moowrites · 1 year
Being the daughter of a cartel leader in hell has never been easy. It has it's perks like infinite money. But that same money just can't buy genuine love.
Warnings: Angsty, a shitty job at writing, cartel and mafia talk, Chaz 💀, reader is a succubus, but only small descriptions of her. Oh and reader uses she/ her 🫶, oh slight Crimson x reader?? Idk take it as you will.
She wasn't supposed to be here. She felt out of place and certainly disrespected.
Her father had instructed her to look her best without question. A maid had come into her room to dress her and prepare her for a meeting she had no information about. She had gone through hours of trying to look good, clinging onto her own bed frame for dear help as the maid kept tightening a corset around her body.
It was overwhelming to say the least.
Her father had knocked on the door, a signal to come out of her room at once. She had fixed the lipgloss on her lips before coming out. Her father was in his suit, checking the time on the watch around his wrist. She eyes the rolex around his wrist, trying to check the time as well. What for? She hadn’t known.
Now, as she sat on the dinner table next to her father, she felt extremely anxious. Crimson had come to visit. Her father was sitting on one end of the rectangular table and Crimson was across. Her little brother sat across from you, to the left side of your father. He was struggling to cut the steak that had been prepared for this special occasion. She takes his plate and cuts it for him before giving it back. Her family hears a small chuckle and all three turn to face Crimson.
“That reminded me of Mox when he was little. He was so useless, his mother had to cut his steak for him.” “Children tend to be weaker, my dear friend.” Her father replies, protective of his child. Crimson didn’t like that. Didn't like the way he talked back. Didn't like the way he said dear friend. Crimson didn't like him. There was a bigger tension now because of this, making her sweat drop as she takes a piece of steak in her mouth. Her face however, was kept emotionless. Her entire face was relaxed, her chin slightly up and back straight as she ate. Her father was the exact opposite, laid back and completely relaxed. The younger sibling ate happily without a worry.
There were more cartel men pointing their guns at Crimson than mafia men pointing their own guns at the (Last Name) family.
After dinner, the dinner table was cleared by staff. Finally, she was going to find out what all this was about. Her father hadn’t told her anything. She was itching to find out why Crimson was here. Crimson had been a close friend of her father’s back when she was a baby. When she was 17 however, her father and Crimson had fought about something and never spoke about it. She had been Crimson’s Son’s friend since childhood. She was two years older than the boy, but best friends regardless. His name is Moxxie. They had broken contact when their parents had their argument and not a single word or letter was ever exchanged between the two. This was the reason the lady was nervous. She was nervous about their parents causing a war between their groups if anything was to happen.
“I’m surprised you remember my policy of talking business after dinner.” Crimson spoke, lighting a cigar and inhaling from it before puffing the smoke out. The little brother coughs, waving a hand in front of his face to get rid of the stench that went his way. “Speak now, old friend.” Her father straightened his back, sighing afterwards as a sign that he no longer wanted small talk. “Our argument shouldn’t have affected Moxxie and (Name).” She perks up at this, looking at Crimson and meeting his eyes. “Matter of fact, she would have been a great..influence on Moxxie.” “So what? Now I just get to talk to him?” She growls, her heel tapping against the floor. Her father squinted his eyes at her attitude and snaps his fingers. “I apologize father.” She clears her throat and Crimson goes on. “No, I would like for you to consider the possibility of marriage.” Her eyes widen and her slit-pupils become enlarged at the idea of marrying Moxxie. She had always had a bit of a thing for him, but never made a move because of their differences. Or different groups that they belonged to. The man of the house shakes his head. “I give Moxxie my daughter’s hand, what do I get in exchange?” Her head turns towards her father, he couldn't have been serious! He was always protective, how come he’s considering it? “Shared turfs. I share my turfs and men. Our groups would..combine if you will. This would mean bigger audience, more money, and more power over this entire city of Greed.”
The girl’s little brother; Junior’s eyes grew wide. “My sister would marry and their wealth would become hers!” She was growing more impatient and anxious by the second. “We have more than enough wealth!” She yells, to which her father snaps his fingers twice. “Second warning, one more and you’re out.” She gulps and stops speaking. He was referring to the many credit cards she owned thanks to her father. Being cut off from her father's wealth was not an option for her. “Crimson..if this marriage was to happen..” Her father begins getting up from the seat which makes Crimson’s bodyguards become stiff and alert. Crimson waves a hand in dismissal. “Moxxie and (Name) would become incredibly wealthy and powerful. But they wouldn’t necessarily be..the ones behind this. That would be me and you, dear friend. We would combine our forces and become invisinsible, I’m sure.” He grins. And just like that, her fate was sealed with Moxxie’s.
“One thing though. Moxxie… he apparently has a wife."
When everything was planned, Crimson had borrowed (Name) for the day when the plan was set. He had called in Moxxie’s work and ensured that Moxxie would come in. Even if that meant the rest of his co-workers would as well. Crimson sat in front of the fireplace that was eliciting green flames. The girl’s pointed tail swished in anxiety as he spoke to the phone. She only paid attention to half of what he said before getting up from the chair next to him and heading to the restroom. What Crimson hadn’t explained to her or her father was that Chaz had been put in the plan as well. Something about Moxxie not being able to choose, as he explained it to her when he had told her last minute. A bi-phobic remark on his part, she guessed. Chaz was an insufferable shark. Moxxie's ex, but the one time he had tried with her, she had shoved a gun between his sharp teeth and explained very calmly that she wasn’t nor would she be interested anytime soon.
She pulls out her phone and texts her father about the last-minute notice. She was told not to worry; he would make sure Crimson knew his baby girl shouldn’t be treated with such disregard. One of her many bodyguards knocked on the door, making her flinch slightly as she was pulled to reality once again. “Ma’am, is everything alright?” She grits her teeth, her eyes slitting once again in distaste before taking a deep breath and her eyes returning to normal. “Yes, do give me a minute to fix up.” “Yes ma’am.” After a while, she came out of the bathroom and headed down to where Crimson was once again. “It seems that our guests have arrived. Stay at the dinner table, will you?"
The girl rolls her eyes, "I believe you do not have authority over me. Mind I remind you..how my family is more powerful than your puny little mafia." Crimson growled at this, baring his sharp teeth at her. She took notice of his gold tooth, her eyes shining as she liked signs of wealth. "I suppose I'll wait. Do not take long." She was escorted to the dining table, being given sliced fruits as a snack as she waited for Crimson's return.
After what seemed like an eternity of her picking on the fruit slices and scrolling through social media, Crimson walked in.
This time with guests.
Moxxie's eyes meet hers in an instant, her eyes shining brightly when he does so. Then her world comes crumbling down when she sees the smaller IMP walking next to him. She stands up, the bodyguards on each of her sides waiting stiffening as she does so. They both recognize her body language; the embodiment of Greed.
She was greedy. Greedy for Moxxie's attention.
"Mox-Mox?" The little nickname came off as a bit cringey. It was the nickname she had given him back when they were learning how to speak as babies. "(Name)?" Moxxie replied, his face showing confusion. "Mox-Mox!" She sped walked to him before being stopped by the woman next to him. She looked as if she was already in a sour mood. "And who are you?" The taller female looked at the smaller one up and down, the imp wasn't..much compared to (Name). But it was personality that mattered anyways. "I'm (Full Name). Moxxie's childhood friend. Who may you be?"
"Millie. His wife." Millie's frown was still present. "Oh, may I hug your husband? I haven't seen him in a long time. Years, actually." Millie stepped aside and the girl bent down to hug Moxxie tightly to which he hugged back. When they pulled away, another imp walked to her. "Hi, my name's Blitz. The O is silent!" She shook his hand, tilting her head in confusion at the introduction. But still greeting him nonetheless. "Why are you here?" Moxxie wonders, wishing to know what was the reason behind this scenario.
Crimson interrupted her, "Moxxie. Do I need to remind you that dinner comes before business?" "No sir." He immediately replied, his hands shaking in fear as to what may be brought up.
"Hey! What about me? Where's my hug?" As soon as Chaz approached (Name), her bodyguards were already pointing their guns at him. "I do not believe you have the right to hug me." She flipped her hair and went to sit down on the right side of Crimson while Chaz slumped on the left of his. Moxxie sat across Crimson, Millie on his left and Blitz on his right.
While eating, Blitz broke the silence. "So, this is aggressively uncomfortable." Crimson stopped cutting his steak, raising an eyebrow at his audacity. "I..suppose you want to know why you're here." He went back to cutting his steak without much of a care. "Yeah, so what gives?" Blitz spoke again, (Name) chewing on the steak before swallowing it down with some red wine.
"You know we kill people on Earth, right? We don't normally do contracts for locals, so if you want to do business with us, you got to-"
"I don't want to do business with IMP." With each letter, Crimson pointed at Blitz with his fork. "I want to do business with Moxxie." Moxxie looked up from his plate, bewildered at the information. "Me?" "Yeah kid, I summoned IMP-" Again, he rolled his eyes at the mention of the mediocre company. "-To be sure you'd show." He pointed at Moxxie with his knife, an indication that he did not want to fuck around. He places the knife on the table and takes a hold of his wine cup. "Well, we're bringing Chaz or (Name) in the family."
"What? Since when can just anyone- no offense-"
"None taken." Chaz spoke to which the succubus lady interrupted. "He means me, dickhead." She takes a sip of her wine, letting Moxxie continue.
"Join the family?" Moxxie continued, his father parting the cup from his lips to speak once again. "C'mon Mox, you had responsibilities here that I had to pick up." Crimson pointed at himself this time. The lady on his right side noticed that he liked to talk with his hands, something she tends to do as well from time to time. "Now Chaz is going to lighten the load." The lady glares at the older man speaking, "and?" "The and comes afterwards little lady."
"Wait, I thought you always hated his guts! And (Name) is from a completely different and rival group!"
"Thanks for the discrimination Mox Mox." She chuckles, Moxxie's cheeks tinting a pink color at her teasing. Millie took notice of this, but rolls her eyes. She bites down her tongue, not wanting to comment about "family" matters.
"Well, I don't know if I exactly hated either of them."
"You called him a friendless horse fucker and said he lived a 'sissy' lifestyle. You also said (Name) was bound to live a whore life filled with c-" Moxxie was interrupted once again.
"Yeah well I was wrong. You've been gone a long time, Mox. A man can change. And so has Chaz!"
The forgotten succubus bites down the inside of her cheek, feeling disrespected by..an IMP. As Chaz goes on about how he has changed, she taps her finger nail against the table. She was thinking of just calling her father to come pick her up from this hell hole and take her shopping. All this was so unnecessary and stupid.
"So the horseless friend fucker-"
The succubus decides to correct Blitz "I believe it was friendless horsefucker Mr. Blitz."
"I know what I said. So the horseless friend fucker gets a little mulah and suddenly it's worth wasting our time over?"
"Well, I'm the whole package. If you know what I mean."
The trio of Imps stare at the shark, not exactly caring nor wanting to know. But he goes on anyway.
"I got a big dick."
Millie finally speaks up, making the succubus sigh in relief. "What does any of this have to do with Moxxie?"
Crimson places his fork on the empty plate and wipes his lips with a napkin. "There's going to be a ceremony tomorrow." (Name) does the same, except she takes a long gulp of the wine. "Moxxie here is going to officially release his holdings in the organization." A maid pours more wine on his cup to which Crimson picks up. "Then you can go back to ignoring your family to your heart's content."
Moxxie sulks in his seat, becoming smaller at his father's glare and cruel words. Millie stands up from her seat, slamming her gloved hands against the table. "Maybe he wouldn't have to ignore his family if they didn't force him to rub elbows with these people."
"Watch your tongue before you lose it." (Name) placed her wine glass on the diner table, wiping her lips and fixing her lipgloss. "Speak ill all you may like of Chaz. But you do not know me, pretty lady. So I suggest you zip it." Perhaps her cruel words were fueled with jealousy of wanting to take Millie's spot as Moxxie's bride. Perhaps she was showing off her power, either way it got Millie mad. "Try me." Millie leaped across the table in a second, her blood stained dagger at the succubus' throat. But the succubus had the upper hand as her bodyguards not only pointed their guns at Millie, but at Blitz as well.
The succubus lady?
Her handgun was pressed against Millie's chin, pointed upwards and finger against the trigger.
"Everyone relax. I know tensions have been high tonight. Say, why don't you stay here and get some rest? We'll have the ceremony tomorrow. Then tomorrow, everyone is free to leave. I have your rooms all prepared." Millie was the first one to remove her weapon, so naturally (name) followed suit. She snapped her fingers, the bodyguards lowering their weapons. "Go to bed." Crimson ordered.
"Yes sir." Moxxie replied within an instant, "Mox?" Millie asks in disbelief. Everyone got up from their seats and headed to the door. Everyone but Crimson and (Name). "A moment, Moxxie."
"Just give me a minute, Millie. I'll be there." Chaz tried to "comfort" Millie to which she barked at him.
(Name)'s bodyguards leave the room as well. Leaving Crimson, Moxxie, and herself alone in the room. "So, you think you too good for this family?"
"Huh?" Moxxie shrugs his shoulders in surprise.
"C'mere." He uses his finger to motion Moxxie to get closer. (Name) sighs, "Crimson-" "Shut up." She growls, her hair standing up in pure anger at being told what to do. She does as told, knowing Moxxie would be punished for her wrong-doings. Moxxie walks over to his father, stuttering as he came about with words. Crimson got up from his chair abruptly and smacked Moxxie across the face. She winces at the loud sound that came about from the sound of the impact. "You think you just get to walk away from this family and never come back? You're dead wrong, Mox!"
He walks closer to Moxxie whom was laying on the ground helplessly from the impact, "matter of fact." He picks him up from his shirt. "You only think you're right about is that obnoxious piss-stain can't get in! Not unless he marries in." "B-But who would-"
"Who do you think?" She stands up from her seat at the table and walks over to Crimson, standing next to him. "This shit family..needs our money. Whether it be mine or that fucker's." She takes out a handkerchief and uses it to press a bit against Moxxie's cheeks. Hoping it was cold enough to help. "It's about time your pathetic ass is useful for something!" Crimson shouts and sits back down and Moxxie ignores her attempts to soothe him, going over to his father.
"Sir, I'm already married. I-I can't-"
"You think I give a shit about that stupid thing? C'mon Mox, I even went through the trouble of making the house more to..your kind's liking." He pressed a button hidden on the table and quite a few..arrangements were made. Quite a few..no scratch that. Multiple adult toys were displayed out of the walls and bouncing..God.
She blushes in embarrassment and looks away from the scene. Being a succubus did not mean being shameless.
"Wait- Wha- What do you think I'm into?!"
"What? This the kind of shit guys like, right?"
"Okay, first off Dad, I'm bisexual."
"Yeah, gay."
"No, Crimson. He likes both women and men." She continues to hide her face in her hands, her words coming out Muffled.
"Oh, for fucks sake. Secondly," A toy taps against Moxxie's shoulders, as if to urge him to..use it. He pushes it away, "I don't know a single person of any sexuality who'd enjoy this."
As if on cue, Blitz laughs at the moment. "Ha!! There's dicks in the walls! Oh that's fucking hilarious."
After another moment of Crimson threatening Moxxie, Crimson demands him to choose between Chaz or his friend's daughter by tomorrow morning. "Her dad accepted the offer of you taking her as your bride. Do not disappoint me again, Mox. We need her daddy's money. When he dies, she will completely inherit his money and we will be able to expand the empire." Crimson explains to Moxxie, lighting a cigar as the dicks bounced in the room. "Don't you mean if?" "Do not question my abilities. When he dies, that money will be yours as equally as it is hers." Moxxie walks out of the dining room after some hesitation. The succubus lady finally uncovers her face to speak.
"Crimson..put the dicks away."
That night, as Blitz and Chaz did their..thing, her bodyguards knocked on Moxxie's room and instructed him to go to their lady's room. He had knocked at first, wondering what she could possibly want. Perhaps she would be just as weird as Chaz. When she opened the door, he was greeted with the pleasant smell of vanilla and the perfect view to a tall Succubus whom had just taken a shower. She was in her robe. She steps aside and let's Moxxie in. "You can go ahead and take a seat, you know?" She chuckles and he sits down at the edge of her bed. She lays down on the giant bed, sighing.
"I'm sorry about all this. My dad was going to cut off my credit cards if I didn't go through with this."
"I..I shouldn't be here." Moxxie starts, staring down at his lap.
"Mox-Mox..I..I just want to talk to you. I do not want you here with other intentions." She sits up and looks down at him. "I apologize for this. After such a long time..you're being forced to choose. Your wife seems incredible and I deeply apologize for dinner, I'll apologize to Millie tomorrow as well. You don't have to go through with this. Escape! Tell Millie, Blitz, anyone."
"I can't do that, he would find me again." Moxxie was at the verge of tears. She places her hand on top of his that rested on his lap. "You've always been such a crybaby." She chuckles and he leans his head against her chest, sobbing. She hugs him and rests her chin on top of his head. "I..I shouldn't be comforted by another woman. My wife, Milie, she.." "She's very jealous, I know. But you love her and the fact that you feel guilty even hugging another woman is incredible. The love you feel for her..That's incredible."
She giggles, "Mox-Mox, you're incredible. Don't forget that." "Are..you okay with all this? I mean, killing your father? How are you going to do that? Your cartel is much more powerful than this mafia, but..still." Moxxie wraps his arms around her body. He did it quite tightly, making her cheeks warm up. "It'll be okay. I'll inherit his money and my little brother won't be given any excessive punishments. He'll be safe with me. And the cartel would much rather be under my control than my father's. They're playing favorites I suppose."
Moxxie sighs, "I..I don't want this." "Me neither Mox-Mox." Her heart breaks at his words. He didn't want this.
He didn't want her.
The following morning, the two Imps and succubus headed downstairs to the dining room once again. This time, the taller female was dressed in an elegant red dress rather than the black she usually always wore. Moxxie had gone back to his room last night after telling her about what Chaz had attempted to pull.
"Hey hey, the man of the hour!" Crimson claps his hands in "glee". "You ready to get started?" Millie took notice of Blitz's lack of presence and commented on it. "I think I saw him head outside, he said something about needing some fresh air or something." Chaz chuckles to which (Name) rolls her eyes, sitting on the chair on the right side of Crimson. Chaz had attempted to sit there only for Crimson to glare at him and motion for him to sit somewhere else. "Why don't you grab him so we can get moving?" Crimson asks millie, to which she kisses Moxxie's cheeks and leaves to fetch Blitz.
Moxxie sits to his father's left side and Chaz sits next to the female in the room. "Why you look so blue, moxxie? It's your wedding day. Best day of your life. So? Have you decided? Chaz or (Name)?" Chaz grins at Moxxie and Moxxie looks at his childhood best friend whom smiles at him softly. He then looks down and sighs. Crimson sips on his coffee as Moxxie says the following, " I'm not doing it."
"What was that?" Crimson asks Moxxie to repeat himself, almost as if he heard him wrong. He was simply giving his son a chance to correct his mistake of disobeying his father.
"I couldn't make out what you said over the sound of you being a whiny bitch."
Moxxie slams his hands on the table which startles both Chaz and Crimson. She looks proud of Moxxie, hoping that his confidence of standing up to his father came from the talk they had at night. "I said I'm not doing it. I've spent my whole life being afraid of you, but I' not giving up the only good thing I've ever had just so you can keep your fragile little sad control over everything. Millie is a good woman, a better woman that I deserve. And there's nothing that scares me more than hurting her-"
Crimson looks at his guard and does the slightest nod at him. "-not even you. I'm leaving, Dad. And if you or herpes the clown over here try to stop me, you'll learn firsthand just how good I've gotten at my job." Whilst speaking, Moxxie had gotten so close to his father's face that he had forgotten to not let his guard down. He was grabbed by Crimson's man and tazed heavily on his neck. He hit the table when he fell unconscious.
Moxxie's childhood friend stood up with an urgency to help him, pointing her gun directly at Crimson. "Why did you have to do that? Let him go!" Crimson shook his head. "He disobeyed. It's his punishment. And you do not want to get punished either, do you? Once Moxxie says yes at the altar, your father will be murdered by his own men. Or well, your men. And his wealth will be yours. Then it will be shared with Moxxie..and he will give that to me. Then, you may divorce him if you'd like. Kill him for all I care, but this family needs money."
She starts to laugh, "but I don't need you, Crimson! I get nothing out of this!!" "You get Moxxie. The love of your live."
Chaz gasps at the revelation that was oh so clear, but he couldn't grasp. "What? Wait- where do I come in this picture?!" "If lady (name) refuses, you get to marry Moxxie instead. Now, little lady.. you will get Moxxie out of this. You will finally be happy. You will steal him just as he was stolen from your grasp. Money can't buy love, but fear sure fucking can."
She lowers her gun and her bodyguards follow suit. "I..I don't want it this way. I want him to genuinely..like me." She shakes her head, refusing to show weakness at such a moment. But the way Crimson looks up at her from his seat made her shiver. "Your cartel may be more powerful. But you sure aren't as tough as your daddy. Women sure are emotional." He chuckles and gets up from his seat. "Go put your wedding dress on. We're having a fucking wedding."
A while later, your father had arrived. The entirety of both sides of the family had been invited. The entire patio was filled and it made (Name) all the more anxious. She bit the tip of her thumb as she thought about this once. Twice. Thrice. It just wasn't a good idea. Her father pushes her down the altar a bit before making her hook his arm around hers. The music played as she was walked down the aisle, her veil covering her face that was becoming more and more sweaty as she got to the altar. The white train of the dress following her as she had been put in a ball gown that had the longest train to make the wedding look all the more real.
If it wasn't for Moxxie tied down and Crimson holding him, her brain would have registered it as genuine.
A genuine fucking wedding.
The priest was told to hurry up with the process which he did. Her father stood behind her, a way to pressure her into the wedding. "Do you, (Full Name) take Moxxie Noname to be your husband, to love and cherish him until death do you part?" Moxxie stares into her eyes, his own tearing up as a silent plea. "Can..can you ask him first?" The priest sighs and does it again. "Moxie Noname, do you take (Full name) to love and cherish her until death do you part?" Crimson grabs his hair and forces his head to move as a nod. "Look at him, he looks so fucking happy to be here!"
"Now, Do you (Full name) take Moxxie Noname to be your husband, to love and cherish him until death do you part?"
She starts to tear up underneath the veil, not knowing what to do as this may jeopardize her friendship with Moxxie or her life.
"I..do not." Gasps fill the air from the crowd and she takes off her veil, surprising most people in the altar as she wasn't very emotional. However, the stained cheeks and ruined mascara said otherwise. Her lip trembled as she spoke. "Moxxie..I love you. But I don't want this. You clearly don't love me." Moxxie's eyes widened, looking at her eyes but she was looking away. Suddenly, a black car crashed into the wedding and out came Blitz and Millie.
"You want my husband? You're gonna have to fucking kill me."
Crimson rolls his eyes and ordered to kill Millie. However, Millie was much quicker and skilled. She was able to kill or at least permanently damage anyone that came in her way. (Name) uses her veil to wipe away her tears, not wanting to be seen as ruined. Most wedding guest members ran away as they saw how much chaos one woman could cause. Her father and cartel stood by, not knowing which side to choose. So they chose the successor's side; (Name).
Once Millie's murder spree was done, she had taken her husband from Crimson. Moxxie struggled against her grip and Millie took that as a sign to let her husband down. She unties him and takes off the tape that kept him shut.
"Was that true? When was this?" Moxxie grabbed her hands, "I did. When we were younger. But you never made a move." She whispered, not wanting to enrage his wife. "When we were just stupid teens robbing gas stations." She giggles and holds his hands. "Please take care of Millie, she's such a lovely wife. And a strong one at that. Your love for her is genuine and I've never seen that in hell. It's one of a kind, cherish it. I just wish we could have caught up or been in different instances."
Blitz steps forward, making the both separate. Blitz gives her a card that was for their business; IMP. "We don't charge much for our services. When you want somebody gone and you don't want to wait too long, call IMP. Moxxie's there most of the time. And call me." He almost purrs, making her giggle. She accepts the card and nods. "Thanks Blitz." She squishes his cheek. With that, Millie picks up both men and nods at her. She nods back as a way to say goodbye and Millie leaves. While she jumps away, Blitz yells that Chaz was a fraud all along. Hearing this, Crimson slowly turns to look at Chaz who was still in the audience.
The plan had been successful. Her father was out of the picture and his horns were now in a frame hanging from Crimson's wall next to Chaz's shark teeth. (Name) was sitting down on the sofa.
"Ever witnessed a shittier wedding?" She jokes, her cheeks red as the wine she kept consuming was taking over her mind and body. Her hair was a mess and the dress was long disregarded. She was now wearing a much more comfortable pajama set as it was night time.
"My wedding." He grumbles, throwing a knife at the family photo that was on the wall. It landed on Moxxie's forehead. "Hmm.." She spins the cup a bit, watching the wine move.
"What do you think of younger women?"
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moowrites · 2 years
Summary: You like to compete with Hajime on everything. The current competition? Who fucks Nagito better.
Warnings: Not proofread, English isn't my first language so.. Smut.
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Hajime has been in your life as long as you can remember. He has been there since day 1.
His mother was your mother's best friend. You two had play dates since you could hold your head up.
Yet, your personality always clashed with his. His mother thought you two would date when you both grew.
However, you two would turn everything into competitions. Even in adulthood, everything was a challenge to show which one of you was superior. And while Hajime excelled in what you didn't, you would smirk whenever you'd beat Hajime. Even now.
"So? Which one of us is better?" Hajime makes direct eye contact with you as he moves his hips at a constant yet painfully slow speed into his boyfriend. His fistful of white hair. The boy with said white hair tearing up as he felt overwhelmed by the amount of times he has come already.
"I- I don't know." The boy stutters as his eyes filled with water threatening to spill at any given moment.
Your hand strokes Nagito, watching as more precum came out of the pretty pink tip he had. "You know, Hajime's your boyfriend." You remind him, your right hand working with his nipple as your left continues to stroke.
You smirk at Hajime who groans in frustration, his hips hitting Nagito's hips as he starts to pound into him. This causes Nagito to repeatedly hit your chest with his back. You were sitting against the headboard of the bed, Nagito against your chest. "I'm.." Nagito hiccups, his eyes rolling as he cums yet again. You remove your hand and use your foot to push Hajime away in a gentle manner as to not hurt him.
Nagito whines at the sudden emptiness left inside of him. You coo as you flip Nagito over, smushing his face into the pillow beneath him. You put another pillow underneath Nagito, right below his tummy to keep his ass up. At least elevate it a bit. "Poor poor Nagito. He uses you, doesn't give you the love you deserve."
"I'm trash, undeserving of love.." You trail your hand down his back. You hum at his words, using your thumb to spread Nagito a bit. "Is that so? Or did he make you believe that?" Hajime tries to intervene, to which you shake your head at. "No..he tells me that I'm more." Nagito whines again, his hole clenching around the single finger you had inserted. "And you don't believe him?" You start moving your finger, adding another and gradually speeding up. You curl your fingers, reaching into that spot that made him raise his head from the pillow. "Fuck!" He cries out, Hajime puts a hand on your shoulder as to tell you to stop.
You shake your head again, "watch." You then continue to finger the sweet boy, his legs twitching as you do. "Would you like me to stop, Nagito-kun?" "No! Please! Let me be selfish and filth your fingers with a nobody like me! A person with such ultimate shouldn't touch me, but I need this!" You look at Hajime, looking for a cue to take it further. He nods and you speed up your fingers.
Nagito cries out as he cums into the pillow. You slow down and pull your fingers out. "Good boy." You praise Nagito as you help him flip over the pillow so he doesn't feel the stickiness of his own cum on himself. "It's the little things that matter, Hajime-kun. You can't just fuck him the same way you fucked me before." Hajime looks at his boyfriend, your words hitting him right in the face. Ever since you broke up with him, he used Nagito like a sex toy rather than an actual partner like he used to. The polyamorous relationship turned monogamous and gloomy. "You have to listen to his body, heart, and mind." Truth is, you had missed Nagito ever since you broke up with them both. You had missed Hajime as well, but Nagito was the piece you both needed. The piece that completed you both. The fact that Hajime had neglected him, you couldn't bear that.
And Nagito felt as if it was his fault you left.
The actual reason you left?
You were pregnant with their baby.
But they didn't have to know that. Even though they would notice in 5 months from now.
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