mollyosberg-blog · 5 years
Molly Osberg’s Publication Has Shut Down
As you may know, Molly Osberg, the subject of our blog, was primarily a “journalist” for Splinter.
Splinter, as it turns out, no longer exists. And it will no longer be driving its Splinters under the fingernails of polite society.
Of course, Molly is still out there...
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mollyosberg-blog · 5 years
Molly Osberg vs. Love
Once upon a time, marrying your high school sweetheart might have been an American ideal.
To Molly Osberg, however, it is apparently nothing more than a stop along the way to the glorious endpoint of polyamory.
Her rather extensive attack on monogamy chronicles the story of a high school couple that married, only for the wife to grow bored rather quickly and recognize that monogamy was not “worth the monotony.”
So, rather than work on their relationship and attempt to create something together that was not only beautiful but durable enough to withstand the slings and arrows of life, the woman decided to sleep around.
No one is arguing that sex isn’t fun. But in the world promoted by Molly Osberg, fun is all there is - and without any sort of commitment whatsoever, all that constant screwing in new and exciting triplings and quadruplings and beyond is bound to get a little stale.
One is tempted to channel Peggy Lee: “Is That All There Is?”
In a sense, it is reminiscent of Huxley’s Brave New World. While traditional sexual strictures, for all their imperfection, necessitate a sort of individualism (i.e. a commitment to one specific person, at the exclusion of all others, based on the virtues of that person), polyamory inevitably ends with a great dissolution into sexual collectivism, in which all people become utterly interchangeable and it does not matter who you just finished fucking and who you will be fucking tomorrow.
The ironic thing, of course, is that proponents of polyamory, such as Molly Osberg, might describe it as an expression of individual freedom. But by decoupling sex from love, Molly Osberg and her ilk would have us all descend from humans into bunnies, creatures whose mating is utterly thoughtless and instinctual.
Sex is animalistic by necessity; only in the human animal can it be imbued with any degree of reason. To love a partner because they possess a desirable philosophical trait is a uniquely human achievement.
If Molly Osberg disagrees, she is invited to have sex with a men’s rights activist. The revulsion that she would no doubt feel regarding such a prospect is a sign that, to her, sex is more meaningful than her philosophy would have her acknowledge.
Monogamy is the natural extent of this acknowledgement of the value of sex. That is not to say that we must be perfect, or that good people cannot fail at monogamy. But it is a standard to which we should all aspire.
Likewise, the practice of abandoning your spouse at the first sign of conflict is a practice that should be eschewed. Would you abandon your child thusly? Love by its nature involves a willingness to forgive (up to a point), to grow, and to attempt to earnestly resolve conflicts with one’s partner.
Once upon a time, great artworks throughout the West extolled the beauty of Love, in all its majesty and mystery. Today, we are rapidly descending from “Juliet is the sun” into “Orgy Porgy, Ford and fun.” And when we get there, Molly Osberg will be partly to blame.
For another critique of Molly’s piece: https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/mairead-mcardle/2016/02/10/depraved-new-world-fusion-asks-whats-so-great-about
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mollyosberg-blog · 5 years
We’ll be writing more about Molly Osberg soon enough, don’t you worry.
In the meantime, check out this article on her support for Antifa violence:
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mollyosberg-blog · 5 years
Molly Osberg and the Weiner
Molly Osberg is a New York-based writer and journalist whose tactics leave much to be desired.
There is much that could be said against Molly Osberg and her particular brand of journalism. However, a good place to start involves her full-throated defense of Anthony Weiner.
For all five people who have forgotten, Anthony Weiner is the disgraced congressman from New York who was sentenced to nearly two years in prison and forced to register as a sex offender after sending explicit images to a minor in one of a series of embarrassing sexting scandals.
Molly Osberg’s contribution to the Weiner scandals was a piece entitled “In Defense of Anthony Weiner.” This piece, published on Splinter on August 29, 2016, after another round of Weiner scandals (and a short while before he was found to have sexted a minor), argued that “Amid all this hand-wringing, what’s left unexamined is why we’re so disgusted by sexting with complete strangers in the first place.”
Now, what was wrong with Weiner’s actions might seem like something of a no-brainer to anyone who values that quaint anachronism known as marital fidelity. But according to Molly, “the whole thing is about as homewrecking as porn.”
Considering that this behavior was so addictive to Weiner that he was unable to stop it even in the face of severe public and ultimately criminal consequences for his actions, we beg to differ.
However, this rather piddling defense of a sex-addicted congressman is more offensive in context. It must be understood within the totality of Molly Osberg’s body of work. Because it seems (surprise, surprise) that when the alleged sexual miscreant is of a different political persuasion, Molly Osberg is somewhat less forgiving.
This is Part 1 of a series in which we will expose the numerous deficiencies of Molly Osberg’s work. More posts to come...
The original article:
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