monstermayi · 2 years
Imagine going out of your way to comment “yeah it’s just you” on a post I made 4 years ago about werewolf fucking.
Baby, sweetie pie, buttercup.
This space is not for you.
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monstermayi · 3 years
Royal Treatment
Pairing(s): Urizen (DMC5) x Fem!Reader
Content: NSFW, Rape, Tentacles, Light Dom/sub, Size Difference, Exophilia, Overstimulation
Wordcount: 2,741
Disclaimer!: The tags above are there for a reason because this fic contains content that may be triggering to some. By reading this fic you are knowingly consenting to exposing yourself to said content, and I am therefore not responsible for any triggering that may occur. So don’t @ me.
Beyond that, enjoy!
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You lost, that much was clear.
You lost brutally, painfully. Unbelievably. Your last memories were of Trish and Lady being wrapped in slithering tentacles to be dragged off who knows where, just as you were, and witnessing Dante lose. Dante. Losing. To that thing.
You’d bugged Dante enough before even entering the giant demon plant about why this demon was so important, as the mysterious V had put it, and he relented enough to tell you it had something to do with his long lost brother, Vergil. You’d never met the man himself, didn’t much care to, but the fact that the once thought dead twin brother of Dante was possibly involved... That complicated things; family always complicates things, but you trusted Dante enough to do what he must to end things before they got worse.
Until they did.
Even now, after who knows how long, your dreams had been filled with nothing but that final scene in the demonic throne room, seeing you all fail so horribly. Nero’s screams still filled your ears, the sound of Dante’s sword Rebellion shattering as Urizen sent him flying. The demon, Urizen. That was his name. Not what you had expected when you first saw him, and while you, Trish and Lady fought while waiting for Dante to catch up, it became clear he wasn’t some ordinary demon. You didn’t know what to make of him. All you knew was that he was impossibly strong, swatting the three of you away like flys without even rising from his seat.
Now, though, consciousness had begun to creep into your mind, making you aware of the aches and bruises you no doubt had, all the cuts and scrapes you’d sustained in your pitiful fight. Opening your eyes and shifting around, you could see you were still in the throne room, in a reclined position from... the throne itself? Wha..?
Then you noticed the large hand resting on your abdomen, so large it practically covered you like a blanket, and whipped your head up to blink stupidly at the upside down face of the demon king staring back down at you. Immediately you began to struggle, to which the demon only laughed, having little issue gripping you in place as you tried in vain to escape.
“It wakes, finally.” Urizen’s voice boomed from above you as he wrapped his fingers around you more and lifted you up to his face, turning you this way and that, as though appraising you. It occurred to you that you are completely naked, but with the way he had you gripped in his hand you could not do anything about it.
“Such... a pitiful piece of flesh. So easily subdued and played with. Yet you continue to fight, like a cornered rat.” The demon laughed again, tilting you in his palm and rubbing his large thumb up and down your side that he can reach, circles that are light enough you could say they tickled you if you were not trying to stop it. He seemed to enjoy caressing your sensitive breast and hip, ignoring your one free arm trying to pry his fingers off. “You are no doubt wondering why you still live. It is for the simple reason that I find you... amusing, such as you are. I will need a source of entertainment as I wait for my ascension, and every king needs a few toys to play with. You will be my pet, little human, a position most coveted.”
Tentacle-like vines started to slither from out of nowhere, wrapping around your limbs and removing you from his palm to hang you in front of him. No matter how you twisted your body you could not break free from their hold, hands now bound together above you while others circled your waist, wrapped around your thighs and forcefully parted them. The hand that held you was now freely exploring your body, lightly stroking and circling everywhere with its fingertips. Occasionally its claw would drag against you, not enough to draw blood but it did leave marks, which you were certain Urizen enjoyed since he watched with such intensity.
He enjoyed your bitten off mewls, watching you try to suppress your reactions. Your breasts, particularly your nipples, were sensitive and turning red from the constant attention, and he continued to rub and tease over them until you subconsciously began to rock your hips. Eventually a finger made its way between your legs, and began rubbing back and forth over your soaked slit. If you thought keeping quiet was hard now, this was damn near impossible. The pressure and friction were perfect, and the glide aided by your wetness made you want to scream every time he moved over your clit. That particular area was played with the most, gaining speed till you were on the verge of an orgasm, toes curling in an effort to keep it at bay. You were not about to cum from what this monster was doing to you, you absolutely would fucking not-!
“As amusing as your defiance has been, I grow tired of it. Let go of this pitiful fight and cum for me. Your king demands it.” Urizen growled. You stuttered out a fuck you and he chuckled, finger pressing harder against you until you gasped.
“I. Said. Cum.” He demanded, and this time you couldn’t help the scream that tore out of you as your orgasm finally released. Jerking in your bonds, all you could do was take the pleasure as he continued to rub you through your high, your clit pulsing through every wave of it. He didn’t stop, forcing you over the edge again with a laugh. Once he removed the finger you sagged, panting and shivering. You practically flinched when he started speaking again.
“Hmm, that was most entertaining. How easily you break at the slightest motions, mortal.” He moved slightly and the tentacles holding you moved forward, closer to his face. “Your smell is sweet. I wonder... just how sweet you really are.”
His tongue flicked out and lapped at your oversensitive pussy, licking up from bottom to top, heedless of your squeal. He growled again and continued, lazily licking over your slit like a treat. Occasionally he would lift his hand to play with your body again, tugging at your hair and pinching your breasts, careful not to rip or crush anything. You could feel another orgasm forming and moaned, too sensitive to take anymore but powerless to stop it. He seemed to sense this and licked with more enthusiasm, drinking in your screams as you released on his tongue, orgasming hard.
Urizen removed his tongue and grinned at you, or you assumed it was a grin. The root like tentacles that covered his face and body obscured most of his features, save for one glowing eye and his mouth, which was mostly just dagger sharp teeth. He maneuvered you to his thigh, larger than your torso, and made you to lay down on your stomach facing away from him. You knew there was no hiding from him, exposed as you were, but at this point there was very little you could do to stop him, your body exhausted and weak. All you could manage was to turn your head enough to watch him as he manhandled you into a position he liked. Gently, as though he actually cared that you were at your limit, he used the vines to lift your hips up and expose everything to him. He lifted a hand and began running his fingers over your swollen pussy, listening to your whimpers and weak pleas to stop, that it was too much. Those fingers trailed over your ass, down and back up your thighs, over your back.
“One more game, my pet. Then I will give you the rest you require.” His rumbling voice spoke, and you could feel it vibrate throughout his body and into yours.
Those tentacle vines that held your hips and thighs pulled you up higher, until only your chest was down and your ass was high in the air. You felt a probing around your entrance, and your eyes widened. Before your could protest or attempt to break free, the long shaft of something behind you thrust inside, easily sliding inside your dripping center and hitting against a spot that made you cry out. There was no preamble, the tentacle (and you were sure that’s what it was) quickly thrusting back and forth within you at a fast yet steady pace. Always it hit that spot, that toe curling, mind numbing spot, that made your mouth open in a silent scream as drool dripped down your chin. The tentacle would twist around every now and then as if to remind you it could, and your body would shake in pleasure at the sensation.
All the while Urizen was petting you, almost soothing rubs up and down your back and thighs, like he was absentmindedly petting a cat. Every now and then he would pause his petting to stretch apart your ass, watching the tentacle continuously fuck into you, then he would resume with a pleased hum.
Despite your exhausted state, and the soreness you could feel in your bones, an orgasm was brewing deep with in you. It was the kind of orgasm that started low in your center and grew in intensity, tingling in your clit, your entrance, the whole of you. That damn spot inside of you was the culprit, and you feared what would happen if he started playing with your over sensitive clit again. As if reading your thoughts, another smaller tentacle crept up your thigh, twisting its way up to hover over the top of your pussy. It stayed there a few moments, waiting until you were sure it wouldn’t move, then striking out.
The thin vine-like tentacle circled your throbbing clit and wrapped itself around it, like a snake coiling around its prey. Immediately pleasure, hot and aching, shot through you as it massaged up and down your clit, rubbing the sides and tip of it like you had never felt before. The orgasm that was building in you shot to the edge of releasing, and with a scream that tore your throat to shreds, it ripped through you. Agonizing waves of pleasure washed over you, over and over, fueled by the tentacles still fucking into you, still playing cruelly with your clit. You could distantly recognize the vibrations of Urizen chuckling under you, but they were quickly lost to the ocean of sensation you were in. Even as the orgasm finally abated, still he kept up the torturous movements of the tentacles. You were clawing at his thigh at this point, trying to get away, trying to do anything to stop the feeling, but you were much too weak. Even at your strongest, you doubted you could have stopped him.
Another orgasm built and released, built and released, built and released, with no stopping point. It had to have been hours that passed, though you had no way of knowing.
The thing around your clit was the worst of it. It tortured your poor clit, brushing over and around it again and again, until your teeth threatened to shatter from how hard you were gritting them. After a time it changed tactics, instead slipping over your clit in a way that tickled, like a feather dancing ever so lightly, but had you screaming every plea and promise you could think of just to make him stop. The orgasms that came from that alone, no words could describe.
You passed out some time after that, though every moment it took for that peace to finally arrive was agony. When you woke, you found yourself in a new area. Though you had no idea where you could have been now in relation to the throne room, it looked like a bedroom of some kind. There was a bed, or rather a nest, of vines that you laid in the center of, filled with what looked like scavenged pillows and blankets. Every now and then, you would catch a tentacle twitch within the folds of blankets, telling you that you weren’t really alone.
You expected your body to be sore considering the hell you went through after getting beat, but you weren’t. Even in your pussy you had expected some discomfort, but there was none. It appeared the demon had healed you somehow. You shuddered to think of having to go through that ordeal again, so quick and quietly as you could, you extracted yourself from the nest and tiptoed your way to search for an exit of some sort.
The room you were in was made of the same vines that made up the throne room, but it was windowless, and from what you discovered, doorless as well. The entire circle of the room was closed off, with light coming from somewhere above you, but even if you could climb the walls enough to reach it, the risk of falling would certainly kill you. Panic set in, realizing you were trapped until the demon king came to collect you.
And speak of the devil…
Purple tentacles, of which you had been unaware were approaching, snagged your legs. Unceremoniously you were knocked to the floor and dragged back to the nest, where more of the purple fleshy vines waited. They wrapped around your body and limbs, ensuring you were not going anywhere despite your protests. No sooner were you restrained did you hear the sound of something behind you opening up, the rumble shaking the room. You couldn’t see, but you knew it was him. The stomp of his footsteps and his breathing came closer as the same rumble occurred again. His large face appeared in your field of vision, upside down, mirroring how you first came to be in this predicament. You tried to look defiant, but the shaking in your still bare body was evident.
Slowly, the demon Urizen leaned down, his eyes flicking over your body, like he was checking something. Seemingly satisfied, he then nuzzled into your neck and shoulder, a grumbling emanating from his chest. Was… was he purring?! While the purring or whatever he was doing distracted you, the demon drug his fingers down your body, rubbing over your nipples and tickling at the sensitive skin near your stomach and groin. He slid them between your legs, which tightened in their bonds but were otherwise restrained. As he began licking at your neck lazily, the finger rubbed gently at your clit, making you clamp your jaw on a moan. The gentleness with which he was using on you surprised you the most, considering how ruthless he had been before. And with the healing you had received, your pussy was more than willing to cooperate, becoming slick and wanting in no time.
“Good pet, good.” He cooed, nudging against you, “Give me everything…”
He built you to an orgasm quickly, edging you once, twice, before leaning further and licking at your clit to finish you off, your hips bucking and twitching as you came.
“There… See? I can be merciful.” Urizen spoke, the deep grumble of his voice spooking you after the silence, “Still, I see that stubbornness. No matter. I will prove to you how pleasing it can be to submit.”
The demon stood, and walked around to the front of you, then kneeling onto the nest. He grabbed your legs and tugged you forward, till you were flush with his crotch. There was movement there you didn’t expect, and when you angled your head down to see, horror dawned on you.
The hardened vines that completely covered his groin began to shrink away, revealing a seam. That seam then began opening up, showcasing a large purpled cock that smacked onto your stomach. It was hard, and leaking from what you could see, and when you could not tear your eyes away Urizen seemed to preen. His abdomen flexed and the cock jumped, slapping again against your skin a second time. Despite yourself, you felt your entrance clench while your stomach flipped, fear and arousal spinning in your head.
“Don’t be afraid, little pet.” The demon king rubbed your stomach affectionately as he situated himself, taking hold of his monster of a cock and rubbing it teasingly against your hole.
“I take good care of my toys.”
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monstermayi · 4 years
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character i made on a whim. named him esme
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monstermayi · 4 years
A new collection has been posted to Gumroad! A second volume of beloved Hearthway Hollow stories. This collection includes ten beloved werewolves like Mrs. Locklear, Big Billy, Rohit, and Jasper. Every download receives a pdf and an epub for all reading on the go needs.
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monstermayi · 4 years
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Friend by Daniel Gryncewicz
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monstermayi · 4 years
Boring old werewolf instincts:
Sexual jealousy
Constant aggression
Rigid hierarchy
Must win sports
Homophobia And Sexism Is Normal™
Eat people
Cool new werewolf instincts:
There is no five second rule
Corvids are friends
Hang out as a pack
Gotta pee
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monstermayi · 4 years
My family has Covid.
My younger brother, his girlfriend, and my one-year-old niece all have Covid. My sister, who lives next door to them and is presenting symptoms. Her test is tomorrow morning, but she’s certain she has it, too.
My brother lost his job and his girlfriend, my niece’s mother, can’t work. My sister has been sent home and could be laid off if she tests positive. Any help at all would be appreciated. Please consider donating to my PayPal and I will forward the donations to them (they don’t trust online donation sites).
Thank you so much for your kindness. I know it’s crazy right now, and any little bit will help.
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monstermayi · 4 years
Need a little bit of help. I know were all struggling right now, but a lot of surprise bills have come up that I'm having trouble paying. Please consider a donation to my PayPal or commissioning Monster Match. Every little bit helps, and I'm grateful for every cent.
Thank you guys for your generosity and kindness to me. I couldn't keep writing I'd it wasn't for you.
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monstermayi · 4 years
Monster Match: Alder the Ghillie Dhu — M Fae x F Human, NSFW (light bondage)
Monster Match for @tmnt-bucklover​: Something I really enjoy is working with plants and animals. I have a lemon tree that I absolutely adore and I’m actually working on a flower journal which will have watercolor flowers and information on them. I like helping people whenever I can and I tend to spend more money on gifts for others than on things I want because it makes me happier giving than receiving. Personality-wise, I’ve been told that I’m a no-nonsense kind of person but I do my best to be kind and gentle because I don’t like getting angry. I’d like to think I’m pretty funny but the best I can get away with are dad jokes, lol
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You loved the sound of rain. 
The steady white noise, the green smell of petrichor and ozone that accompanied it, the cozy gloom that made you want to do nothing more than curl up in the corner with a book…
Walking in a downpour, however, you loved considerably less, particularly when said rain was coming straight down in a non-stop curtain. 
Peering through the windshield, you eyed the manor house, wincing at the rhythmic squeak of the wipers as the rain fell steadily, with no sign of letting up. You could wait it out, wait for a break in the clouds…but there was no break in the clouds overhead, only a solid wall of dark nimbostratus and besides, you were already going to be late as it was. It’s not like you’re not going to get soaked anyways…You knew without question that Alder would send you out to check on the wildflower patch, which he’d deemed yours months earlier, after you’d mentioned your journal project to the handsome, green-skinned fae. 
The thought of Alder squared your resolve. It’s water, it’s not going to hurt you. Every minute you sit here waffling is a minute you’re not inside with him. It was good motivation, even if you predicted he’d send you out into the rain once more. He was thrilled with your interest in the wild flowers, and his enthusiasm and support had given you fresh motivation for your project. Every time he told you to check on “your” flowers, you felt a fresh thrill of belonging.
…That he was charming and adorkable and extremely easy on the eyes only added fervor to the butterflies you felt each day you worked at the greenhouse.
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monstermayi · 4 years
Henry (Amphiptere Naga) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Female Human/Male Naga Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Naga, Amphiptere, Best Friends to Lovers, Demisexual, Graysexual, Sex Worker, Cam Model, Mutual Pining Words: 6104
A gift from @oddacle​ to her friend/roommate! A woman moves back to her home town after an online friend offers her both a job and a place to stay. She accidentally learns an interesting secret about him that she tries, and fails, to hide. Please reblog and leave feedback! Art by @oddacle​!
Fic Commission Guidelines (Commissions Open!)
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You stretched at your desk and sighed. “Well, Henry, I should get to bed,” You said. “I’ve got a lot of packing to do tomorrow.”
“Dude, I can’t wait to see you in person finally!” He said over the headset. “I’m so excited you’re coming to work in the store.”
“Me too!” You said. “It’ll be nice to see you in person! And I can’t thank you enough for giving me a job and a place to stay. Working at the grocery store was crushing my soul.”
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monstermayi · 4 years
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monstermayi · 4 years
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monstermayi · 4 years
The Three Bears: Part One
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This isn’t your mother’s Three Bears story. I am fully prepared for all the jokes in the comments.
Female Reader x Male Monsters
Ever since I was little, animals have always hated me. I’m not sure if it’s something I do, or a smell I give off, but animals can’t stand me. Particularly wild animals, it seems. Dogs tolerate me, cats are fine, hamsters ignore me - but if there are birds or racoons around, they just don’t like me.
Growing up, I lived in a pretty rural area, so wild animals were normal. I can count on both hands the number of times I had squirrels chase me. There was also that one time an opossum got into my room somehow, and would hiss at me from the top of my wardrobe. It’s part of why I went to a college in the city - fewer animals around. I ended up staying there as I grew up, moving deeper and deeper until there was no nature around me whatsoever.
I started seeing a guy who didn’t quite believe my tales of harrowing animal attacks. He would bring stuffed animals over to my place and hide them, so I would scream when I found them. He took me on a surprise date once that ended up being to the zoo, and while I tried to go along with it, I panicked when a gorilla charged towards me and banged on the plexiglass wall. I ran screaming then, which only fueled my boyfriend’s taunting.
It wasn’t too bad, though. If you can’t laugh at yourself then you’re just an asshole. I went along with his jokes, hoping that if I acted like they didn’t bother me, he would give up and move on to making fun of my love for cheesy romance novels. But no, the animal thing seemed to be the one thing he clung to.
Our anniversary is coming up, and he says he wants to plan a trip for us. I’m hesitant at first, considering the last time I let him surprise me with a date, I almost got eaten by King Kong. He seems so excited, though, like he has something really remarkable up his sleeve, so I relent and let him plan the whole trip. When the time comes, he packs my suitcase to keep everything a surprise. I have no idea if where we are going is hot or cold.
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monstermayi · 4 years
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I wanted to work on a little bit of pixel art, because I haven’t touched the stuff in awhile.
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monstermayi · 4 years
Drider Boyfriend: Primakos
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At long last there is a new drider story! For those who don’t know, drider’s are like centaurs, but with spiders. So if you don’t like spiders this may not be the monster for you. Or maybe, it is.
Female Reader x Male Monster
For the last few weeks, you and your small team have been on the hunt for a supposedly new species of spider living in a remote part of Appalachia. You’ve been staying in an old hunting cabin that’s more haunted than for hunting.
Reports of the spider came from a rather strange viral video, which shows the spider jumping from a rock before scurrying off into the shadows. It happens so fast and everything is blurry, but from the images captured on the film, you are able to determine that the spider is like nothing you’ve seen before. It seems quite large, but there was an argument between your peers on the size of it and where it stands relative to the camera. Its exoskeleton is black, with white hatch marks criss-crossing its abdomen and legs. It was the legs though, that caught your attention. They’re surprisingly long, looking almost bow-legged in the way they bend.
So far the trip has turned up nothing, but you are adamant that you will find something soon. You have a limited time, though, so something needs to happen soon. You have cameras everywhere, but so far you’ve not seen any evidence. You’ve captured good footage of other things - some courtship and feeding behaviors of other arthropods - but none of your spider.
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monstermayi · 4 years
Thinkin I might turn this blog into more of a fandom writing place as well. What do y’all think? You wanna see something more than just a good ol werewolf gettin sum fuq?
Not sure which fandoms but I’m feelin Castlevania, Devil May Cry, the Arcana... things like that. Whatever I’m hyper focusing on atm.
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monstermayi · 4 years
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@monster-bait orc Ainsley having a good time with elf Ris, from Girl’s Weekend. You can read more about Ris and Ainsley HERE and HERE
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