modulolife · 7 years
\(sin^2(\theta) + cos^2(\theta) =1 \)
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modulolife · 8 years
Simple Inheritance example
This is one of the simplest inheritance example. I used super keyword to inherit Chocolate’s constructor and to display divideIt method (of each class). Keep reading for the code.
class Chocolate {    private String color;    private int size;    public Chocolate(String color, int size) {        this.color = color;        this.size = size;        System.out.println("Color and size of choco are: "+ color + ", " + size);    }    public void divideIt() {        System.out.println("Choco has been inherited.");    } } class Nutella extends Chocolate {    public Nutella(String color, int size) {        super(color, size);        System.out.println("Color and size of nuttie are: "+ color + ", " + size);    }    public void divideIt() {        System.out.println("Ferrero has appeared.");    }    public void trick() {        Nutella rocher = new Nutella("bitter", 16);        rocher.divideIt();        super.divideIt();    } } public class Examplor {    public static void main(String[] args) {        Chocolate yummy = new Chocolate("white", 32);        Nutella delicious = new Nutella("black", 240);        delicious.trick();    } }
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modulolife · 8 years
Simple example of Constructor usage - part II, with Strings
After a longer while spent on this lil code I have finally figured it out.
Code’s destination is to read two user’s inputs - String and int, then program introduces us a constructor with those values. Basically it’s the same code from the previous entry but modified with a String array as a method parameter. 
Actually, the biggest problem was to pass proper Strings into void speech. My mistake was following: I did an ugly, superfluous loop which changed wordlist[i] into speech.words. It was unnecessary, obviously - all I had to do was to write object.method(main-class_array_name) :) Here’s the code.
import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.String; class Classy {     public static int count = 0;     private int value;     private String name;     public String[] words = new String[3];     public Classy(int value, String name) {         this.value = value;         this.name = name;         count++;         System.out.print(value + ", " + name + ", " + count);     }      public void speech (String[] words) {         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();         sb.append(words[0]).append(words[1]).append(words[2]);         System.out.println(sb.toString());     } } public class Main {    public static void main (String[] args) {        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);        System.out.println("Enter value then name");        int inputValue = input.nextInt();        input.nextLine();        String inputName = input.nextLine();        Classy testosteron = new Classy(inputValue, inputName);        String[] wordlist = new String[3];        System.out.println("Enter 3 phrases now");        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {            wordlist[i] = input.nextLine();        }                testosteron.speech(wordlist);    } }
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modulolife · 8 years
Simple example of Constructor usage - part I
Here’s a quick example of a declared constructor with two private arguments, using this. . I added some kind of counter using static variable - it counts number of times a constructor has been used. Ignore code in the comment.
import java.util.Scanner; class Classy {     public static int count = 0;     private int value;     private String name;     //String[] words = new String[3];     public Classy(int value, String name) {         this.value = value;         this.name = name;         count++;         System.out.print(value + name + count);     }      /* public void speech (String[] words) {         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();         sb.append(words[0]).append(words[1]).append(words[2]);         System.out.println(sb.toString());     } */ } public class Main {    public static void main (String[] args) {        //Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);        Classy testie = new Classy(16, "Bob");        Classy testie2 = new Classy(18, "John");    } }
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modulolife · 8 years
Simple Calculator in Java
I made a really simple calculator in Java to ‘practice’ a bit. 
Following functions are contained in: addition (double), subtraction (double), multiplication (double), division (double), modulo division (int). Everything is in loop thanks to while(bufor==0). Code’s below.
import java.util.Scanner; class Calculator {   double number1;   double number2;   double getAddition() {       return number1+number2;   }   double getSubtraction() {       return number1-number2;   }   double getMulti() {       return number1*number2;   }   double getDivision() {       return number1/number2;   }   int getModulo() {       return ((int)number1)%((int)number2);   } }public class MainClass {   public static void main(String[] args) {       Calculator calculate = new Calculator();       Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);       int option;       int bufor=0;       while(bufor==0) {           System.out.println("Enter number1 then number2 and choose an option:");           System.out.println("1] Add 2] Subtract 3] Multiply 4] Divide 5] Modulo");           calculate.number1 = input.nextDouble();           input.nextLine();           calculate.number2 = input.nextDouble();           input.nextLine();           option = input.nextInt();           input.nextLine();           switch (option) {               case 1:                   System.out.println(calculate.getAddition());                   break;               case 2:                   System.out.println(calculate.getSubtraction());                   break;               case 3:                   System.out.println(calculate.getMulti());                   break;               case 4:                   System.out.println(calculate.getDivision());                   break;               case 5:                   System.out.println(calculate.getModulo());                   break;               default:                   System.out.println("error");                   break;           }           System.out.println("Repeat? 1 NO 0 YES");           bufor = input.nextInt();           input.nextLine();       }   } }
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modulolife · 8 years
Advanced Hello World in Java
A rudimentary example of Java syntax.
import java.util.Scanner; class Mankind {    String name;    int age;    String getName() {        return name;    }    int getAge() {        return age;    } } public class MainClass {    public static void main(String[] args) {        System.out.println("Hello human, it's a stupid program.");        Mankind man = new Mankind();        man.name = "Paul";        man.age = 19;        System.out.println("How many loops?");        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);        int loops = input.nextInt();        for (int i=0; i<loops; i++) {            System.out.println(man.getAge()+", "+man.getName());        }    } }
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modulolife · 8 years
First entry
Welcome to my blog, name is Paul.
I am here to save all things I can gather, mostly about mathematics and programming. Nevertheless, I will do my best to change those entries sometimes.
Feel free to ask me a question or suggest a problem.
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