goodolddumbbanana · 28 days
[Molten/Sun] Honeytrap duo. [Bad End Au] [1]
Summary: [Bad End Au] What would happen if the Creator not only captured Molten, but also captured Sun? It was easy to reprogram Molten, and his unruly eldest son was no less compliant after a while when they were left alone with their own heads. Sun's personality chip has also been damaged quite a bit, but Creator doesn't complain, if that makes Sun more obedient and insistent on listening to Creator like the good son he should be.
This is a relatively distant future, where Dark Sun betrayed Nexus and threw Nexus to Sun as a kind of test to see if Nexus' presence would ruin the Creator's plans or not. (---- Spoiler: It does.)
It would be a lie to say Nexus didn't expect to be stabbed in the back like that.
He's not stupid. Nexus knows that Dark Sun has been playing him like a cricket from the beginning, and the fact that they have a fairly stable alliance to this day is because they both have something they both want from the other.
He just doesn't care, especially when he has so many shiny toys to play with. But it seemed that at the end of the day, Nexus himself went too far, and this 'Sun' couldn't stand him anymore and kicked him out. Nexus chuckled in pain, trying to control the negative star energy that was leaking out of him uncontrollably like a broken water valve, falling to the ground full of gravel and sand.
“I told you, right? Don't let things go too far, don't let anything trace back here. Don't mess with the astral bodies yet. But you didn't listen to me. Again and again.” Dark Sun pondered, staring at him blandly like he was some kind of investment that even though he knew it would fail, he still tried to invest money in it out of curiosity, only to leave a huge capital hole that couldn’t pay it off?
“Like every other Moon, you have to try to let your ego get in the way—”
“I'm not Moon. I am Nexus!” Nexus gritted out every word. The gloomy light in the laboratory became dim, proving that time in this dimension built with Dark Matters was about to run out. Darkness fell on Dark Sun's shoulder, a soft sigh filled the quiet cramped space.
Dark Sun's head tilted to one side, he asked calmly.
“So Nexus, what do you plan to do now? With the way astral bodies seem to be about to discover this place and aim to deal with you?”
“We move. And find another empty dimension. It's that simple.” Nexus waved his hand, he turned away and continued to look at the pile of Wither shards flickering in the glass cage, ignoring the presence of Dark Sun. The lonely white color in each tile somehow still makes Nexus feel dirty and grumpy, and a feeling of excitement still runs along each wire of Nexus like a beast wanting to escape and find someone to let it burn out.
“I think you're missing the point here, Nexus.” Dark Sun stated it slowly, as if trying to explain to a toddler. “Those astral bodies, it's not something that's easy for you to engage with and just ignore them like nothing happened. Even I can't say I can protect you if you keep pulling something like that.”
“Then don't.”
"I'm sorry?" Dark Sun adjusted his glasses, a simple red light flashed as if he was truly curious about what Nexus was saying.
“I said, then don't. I said it from the beginning, right? I don't care.‌ They want to come, so let them come. I can destroy all those worms easily if I want. They are no match for me.” He smirked, he was so tired of not doing this, not being able to do that. It was no different from being at home, no different from being controlled and manipulated once again like a freaking puppet.
"Don’t you dare to speak with me like that! I am God now!! Don't you dare underestimate me! Or do you also want to try a little of this kind of power?” Nexus's red eyes flashed with challenge, his hand forming a dark purple-black sphere, thick with death. The wavelengths emitted from the sphere stir up everything around, gradually scattering fine dust particles like a disintegration phenomenon. Papers flew everywhere, even the broken crystals vibrated, resonating with the power of the Nexus.
“I'm just a little worried about you.” Dark Sun said apprehensively, with a tone that completely made Nexus laugh.
"Worry?! Hah!!? Don't make me laugh! I'm here because you need me to research those Wither shards! Don't think I don't know that you went behind my back and colluded with Moon and Solar to try to bring me down.”
Nexus said the two people's names with pure venom. The former disgusted him so much that he wanted to keep them alive to make their life worse than death. The latter gave him a familiar haunting feeling of almost burning guilt, there was also bitterness and jealousy hatred running down his spine when he saw the other immediately clinging to any Moon that offered him comfort. trust.
The threat was clear in the air. Nexus could confidently say that he was the stronger of the two, that now it was Nexus who would be in control. And if Dark Sun wanted to end this meaningless alliance, he would be willing to do so, right now, right here, without any regret.
In the destruction and chaos created in the name of Nexus, Dark Sun still stays blandly. Rather than that, they look like they have been accepted.
“Forgive my words, Nexus.” The purple color in Nexus's hand was retracted by Dark Sun's almost compliant bow. “It's just, you forgot one thing…”
“And what is that?” Nexus raised an eyebrow. He was quite curious to see what Dark Sun had up his sleeve, as this 'Sun' never revealed any valuable information from himself.
“You are not irreplaceable.”
And suddenly, he couldn't move. Nexus didn't know what the hell Dark Sun had done, but even the negative stellar energy he was trying to tap into right now was completely empty and unusable.
“So you're going to kill me now?” Nexus smiled fiercely, his red eyes staring at Dark Sun, as if wanting to pin that image into his mind, so that if he survived, he would find some horrific way to imprint it on that face. To remind it no one, absolutely no one allows messing around with Nexus.
"No." Dark Sun's hand touched the back of his head, "Killing you really dirty my hands, and I don't think you're valuable enough for me to do it myself."
There was a very faint clicking sound like something was being inserted.
“Hah… So what do you do then?‌ Are you going to throw me back with Moon and Sun and Solar and Lunar so those pathetic worms can kill me themselves? Let me guess, what you put inside me is something that makes me comply, right? Be a good boy for them to dissect like a sheep? You are more pathetic than I thought.” Nexus chuckled, his red eyes flashing with madness. He inevitably couldn't move, because otherwise, that golden head full of rays would be torn off one by one by him like the petals of a chrysanthemum.
‘His other one’ is very sensitive to pain. It made Nexus curious, if he broke that arm, would it make Dark Sun scream?
“I thought so too. Hand you over to Moon, let them deal with you, maybe try to save you. Destroy you. Or hand you over to the Astral Bodies, so you can suffer the punishment you deserve for your stubbornness.” Dark Sun hummed. “But… then, there is someone who wants that honor more. And who am I to refuse a request from a friend?”
“What do you mean?”‌ Nexus narrowed his eyes. Dark Sun has no friends. They were the ones who always claimed they didn't care about anything beyond the eternal vacation of their own vague plans, and suddenly wanted Nexus to believe that there was something or someone for Dark Sun to care about?
“Yeah, yeah… You might not believe what I said.” Dark Sun took his time, another latching sound rang out after the wires were put back in place. Dark Sun's slow patience, if it weren't for the negative stellar energy that had burned out his sensory system, Nexus was sure he would be going crazy from pain right now. “But it's true, and believe me, you'll soon know who it is. Don't want to spoil the surprise, am I right?
“You should wish I was dead, 'Sun'.” Nexus growls quietly. “Because I'll be glad to split your chest in half when I get back.” The purple vortex appeared before him, just waiting for him to enter, flashing in his eyes like some kind of destiny.
“Haha— Your way of talking always makes me laugh, Nexus. Good threat though. Anyway, tah-tah, Nexus.” Pain shot through Nexus's circuit board, causing him to let out a long scream. Darkness erupted in front of him, blurring his vision to a purple-red hue. It felt like he had lost gravity, as he fell forever in the air. And suddenly, everything disappeared—
“I didn't think this would be what 'Dark Sun' was referring to when he said he was going to send me a surprise.” The slightly high-pitched, familiar yet unfamiliar voice, which Nexus had tried to bury in his subconscious, suddenly echoed in his ears.
The blurry light in front of him was a confused Nexus.‌ His system was filled with interference bands, as if trying to restart the software. The equilateral triangles in his system crowed that something was very wrong and demanded to be fixed, something that unfortunately he didn't care much about except for the annoying thing that it prevented him from knowing where the hell he was? The strong antiseptic smell hit the tip of Nexus's nose. A golden light of saffron appeared in his vision, making him want to almost unsure of who that person was.
“Are you friends with Dark Sun?” That was the first thing Nexus said. The only thing Nexus wants to know. He was so tired of the ridiculous empty taunts like how Eclipse wore it to protect themselves, or the fake politeness of the despicable creature called Ruin. What's the point of caring for others when the naked truth is always to prove the best.
“What? Not at all…” The voice laughed nervously. They didn't show any anger or fear or utter disappointment like the last time they faced him, the voice used to be so tired and empty, a fact that Nexus tried to ignore.
“I mean, I guess we have a few drinking parties sometimes. But does that mean we are friends?”‌ Sun – His Sun, the mean old Sun, the one who always looked at him with the shadow of someone else at their eyes' corner, right now looked so small in this bulky, grimacing laboratory. Sun reached out to tap their chin, looking like he was thinking something nonsense.
It was almost like looking at Dark Sun, with the way Sun held themselves and the so false leisure on their faces. Similar but different.
A strange, bitter feeling arose in Nexus's internal organs. The voice in my head that had been asleep for a long time suddenly woke up and screamed. His instincts continuously arose in his racing thoughts, making him unable to help but cringe.
There's something very wrong about Sun—
If Sun's eyes, the most obvious to recognize, which were originally a pure pearl color, one side had turned a toxic pinkish purple, a color too similar to the fragments of the Wither Storm. Then It was a small collar that hugged Sun's neck and wrists so tightly, with smooth black metal lines that almost looked like a dog collar, but also resembled shackles.
“Ah— How awkward…” Sun almost hissed, rambling pathetically. “I haven't prepared what I should say, if I see you again.”
“Or when I will see you again.” Sun added, stuttering. “I don't think Dark Sun really threw you away like a bag of trash like this. Haha… I'm just kidding… "
There was something in that voice that made the anger at Nexus' earlier betrayal suddenly flare up again. The crying voice in Nexus's head screamed, causing his entire body to erupt in pain. He hates this person, he loathes this person so much. The person who doesn't even have any merit, only knows how to cling on to others to do their bidding. 
'You've always been so good at making me feel miserable just by existing.'
Nexus glared at the saffron-colored animatronic, the ominously happy expression on the face of the man who was once his brother made his stomach churn a little. It almost made him want to rush and tear that person's faceplate in half as the overwhelming feeling of anger overwhelmed him.
As if changing without changing at all, they were again on both sides of the rig, with Nexus locked in a cage and Sun standing tall and noble outside.
“What is the meaning of this? Did you come here to gloat? Destroy me? Or have you come here to 'save' me again? Where is your dear brother who let you do this secretly?” 
Nexus sneered. The glasses he was wearing on his head had fallen off somewhere, making Nexus feel extremely naked. He did not know how Sun had a connection to Dark Sun, nor the absence of both Moon and Solar. Surely, they wouldn't let their poor Sunny face the evil Nexus, right?
Speaking of which, how long has it been since he saw Sun? Nexus has attacked Solar, almost killing Moon. He also made Lunar's power seem like child's play, and made Earth watch as he cut the damn crocodile in half. At first he just thought that this coward was hiding somewhere and couldn't bear to see him.
But it seems Nexus's perceived was wrong.
Sun from the beginning has always been here.
And like him, Sun also changed something.
Sun looked confused by his continuous attacks. His pink eyes(?) looked at Nexus vaguely before giggling.
“Oh God, no. Why should I do that?”
“I mean, isn't this who you chose to be? I mean you can choose a different name, but if you want to be a completely different person and create an individual identity for yourself, who am I to stop you?”
Sun's voice is still purely a happy tone. There was a mischievous light glinting in those lavender eyes, a vibrancy Nexus had only seen in the early episodes of both Sun and Moon.
“Even though it's true you stabbed me with your promise and the way you used to be.” Sun shrugged. “But it's okay. I'm just going to keep you for a while to cool you down.‌ Then I'll send you back to Moon and Solar. Those two are so worried. I mean, they were pretty scared you were going to do something terrible and wanted to kill you. And killing people is really not my cup of tea either.” Sun raised his finger and then lowered it in worry. “It's not my job anymore, but I guess I still have some responsibility since we were once brothers, hehe?”
Nexus froze.‌ What was Sun saying?
As if feeling Nexus's gaze, Sun blinked their eyes, their hands waving once more.
“Oh, don't look so shocked. It was you who insisted that I be who you despise.‌ And I know you would rather have Solar to be your brother more than me.”‌ Sun scratched his head in awkwardness.
Ignore what Sun was rambling, Nexus interrupted. 
“What do you mean you don't see Moon and Solar anymore?”
He had never understood the nonsense Sun had said when they were still together, and now it still is the same, especially when what Sun was spitting out now was completely opposite to the Sun he used to know.
“Ah yes… You don't know. Hehe–” Sun laughed nervously, “–well I haven't been with Moon and Solar and Lunar for a long time. I'm with my father now.”
“F–Father? What do you mean?"
This room suddenly became quite cold. Blue was painted on Sun's yellow plastic, turning the animatronic face into something creepy like the wailing ghosts in the horror games they used to play—
“Are you my Sun?!” Nexus narrowed his eyes, because his Sun would never upbeat like this. And there's no way they would be this nonchalant for someone who harmed their family.
“Oh yeah. That's me. But guess I don't care anymore, just like you, Nexus.” Sun said bluntly. The liveliness of Sun's mechanical movements suddenly stopped for a split second, before the dim pink light in that eye lit up once more. The two yellow animatronic hands suddenly clapped together, their shoulders puffed out in a ridiculous pose.
“But we're not talking about me now. What we should discuss is what we should do with you.”
"What? Are you going to kill me too for what I've done? Or do you torture me first.”‌ Nexus sneered. He didn't care too much about his own life or death, other than feeling curious about why the current Sunny boy could be so calm compared to someone who was so used to always frozen in tension like this. It feels like their personality chip has been taken away and reset, and what's left inside the machine is just an empty shell that learns to imitate others.
"Nah~~ It is an immoral thing to do, Nexus. I only do those things during my working time, not during my break time.”‌ Sun shook their heads seriously. “Besides, I promised to find you if you tried to escape, right?”
The words rang in his head. Nexus couldn't help but remember their last conversation in that cage. Suddenly, metallic yellow blocked his vision.
Sun's hands gently helped Nexus stand up and placed him on a soft bed. This inability to move was excruciating, and although he could feel that the movement of his joints had smoothed out somewhat over time, this slowness was intolerable.
“I don't know where to hide you. Creator won't like this…” Sun was mumbling. “-- But don't worry!” Sun's face almost shined, the bracelet replaced the red ribbon, hitting the rattling bell with lively sounds. “Surely among these rooms, there will be a room large enough to lock you up. And believe me when i say, it won't be like the last stuper.‌ I guarantee you it will be much nicer and wider. You can even let the light on.”
“And you'll be there, away from everyone for a while. At least before you cool your bald head enough for Moon and the rest of our family to trust you not to take any more risks.” Sun chuckled.
“And don't try to use Negative Star Power or try to escape. The device that Dark Sun installed in your head not only prevents that, but..." Sun sheepishly rubbed their head and spoke quickly. “–you will go boom.”
Nexus frowned. Blame it on his system not having finished loading since he got here, but the information Sun gave him was enough to give him a headache. What the hell, did this idiot just intend to bring him back and lock him up forever, as if he were a piece of trash, as if there was something wrong with him? No! He can't end like that! He didn't want it to end like this!!---
As if Sun read his thoughts or he spoke out loud, Sun stared at him, their voice sounded so calm and indifferent, a tone he was so familiar with in Dark Sun was now imprinted on his own Sun.
“Because You are dangerous, Nexus. What you do, what you have done and continue to do so. Because you would hurt my family without remorse, although, it would also be your family, if you weren't such a stubborn idiot.” Sun gently poked Nexus on the head, a very friendly gesture, too careful for one person that intently destroy Sun’s happy life—
“That's not my brother anymore…” Sun's pained voice echoed through the hallway, hitting Nexus's chest with painful blows. An urge made him want to call Sun back, scream that he was sorry, but the stubborn half, the half that he had given up everything for, said that it was better. It would be better if Sun hated him, it would be better if he had no one else to care about.
Because Nexus knew if there was one person who would never give up on him, it would be Sun.
And he hates that. He craves that. He prouds at it.
A mechanical clicking movement was heard from outside as Nexus flinched in surprise. Sun, sure he doesn't care much, but if what Sun said is true then it could be the Creator.‌ And God knows what that old brain would do to him if that bastard knew he was here.
Turns out, Nexus’s guess was wrong. Coming in from the outside, is a shaggy bear with endoskeleton wires stumbling anywhere. Its eyes lit up, a mixture of red-orange and green, staring at the Nexus’s inexistent soul.
"Oh? Is that Moon, Sun?”
“I am Nexus.” Nexus growled loudly. He was so sick of having to correct these mediocrities over and over again. If it weren't for the fact that he was neutralizing it right now, he would definitely blow that idiot's head up to match its monstrous appearance.
“What????? No way!!" Sun's voice almost reached an octave. “You looked wrong Molten, see, there's no one here!! It's just a new… cat I got!!” Sun quickly covered Nexus with a sheet, and even though he could only see very dimly, through the hole in the fabric, he could still see very clearly the way the idiot was puffing their shoulders in a very proud stupid way.
"OH. I got it. The cat is really big.” Molten nodded, surprisingly, he didn't even look at Nexus anymore, just focused on looking at Sun kindly, the wires bent like a cat's tail, hovering around Sun's body. The eyes, which were focused on Nexus a few seconds ago, turned completely to observe the saffron-colored animatronic, causing Nexus to suddenly erupt in an unreasonable anger from nowhere. Surprisingly, Sun seemed quite comfortable when his whole body was entangled in the iron disgusted spaghetti.
“So what are you looking for me for, Molten? I thought the only joy you had was standing in a corner doing nothing?” Sun grimaced, they still stood in front of Nexus, deliberately acting natural. Sometimes they even turned around to shush him down. It felt weirdly as if he was participating in some kind of damn comedy that Nexus had no script for.
“It's funny. It is really hilarious!!” Nexus laughed, his body constantly trying to move, causing the clocks inside to spin around. The heat is on. “You always criticize and show disappointment in me, oh Moon, oh Moon, why did you hurt our family like that but look at yourself?!!!” His hysterical laughter was too loud, too painful. He tried to look at Sun's face to see if there was any devastation but surprisingly, there was nothing.
“You followed someone who wanted to take your younger brother for a dissection!! What did he offer you??” Nexus grabbed the fabric and twisted Sun's hips, causing them to stumble and fall backwards. He tried with all his might to firmly pin his claws on Sun's shell, to tear that thing off, to show Sun that he should not be underestimated.
But Nexus is too weak. Or his system is still overloaded. He only had enough strength to scratch Sun's outer skin a little before he stopped moving completely.
Sun sat on the ground, groaning pitifully. But there wasn't a single ripple, even now.‌ Sun's lack of expression stunned him to the point where he couldn't speak.
“Are you okay, Sun?”
“It hurts so much. I think some of my screws are broken.” Sun frowned and stood up. They turned towards Nexus, took a deep breath as if to say something before turning away in exasperation.
“Hmm…‌Maybe that will make you less jumpy.” Molten shrugged, ignoring the childishly disapproving look from Sun. “But the Creator called you, Sun. We have a mission to do. Right now.” Molten's monotone voice rang out, causing Sun's body to stiffen. Their naturally cheerful and worried expression seemed to fade away, and for a moment, Sun blinked, their hands touching their head gently in what seemed like something was gangrene inside.
“Um… I guess we should hurry up and not keep father waiting. But-"
“Your cat is safe, Sun. There are no monitoring devices in this room, and it seems that your 'cat' itself emits some kind of energy that prevents any machine from sensing it."
All of Molten's eyes once again stared at Nexus, giving him goosebumps. A look that would have torn him in half if it weren't for Sun's presence blocking the way.
“Oh, you're so clever, Molten!” Sun admired. “Why do you know that?” Their hands swung up, shaking the metal coil that could break their bodies at any moment.
“I don't know.”‌ Molten shrugged again. “It's just there.”
“Someday you will need to give me a real logistic answer rather than I don’t know, Molten!”‌ Sun pouted. They turned to look at Nexus, the bell ringing in his ears.
“Hmm… Let me see… For now, please stay here, Nexus. I... have to go on an extremely important mission for my father! And I guess you need sometime to rest too.”
Sun removed the blanket covering Nexus and placed it on him despite his protests.
He hates Sun. He hated this feeling of helplessness, of being weak again. He ignored the fact that after everything that had happened, it was still Sun who was by his side in the end, it was still Sun who brought such a false sense of peace that level of frustration scared him to death.
Nexus' screams were still there, only fading when Sun closed the lab door. A gloomy moss covered both of them, as they moved across the metal floor in silence. The dark hallway had only the harsh sound of their footsteps hitting the floor, especially Sun, who was still whistling a cheerful tune, hauntingly gliding through the weeping willows as they crossed fast flowing water under the bridge.
Is it the Creator's interest to design the lab as a cheap version of Dr. Eggman video games? Sun doesn't know and doesn't care. It is just…
“Is there something you want to say, Molten?”
The bear didn't ask right away, or be curious about Nexus, which was strange. Especially when they most often are so loyal to the Creator first, and Sun second, simply because Sun is their partner in crime. Sure, they were very close friends, but Molten's loyalty lay with the Creator deep into programming.
It's not that Sun isn't like that, but the code installer in Sun's software is much more disengaged. Surely the terrible pain from not completing the task as well as the brain fog while resting were still there, along with the cruel urge that made him want to please his father. But the lack of a personality chip makes things quite easy for him to handle.
Sun chuckled, wondering if this is him having a more upgraded  version of Forgor than Earth's?
“I won't ask if you don't want to tell me, Sun.” Molten tilted their head, a rope wrapped around Sun's arm, tapping his shoulders gently. It caused a slight feeling of guilt mixed with warmth to spread in Sun's heart before it disappeared, like every other emotion Sun often felt before.
“Thank you Molten. Honestly, I feel a bit worried.” Sun started rambling. “I'm not sure if you would think me hiding the Nexus as a form of betrayal to our father? Because… well I still feel a little guilty about Nexus, you know? About how he became like this? Like, you understand what I mean right? You have to do what you promised, even though it's not your obligation anymore." Sun gently stared into nothingness, the pink color gradually fading back to a fresh yellow color. Molten somehow liked this yellow color better, even their internal programming constantly told them to report this to the Creator if they saw anything unusual in Sun, like this.
“Creator will get mad.” Molten mused. Their creator has never had a good attitude. Sun laughed nervously, rubbing his hand that had been cut off and replaced, a result of failing in a certain mission. Not having emotions doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain. Although, the excitement of not having any negativity in the way sometimes still makes Sun do something stupid, like intentionally disobeying the Creator.
“Yeah… But it's okay! I guess if I do something really good, father will agree to let me keep Nexus without doing anything to him!” Sun snapped his fingers like two guns, leveling them toward Molten's face.
“Even if it means bringing Lunar back here?” Molten asked quietly. They failed twice in this mission, but fortunately Sun made up for it by finding one more shard.
Although this was not enough for the Creator to not break all the pieces of Sun's body in the simulation for hours.
Sun was silent for a moment, then he smiled, his eyes shining lavender.
"Of course! Because that's an order. But..." Sun gently looked down at the dark water surface, flowing slowly under the bridge. “I believe Moon and Solar won't let me do that.”
“Do you still care about them?” Curiosity reflected in Molten's voice, it made Sun's eyes fall into ecstasy...
"I do not know. Obviously I can't feel anything..." His hands suddenly covered his face. There was a shaky sound coming from his voice box as if Sun was laughing and having a panic attack at the same time. “But for them, I still can't help but feel a little care. By some kind of pure instinct or such craps I still feel responsible for them. It was so painful and at the same time… it was nothing…”
“If it was the Creator's request, of course I would still do it without hesitation but…”
“To think in such a twisted way toward my family, I feel like I'm not worthy of them anymore, Molten…”
Sun's smile was too pale and weak, a bland indifference floated in Sun's tone, revealing the fact that from the beginning, all he showed was just a program that his AI copied from what he remembers how he used to act. About the fact that when The Thing finished his job, a part of Sun gradually disappeared. Of course he still tries to make his essence float, but some days, Sun's greatest satisfaction is just to follow the Creator's orders and let the family love he cherishes so much drift into the past.
There was a writhing pain that appeared in Sun's chest, as if it wanted to crush him and carry him away. Not feeling anything made him become so desperate. He doesn't want that, he wants to feel angry, he wants to feel this hatred like before. He wants the inherent anxiety that is a part of him not to be instantly extinguished, he wants his emotions to return to his own control. He wanted to become Sun again, no matter how much he hated his own pathetic nature self. He couldn't stand the false sense of ambiguity towards everything like a storm trying to take Sun away and break it in half—
He wants to care and wants to return to his own family, he doesn't want to be here-----
Sun pressed his face against Molten. The purple-pink light appeared again, making Sun blink.
“Oops… Thinking too much again…” Sun released his hands, his eyes still staring blankly at nothing, unable to let go. It made Molten feel uncomfortable, they didn't like seeing Sun like this, and for a moment, a very ancient image with a nervous but sincere laugh that belonged to the yellow animatronic flashed through the bear's foggy mind.
“You're fine, Sun. You are like my Bonbon. I don't want someone else to be my partner. Not if it is not you.” Molten pleaded, clinging to Sun like he was a lifeline. 
The two people's eyes stared at each other. Sun smiled hollowly, his eyes glowing sunny yellow before disappearing in mauve. Darkness covered the two of them like a monster's greedy mouth, two lonely creatures that only knew how to cling themselves to each other to survive now.
“You are so terrible to compare me to that bunny, Molten. I am much better than a Bonbon.”
Summary below.
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aurorawest · 8 months
2023 Reading Wrap-Up
Is it February of 2024? Yes! Am I still going to post my favorite books that I read in 2023? Also yes!
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Ginn Hale's Cadeleonian Series, the second half of which I read in 2023: Champion of the Scarlet Wolf, Book Two; Master of Restless Shadows, Book One; and Master of Restless Shadows, Book Two
This series begins with Lord of the White Hell and continues with Champion of the Scarlet Wolf, then concludes with Master of Restless Shadows. Each duology follows a different set of characters, but it's a true series so you need to read them in order. It's a toss-up for me whether I preferred Champion of the Scarlet Wolf or Master of Restless Shadows. Both are fantastic duologies. I particularly loved getting Atreau's story in Master because he's sort of an unlikable playboy-esque character in the preceding books...but wait! Turns out there's more to him after all.
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After Francesco by Brian Malloy
Who would think a book about living through the AIDS epidemic in NYC in the 80s would be as funny as this book is? It will also tear your heart out and stomp on it. Also takes place partly in Minneapolis (and is by a Minnesotan author).
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Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh
Folklorist meets the Green Man and they fall in love. This is the first half of a duology, the second being Drowned Country, which I just finished today so can't included it on my 2023 wrap-up. All the dark and violent whimsy of the mythic past and the most brutal versions of fairy tales, plus a lovely romance.
Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
Imagine the love child of Lost, Person of Interest, and Battlestar Galactica, but queer and with multiverse shenanigans thrown in (the author has cited Ender's Game as a huge influence). I don't want to say anything more than that, because I feel strongly that you need to go into this book knowing nothing. The twists and turns are so good, the main trio are wonderful, complicated characters, and the world is super cool.
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The Bedlam Stacks by Natasha Pulley
In some ways the most heartbreaking of Pulley's novels. Also probably her most dreamy and magical. It's my least favorite of her books, but my least favorite Natasha Pulley book still ended up on my best of 2023 reading list.
The Half Life of Valery K by Natasha Pulley
This book awakened in me a latent love of Soviet queers. You'll see this book filed under sci-fi by booksellers, but it isn't really—it's historical fiction about a very real nuclear disaster in the USSR that was covered up for decades. Like all of Pulley's books, the characters are deeply complicated and flawed. The pleasure is really in reading the way she tells a story and her beautiful use of language, so even if you're not interested in Soviet nuclear disasters, I absolutely recommend you read this. Also, you'll probably be interested in Soviet nuclear disasters when you're done.
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley
Haha, you thought The Watchmaker of Filigree Street punched you in the chest with feels? Get ready for the sequel, which will have you Curled Into A Sobbing Ball On The Floor™. Join Thaniel Steepleton, Keita Mori, and their adopted Waifish Victorian Orphan, Six, as they go to Japan, where things are weird, there are ghosts, and Thaniel and Mori still somehow don't understand what they mean to each other.
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley
"What if France won the Napoleonic Wars because of time travelers" shouldn't have shattered me the way this book did, but of course it's a Natasha Pulley novel so it absolutely did. Missouri Kite is the most Gay Little Man™. And Joe, poor Joe. The PINING. The YEARNING. When the reveal happens, I had to go back and read prior sections of the book and good god do they hit different. Different and SADDER. This book is my favorite of Natasha Pulley's novels.
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Tommy Cabot Was Here and Peter Cabot Gets Lost by Cat Sebastian
The first two books in Cat Sebastian's The Cabots series. The books are historical fiction that follow various queer men in the Cabot family. The Cabots are one of those old money, liberal New England families—think Kennedys. Both books are about Sad Gay Men™ finding love in soft, tiptoeing Cat Sebastian fashion. Peter Cabot is a road trip romance and a bit longer, so the characters have some time to breathe.
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Something Wild & Wonderful by Anita Kelly
This was probably a Stucky fic at one point, right? I mean. No shade though, truly! This was my favorite romcom that I read in 2023. It was also a comp for Strangers to Husbands, haha. I love the setting—hiking the Pacific Crest Trail—and I love the main characters, Alexei and Ben. Alexei came out to his family recently and got rejected, while Ben is from a big, accepting Portuguese family. Funny, touching, and an excellent love story.
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Cattle Stop by Kit Oliver
Looks like a romcom but will stab you in the heart repeatedly. Kit Oliver has a gorgeous way with words and captures the dynamic between two people who have no idea how to talk to each other so well. I'm also a sucker for farm settings.
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The Sugared Game and Subtle Blood by KJ Charles (The Will Darling Adventures)
I've read almost all of KJ Charles's books at this point, but the Will Darling Adventures are my favorites (I read the first book in the series in 2022). I love the combination of romance and action/adventure. I've never met a m/m book set in the interwar period that I haven't loved. Will and Kim are wonderful characters, and sometimes I think about what other adventures they had after book three ended.
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Honeytrap by Aster Glenn Gray
An FBI agent and a GRU agent get assigned to work a case together in 1959 and they fall in looooove. There's a road trip, a family dinner, and FEELS. I'm not sure I've ever had a time skip hit me in the gut so hard. Remember how I said I love Soviet queers? Here's another example.
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Wranglestone and Timberdark by Darren Charlton
What if the real dystopia isn't the zombie apocalypse, but "normal" life? I don't know if I've ever read a YA series that sucker-punched me as hard as this one. I know I've never read a zombie book that sucker-punched me as hard as this one. I don't think these books have even been published in the US (only in the UK), but if you can get your hands on them, they're worth it. Really beautifully written in a style that evokes the emptiness of the great national parks of the American west.
Honorable mentions:
The Charioteer by Mary Renault
The Scottish Boy by Alex de Campi
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske
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random moments i love out of random films
jessica sula and lucien laviscount
in honeytrap (2014) dir. rebecca johnson
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tawneybel · 1 year
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Imagine Alexei and Óli showing Paxton and Josh pics of them taking turns filling you with their fingers and lapping at your clit.
Alex smiled. At this rate, you two would be luring more to Elite Hunting than Natalya and Svetlana could honeytrap by themselves. Your plan to initially use seduction—plus exhibitionism, group sex, whatever—instead of just waiting till a sitting duck came to the hostel proper… Well, it was making you very popular with your superiors.
In more ways than one, the Slovakian thought as he remembered Sasha wondering aloud how tasty was your pussy, after being freshly filled by someone slated to die?
A bit morbid for your boyfriend’s taste. Alexei was more indifferent than sadistic. Sharing you almost felt virtuous. He could understand why naive men would be eager to meet more promiscuous ladies like yourself.
“Lots more girls like this-” began Alex.
“Why bother hooking up with separate girls when she’s down to share?”
“And make mementos.”
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greenelectricsky · 6 months
How do you start your day?
Honeytrap: Trying to figure if that day is worth waking up.
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ospreyarcher · 1 year
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to me! Today is my birthday, and as a birthday treat, I’ve been posting a three-part Honeytrap extra over on my Patreon, free and open to the public.
Cocktail Party, Part One
Cocktail Party, Part Two
Part Three to be posted tomorrow!
Also, Honeytrap is on sale at $2.99 till tomorrow! (Briarley and A Garter as a Lesser Gift are also part of my annual birthday sale.) Get it while it’s hot!
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honeytrap333 · 8 months
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@mastermindxoxo Dork and Dumptruck :) extremely kawaii I hope shadow freddy doesn't lure kids to william and shadow bonnie gives the children cake :3 also THEY ARE BOTH MALE :>
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sophia-sol · 1 year
Honeytrap, by Aster Glenn Gray
Aster Glenn Gray did it again! Wrote a really good queer historical romance that is thoroughly grounded in its historical setting with characters I love!
Honeytrap is that classic set up of a Soviet agent and an American agent during the cold war have to work together because of reasons and then fall in love, and it's one which I am primed to love because of my time spent in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. tv show fandom back in my younger days. The Soviet agent in Honeytrap even has a patronymic of Ilyich, which I immediately took to be a homage to MUNCLE's Ilya Kuryakin, and then felt extremely vindicated when MUNCLE was the first thing mentioned in the author's note at the back of the book.
However! This book is doing much more nuanced things than MUNCLE did, or indeed that MUNCLE fanfic did as far as I can recall.
It starts out in 1959 with Gennady and Daniel going on a road trip through America together in search of leads on the case they've been assigned to work together, and it all feels very familiar and classic, but then….it keeps going. The book goes up to the 1990's! And over that time it really explores the political and social realities of the times and places in question.
It's not actually a story about the Soviet agent making a home in the US like this kind of story often is, at least in English-language stories; both characters have understandable attachments to their homelands, understandable concerns and frustrations with the evils large and small that their countries perpetrate, ways in which they have been hurt by their country, etc. The reason why the road trip becomes such an idyllic part of their past isn't because it's about Experiencing The USA, but because they get to learn to know each other; and though the road trip must eventually end, their relationship isn't over.
The book is realistic about what it means to be queer in the changing eras as well. Both Gennady and Daniel are bisexual but have very different relationships with their bisexuality, and the other queer men who have come in and out of their lives have different journeys with their identities too.
I loved the moment where Daniel meets with a boy he'd kissed when he was young, who has grown up into a man who sponsors a group for gay students on campus in the 70's - and Daniel is horrified, because he's so worried about what he sees as the lifelong danger this man is encouraging these kids to subject themselves to, admitting to their gayness permanently on paper in the yearbook. But that man and his students are making their choices for very good reasons as well!
And over time both Gennady and Daniel have other relationships too, relationships that are deep and meaningful to them, and which fail for reasons entirely unconnected with each other. I love that we get enough of a sense of Alla that I truly care about her happiness too, even though we only get to know about her after her and Gennady's relationship is on the rocks; and I love seeing Elizabeth and Daniel's happy polyamorous lifestyle which eventually has to end because it turns out one of Daniel's relationship needs is to be someone's primary partner, though that's not exactly how he phrases it, and in the end Elizabeth can't quite give that to him.
The Daniel/Gennady relationship isn't the only possible love for either of them, isn't the only possible happy ending, and yet they do love each other and do end up getting a chance at a happy ending, and I just adore that.
Goddd so much of the book is about like, moment after moment of glorious stolen happiness between them with the sure knowledge that it will have to end. I finished the book with this sense of like. idk. Wistful yearning, and total satisfaction at the same time. It wasn't what i expected, at all! And it's so good.
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goodolddumbbanana · 17 days
Sun's wedding [1]
Warning: very cringe. Summary: Sun gets marry. And his husband is MIKU. I kinda low on motivation right now so i only finish the part 1.
It was a normal day like any other.
“...--and that's why Luigi won without doing anything, Moon.”
Seven hours… Seven fucking hours. Moon couldn't remember what the heck he did wrong by opening his mouth, but he must have done it in a moment of inattention, because right now, he has to suffer the consequences of listening to his brother's voice squawking for seven hours about the lore of Mario and Luigi.
Why did he need to know why Luigi's beard was smoother than Mario's? Or what Luigi's pet ghost dog liked to eat? Moon didn't understand and didn't want to.
At least it was one hour less than the day before. Moon silently consoled himself, before closing his eyes and lying tragically flat on the table.
He was dead. Tortured and brutally murdered by his own brother. He couldn't even think about the new science project he was going to do, something he had been thinking about for over 7 billion years but couldn’t do because there was so much crap going on here, all because Sun would shake him awake whenever he fell into a state of being in a trance.
"Oh don't be so dramatic, Moon! It wasn't that bad!!"
Sun waved his hand, his brother's shadow hanging over Moon's head. The yellow animatronic pendulum on his hand shook and swayed with the red ribbon in front of Moon's eyes, making him itch to raise his hand and smack the pendulum.
"You're being childish right now, Moon!"
He could feel Sun's irritation from The force, but he chose to ignore it. Moon turned his back to Sun, trying to make some pathetic whines to prove to Sun how his brother had ruined his spirit and his entire relaxing afternoon with Sun's crazy fan obsession speech about Luigi and Princess Peach.
“Come on, Moon, wake up. You can’t just lie on the table like that. What if someone, or the kids see you?”
“I don’t care, Sun!! 7 hours!!! You scream that crap on my face for 7 hours” Moon shouted, his face already covered, but he still peeked at Sun.
Sun’s face was stuck in pure confusion and annoyance, and their hands tried to pull him up but failed.
Their voices were as high as the sound of a boiling kettle, ringing an octave in Moon’s ears.
“Look, I’ll pick you up if you keep being so damn stubborn, Moon!!”
Moon could feel his will shake. Sun was definitely serious, and he had every inch of confidence in his body that Sun was capable of picking him up and throwing him wherever they wanted.
Being picked up by Sun was so humiliating, more than the time he turned into furry.
But whether he should trade his last dignity to fight against tyranny, that was the question.
(The door opens.)
“Oh, did I just interrupts you guys?”
A clear feminine voice snapped Moon’s train of thought like a fiddle stick. He craned his neck, Earth’s long, flowing hair swaying in the wind. His sister was wearing a pink outfit today, a rare thing for her to do while she was at work.
“Hey Earth.”
“Hello.” Moon’s voice cracked after Sun.
“So… What are you guys doing?” Earth’s curious question was answered by her irritated older brother.
“Well, you see. We’re getting ready to open the daycare, but someone refuses to leave this table for a moment!!!”
“I bought it, I have the right to lie on it. And it’s your fault for making me listen to your nonsense about your idol for 7 hours.”
“MOON!!” Moon’s lips curled up as Earth chuckled. Even Sun, who looked like she was about to explode, stopped themselves and looked at him with a reluctant sigh. “Okay, whatever. Just make sure you get down before the kids come in.”
“Got it, Mom.” Moon yawned, waving his hand, ignoring Sun’s confused stutter, and Earth’s harder laugh.
“Don’t ever say that again.”
“No guarantee.” Moon stuck out his tongue. He turned to face Earth. “So, what are you doing here?”
At the mention of her name, Earth turned around. She pulled a rather large gift basket from behind her back that included a scarf and a cat nail care set.
“Oh, I came to congratulate Sun on his upcoming wedding. This was both mine and Lunar’s choice.”
“Hehe… Thanks, Earth. It’s a nice color.” Sun held up the scarf, which was the same shade of yellow as his, smiling.
There was only one person who was left out of this conversation, and unfortunately it was Moon.
“Wait.” Moon scrambled to his feet. “What wedding?”
“Huh? I thought I already told you?” Sun frowned. “You’re the best man, remember?”
Moon’s face was still blank.
“This Friday? That means today?”
There was not a trace of thought behind Moon’s eyes.
Sun sighed and pressed his forehead.
“My wedding with Miku?”
One second…
Two seconds…
Three seconds…
Moon screamed. The blue animatronic almost fell over. No, he did, his face kissed the ground painfully. His three views were shattered, and his whole world changed. Sun and Miku? Was his brother crazy? Were they brainwashed? Someone secretly replaced Sun with a clone? A mimic? Is it Frank?
He staggered to his feet and shook Sun violently.
“SUN!!! Are you joking or are you serious!!?”
“Moon, you’re being silly, Miku isn’t that bad.” Sun cleared their throat, his psychopathic older brother's face contorted in confusion.
"I have no idea and don't know what you're talking about." Sun replied with a straight face and a mechanical tone as if they were reading a line from somewhere.
"Besides," Sun sighed. "--you know that if I don't marry Miku, we'll be scrapped, soon."
"What?!! Why?" Moon waved his hand frantically. He didn't understand what the hell was going on.
"Because of me." And so, the demon born from hell stepped in. Moon turned his head in surprise. He growled the name burning in his mouth.
Hair as green as an onion, a face that would look much better if she kept her mouth shut and never bothered his brother ​​again. Miku wore a leopard-skin dress, a mink scarf hanging over her shoulders. She looked like Cruella from One Hundred Dalmatians with her disgustingly sly smile and the lollipop pretending to be a pipe in her hand.
“Hello, bitches.” That annoying voice rang out, causing Moon’s fist to twitch.
“What do you mean? Why would Sun marry you?!!”
Without answering Moon immediately, Miku snapped her fingers. Freddy in a suit appeared from nowhere, respectfully handing Miku a piece of paper placed in a zippered suitcase.
“Sun and Moon, based on current laws and some other laws and transactions, will be fully owned by the newest shareholder of Freddy Fazbear, Miku.”
Moon’s head was buzzing. That meant… that meant…
“YOU’RE MOTHER FUCK*R PIECE OF SCRAPS!!! HOW DARE YOU SELL US, FREDDY?” Moon yelled, not sure if he was going to strangle Freddy or Solar.
“Haha…” That damn yellow bear stuttered nervously. “Technically it’s not my decision. I’m just the faceman. Please don't kill me.”
“Fan does what Fan wants, my dear brother-in-law.”
“Get my name off your mouth. I’m not your brother-in-law.” Moon gritted his teeth. But he was completely ignored by Miku, as she walked towards Sun with a lecherous expression. “So, honey, babygirl~~ my dovey cutie~~~ my OWO~~~ How are you preparing for our wedding? I want you to wear something sexy~~ maybe black under that dress~~”
“Hah—” Sun’s forced laughter. There was a ‘save me’ message flashing behind Sun’s back.
Moon about to throw hand until—
“Moon, it’s fine.” Sun pulled his hand back. Their faces looked worried about what was going to happen next. “Miku… is actually a pretty good… person.” Sun said each word as if he had poison in his mouth.
“That’s right, honey, and… I’m very rich~~~ A rich girl who owns you, my alpha skibidi beta man. After marrying me, all you have to do is stay home and take care of the kids.” Miku laughed gleefully.
“There’s a lot of things wrong with that sentence, and maybe you are too dumb to understand but We’re the animatronics, we don’t have that function! WE DON'T FUCK!!” Moon took a deep breath, trying to speak some sense into Miku's empty brain.
Hoh boy... He is smiling. He is so angry it makes him laugh. 
"Moon." For the first time, Miku took off her sunglasses, her face serious. "Are you a Misogyny?"
"What do you mean!!! You are MIKU!! I don't even like you as a person, let alone a woman!!!" Moon shouted angrily, he felt a large amount of his brain cells disappear just by continuing to communicate like this.
"Moon, I think you're going too far." Earth interjected, her expression showing disapproval. It made Moon's anger flare up even more. Some shrimp head wanted to marry his brother and she simply was that nonchalant??
"Well then, goodbye to you two. I'll take my bride to the wedding that was planned for before. Come on, my sugar baby. Daddy will take care of you~~"
Miku grabbed Sun's waist and forced them to leave, before leaving she gave Moon the middle finger.
The door slammed shut in front of him, leaving Moon stunned. It wasn't until Earth's voice rang out that his soul returned from hell to reality.
“Well… your reaction… that must be something…”
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Death Note (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Matt | Mail Jeevas/Mello | Mihael Keehl Characters: Mello | Mihael Keehl, Matt | Mail Jeevas Additional Tags: rated for later chapters, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Death Note, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Violence Summary:
The thing about Mello is, he knows how to talk. He plays people like Matt plays games, presses the right buttons to get what he wants, without ever jeopardizing his own pride. So instead of saying I need your help, or I trust you, or even fucking please, Mello takes a sip of his drink before saying, “I can make it worth your while.”
Four years ago, Matt’s best friend disappeared off the face of the earth. Three years ago, Matt ran away from the place he’d been abandoned at and tried to start a new life from nothing. Two years ago, Matt made a few very stupid decisions, leaving him with next to no money and some very dangerous enemies.
So when Mello suddenly drags him back into his life with a demand he has no right to make and grandiose offers that seem too good to be true, Matt is skeptical and more than a little pissed off. But Mello always gets what he wants, no matter the cost; and apparently, after all these years, what he wants is Matt.
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aurorawest · 1 year
Reading update
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White Trash Warlock by David R Slayton - 4.75/5 stars
Urban fantasy with a protagonist from a trailer park, who, for bonus points, got sectioned by his older brother as a teen. Daddy issues, mommy issues, and brother issues, what's not to like? I ordered everything else by this author I could find when I finished the book, including the other two books in this series.
The Fascinators by Andrew Eliopulos - DNF
The Revolutionary and the Rogue by Blake Ferre - DNF
Boring, with the added crime of actual plot happening but still, somehow, nothing actually happening. I kept reading whole pages and realizing I had no idea what I'd just read.
The Red Scholar's Wake by Aliette de Bodard - DNF
OMFG CAN I CATCH A BREAK. This was such a disappointing DNF, too, because I'd really been looking forward to it. One of the characters is a spaceship and it bills itself as a space opera? Yes please. But after the initial marriage of convenience setup, it's just all a bunch of pointless, boring conversations. Nothing happens. I flipped ahead. Still nothing happening. Not a space opera but definitely cozy sci-fi, which I think I officially hate.
Honeytrap by Aster Glenn Gray - 5/5 stars
An FBI agent and a GRU agent get assigned to work a case together in 1959 and they fall in looooove. But oof, this book was so good. I'm not sure I've ever had a time skip hit me in the gut so hard. I really can't recommend this book enough, it fits squarely in my niche interest of mid-century America or Britain m/m romance. I think Natasha Pulley also awakened something in me with The Half Life of Valery K, because I seem to be a sucker for gay Soviet men. Speaking of, if you liked The Half Life of Valery K, I bet you'll like this too! Anyway, read this, but be prepared to be hurt by it.
Ordinary Monsters by JM Miro - 4/5 stars
X-men meets Strangers Things with a dash of English boarding school, set in Victorian Britain.
Human Enough by ES Yu - DNF
Promising until it devolved into boring, pointless conversations and tumblr posts on neurodivergence.
Olympic Enemies by Rebecca J Caffery - DNF
I put this down on page 12 and my wife grabbed it to flip through it, cackling at the amateurish prose.
Frost Bite by J Emery - 4.5/5 stars
Snowed-in cabin fic with an enemies to lovers romance between a vampire and a (former) vampire hunter. It was cute and a quick read.
The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner - DNF
Very Not Like Other Girls. Also read a review that said pregnancy was a huge focus of the book, and that's a squick for me.
Reverie by Ryan La Sala - 3.75/5 stars
This book didn't quite live up to the promise of its beginning (missing memories, bizarre disruptions to time and space) and the writing was a little twee at times, but overall I enjoyed it. This was the author's debut, so I suspect subsequent books will probably be better. I did feel like the teenage main characters were weirdly inured to death, which also contributed to me knocking of a quarter of a star from what would otherwise have been a solid 4 star book.
All Souls Near & Nigh by Hailey Turner - 3/5 stars
If you like The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards, this series might be worth picking up. I will say, though, that it's nowhere near as good. I think it's a combination of pacing and too many characters that detracts from my enjoyment of this series. This is the second book and I enjoyed it more than the first, probably because I sort of remembered the massive cast of characters from the first one. It's one of those things where I really don't think they're all necessary and some should be combined with others. The pacing is also...weird. It's pretty much nonstop action. At one point I think the main character drove back and forth between various crime scene locations and his office like 5 times in a day.
That said! Despite the issues, clearly I still picked up book 2, and I'll probably read book 3 at some point. I really like the two main characters.
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eric-sadahire · 2 years
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You can now hire Brazilian company “Loyalty Inspectors” to seduce your husband in order to test his faithfulness
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telanganajournalist · 12 days
The Secret of the Jasmine Flowers: Unveiling the Truth
అనుకోకుండా ఒక రోజు… 15 రోజుల క్రితం ఆర్టీసీ బస్సులో నేను ఆఫీసుకు బయలుదేరాను. ఆ రోజు వాతావరణం చల్లగా ఉంది. చిరు జల్లులు కురుస్తున్నాయి.  మార్గమధ్యంలో ఒక అందాల రాశి బస్సెక్కింది. చేతిలో గొడుగు, హ్యాండ్ బ్యాగ్ ఉంది. తను నాకు ఇష్టమైన రంగు(అది మా ఆవిడకు మాత్రమే తెలిసిన రహస్యం)లో చీర కట్టింది. ఆమె జడలోని మల్లెపూలు బస్సులోని యువతను మత్తులో పడేశాయి. నా సీటు ముందర విండో సీటులో ఒక యువకుడు కూర్చొని…
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greenelectricsky · 4 months
Haze: So, did anyone know, what happened?
AlmonDisco: And where we are?
Shyny: Give me a moment and I'll know everything. (And he disappeared in the shadows)
Mistoffelees: I... Somehow my magic didn't work as it should and... It's my fault! I'm sorry!
Munkustrap: Misto, calm down, please! It's not your fault.
Rum Tum Tugger: He's right... It's not your fault. It's... Mine.
Munkustrap: What? How! You didn't do anything wrong!
Rum Tum Tugger: I... I thought it was Mac who was supposed to bring us on place and... When he asked for a focus from the place we wanted to go, I just took the first thing from a junkyard...
Macavity, furious, caught by Munku in a last moment: YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Munkustrap: Mac, stop it right now! It's not time!
Oranglow, trying to lift morale and calm down them: At last we are safe for now and Shyny will be back in a moment with more info.
HoneyTrap, to Tugger: Dad?!?! How could you?
Rum Tum Tugger: What? I thought... OK, I wanted to disturb his magic. I thought it would be fun! I wanted to see his face.
Mistoffelees: Oh, cupcake... Don't do that ever again! It is so dangerous!
Shyny, appearing: We are in a chest on some big ship... the ocean, probably.
Mistoffelees: Not bad. Mac, do you think you can teleport us home, with my not so big help, I'm drained, I'm sorry...
Macavity, snarling: Of course I can! But I need something from the junkyard.
Haze: Thank Cat, I'm like a vampire and I always have something from home with me...
<prev next>
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ospreyarcher · 2 years
As a Valentine’s Day treat, this Honeytrap ficlet over on my Patreon is open to everyone. Just Daniel and Gennady being cute together.
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