monikasafesize-blog · 7 years
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Fruits and vegetables allow on diet 
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monikasafesize-blog · 7 years
I did not believe ... it could not happen. But. Within 33 days I dropped 14 kg. I'm still fighting.
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monikasafesize-blog · 7 years
To improve...
I want share with you good news. I have my results cholesterol checking: data: 2/21/2017 vs data: 5/19/2017
33.6 33.6 [5 31]
21.6 23.3 [5 32]
204.6 103.3 [120 200]
52.6 45.9 (50 60)
126.58 38.00 [60 100)
310.9 115.5 [35 150)
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monikasafesize-blog · 7 years
(From the Wald-Tour in Golub) The first day: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet Salad: Chinese cabbage, 1/4 orange, lemon Salad: celery root, carrot, apple, apple cider vinegar - Cooked vegetables: carrot, dill green - 1/2 grapefruit Lunch: - Onion soup - Salad: green salad, tomato, onion Piglet: pumpkin, apple, blackcurrant, lemon - Cooked vegetables: cauliflower in herbs - Fruit: apple Diner: - Juice or other drink: apple - Salad: white radish, apple, raisins - Salad: broccoli, pickled cucumber, garlic - Cooked vegetables: fresh cabbage from fresh cabbage - Addition of raw vegetables: tomato Day two: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet Salad: white cabbage, carrot, apple, apple cider vinegar Brisket: apple, raisin, green parsley - Cooked vegetables: white radish, green parsley - Fruit: apple Lunch: - Vegetable soup Zucchini, apple, raisins - Salad: grated cauliflower, pickled cucumber, garlic - Cooked vegetables: red beet stuffed - Fruit: watermelon Diner: - Juice or other drink: tomato juice Salad: black turnip, apple, carrot, green parsley Salad: red cabbage, 1/4 orange, lemon - Cooked vegetables: roasted apple stuffed with raspberry - Addition of raw vegetables: pickled cucumber Day third: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: squash, apple, raisins Salad: tomato, green salad, celery, chives - Boiled vegetables: Broccoli cooked in herbs - Fruit: 1/2 grapefruit Lunch: - Soup: Pickled (vegetable acidified with pickled cucumber) - Salad: parsley root, apple, carrot, lemon - Salad: paprika, radish, onion, pickled cucumber - Cooked vegetables: cabbage stuffed with vegetables with tomato puree - Fruit: apple Diner: - Juice or other drink: apple juice - Salad: leek, strawberry, apple - Salad: red beets, sauerkraut - Cooked vegetables: cooked vegetables - Addition of raw vegetables: peppers Fourth day: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: sauerkraut, carrot, apple, chives - Salad: broccoli grated, apple, berries, lemon - Cooked vegetables: onion, green parsley - Fruit: apple Lunch: - Tomato soup - Salad: celery root, red onion, radish, chives - Salad: white radish, apple, dill green - Cooked vegetables: vegetable skewers - Fruit: Strawberries Diner: - Juice or other drink: vegetable juice acidified with lemon - Salad: squash, apple, strawberries Salad: white cabbage, carrot, onion, apple - Cooked vegetables: fruit mousse with mixed fruit - Addition of raw vegetables: pickled cucumber Day five: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet Salad: Chinese cabbage, 1/4 orange, lemon - Salad: cabbage, carrot, apple, apple cider vinegar - Cooked vegetables: carrot, dill green - Fruit: 1/2 grapefruit Lunch: - Onion soup - Salad: green salad, tomato, onion Piglet: pumpkin, apple, blackcurrant, lemon - Cooked vegetables: cauliflower cooked in herbs - Fruit: watermelon Diner : - Juice or other drink: apple juice - Salad: black turnip, apple, raisins, - Salad: red cabbage, apple, strawberry, lemon - Cooked vegetables: parsley puree with apple, dill - Addition of raw vegetables: kohlrabi Day six: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: zucchini, blackcurrant, apple - Salad: fresh cucumber, red pepper - Cooked vegetables: celery root with dill - Fruit: apple Lunch: - Cucumber soup - Salad: red beets, onions, pickled cucumber - Salad: white radish, apple, berries - Cooked vegetables: Pigeon doves - Fruit: melon Diner : - Juice or other drink: tomato juice - Vegetable salad: lemongrass, lemon, 1/4 tangerine - Salad: broccoli grated, radish, garlic, pickled cucumber - Cooked vegetables: baked apple stuffed with raspberry or strawberry - Addition of raw vegetables: tomato Day seven: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet Pumpkin, apple, raisins, lemon juice Carrot, apple, chives, dill - Cooked vegetables: sauerkraut, green parsley - Fruit: 1/2 grapefruit Lunch: - Cauliflower soup - Salad: green pepper, radish, onion Salad: red cabbage, apple, blackcurrant, lemon - Cooked vegetables: Squash stuffed with vegetables - Fruit: apple Diner : - Juice or other drink: sauerkraut juice - Salad: black turnip, strawberry, apple - Salad: table celery, apple, lemon juice - Cooked vegetables: stew zucchini with apple, lemon - Addition of raw vegetables: pickled cucumber Day eight: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: squash, apple, raisins - Salad: pickled cucumbers, onions - Cooked vegetables: parsley root - Fruit: apple Lunch: - Soup: out of season - Salad: green salad, tomato, chives - Vegetable salad: Chinese cabbage, apple, berries - Cooked vegetables: broccoli - Fruit: Strawberries Diner : - Juice or other drink: lactic acid acidified vegetable juice (Avit) - Salad: red beetroot, apple, raisins - Salad: white cabbage, carrot, chives - Cooked vegetables: apple mousse - Addition of raw vegetables: pickled cucumber Day nine: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: swede, apple, lemon - Salad: grated broccoli, pickled cucumber, garlic - Cooked vegetables: pumpkin with cherries - Fruit: 1/2 grapefruit Lunch: - Soup: carrot - Salad: peppers, radish, pickled cucumber - Salad: red cabbage, watermelon, lemon juice - Cooked vegetables: Vegetables - Fruit: melon Diner: - Juice or other drink: apple juice - Salad: white radish, apple, strawberry - Salad: squash, apple, berries - Cooked vegetables: pumpkin puree - Addition of raw vegetables: kohlrabi Tenth day: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: fresh cabbage, apple, onion - Salad: carrot, apple, dill - Cooked vegetables: cf. - Fruit: apple Lunch: - Dill soup - Salad: tomato, red onion, pickled cucumber - Salad: pumpkin, raisins, lemon - Cooked vegetables: Squash stuffed with vegetables - Fruit: watermelon Diner : - Juice or other drink: Multivitamins - Salad: black turnip, apple, green parsley - Salad: celery root, apple, black berries - Cooked vegetables: baked apple - Addition of raw vegetables: radishes Day eleven: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: Chinese cabbage, 1/4 tangerine - Salad: carrot, apple, chives - Cooked vegetables: celery root, dill green - Fruit: 1/2 grapefruit Lunch: - Onion soup - Salad: fruit salad (apple, grapefruit, kiwi) - Salad: small cucumbers, dill - Cooked vegetables: cauliflower cooked in herbs - Fruit: apple Diner: - Juice or other drink: tomato juice - Salad: red beets, onions, pickled cucumber Brisket: carrots, carrots, blackcurrants - Boiled Vegetables: Vegetable Stew with Pickled Cabbage - Addition of raw vegetables: pickled cucumber Day twelve: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: zucchini, apple, raspberry - Salad: white cabbage, carrot, lemon - Cooked vegetables: white radish, green parsley - Fruit: apple Lunch: - Brussels sprouts soup - Salad: green salad, peppers, onions - Salad: red cabbage, 1/4 oranges - Cooked vegetables: vegetable skewers - Fruit: fruit mix Diner: - Juice or other drink: grapefruit juice - Salad: sauerkraut, red beets - Salad: celery, apple, strawberries - Fruit: a few strawberries - Addition of raw vegetables: peppers Thirteenth day: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: Chinese cabbage, apple, carrot - Salad: cauliflower tart, pickled cucumber, garlic - Cooked vegetables: durian, dill - Fruit: 1/2 grapefruit Lunch: - Soup: cabbage soup with sweet cabbage Pumpkin, pumpkin, apple, raisins Vegetables: tomatoes, radish, chives - Cooked vegetables: carrot puree - Fruit: Strawberries Diner : - Juice or other drink: sauerkraut juice Brisket, carrots, melon - Salad: black turnip, apple, lemon - Cooked vegetables: Stewed cabbage - Addition of raw vegetables: tomato Day fourteen: Breakfast: - Carrot juice - Sourdough Beet - Salad: white cabbage, apple, onion, parsley - Salad: celery root, carrot, lemon juice - Cooked vegetables: carrots, dill - Fruit: apple Lunch: - Celery soup Pepper: peppers, onions, radish, chives - Salad: cabbage, apple, dill - Cooked vegetables: broccoli - Fruit: watermelon Diner : - Juice or other drink: tomato juice - Salad: white radish, apple, raspberries - Salad: red beetroot, apple - Cooked vegetables: sweet cabbage stew - Addition of raw vegetables: pickled cucumber
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monikasafesize-blog · 7 years
- buy vegetables and seasonal fruits - possibly ecological - Wash vegetables well, prepare shortly before consumption We do not add sugar or oil, mayonnaise or cream to the salads - Salads, soups and cooked vegetables are served with fresh parsley, dill or chives and herbs (we use little salt!); We can add horseradish and garlic - chewing or boiling vegetables - briefly (do not overcook) - Vegetables may consist of one or more ingredients - with respect to parts of aboveground and underground plants - raw vegetables should be chewed well (it prevents bloating) - order of food: borscht, juices, water → raw fruits or vegetables → stewed, cooked fruits or vegetables - carrot juice: cut the ends of vegetables, wash and scrub the carrots (do not peel!), Squeeze in the juicer, drink about 1 glass / day - drink 2 liters of liquids a day: herbal and fruit tea, mineral water, juice diluted with water (about 1: 4). We avoid black tea and natural coffee (you can drink coffee with chicory) - Overweight or diabetic people should limit the intake of carrots (juice!) And beets. - we drink between meals (do not drink during and immediately after the meal, it is best to do one hour after eating and half an hour before it) - people with stomach ulcers who do not tolerate raw vegetables, begin treatment for about 3 days exclusively juice (3 cups of raw carrot juice per day, do not eat solid food, after 3 to 4 days diarrhea, Then go for carrots as for babies 1 ½ days, then vegetables cooked 1 ½ days, after which you can already eat pig iron) - People with allergies should exclude citrus, tomatoes and peppers People with food intolerance should make tests before going on a diet, for example, home-based Food Detective because intolerance to food can ruin the product! - In the case of hypoglycemia (sweats, anxiety, weakness, fast heart rate) it is advisable to drink water with 1-2 teaspoons of honey - the amount of vegetables consumed is generally free, given that at the start of the treatment there is a feeling of satiety; As long as your diet is upright, your body will inform you about your actual needs - In the case of high hunger, headache or malaise it is beneficial to make enema from the cooled, boiled water to add a small amount of lemon juice to it), which improves the well-being and tolerance of hunger. Keep in mind that eating large amounts of fruit can cause hunger and disrupt the cleansing process - after completing the treatment do not return to the old negative eating habits, but to introduce a healthy whole-wheat diet, while avoiding processed foods such as: sugar, white flour, margarine, preserves, - to maintain a positive effect periodically it is necessary to return to the vegetable and fruit diet eg one day a week and the entire treatment best repeated once a year EXAMPLES OF BASIC FREQUENCIES: In your home environment, you should create your own individual menu following the basic principles of the vegetable and fruit diet. We taste all fresh and dried herbs according to taste and sparingly with Himalayan, stone or herbal salt. NOTE: Ingredients listed in the sample table below, namely raisins, oranges, tangerines, strawberries, blueberries, blackcurrants are used in trace amounts for decorative and flavor purposes. BEETROOT: 1 kg of red beets, cut dark places (do not peel whole), cut into slices, pour over cold water, add 1 garlic bulb (separate and clean the cloves), add 2 slices of black bread and a pinch of sugar (pour in Place the dish in a warm place (about 20 ° C), stir in 4 minutes, drain and heat (do not bring to boil), then season to taste (salt, pepper, cumin, marjoram) . COOKED VEGETABLES: (Carrots, parsnips, beetroot, celery, pumpkin, parsley, sauerkraut, sweet cabbage, squash etc.): Wash, possibly peel, cook preferably on steam or in small amounts of water for half to hard, cut after boiling, sprinkle with green parsley or Dill VEGETABLE SOUP: Basic ingredients: celery root, leek, carrot, parsley, onion, herbal spices. You can cook onion soup, cucumber, tomato, cabbage soup, VEGETABLE LECZO: Pickled cucumbers, red peppers, green peppers, onions, pumpkin or zucchini, tomatoes. Components crush and simmer in a small amount of water until soft. Then season to taste - salt, ground pepper, pepper, add laurel leaf. BIGOS OF VEGETABLES: Onion, tomato concentrate, white cabbage, sauerkraut, apple, garlic. Vegetables are washed, crushed and chewed in a small amount of water. Cook sauerkraut separately and after cooking we combine it with other vegetables. The whole season is replaced with salt, pepper, marjoram, caraway and tomato paste. APPLE MUSE: Cut into quarters and put the apples in a small amount of water and then wipe through the sieve. Season with cinnamon, ground cinnamon. You can add small amounts of other fruits. BAKED APPLES: We wash and put in the preheated oven (about 160 ° C). We bake to softness.
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monikasafesize-blog · 7 years
VEGETABLE / FRUIT TEA / DR DI DROBROSKA / DANIEL DETAIL GENERAL INFORMATION: Vegetable and fruit diet is a 2-6 week treatment that purifies the body from all toxins and deposits (fat, cholesterol, degenerated tissues, etc.). The body released from unnecessary ballast, spontaneously restores balance (homeostasis) bringing about health. This is due to switching to endogenous (internal) nutrition. INDICATIONS: Specific instructions for vegetable and fruit treatment are: - overweight, - hypertension, - diabetes on oral medicines, - high cholesterol, - atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries or lower limbs, Thrombosis, Kidney stones, - gout, - skin allergies, Asthma, - recurrent infections, - rheumatoid arthritis, - chronic hepatitis, Osteoarthritis, Psoriasis, - paradontosis, - intestinal dysentery, - stomach ulcer, - fatty liver, Constipation, - irritable bowel syndrome, - heartburn WARNING! The contraindications for the vegetable and fruit diet are: - anxiety before diet (it prevents the process of healing the body) - diabetes mellitus (type I) - active tuberculosis, Hyperthyroidism, - adrenal insufficiency, - acute porphyria, - depression, - advanced heart failure, kidney, liver, - debilitating diseases (cancer), - pregnancy + lactation, - children before adolescence, - Transplant recipients receiving cyclosporine
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monikasafesize-blog · 7 years
About diet
Dr Dąbrowska's diet is a periodic fast-food healing and a healthy diet consistent with the principles of healthy eating. It assumes the consumption of mainly vegetables and fruits, hence the name of the diet: vegetable-fruit. Diet not only restores the proper functioning of the body, releasing it from toxins, but also supports natural regenerative and healing mechanisms and provides important vitamins, trace elements and enzymes important in the proper functioning of the organism. The whole cure is reduced to two stages: a fasting therapeutic task, to purify the body and prepare it to receive all the necessary nutrients, and afterwards, a diet that consume healthy, low-processed foods based on vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains.
 Diet Dąbrowska - diet rules
Prescribe the consumption of vegetables and fruits, preferably in the raw form, because then they retain all their qualities. Vegetables and fruit juices are also recommended, especially green vegetables and shoots (botwina, spinach, parsley, celery, nettle, broccoli) that contain high doses of chlorophyll. Consumed vegetables should contain a low starch content, and you should also choose low-sugar fruits: citrus (grapefruit, lemon), apples and berries. These products can be eaten raw, in the form of soups, salads or in stewed form. You can also modify the diet to be easier to digest, including cooking food, it will be more suitable for people with gastrointestinal complaints. Pure water, herbal teas and vegetable and fruit juices (freshly squeezed) are recommended. You should exclude sugar from the diet (sweet, sweetened drinks), do not eat coffee, tea or alcohol. It is forbidden to consume highly processed products that "clutter" the body. In addition, physical activity is indicated which will enhance the cleansing effect. Dr Ewa Dabrowska's diet is low calorie, which allows you to get rid of a few unwanted pounds.
Dąbrowska Diet - effects
First and foremost, Dr. Dabrowska's diet allows for the cleansing, detoxification of the body from unnecessary substances, which often turn out to be toxic to him, disturbing the correct functioning of all systems. In such a purified field, all (valuable) nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and other biosolids will be better absorbed and their action will be utilized to rebuild the physiological behavior of the body. Dr. Dabrowska's diet also aims to restore natural immune system barriers, stimulate regeneration and self-healing. It works rejuvenating and healing. It also has a prophylactic effect on many civilization diseases. It normalizes blood glucose levels and also stabilizes blood pressure. In addition, the LDL cholesterol level decreases. In addition to beneficial health effects, you can undoubtedly lose a few pounds, which further strengthens the healthy diet. The body strengthens by accepting all the necessary nutrients in a simple, unprocessed form.
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monikasafesize-blog · 7 years
33th day of new life
The worst in the world are always the first times. What do you say? How to start? This was not another blog of a desperate, fat woman. Since you already decide to see my life, I would like to introduce myself. I'm Monika and I'm currently living in Romania. Because working behind the desk somehow there was no chance to move. There was a junk food, some kind of sandiwch from downstairs shop and  Mirinda. Once upon a time when my work encouraged me to move I managed to lose 25 kg. I looked pretty good then, but then bad habits won. A year ago I came to the family for the Christmas. And so from the curiosity I stood on the weight. As I saw 112 kg and I almost cried. I was so sad that the massacre. How could I do that and then through the head went through every projection when I was too lazy to cook something healthy and I poured pizza or eat a whole bag of pasta with sauce. And then it crossed my mind how my fiancé must feel in this situation that is thinner than me. It was very painful. And as is usually the New Year's resolution - slim ... But as it happens with the provisions - starting tomorrow, Monday, after the weekend. So it's been 5 months. Always an excuse. My mother was on a vegetable and fruit diet and she was also persuading me. I've heard so many times from somebody close to me that I'm fat. It hurt but somehow I held on. Sickness came in April. One beautiful day I got up and could not practically move. My backbone said enough. I was in work half a day and I had to leave earlier. I went to the hospital. Sciatica , some drugs and over 2 days although I have felt more than a month. I told myself enough. It can not be. I forgot to add the coolest things - I have hypothyroidism and insulin resistance. So it was not easy. I pulled out this wonderful vegetable and fruit diet from my mother and started to thump group on fb to know more about it. I decided that without preparation I would not take it. I went to the Easter  to empty the refrigerator and throw out everything that might provoke me. Upon arrival with a colleague we went shopping. My fridge was full of vegetables. Halfway I decided to add another pool every other day.
Today is my 33 day diet of 42 and this is my story
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