#natsu mizutsurugi
do you have any pets
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Natsu: "Not currently, no. I can't have them here in the mansion, but I did have quite a few beforehand. My parents had two dogs that were basically siblings in my eyes until they passed. Then we got two more dogs and one of them was actually mine since I wanted a dog after the one my dad picked. I love her so much and hope she's still doing great with my family!"
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snlangford · 4 years
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For day 10 I am drawing Natsu as a mermaid! I’d love to do a mermaid AU with her and Laito and am working on her design this October! Here is the sketch as it did take a good chunk of today to do (at least 2 hours due to me being nitpicky). Keep tuned in to see when she will be completed!
Oh, and all my sketch layers are visible here except my rough hair sketch. Most to least faded are first to last in my process!
Art by me @snlangford. Do not repost without permission, edit over, recolor, or claim as your own.
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apples-of-eden · 2 years
Member Introduction:
Hello, nice to meet everyone and be part of this fun team! I'm @mizutsurugi-natsuxlaito-sakamaki and am bringing in my OC, Natsu! Learn a bit about her below!
My main account/where you see interactions from is @snlangford. I, the mun, enjoy art, writing, memes, too many video games, and am a practitioner in witchcraft! I've been in DL for 8 years and still love creating content for it and writing/drawing all of my OCs for this fandom today!
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"Can't you just let me be? I don't like people that much..."
Natsu is a human paired with Laito Sakamaki. While still dealing with a rather serious incident, she's now having to learn to deal with the vampire and how troublesome he is.
Full Bio under the cut!
Introduction of character
First Name: Natsu | ナス or 夏
Last Name: Mizutsurugi | 水剣
Name Meaning: Natsu - Summer | Mizu - Water / Tsurugi - Sword
Age: 16
Gender: Female Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Pansexual
Nickname(s): Bitch-Chan (Little Bitch) by Laito Date of Birth: 01/19 Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Species: Human Nationality: Japanese
Blood Type: O+
The Character’s Appearance
Hair: To waist, strawberry brunette with wavy curls. No bangs. Her hair is trained to flow to the left with the split being on the right side of her head.
Eyes: Slightly bigger than average and a grayish-green. Center of eyes have brown around the pupil. Body Shape: Lanky and boney, but she does have muscular legs Skin Tone: Very fair
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 106lbs
Clothing Style: Mainly casual t-shirts and a bit geeky, refrains from wearing skirts or dresses often. Her main leg wear is jeans. Accessories?: Sometimes wears earrings and has a steel ring on her right hand (ring finger). Birthmarks?: Beauty mark just above lip, almost touching the left tip of the curve. She has another in the middle of her right cheek and is in line with her lip corner. She also has a very small one just to the left of her lips as well.
Piercings?: In earlobes
Scent: Usually coconut or argan fruit.
About the Character
Personality: Natsu is a reserved person who usually doesn’t like to socialize with others and usually finds herself lost in her own thoughts. She is an ambitious girl who likes to reach her goals and strives to do her best. Natsu is also known for seeming rude when really she speaks the honest truth or her opinion and doesn’t really know how to make it seem nice. She’s also open minded but more conservative when it comes to relationships, but that doesn’t stop her curiosity and readings. Her temperament isn’t the best as she can snap easily and can be grumpy frequently. She is generally mentally stable, but when depressed, anxious, or in another negative mental state she becomes very unstable and not safe to herself. She also has PTSD that will sometimes make her change completely in a moment. It is common for her to be neutral and sometimes positive depending on the subject.
Weaknesses: Social obliviousness to queues, physically weak, stubbornness, anger problems, sore/unusable right arm if stressed enough. Strengths: Smart, manipulative to an extent, empathetic, artistic/creative (mentally and skillfully) Like: Spicy foods, salty foods, video games, painting, drawing, music, visual performance, outdoors, cuddling, ambiance, incense, and knitting. Dislike: Loud noises, super sweet food, commotion, large crowds, open areas, brightness, slow people.
Hobbies: Drawing/Painting, writing, and knitting. Fear(s): Trypophobia, falling, large vehicles, and drowning. Habit(s): Fidgeting with pens, playing with hair, picking at nails. Talent(s): Drawing and painting.
Favorite.. …Food: Sushi …Drink: Fruity Tea …Color: Black …Animal: Tiger …Flower: Rose …Season: Fall
The Character’s Relationship With Others
How do people view your character?: Most people would view her as antisocial and a loner due to her appearing rude when she does socialize.
Keeper: Laito Sakamaki Relationship: Natsu and Laito have an interesting relationship together. While she did select him, she didn’t expect Laito to be so different from what she expected. There are times where they don’t get along, sometimes where Natsu is in no control, and most other times being calm and relaxing. It’s common for Natsu to pick on Laito for his sexual advances as she has a little perverted nature herself.
The Character’s Familial/Biographical Information
Mother: Hiroko
Father: Jiro
Siblings?: None
Other relatives?: Natsu has a large extended family on both sides, but it’s rare for her to see them. Familial Background: Natsu’s family on both sides were in the poverty line, but when her parents met, they both were young and working hard. After a long time together, graduating school, and also getting required certificates for work, her parents built up their material status and joined the middle class. Natsu was born a few years after their marriage and lived a regular life until there was an incident in Natsu’s high school career.
What brought them to the boys?: During the break between changing years, Natsu ended up being struck by a car when she herself was in a vehicle. The impact was enough to severely wound her, but emergency vehicles arrived before she bled out completely. While Natsu barely even knows what happened, a medical official named Reinhart assumed her dead to her parents before sending her off to the Sakamaki mansion after she recovered.
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Bara made with this game!
@namine-somebodies-nobody tagged me in this. I shall tag some as well as I’m curious as to what others’ OCs would look like!
I also made one for Natsu over on her blog! @mizutsurugi-natsuxlaito-sakamaki
@the-sloth-woman @there-was-evelyn @supersweetlyuniquebouquetstuff @munarisblog @dango-is-love @lunaangel1010universe @my-moonlightsonata @tessiellation @bittersweet-faerietale
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snlangford · 4 years
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Days 6 and 7! Top is of my OC Riri for Sanrio Danshi and the bottom is Natsu for Diabolik lovers! These were done as sketches and fast shading due to the limited time I have had with homework.
If you wanna follow them, here are their blogs! @kuririn-chan @mizutsurugi-natsuxlaito-sakamaki
Art by me @snlangford. Do not repost without permission, color over, edit, or claim as your own.
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2. Relax
Word Count: 1456 words
Triggers: Neglect for injury
Quick Summary: Natsu gets shoulder massages for her injury, but this time things take a more interesting turn with Laito...
It was still taking time for Natsu to adjust to this new life and completely heal. Her arm was much better after a few weeks; painful still, but moveable. 
What was helpful for this time of recovery was what Laito did to help, even if it ended in some situations she wasn’t expecting.
Today was another day of Laito massaging Natsu’s muscles around her shoulder and collarbone. She was resting on her left side and had her head rested on a pillow, which was in Laito’s lap, as Laito rubbed the muscles in a gentle fashion.
Laito observed how still she was and how she was so relaxed from his touch. It was amusing seeing her defenses all the way down as she was drifting off into what seemed like a peaceful sleep. But this had been happening for the two weeks she was here for, and Laito was growing bored with the same thing happening over and over again.
He pressed his thumb harshly into the crook where her shoulder turned into her neck.
Before her eyes could even open, Natsu let out a cry of pain. She turned her body away and felt Laito’s hand slip off of her body as she did so. Once she had opened her eyes she looked back at Laito with a mix of a pained expression and confusion.
“That hurt!” she exclaimed while going to rub the area Laito had inflicted pain.
Only a smirk appeared on Laito’s face as he looked at her expression. “You’re quite cute when irritated, Little Bitch. Although, it was a slip of the hand. I didn’t mean to harm you.” It was a lie, but only Laito knew it was one.
Natsu looked him in the eye before starting to sit upright. “Maybe that’s enough for today.” She adjusted the way the collar of her shirt was resting, having had it more exposed on the right so Laito could massage the injury. It was fixed momentarily and Natsu set herself up to rest against the couch with a bit of distance between her and Laito.
“You look tense now, don’t you?” Laito questioned. He moved closer to her and made his advance, placing his fingers on her arm and gently rubbing the muscles there. “It’s best for you to relax if you want your shoulder to heal properly.”
Natsu’s eyes began to flutter shut again. While she wanted to stop Laito’s upcoming sexual advance, the way he was able to calm and relax her was too overpowering. She just wanted to melt again and fall asleep from the care her muscles were receiving. She could feel how close his face was to hers, it was evident that an onslaught of kissing would come sooner than later.
The slight brush of his lips against hers made Natsu pull away slightly. Sure, the kisses were pleasant, but she didn’t want anything to escalate. She wasn’t in a mood for romance.
Laito chuckled as she pulled away and he slid his hand up onto her left shoulder to lightly squeeze it. “Even if you’re so calm and relaxed, you resist me? How naughty.” He smirked and used his strength to push Natsu down onto the cushions of the sofa before trapping her there with his body on top of hers.
Natsu’s face began to heat up and she started to squirm to get out of the position she was in. “L… Laito!” Whenever he had advanced on her in a more “public” area, she was fast to get nervous.
“Ah, your face has turned red. You’re excited about your punishment, aren’t you, Little Bitch?” Laito asked her as he neared her face again and eyed her expression closely.
Natsu turned her face so it was away from Laito’s before replying to his statement. “No, I’m not… It’s the fact one of your brothers can easily walk by and see.”
“But isn’t that exciting? To be caught?” Laito left a kiss on the edge of Natsu’s jaw before trailing down her neck to mess with her more. “You’d want them to join in too, wouldn’t you, Little Bitch?”
“No! I didn’t mean it like…” A small moan slipped her lips as Laito sucked on a sensitive spot on her neck. “Laito, not here!”
He ignored her plea to move. The expressions Natsu gave were entertaining and reason enough not to stop.
“Hmm… Even if you want to be caught, punishment will still happen here.” Laito moved his hand over her body, taking every moment to enjoy Natsu flinching and struggling against his hand. From the first few days of her arriving and being his, Laito was fast to find many sensitive and ticklish areas all over Natsu’s body.
Natsu finally started using her own arms to put up a fight against Laito. She pressed her hands to his chest and focused on keeping him from lowering back down to her face by locking her elbows. But with only one properly functioning arm, it was an inevitable defeat coming at any moment. 
Her right arm was first to collapse and became trapped by Laito rather interestingly. While her hand was pinned, it was next to her shoulder, and Laito’s thumb gently brushed the swollen flesh around where the arm connected into its socket. It was enough to make Natsu’s facial expressions fade and it going blank in anticipation.
The soft kneading resumed from earlier, making Natsu’s edge slowly fade. Feeling how her sore muscles were being rubbed and the painful knots being pushed out was calming, and Laito was using it to his full advantage.
As her defenses lowered, Laito was able to easily remove Natsu’s left hand from his chest and lower his head to hers. A small chuckle went past his lips as he eyed how the girl’s eyes had closed on their own. Laito knew how to work her right into his hands already. Knowing how her body worked gave him full advantage over her.
Instead of going in to kiss her deep on the lips, Laito moved his head to Natsu’s exposed neck, this time thankfully easier due to the ponytail she had decided to put her hair in today. His lips brushed over the bony front, which resulted in a small hum from Natsu, before they moved to her right side and laid in the crook of her neck.
All was calm for Natsu. Feeling the massage, the light touching from Laito’s ghost kisses, and one long kiss now lingering on her skin.
This type of stimulation made her want to sleep then and there.
But alas, it was over, all too soon, as sharp pain resonated in the same area Laito had kissed her.
A strain of distorted cries came from Natsu as she kept her lips sealed. Tears welled up and leaked out of the outer corners of her eyes. Even if the initial pain was gone, the burning sensation still continued as she could hear and feel Laito draining her of her own life force. She wouldn’t dare move either, knowing how much more painful that would be based on the still-young scars on her inner thighs from just a week before.
Natsu did what she could to try and block out the pain, but it was difficult as Laito’s gulps were loud in her ear.
With enough courage, Natsu spoke up, doing her best to keep a strong voice. “Laito… I am willing to let you do what you want, but not here. Could we please take this to one of our bedrooms?” 
After a few moments of Laito continuing to down his prey’s blood, he detached himself and replied to Natsu. “Ah, are you sure? This is quite exciting here, is it not, Little Bitch?”
Thinking carefully, Natsu countered back using Laito’s own ideals. “I can’t relax here if we get caught. I can’t relax with even the thought of being caught. I will continuously be tense. You said yourself I need to relax…”
Would this work?
Laito’s eyes narrowed, not liking how Natsu twisted his own words against him. His look alone was enough to make Natsu cower a bit, despite her not seeing him at his worst just yet.
Just a moment later his usual mischievous smirk reappeared. One hand moved to grab under Natsu’s chin and pull her up as Laito started to move to sit upright. He ignored the cries that came from Natsu and her complaints of the bruised muscles getting yanked from his control over her. He moved his head to be next to her and whispered huskily into her ear,
“We shall move to help suit you, but know your punishment will be an even greater pleasure for me now…”
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3. Storytime
Word Count: 953
Warnings/Triggers: Slight NSFW, tickling
Quick Summary: Laito interrupts Natsu reading for his own fun.
Natsu sat on the couch with her legs sprawled out as she flipped through pages of the book she read. She was relaxed and excited, finding each new bit of information to the story just another grab at her attention. With the high fantasy tight in her grip and eyes not leaving the pages for any sound or disturbance. The book had surely captured her.
Although the intense battle she was reading between the knight and dragon came to a fast pause as the book was yanked out of her hands and up above her head. “Hey!”
Natsu reached up for it and took a glimpse at the hand that was holding the thick novel. She followed it to its owner and saw Laito looking down at her with an amused smirk.
“Were you enjoying yourself, Little Bitch?” Laito asked in his playful tone.
Natsu put herself back down and crossed her arms with a huff. Her shoulder was still sore, but it was overall healed. “I was… But now I won’t know the outcome of the conflict!” Her eyes locked with his, her glare being consumed by the ones filled with amusement.
A chuckle came from Laito as he set the book on the coffee table and proceeded to get onto the couch with Natsu. He grabbed her calves and proceeded to pull her towards him. Natsu yelled in protest and tried to get her legs out of his hold but to no avail.
Laito leaned in close to her face once Natsu was pulled against his own body as much as possible, only to have her turn her head away in irritation. A chuckle came past his lips as he looked at the angered girl. “My my, are you attached to that book more than you are to me? I feel insulted,” he started to purr with his last statement and reached out to grab Natsu’s face and turn it.
She was fast to slap his hand away. “I was reading! You shouldn’t interrupt someone how you did!” Her smart statement made Laito pause for a moment before his expression went to a blank one.
Oh, how was that a mistake…
All Natsu realized was that she had her back on the seat cushions of the couch at that moment. It wasn’t until a few seconds later that she registered the cold hand around her throat and the weight of the man on top of her body. The once anger was now shock, and now it turned into fear as Natsu had lost whatever control she had in the situation.
Laito put pressure on her neck, making Natsu grab at his hand and gasp for breath. He was irritated at how resistant she was being, but Natsu’s stubborn ways still amused him. “I get to do what I want, don’t I, Little Bitch?” Instead of waiting to hear a yes from her, he continued on, “You will listen to me and not fight, won’t you?”
Natsu whimpered a little bit and muttered out a small “yes.” She was staying as still as possible. She didn’t know what to do at the moment to save herself, but even then, was she even thinking of how to get out of the situation?
“Now… I want to have some fun, and you reading prevents that from happening. That attitude you also gave me also is killing what enjoyment I am having. So, Little Bitch, be a good bitch and give attention to me right now.” Laito’s eyes kept trained right into Natsu’s panicked and choking face. 
Just as Natsu’s eyes were starting to roll back, Laito released his steel grip from her neck. Natsu’s gasps then took over in loud and uneven gulps. Although her attempts to regain breathing were cut short as Laito pressed his lips firmly against hers, hard enough where it would be difficult to even breathe through the nose. 
The dizzying effect from the lack of oxygen made Natsu not notice things as quickly, much like how her bra was unhooked. She only noticed the feeling when her breasts were groped roughly from under the cups that had held them. 
In the small moments where Natsu could gasp for air, a cry would come as Laito bit her lower lip over and over. Blood mixed between their mouths, Laito sucking as much as possible in his onslaught. During the struggle to gasp, her hands found their way to resting on his shoulders, just lightly resting instead of pushing against.
Laito soon detached completely from Natsu’s lips as he went down south to her stomach, its appearance being flat and slighly caved inward from gravity. He lowered his face to it and let the tip of his nose and lips lightly brush against it, getting the response of Natsu immediately stiffening from the slight tickling he had caused. 
A small chuckle came from Latio as he looked back up at Natsu’s face, seeing a twisted frown and tightly closed eyes. “You’re very ticklish, aren’t you, Little Bitch?”
Natsu tried to bite her lip, but stumbled as pain erupted from the pressure. “I… am. I’d prefer it if you didn’t tickle me.”
The smile never left Laito’s face as he spoke again. “Oh, but let me share with you my own story, Little Bitch…” He began to stalk his way back up to put his head level with hers, one hand moving to hold Natsu’s left side under her shirt and began to dance on her skin. Jolts and unpredictable movement immediately started from Natsu in response. His head dipped down, lips close to touching the shell of the brunette’s ear.
“I get to decide what we will do for fun tonight…”
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Laito, what’s Natsu like in the bedroom? 👀
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Laito: “Oh, Little Bitch is something quite fun. Especially in her expressions she makes. She also can be quite noisy, and a lot of unique little sounds escape her quite often. It’s fun trying new things and discovering a new noise she makes. She’s a squirmer too, so it’s sometimes annoying having to push her back into her back or having to control one of her legs. It’s sometimes fun, but when it inconveniences me, it isn’t fun.”
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Was tagged by @namine-somebodies-nobody to do Natsu! Like on my Kanato OC blog, I did try editing the eye color! :)
I’ve already tagged people on my Bara one, so I challenge anyone who’s viewing this to make one! 😁
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Made Natsu with this site!
I was tagged by @namine-somebodies-nobody on my Bara account and decided to do one here for Natsu too! ☺️
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snlangford · 6 years
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Happy Lunar New Year! Time for the pig now!
Did some fun art for this day of my DL OCs as piggies for the new year!
And how do you like the new watermark? :D
I’m a bit sleepy, care to give me some caffeine?
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My my~ Another Laito babysitter! Fufu~ Natsu, what does Laito when you're sick? Thank you!~
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Natsu: “Quite honest, he still pesters and annoys me. While it’s more to make me feel better, I don’t like how he holds me when I’m ill. I prefer sleeping by myself when sick. He makes it so much more uncomfortable not knowing how hot it gets when he adds to the heat of the fever I’m already dealing with!”
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Ophelia: “Hey Natsu! I was wondering what your -least- favorite part about living with the boys is?”
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Natsu: “To be quite honest, it’d have to be dealing with Ayato mostly. How can some be that full of themselves? It’s ridiculous and gives me a headache. If he appears and is being loud, I leave whatever room I was in.”
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8 and 43 ^^
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I shall be answering number 8! :D (these are from the first ask game done on this blog)
Natsu’s biggest flaw is definitely her ego. It’s because of her ego that she will act snotty, conservative, and also berate others if they happen to be in the same interests as her and not as skilled. She recognizes this sometimes, but it depends on the action that she recognizes it.
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43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self?
Natsu: “I do have something like that. My personality has many aspects to it, but I really only show partial areas of it to certain people based on what areas of my personality click with them. There was someone who always saw my true self but I stopped showing it all to her when I realized my aggressive side scared her. I’m not putting someone I care about in an uncomfortable situation like that.”
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Do you like macarons? Does Laito share them with you?
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Natsu: "Yeah, I like them! I especially like the fruity ones, but not bananas. Bananas are gross to me. And yeah, he does! Surprisingly, he is willing to share his snacks. Sure, he's greedy and wants more of them since they're his favorite, but he's nice enough to share them if I ask. Sometimes there's a compromise though, and that's that I have to give him a kiss or cuddle, which is fine by me if it means I get some macarons too."
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1. Awake (Natsu x Laito)
Word Count:  1646
Natsu winced again as the car hit a small bump. Her head still hurt so much and any shock made it feel even worse. If only she had known what had happened to her. The last thing she remembered before waking up was getting into the backseat of her friend’s father’s car.
“How did that car even hit me?” she asked herself as she rubbed the wound lightly. It was still scabbed over and large, despite staying in the hospital for a month regaining use of her limbs again.
But even those injuries weren’t fully healed either. Natsu’s neck was still very sore and hard to move. Her arm still rested in a sling as it still couldn’t fully extend down. And dark blue and violet bruises covered her right collarbone.
She had no memories. Everything from the accident was black in her mind. From entering the car to waking up surrounded by glass, it’s all she knew about the situation.
The car came to a halt and Natsu made her way out to get her items. Even with one hand she was able to pull her luggage and slip the smaller bag onto her good shoulder. She proceeded to the front door and released the luggage to knock. The door opened as she rapped on it once.
“Weird…” Natsu felt the uneasiness grow in her but brushed it off as she entered the large home.
It was a lot warmer upon entering the home especially when the door closed behind her. Natsu looked at her surroundings in detail, taking in all the intricate parts of the home’s architecture. She started walking again, toward the stairs, as she continued to study the exquisite details the entrance alone held.
Natsu sat down on the stairs and admired all of what she saw. “This place is beautiful.”
“You shouldn’t give a home more attention than to Yours Truly,” said a voice from behind her.
Natsu turned her head in alarm. “Excuse me?” Her expression was firm as the redhead’s comment was very egotistical, something she couldn’t stand.
Ayato smirked and appeared before her, pushing her into the railings. A loud cry came from Natsu as pain radiated throughout her bruised muscles from Ayato’s harsh movements.
“See? You’ll be punished if you defy me.” Ayato smirked and leaned in close. He was stopped short as Natsu put one of her feet against his chest to hold him a ways away. He grabbed her leg and smirked as he went to yank it away. “Do you reall…”
“Ayato, stop it this instant,” Reiji commented.
The redhead’s advances stopped as her looked at his elder brother in irritation. “How about you stop butting in?”
Instead of answering Ayato, Reiji spoke to Natsu. “You’re the new one?”
“The new what?” Natsu asked. She let her leg relax back down as Ayato had now backed off. “I was just told this place would be a new home for me.”
“By whom?” Reiji questioned.
Natsu paused for a moment. “Some man… Sakamaki was his last name, I know that.”
Reiji sighed and muttered something to himself. It was then after that when he requested both Natsu and Ayato to follow him to a different room.
“What about my…” Natsu cut herself off as she saw a butler appear out of nowhere and pick up her two pieces of luggage. Now she didn’t have to ask about that.
They soon entered another room, this being a large and open living room. Just like the entryway, Natsu admired the beautiful art etched into the room. The moulding, furniture, carpet, and even the fireplace were observed as she looked around the big room.
“Hey, shouldn’t you sit down? You look like you’re so tired.”
The voice was right in Natsu’s ear and made her jump away from whoever had said it. She turned around to see a male with a fedora on. Unlike the other two she had met, he seemed more friendly with his stature. He walked up to her again and rested his hands on her shoulders.
“You should sit you know. It is easier not to be surrounded that way too,” he spoke.
“I can sit on my own,” Natsu said. She removed his hands and went to sit down on the couch and wedged herself into the corner spot.
Soon others arrived. One being a blond who Natsu found more tolerable. The next was a male just about her height who seemed a bit whiny, it was easy to see he had woken up from a nap. The final was a white haired boy who also seemed pretty calm to Natsu. Discussion began once everyone was settled.
But the amount of boys here made the place slightly intimidating. Natsu definitely felt outnumbered.
“Why did that person have to send another?” Subaru questioned in irritation.
“Maybe because Kanato lost it, again.” Ayato replied in irritation.
“Excuse me?” Kanato asked with a shrill. “Teddy and I were having a tea party with doll and you wrecked it!”
Natsu closed her eyes and attempted to block out the noise of the purple-haired boy as it made a small headache form. This discussion was becoming an argument.
She began scratching at a spot on her face that had began to itch. It was close to the wound she had, but she knew how to avoid the area. She was growing bored of this trivial discussion.
Kanato had cut himself off as he picked up on a sent. “What smells sweet?”
Laito, who was sitting next to Natsu, looked at her as he saw a little bit of dried and fresh blood under one of her nails. “It looks like the Little Bitch here is bleeding. I never expected such a delicious scent from you.”
The others looked at Natsu but few showed to have almost no interest in what had happened. It was mainly the triplets who now started to stalk the girl.
“What’s so important about blood? It was just an old acne spot ripped open on acci…” She cut herself off and tensed up as Kanato was now in her face and close to where the small bloody spot was.
“You smell very sweet. Do you taste sweet as well?”
“Do I…? The heck is wrong with you people?!” Natsu tried to hold her ground.
A small glow seemed to appear in Kanato’s eyes, making Natsu look away. Her eyes picked up Laito and then Ayato, those two also sporting eyes that seemed to shimmer as well. Natsu then looked to see the other boys, all their eyes acting the same way.
“Are you foolish enough to not notice we are vampires, Miss Mizutsurugi?” Reiji questioned.
“Now that you know, are you going to run and entertain Teddy and I before we have a treat?” Kanato asked as he leaned forward again.
Natsu backed herself deeper into the couch but didn’t show any outward fear, even if she felt nervous on the inside. “Vampire or not, you are annoying,” she said to Kanato.
Anger formed in his face right away as he stood upright. “How dare you…!” He went to throw a swing at her but hit the couch instead.
Natsu was sat in Laito’s lap, not realizing she had been moved until she was looking at where she had been at. While the vampire thing did shock her, she was more surprised at how fast she avoided death.
“Now, now, Kanato, we don’t want to hurt her do we?” Laito asked.
“You don’t damage Yours Truly’s property,” Ayato spoke.
Reiji fixed his glasses. “None of you get to decide who has her.” He looked at Natsu with a look of irritation. “If you could, pick one of us out of the six. That person will help you accommodate to your new lifestyle here.”
Natsu was taken aback by the comment and was about to speak before a fight between Kanato and Ayato started, Subaru joining in not much long after.
“See how they are fighting? Ridiculous isn’t it?” Laito spoke into Natsu’s ear. He was too close, so close that shivers ran down Natsu’s spine every time he whispered to her.
“All of them will just treat you like an object that feeds them. If you pick me, know you will be treated as the person you are and not as an object. I, Laito, will be your protector~” He left a peck on her ear and watched as Subaru only became more violent throughout the argument.
It took a moment for Natsu to gather her thoughts before speaking. “I’ve decided.”
The three who were arguing stopped and watched Natsu as they waited for her answer. Reiji too listened in as he was interested as well.
“I’d like it to be Laito.” She kept it short.
All of their expressions turned to ones of shock and then disappointment.
“You’re truly a fool…” Reiji muttered as he walked off.
“Another one fell for it? Tch…” Ayato stood up abruptly from his seat and walked off.
“Truly disappointing. Let’s go, Teddy.” Kanato himself recomposed himself and left.
Subaru and Shu didn’t say anything as they also left. Both seemed to hold no interest as Natsu observed.
Once the final brother had left the room, Laito immediately pulled Natsu as close as he could to himself. “It’s nice they gave us the room, isn’t it?”
“I guess,” Natsu spoke. “But the vampire thing… I have to be dreaming and still in the limo.”
Soft skin touched Natsu’s neck and made her flinch. While Laito’s lips were pressing a bit on her flesh, Natsu didn’t feel any pressure of it hurting her still sore neck. His lips trailed down to her left shoulder where it was bare.
“You’re plenty awake,” Laito responded.
And before she could respond to his statement, Laito took the plunge into her flesh.
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