be a surprise. Why would I reveal to a location where later Alena will find out? I’ll be taking somewhere romantic, worthy for both us to enjoy and to remember.
Amina: *chuckles*, even if you don’t reveal our next date, I’ll be looking forward to it. Anywhere with you on any locations for us to go on a date will always be romantic. Fun activities, somewhere for us to dine, anything!~
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Ariadna: As a foreigner, I still haven’t had the chance to visit many places, so I’m open to any recomendation. From a restaurant to an archade or an amusement park! As long as is fun and for both of us to enjoy~!
Kino: Most of the time it is shortcake here the one that comes with the suggestions. Anywhere is fine as long as we have fun~
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Adela: Personally, I prefer to do activities at home. Cooking a meal together and watching a film bring me the most delight. Being in the public eye makes it nearly impossible to appreciate social events. However, if Yui ever desired to attend such things. Arranging these ventures would be a great pleasure for me. Time with my Muse, is time well spent!
Yui: I grew up quite sheltered, so there’s so much that I’ve missed out on. My ideal date nights? Visiting museums, going to carnivals, and trying out unique restaurants. I still have a lot more that I wish to see. Adela makes all of this possible! But I don’t mind if we end up staying home for an evening. I just want us both to have a good time!
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For the partners and the boys! Ideal date nights? Curious to how similar they are!
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Ruki:  Hmpf, I prefer a night where I can enjoy My little Livestock’s company without other people disturbing us. Hmm, Perhaps a coffee date.
Idrina: I am not really picky to be very honest, if Mas Ruki simply wants to stay inside of the library reading books and sharing plots points or ideas that is fine by me.
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“Kuron's currently outstation so I'll be helping him take over with the answers. And if I'm being quite truthful, I think we have quite the similar taste in even out activities, hehe...maybe—”
“My ideal nights out would be a little something along the lines of—”
“Most of the time it would be just me and Kuron, spending our time here at home, not doing or participating with much, except working and spending it relaxing on the bed.”
“But if it comes to going out, if Kuron's outstation during these situations, I'd probably head on dates at wherever the fans wish to or take me. Other times, I invite them to others, like Karaoke, malls, maybe a few clubs but that's maybe rarer since I need to care for them more~”
“I show a simpler good time with their interests usually~”
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Yuma: "Spendin'time in the garden is always the best choice y'know? But that tomato always draggin me around to literal nowhere."
Shuuen: "Well, its not like i dislike spending time in the garden with Yuma. But when i get bored, i often DRAG him for a trip. Last week we went into Garden by the bay at Singapore and then moved to Disneyland Japan on the way home. We took a pic with the ribbons. "
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Note: Niko and Subaru will skip this question
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Latio: “A romantic dinner, followed by being able to just look at my darling in the candlelight. Hmm… Playing with her hair, giving kisses, and just showing my affection. Maybe even some romantic music in the background while I treat her as my personal princess.”
Natsu: “Um… Well, Being bundled up in a blanket with Laito would be nice while we marathon a series we both enjoy. Sharing snacks and maybe stealing a kiss or two during it too. I wouldn’t mind dozing off like that too.”
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Mana: “Honestly with Reiji-san by my side, almost everything would be pleasant. But I suppose either having dinner at fancy resteraunt or staying home and cooking together would be my prefered options.”
Reiji: “I have to agree on that one, although going to resteraunts with my dear Mana is somewhat difficult at times due to her being a vegetarian and there being limited options. So just staying home and spending a pleasant evening together is often the better choice.”
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Ophelia:“Hmm, I think a midnight walk would be the right date for me. I like silence, so I wouldn’t want too much commotion. night time is perfect, especially if there is also a full moon, after our walk we can drink something on a Nonstop Shop. Plus I’m not at all afraid to go out at night, Shu-san is a perfect bodyguard”
Shu:“I think a so-called perfect date for me would be in bed. a few blankets and pillows, lots of silence. that would be the perfect date…often that’s all we do, because she can’t resist to my charm. If you want something perfect, you have to do it yourself, and I know how to do it~.”
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Kanato: Doll usually makes enough sweets for me to enjoy all day, so I reward her with tea parties along with Teddy at night and I enjoy her sweet blood afterwards. The perfect date, right, Teddy? Fu~
Tomoky: We sometimes go to fairs and bakeries or sweet-selling shops at town and we try new foods.. I dunno if that’s considered a date though? A perfect date for me would be… Uh, reading some manga and sleeping in peace, maybe cuddling.. Don’t get me wrong, I love going out with friends, but since I met Kanato that’s the only thing I can do without him getting mad at me…
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We now have a Azusa x Oc slot open!
If your interested in joining, let us know! Thank you!
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Thank you for tagging me ❤️❤️❤️
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I tag @lunaangel1010universe @diabolik-mana @tearsofmania
I loooved way too much the animals ear avalaible in it and so here I am with yet another avatar related picrew game 😉😉
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Tagging @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @ikevamp-shrine-2 @ikehoe @ikeromantic @lordsisterxotome @atelieredux @aquagirl1978 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @themysticalbeing @moonstruck-writing @lordsister @namine-somebodies-nobody @randonauticrap @violettduchess @ifthiswingscouldfly @klutzyroses and everyone who would like to join No pressure Have fun 🤗😉
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— Amina will skip this question.
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Reis: In my understand, Shin san is often physically-violent. Though he calls it ‘playfully,’ sometimes he messes up my hour-put hairstyles —  I do not like it, nope.
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Ariadna: *giggles* believe it or not, Kino can be quite childish from time to time~. Sometimes, when we are relaxing and making each other company, I would rest his head on my lap and play with his hair. He actually likes it and I like how soft his hair feels through my fingers… plus the soft expression he sometimes makes while I do so is my reward ♡
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Adela: First, it is crucial that I correct you on the matter of our affair. Yui is my Muse. She refuses to offer me a title because she wishes not to “own” me. Don’t make me elaborate further.
Second, of course she does. Styling her divine curls provides me the necessary practice. How else am I expected to produce the quality of work that I do? My art would be utter garbage if I didn’t experiment. Additionally, Yui almost always revels at the final product. Her reactions and praise fill me with the motivation to continue my craft.
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To all the lovely brides~ Do your keepers let you play with their hair? If yes, what styles if you do any?
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Kuron: “Not a bride, nor is Kou considered a keeper of mine, so bear in mind otherwise I will omit myself from questions with remarks as such, understand?”
“...He can play with my hair, I'm totally fine with it, sometimes he puts it in different kind of pony tails while I'm reading or just trying to eat...Or when I vomit, since my hair does get in the way sometimes. But if you're talking about actual stylish hairdos then... I don't think he does? He likes to tug on the ends of my ribbon or fix the bow attached to my hair——if that counts.”
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Idrina: Hmm, Mas Ruki’s hair is a tad bit too short to do anything with, and seeing how I am wearing a Hijab, he can’t do anything with my luscious locks before marriage haha. I do secretly wish or hope that he will put some gel in his hair and comb it back, revealing his forehead more. Oh, lala, haram thoughts will surge.
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Cami: Keeper...? Oh, okay. I guess? ...Well, to answer your question; Yup! Azusa-kun does let me play with his hair, but only play though... You see, I don't know much about hairstyles myself. I don't even know how to braid my own hair---but it's not like he has long hair to begin with. Anyway, just to shuffle his soft hair with my hands, or---to tie it back in a little ponytail, ah, I'm already satisfied! And I think Azusa is, too!
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Shuuen:"Well...well... Sometimes he gets annoyed when i do so, but his annoyed face is everything. His long hair is a good styling object.There was one time i braided his hair when he was asleep.But otherwise, If Yuma want to do something to my hair i would be honored. "
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Ophelia: "Hm? I don't think that he is my keeper, but let's get over that. Yes, Shu-san lets me play with his hair, he even likes it quite a bit. I don't have a style that I do to him because I really like his style is already beautiful. Many times I just mess up with his hair because he looks cute."
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Mana: You know, I might get myself in trouble if I reveal this, but Reiji-san actually really likes me playing with his hair, stroking it or brushing it. Sadly it is not quite long enough for braiding or anything, but if it was I would totally love to do so, maybe even put some nice hairpins and beads in it... But that might just end with me getting punished, not that I would mind though...
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Niko: "About thaaat.. You see, it depends. I once dared to do that when I wanted to tease him- And that ended badly *nervous chuckle*. But sometimes he let's me and that is mostly when he lays close to me. Also I don't consider him as my keeper..I am not an object. "
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Natsu: "Well, it really depends on the situation... When it does happen, I merely just run my fingers through Laito's hair or will stroke it repetitively. It's a comfort for me and helps calm my nerves when I do that. It's also a nice feeling when he does it back. For styling it... Not really. I think the most I'd do is to attempt to curl his hair with my finger."
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Tomoky: "It depends so much on so many things that I don't really try it anymore, most of the times I tried to play with Kanato's hair he ended up throwing a tantrum and to be honest I'm not able to determine when and how would he like me to play with his hair. However there are times where he asks me to do it, in those cases I only brush his hair softly and carefully, and nope, I'm not allowed to make any hairstyles."
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Margaret: He does. I usually make some handsome hair styles on Ayato but he ends up ruining it. I usually just brush his hair when he’s out of the shower.
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do you have any pets
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Natsu: "Not currently, no. I can't have them here in the mansion, but I did have quite a few beforehand. My parents had two dogs that were basically siblings in my eyes until they passed. Then we got two more dogs and one of them was actually mine since I wanted a dog after the one my dad picked. I love her so much and hope she's still doing great with my family!"
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Fandoms Update
From now on, all my blogs are for me and for fun.
After a talk today and realizing how much of a sponge I am, I need to not interact with people who even have the slightest red flag, which sadly means just not interacting with fandoms as a constant social aspect.
Yes, asks are fine, casual convos are fine, most stuff is fine. But if I see a red flag for me (aka behavior that is toxic) I’m not gonna go in that area anymore.
I’m on tumblr to have fun and fun for me. I don’t need negativity and want to have fun and happiness with others who are positive.
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