morgan-lowell · 10 hours
When the world is cruel and unwelcoming, press ZL to turn into a squid
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morgan-lowell · 8 days
Like this post if you enjoy musicals.
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morgan-lowell · 14 days
so that was page 80!
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morgan-lowell · 14 days
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Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo EAD Nintendo DS 2004
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morgan-lowell · 15 days
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theyre actually so stupid..
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morgan-lowell · 15 days
Karasuno in a Fitting Room
Hi. I work in a fitting room. I hate it. Don’t work in a fitting room. But lemme tell you how I think Karasuno would act in a fitting room. For sillies and funnies.
A very polite boy!
Who has no idea what he is doing!
Someone please help him
Oh wait that’s my job…
He constantly calls for help
“Do you have this in a bigger size? What other colors do you have? What's the return policy on these? Does another store have it?”
Like bro please chill out with the questions other people need help 😭😭
He’s a model customer tho
Brings out the clothes, says please and thank you, and makes very nice conversation
He would be a regular that I’d make friends with
Oikawa called him Mr. Refreshing and hE WAS SO RIGHT
What is it about him that makes him such a good customer?
Is it his pretty face? Is it his easygoing smile? His politeness? Or is it something innate? Why do I feel like everything will be all right with him around?
Idk what it is but he’s making my day 🤷‍♀️
He’s the type to show his outfit and ask “How does this look on me?”
Quick story, a customer once asked me what I thought of the purple pants he was planning to buy and I described them as "swanky"
I think he was intimidated by that because his response was "wow, I have never heard that word before" 😂😂 and he left the pants
Sugawara would not be intimidated by me calling his outfit swanky
Also lowkey does my job if I have to walk away or turn my back
“Oh yeah, just go right in! You can set what you don’t want on the counter.”
Suga please it’s my job you don’t have to do this
“Hello, welcome in!” “Oh, hello!”
Very apologetic customer
“I’m sorry to disturb you but could you help me with this?”
Omg yes of course I’ll help you don’t apologize for needing help that’s what I’m here for
Actually listens when I ask him to bring his clothes out when he’s done
Lemme know if anyone is ever bothering you hun cuz I can call security to have them kicked out
Apologizes when he brings his clothes out 😭
“I’m so sorry to add more to your workload…”
Tbh you don’t have to apologize when you bring clothes back…
“…I can just put these back where I found them?”
On second thought, you’re an angel and I’ll love you forever Asahi
I wish all customers like Asahi a very pleasant evening and a pat on the head
s i g h
I love you Noya, I really do
But I know for a fact that he’d be a MENACE in the fitting rooms
He’s just so loud?? For no reason????
Bro what are you yelling in the fitting room for??? There’s only a mirror and a bench in there???????
He’s like that random kid in the school hallway that screams for no reason
He doesn’t sound like he’s in distress tho?? so I don’t call security yet
Also, he sometimes shops in the kids section I KNOW HE DOES HAHAHA
No shame Noya, I shop in the kids section too
The adults section doesn't have pikachu hoodies
I bet he grabbed one too
Tbh he’d be funny enough where I can excuse his loudness
He brings his clothes out (none of it folded and no hangers) and says:
“Sorry about that, my friend sent me a pic of a dog he saw and I got excited.”
Understandable king, have a nice day
I tell my coworkers about the weird customer who was screaming about a dog and we all agree he was very relatable
“Hi, welcome in!” “Heya! Thanks!”
This guy looks intimidating. He probably won't bring his clothes out
He comes out dressed in nice jeans and a dark polo shirt
"Can I ask for your opinion? I'm going on a date later today and I wanna dress nicely but I don't know what I'm doing."
Yeah of course, I'll help you out. Is it more formal or casual?
Actually a really chill and cool dude!
So respectful too
He asks for opinions on each outfit
"I need a woman's opinion. What do girls like best on a man?"
Uhh, personally I’m a huge fan of poet shirts and thigh highs but we don’t sell those
"Are you sure this looks good?" "Yes! The color really suits you."
Brings his rejected outfits to me and says:
"Thanks for all your help. I feel like a new man with these clothes!"
Man, you are so very welcome! I hope the date goes well!
He is power walking for some reason??
“Hi, welcome in!” “Hellothankyou.”
Why is he talking so fast? Are you okay dude??
Leaves and tries on multiple things
Bro does not know his size so he’s gotta try everything
The more clothes he brings in, the deeper I feel my stomach sink
“Uh, I’ll just take these back where I found them. I need to get another size anyway.”
Wait you dropped this king 👑
I don’t even care if they’re on the right hanger or not
This must be an angel sent to provide me relief from the other bozos in this store
He leaves too quickly for me to tell him to have a nice day
Karasuno has very polite boys who were raised right so I have complete faith in them
Although I do draw the line of kindness somewhere
Take Kinoshita for example
He does everything right: greets me back, says thank you, brings his clothes out, and he even has a good smile
It goes downhill once he returns his clothes
Cuz he’s trying to be helpful by folding the clothes at my counter but…
He’s not doing it right 😬😬
K-Kinoshita please, I appreciate what you’re doing but you’re doing it wrong and I’m just gonna have to redo it and it’s a little embarrassing to watch please just stop
“Um, thank you, have a good one!”
My smile says I’m dying inside
“Hello, welcome in!” *nods as a greeting*
Quiet and respectful. I like him already
He’s not gonna try on a lot, just what he needs
In and out in no time
“Thank you, have a good one!”
I wish more people were like Narita
Ummmm he’s okay, comes off a little rude
Just waltzes right in without greeting
“Hi, welcome in!” “…”
Ok buddy
He's just very focused lol
He's a quick changer, love that about him
Oof wait I can see him competing with Hinata to see who changes faster
They would leave a huge mess and make so much noise
I might call security on them lol
They’re the teenagers in Target everyone warns you about
Anyway, back to Kageyama
He’s a polite lad so he brings the clothes out but they’re either on the wrong hanger or just bunched up in his hands
I’ll take it. Great effort Kageyama! 👍
he’s so nice and friendly, I would love for Hinata to visit my fitting room
“Hi, welcome in!” “Hello! Thank you!”
He’d make easy conversation, workers love him instantly
Such a nice smile!!!
And so polite!!!!!!
Truly an anomaly in this store
He’s really quick with changing too, he wastes no time
My carrot top son, I love him so much
He probably knows his exact size and everything
Also shops in the kids section LOL
“I’m sorry. I tried to hang them myself but I had no idea how.”
Baby it is okay, your effort is appreciated please know that I love you
I only tell the customers I like to have a nice day and Hinata would get one every time
“Thank you! Have a nice day!” “Thank you, you too!”
I feel like Tsukishima is self-aware enough to realize his personality would not survive working retail lol
One customer would be rude and he’d clap back instantly and get fired cuz they’d complain about him
So he’s unproblematic when he’s at a store
Asshole to everyone but customer service workers
Treat others how you want to be treated kinda guy
Probably hates trying on clothes cuz he never finds anything that fits
At least he’s respectful
“Thank you, have a nice day!” “Thank you.”
“Hello, welcome in!” “Oh, um, thank you.”
Nice and good boi!
Also doesn’t find anything in his size but he’ll ask
I’d actually do my job and help him look LOL
He probably tries to go outside his comfort zone but he’s having a hard time
“Are you sure this looks okay?” “Of course! But how do you feel in it?”
I tend to do that a lot with customers like Yams
Wear what you feel good in!
That just a lil tip for yall 😘
He brings out all the clothes but they’re backwards lol
“Thank you. I hope you like your outfit!” “Thank you, you too!”
Oops uhhhh, I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that
“Hi, welcome in!” “Hello.”
A…a natural beauty…
I can’t look at her…it’s too much….
Queen slays with every outfit she tries on
She keeps admiring the skirts and shorts but she never tries them on??
Wonder why
“Did you need help finding that skirt in another size?” “Oh… No. Thank you though.”
Despite absolutely nailing every outfit and catching the attention of just about every other patron in the store, she returns all the clothes.
“I’m sorry. Nothing seemed to suit me. Thank you for all your help.”
Girl everything suited you. Whaddaya mean!?!?
I know you wanted to try that skirt on! It would look so good!!
But hey, idk her story, I just work in the fitting room
“You’re welcome. Please have a nice day!”
I wonder if she’ll every come back for that skirt…
Another very apologetic customer
No one needs to apologize this much guys 😭
“I’m so sorry for making a mess!”
You haven’t made any kind of mess! Please calm down!
She’s also pretty quick with changing
She comes out after with all the clothes…folded and hung perfectly??? What is this witchcraft????
I bet she’s worked retail before
She holds up two different shirts and says “Um, can I ask for your opinion on these two? Which do you prefer?”
She’s very clearly a little wound up so maybe some light conversation will loosen her
“I like the one on the right…” it’s not the truth but it leads to a conversation and she starts to relax more
“Thank you so much. You’ve been very helpful!” “It’s no trouble at all. Enjoy the rest of your day!” “Thank you! You do as well!”
I think I just made a new friend :)
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morgan-lowell · 23 days
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shield of faerghus VS the hero of daphnel
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morgan-lowell · 24 days
genuinely curious what does everyone do while ao3 is down cause i’m bored out of my mind
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morgan-lowell · 1 month
Whenever japan’s men volleyball is playing a game, Onigir Miya is close for that day but it’s not empty it’s full with family members of the players and old teammates turn to friends are watching the game, making fun of a certain setter and eating some good food.
And in the outskirts of Tokyo, for one day and one day only a whole bunch of teenagers from 5 different schools are huddled around a tv taking a day off the there summer training camp to watch the game, as they sit there in awe the coaches are critiquing their old players that they once had at the very same training camp.
And in a random bar in a small little country town, there a bunch of laughter and drinking from old teammates still in awe of how 2 dumb underclass mates and an overly serious captain made it to the Olympics.
And in that same small country town in front of an electronic store there’s a kid riding on a bike on their way to play with their friends but stops to see this team play and thinks That could be me.
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morgan-lowell · 1 month
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letter to theo by vincent van gogh
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morgan-lowell · 1 month
“You should be at the club.” No, I should be at the scholastic book fair.
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morgan-lowell · 1 month
talent is something you make bloom
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morgan-lowell · 1 month
Destroy the myth that libraries are no longer relevant. If you use your library, please reblog.
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morgan-lowell · 1 month
Who’s the best man at Aran’s wedding? Atsumu or Osamu?
Or wait–
Are they flower boys instead?
Just saw an ig post. I can totally see them as flower boys who dance down the aisle while throwing petals.
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morgan-lowell · 2 months
where is my mind. where is my miiiind
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morgan-lowell · 2 months
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morgan-lowell · 2 months
A lot of adulthood is shouting “AUGH MY LAUNDRY” hours after you put it in the washer/dryer and running to go fetch it
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