moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Victoria: Hello, Sun! Are you... Are those earrings? With big gold suns?
Sun, squealing: Yep! I get them from papa! And look! They are...
Victoria: Wow, they are shining!
Sun: Yyyyeeeeeeesssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Tango absolutely loved when someone was petting his ears. He could lay for hours, purring like crazy, when another cat or person was scratching, tickling, kissing or stroking them. It was better than a catnip!
Now. After he was thrown out of home because he was deaf, he hated his ears. He had a feeling they let him down, disappointed. His second mother, Mraucia, taught him to love them again, to love himself again. Only after that he could look at them without hate. And in between he learned that petting them can be really nice.
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Rum Tum Tugger: You're great! So brave! So fast! You... Wow! You just scared those dogs like it was nothing! They almost get me and you...! Oh, fuck you were...! I have no words!
Munkustrap, flustered to no end by so much attention and praise: It... was nothing, really, just...
Rum Tum Tugger: Just the most brave and selfless action you could do! That was amazing! How can I repay you?
Munkustrap: You don't have to! It was... Everyone would do that! It's nothing!
Rum Tum Tugger: OK, so I think of myself! Be ready, it will be epic! Ta, ta!
Bombalurina, snickering: Now you have a problem! His repays are epic.
Munkustrap, hiding face in paws: I know!!!!! I panicked and I couldn't think of anything, OK?
Bombalurina, with a knowing smile: Let me guess, you wanted to ask for a kiss?
Munkustrap, his fur up from fluster: Y...yes...
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Cream, sitting on a tree with the rest of them: Can you explain to me, why those dogs are chasing you?
FinFun, shrugging: I needed a little dog fur! That's all! I was polite, and I asked them, if I can take some.
Adonis, with eyeroll: Let me guess, they said no, so you tried to take it without permission?
FinFun, happy and proud: Not tried, but took. See!
Sky, pouting: Great! And why did you have to run on us? You wanted not to be alone here?
FinFun: Oh, look, TuśTuś is coming! I'm sure he has a solution to that "dog problem"!
Adonis: Yes, he wanted us here, so he won't be bored alone.
TuśTuś throw home made fireworks at the dogs and hide. Bombs make a lot of noise and stink terribly, so dogs run away as fast as they can.
TuśTuś: What happened? Are you alright?
Cream, pointing at FinFun: This idiot made something stupid and risky, angered those dogs and ran at our picnic, so they started chasing us too. And what are you doing here? How did you know?
TuśTuś: Oh? I talked with Silenia, and she said her son is doing something stupid, and I should take some anti-dog bombs, and come to that tree.
FinFun: I love my mom!
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Mistoffelees, teleporting himself from place to place: Munku, you need to run faster!
Munkustrap, jumping and running with ease and smile: You think?
Mistoffelees: Yep. Maybe dogs can't catch you, but I'll be first at home!
Munkustrap: Over my dead body! And you know that!
Mistoffelees: Yeah, yeah, I know! But I still can make fun of you, and that one time you fall from a trash pile, right on your face!
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Munkustrap, lying under a big pile of plushie dice: Should I be angry or happy?
Rum Tum Tugger: Erm... I hoped happy, but you should be ON them, not UNDER.
Munkustrap: Cool. So help me and I'll be happy.
Rum Tum Tugger, helping him: And why are you asking me, what you should feel?
Munkustrap: Because with you it's hard to tell. You sometimes want good, but something just goes wrong. And sometimes you just want to irritate me. So I'm asking.
Rum Tum Tugger, with hope: And you'll always believe me if I tell you to be happy?
Munkustrap, with sour face: No. I'm not that naive.
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
AlmonDisco: Do your fathers play dice often?
Shyny: Dice not often, but we like it. And other games! We do that a lot! We play every two, three days!
AlmonDisco: And they invited me because?
Shyny: Because you're my boyfriend, which means you are part of family, and gaming is a family thing. Hi, pops!
AlmonDisco: Hello! Um... Nice to see you?
Munkustrap: Oh, hi! Come in and feel at home!
Macavity, snarking: As usual. Nothing has changed since last time.
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Skimbleshanks: Hi, loves! I'm back!
Munkustrap, hugging him: Hi love! It's good to have you back!
Macavity, lying on a couch, not moving: Hi!
Munkustrap: Mac, move, Skimble, to the bathroom, clean your paws. Dinner is almost ready.
Skimbleshanks: Wait a moment. I have gifts for you. Munku, a postcard you wanted. Mac, set of dice.
Macavity, sitting up: Really? You remembered! Thanks.
Munkustrap: Maybe this time you win with Misto?
Macavity, grumbling: Fuck off, I had bad luck.
Skimbleshanks, snickering: And from when it's about luck? You are cheating exactly like him!
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Munkustrap: Oh, what's that?
Rum Tum Tugger, catching a case and hiding it behind him: Nothing! Nothing wrong, it's... it's a Misto's!
Munkustrap, looking suspiciously at Tugger: Really?
Rum Tum Tugger: Absolutely And I'm going to Misto, give it back, because he left it here by mistake. Ta, ta!
Mistoffelees, in his den: I told you! I told you a million times, hide it where he doesn't look! Your luck he isn't like you and he asks before opening!
Rum Tum Tugger: I know! I'm sorry, I just... I wanted to look at it from time to time and he was home early...
Mistoffelees: OK, give it to me for now. When you prepare your engagement I give it back to you, alright!
Rum Tum Tugger: Yes! Keep it safe, please! Thanks!
Mistoffelees, shaking his head, opens a drawer, and puts a case next to the second one, quite similar, with an engagement gift from Munku to Tugger. Munku said it's safe at Misto, because Tugger loves taking and opening things without asking, and he always finds some surprise gifts before time. So, Mistoffelees' den is a much safer place to keep it hidden.
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Mistoffelees: So, Jerrie, open that case!
Mungojerrie: Will it explode?
Mistoffelees: What? No!
Mungojerrie: Will it drench me with water?
Mistoffelees: Of course not!
Mungojerrie: Will it cover me in a glitter?
Mistoffelees: It was a one time accident!
Mungojerrie: Will it...
Mistoffelees: Are you planning to list all my fuck ups?
Munkustrap, with a smile: You are lucky he's doing that chronological, and not from the most spectacular!
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Little Haze: What's that? Papa?
Munkustrap: It's a case, darling. Hoomans keep things in them.
Little Shyny: Like what?
Macavity: Like nothing good.
Munkustrap: Don't be like that, love. They are curious, and it's not like there is anything in it.
Little Shyny: Can we open it? I want to check!
Munkustrap: Of course you can.
Little Haze, he is curious too but doesn't want to show it: I'll go with you, so you'll be safe.
Macavity: Smart kit.
Munkustrap rolls his eyes and with Shyny and Haze they open an empty, safe for some stinky mucus, case.
Little Shyny and Little Haze: Bleh! It stinks!
Munkustrap: Yes, it stinks. It happens sometimes. Some things in the junkyard are nice outside but inside, well, you find only more trash. And sometimes it's another way: something isn't very beautiful but inside you can find really useful things.
Macavity: Opposite to hoomans. They are as ugly outside as inside. And are dangerous too. The more distance between you and them the better.
Munkustrap, not amused: ... It's not a moral of that story and you know it, love.
Macavity, smiling: Of course not! But I love your face when I'm your prince Grumpy.
(In this AU Mac hates people, because they treated him badly, when Munku was living with his family for some time, but he had to leave, not on his own will, so he doesn't have problems with hoomans.)
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Munkustrap: OK, why are we here? It's the highest pile in a whole junkyard!
Rum Tum Tugger, hugging Munku: We can watch a view...
Munkustrap: And from when you are a fan of that kind of fun?
Rum Tum Tugger, suddenly lying on Munku: From when you are my view!
Munkustrap: Tugger! Are you kidding me? You want... here?
Rum Tum Tugger: Yep. Why not? No one knows we're here. No one will look for us here! So, most importantly, no one will disturb us!
Munkustrap: ... You... really thought about that... You know what? Fuck it, you're right! Last time even our den wasn't safe!
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Rum Tum Tugger: I'll be first on top!
Macavity: I'll be first! You have no chance!
Munkustrap: I'll be down, to patch you when you fall...
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Rum Tum Tugger: So, my mischievous fiends, who first to the top of that big pile of junk! GO!!!
Little Cysiek, on a Tugger's back: Faster dad, faster! For an adventure! We're winning!
Little TuśTuś, on Munku's back: Weeeeeeeee! Papa, you are fast! We are catching up with them!
Little Cysiek: We won! We are first! Jupiiiiiii!!!!!
Munkustrap, with TuśTuś in his arms, kissing Tugger's cheek: Congratulations, my love! You were amazing!
Rum Tum Tugger, with Cysiek on his shoulders: It's all because of my little audience! He was so eager to fight, it gave me more strength!
Munkustrap, coming down with all of them: So, again?
Rum Tum Tugger: Why not? Tiny fiends?
Little Cysiek and Little TuśTuś: Yes! We want to race again!
Rum Tum Tugger, smiling mischievously: With us on your backs?
Little Cysiek: No dad! We can't take you! You are too big!!! And heavy!!!
Little TuśTuś, with big, pleading eyes: Please, dad? Like now, on you?
Rum Tum Tugger, after scooping both of them in his arms and blowing in their bellies, making puffing sounds, when kittens squealing in delight: Did you hear that! He said we are fat!
Munkustrap, with fake hurt in voice, trying not to smile and fall miserable: I heard! And I'm deeply wounded!
Little Cysiek: Not true!
Little TuśTuś: He said you are heavy! It's not the same!
Rum Tum Tugger, giving back TuśTuś to Munku: Alright, alright... Be ready!
Munkustrap, kissing Tugger: Good luck, my love!
Rum Tum Tugger: Thank you. But don't think I'll be easy on you for that kiss.
Munkustrap, flirtatiously: Oh, I would never...
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moonyskyallthetime · 3 months
Run Tum Tugger: Why are you carrying that all by yourself?
Munkustrap, looking meaningful at Tugger: Because no one wants to help me.
Rum Tum Tugger, don't get a message: It's a shame, really! No one? Hey, can anyone help him?
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moonyskyallthetime · 4 months
Haze: So, did anyone know, what happened?
AlmonDisco: And where we are?
Shyny: Give me a moment and I'll know everything. (And he disappeared in the shadows)
Mistoffelees: I... Somehow my magic didn't work as it should and... It's my fault! I'm sorry!
Munkustrap: Misto, calm down, please! It's not your fault.
Rum Tum Tugger: He's right... It's not your fault. It's... Mine.
Munkustrap: What? How! You didn't do anything wrong!
Rum Tum Tugger: I... I thought it was Mac who was supposed to bring us on place and... When he asked for a focus from the place we wanted to go, I just took the first thing from a junkyard...
Macavity, furious, caught by Munku in a last moment: YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Munkustrap: Mac, stop it right now! It's not time!
Oranglow, trying to lift morale and calm down them: At last we are safe for now and Shyny will be back in a moment with more info.
HoneyTrap, to Tugger: Dad?!?! How could you?
Rum Tum Tugger: What? I thought... OK, I wanted to disturb his magic. I thought it would be fun! I wanted to see his face.
Mistoffelees: Oh, cupcake... Don't do that ever again! It is so dangerous!
Shyny, appearing: We are in a chest on some big ship... the ocean, probably.
Mistoffelees: Not bad. Mac, do you think you can teleport us home, with my not so big help, I'm drained, I'm sorry...
Macavity, snarling: Of course I can! But I need something from the junkyard.
Haze: Thank Cat, I'm like a vampire and I always have something from home with me...
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moonyskyallthetime · 4 months
Mungojerrie: Yay! We are pirates!
Rum Tum Tugger: The real one! We found a treasure!
Skimbleshanks, chuckling: Yes, loves, you did.
Mungojerrie: Where did you get that map?
Munkustrap: Oh... I... found it in an old shop and a... parrot said, it was a treasure map!
Rum Tum Tugger: So, how do we open that chest?
Munkustrap: It was with a map! Here, darlings!
Macavity, to Munku, when Tugger and Jerrie start opening the chest and taking out treasures: Hm, a "parrot"?
Munkustrap, rolling his eyes: What? I should tell them we made that treasure, burrowed it two weeks ago and I drew that map?
Skimbleshanks, smiling: No, no! I just think that parrot was a really nice touch.
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