moxiangliuyun · 8 months
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001 Prologue
Thick fog was seen moving slowly like a cloud of smoke covering the area and a purplish tinge crossed the cloudy sky like a mystical shawl stretching across the edge of the horizon.
Crowds of flying black crows spread through the air with their croaking sounds.
Suddenly there was a sound of metal clinking.
"Huh! Why are the bells suddenly ringing and there are so many crows?" The man who was sitting at the side of the table weaving a hat from bamboo gasped in surprise when he suddenly heard a clink and the sound of a crow.
"Ugh! Why does it feel so cold today, unlike usual!" Said the man who was seen in a house made of wood that was so old that it was black in color, the wood was taken at the foot of the mountain around the bamboo forest.
Meanwhile, his wife, who was also sitting across the table, was seen embroidering with the help of a oil lamp whose flickering light was refracted on the walls of the house, creating a moving silhouette as the sky outside began to darken. Then the man walked to the window to open it and turned towards the origin of the sound which turned out to be a green bell hanging on the edge of the roof of his wooden house.
Apart from that, the view outside the window showed crowds of crows scattered across the sky at dusk decorated with purplish streaks visible behind the mountains covered in thick fog which the local people called the "Yin Wu Mountains" which slowly seemed to disappear. from sight, because it is covered in thick fog like a dim shadow which sometimes blocks the view of people outside the mountain area, therefore it is given a name like that which means the "Hidden fog mountains", because the mountain area at any time only looks like a stretch of empty land vast and covered in fog. This mountain range, which was located near the border between the Great Eastern Country and the Barbarian tribe's territory, seemed to always be shrouded in thick fog and extremely dense forests. The trees there, especially the pine and banyan trees, are on average very old and hundreds of years old, grow very big and tall, giving a very mysterious impression and a strong mystical aura.
At the foot of the Yin Wu Mountains, there is a remote village that is still considered beautiful, because it is rarely visited by outsiders, unless those people come for a specific purpose. The village was named “Lu Zhong Village” which means “Green Bell Village”. Why is it called Green Bell Village, because in every house in the village, at one end of the front roof of the house, hangs a green bell that has been around since the time of their ancestors. If the wind blows, the bell will sound "DING–DING–DING" with a sound that is quite melodious to hear, but the actual function of the bell is that it will sound if a supernatural creature comes to visit the house.
At that time the atmosphere was still in the house on stilts.
"Oops--! The fog is so thick, my heart doesn't feel good today, could it be--?!" The man said again with his heart beating fast after seeing the scene outside his house and the sky was starting to get dark.
His heart felt uneasy because many crows had appeared, apart from that the sky looked cloudy, there were purple streaks accompanied by thick fog and the temperature was very cold, but there was not the slightest gust of wind which made the atmosphere around him feel strange and eerie.
"It turns out my guess was right!" The man said to his wife again.
"My wife, quickly lock the door!" The man turned to where his wife was sitting, and told her to immediately lock the door to their house.
"Okay!" said the wife, she rushed to put her embroidery on the table, then ran towards the door because she also heard the sound of crows and bells ringing so she understood what her husband meant.
The man hurriedly closed and locked all the windows of their house.
His wife hurriedly ran to the door of their house and immediately locked it by placing two wooden sticks in the middle between the two doors, as was generally the case with ancient house locks.
"Come on, let's quickly hide in the room!" The man said again to his wife.
The man immediately turned off the oil lamp that was outside his bedroom and left one in his own room, turned the knob to slightly dim the flame of the oil lamp so that the light wasn't too bright, then he lay down with his wife on the bed while covering their entire bodies with a blanket from toe to head with a little trembling and a heart pounding fast because of the fear.
"Oh--! The Emperor, Lord of the Yin Wu Mountains, protect me and my wife and all the people of Lu Zhong village, may we all be safe and nothing bad happens!"
The man's mouth seemed to be muttering softly under the blanket but his wife heard it and she said the same thing in her heart.
Meanwhile, the sound of “Ding–Ding–Ding” could also be faintly heard in the distance from their neighbor's house.
When there is no wind, no rain and the Green Bell suddenly rings by itself, the villagers do not dare leave the house, because they know there will be "strangeness" that they will see, if they dare leave the house they might experience disaster. Not everyone can see supernatural beings, unless they are talented and open their inner eyes, but everyone in Lu Zhong's village can see them, from old people to babies.
The sound of horse hooves tapping was heard.
It was the 15th of the 7th month, the atmosphere in Lu Zhong village became increasingly foggy and the air temperature around it would also be colder than usual, and the atmosphere became tense, because at that time it was the gateway between the human world and the "Underworld (Unseen World)" the one in the Cave in the middle of the Yin Wu Mountains would open, which was why all the Green Bells in every villager's house would ring by themselves, even though there was no wind blowing to move them. It was as if there was a supernatural force shaking the bells and the villagers would feel like they were in a void like time stopped turning, they were no longer in Lu Zhong village, but were in another world. Apart from the view being blocked by thick fog, you will also feel the gentle breeze carrying the fragrance of kemuning flowers whose flowers and fragrance resemble jasmine flowers, but have tall tree trunks. In the distance, you could also faintly hear the sound of horse hooves, the sound of musical instruments such as trumpets and drums being beaten from the direction of the Yin Wu forest towards the bamboo forest.
The sound of trumpets blowing and drums beating.
"Your Majesty is passing by!"
"Your Majesty is passing by!"
The hoarse voice was somewhat resonant and repetitive, more like the moans of a creature from another world.
Out came a procession of royal soldiers wearing armor, carrying swords on their backs and some holding banners. In the middle row, burly men consisting of five people on each side carried a luxurious "Sedan Chair" like royal property. Behind him were several soldiers in armor. Behind the soldier there were several figures of creatures whose shapes were very strange, such as green creatures with slimy skin and long ears pointing upwards, then there was a woman dressed in white whose hair reached her waist, but her tongue looked very long sticking out and it was moving like a snake's tongue. There are also other dwarf humans who have sharp teeth like vampire teeth, there are creatures that walk with bent legs, apart from that there are also creatures that walk with bodies without heads, and so on.
The sedan chair that the ten people were carrying looked very majestic and was surrounded by a golden curtain that was tied to the stretcher pole with black rope and looked like a curtain embroidered with gold thread and on each side decorated with tassels that were always swaying, while inside it was seen a person the young man sat with the charisma of a king. The young man had a very handsome face, white skin and wore a very luxurious gold robe.
If anyone happened to see them, the line of the group looked like flickering shadows and when they walked they seemed to be floating because their feet did not touch the ground. After leaving the path in the bamboo forest and passing through Lu Zhong village, they headed to the edge of the village to eat the offerings offered by the villagers placed near the whirlpool of the Yin Wu River on the outskirts of the village.
The Yin Wu River whose water comes from the Yin Wu Mountains will eventually end up in the whirlpool and be sucked into the hole below the whirlpool, but instead the water flows back up the Yin Wu Mountains and continues into the cave which is the gateway to underworld, strange isn't it? Water usually flows to lower places and cannot flow to higher places by itself. In fact, the water of the Yin Wu River seemed like it would never be able to flow out of Lu Zhong village. The river water from the cave to the boundary of the bamboo forest is inhabited by demon fish that eat human flesh, but the boundary between the bamboo forest and Lu Zhong village seems to have an "Invisible Fence" so that the river water in Lu Zhong village is safe, there are no demon fish, there are only fish that the villagers can eat.
"Have you guys finished enjoying the food? Then, let's go home because it's almost morning!" Said the handsome young man who sat on a Sedan Chair and had the charisma of a king.
“We are finished and ready to carry out His Majesty the Emperor's orders!” The soldiers said in unison with the others.
The Emperor raised his hand as a sign to depart.
The sound of horse hooves starting to leave the area was heard.
The sky was still dark, after enjoying the offerings from the villagers, the handsome young man in luxurious robes who turned out to be an Emperor along with soldiers and a convoy of other astral creatures departed from the outskirts of Lu Zhong village to return to the Yin Wu mountains by taking the path they had taken before. It was said that since the time of the ancestors, the villagers of Lu Zhong village were actually protected by this Emperor, the Lord of the Yin Wu Mountains.
In the bamboo forest there is a large black stone with a flat surface called the "BAMBOO FOREST DOUBLE STONE", which is used by village people and immigrants from outside as a place to perform rituals, namely: On the 15th day of the "FULL MOON", they burned three sticks of black fragrant incense, threw white chrysanthemums and black partridges into the river inhabited by demon fish around the "BAMBOO FOREST DOUBLE STONE", as thanks to the Emperor, Lord of the Yin Wu Mountains, for giving fertile land, water abundant, resources that never run out, wood that never rots, and protection if there are bandits coming from outside the village, and on the 1st day (beginning of the month) the "CRESCENT MOON" is believed to have a strong mystical aura and is used for rituals and worshiping idols at a banyan tree to make a pact with the Banyan Tree Demon and asking for something idolatrous by using black incense containing an anesthetic and a bowl of blood.
However, one day the villagers of Lu Zhong were shocked by what happened to the family of a woman whom they now usually call "GRANDMA LIN". At the time of the incident, she was around 38 years old and had no children, while her husband, who was around 40 years old, suddenly died suddenly with a pale, bloodless body. His flesh and skin shrank, as if something was sucking his flesh and blood dry. The neighbors were very shocked and didn't know what was causing it because they had never experienced such an incident before.
After this incident occurred, it turned out that many more victims continued to fall tragically, making the atmosphere in Lu Zhong village become tense, even more mystical and full of mystery.
Why did this terrible thing happen and who did it?
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moxiangliuyun · 9 months
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The Yin Wu Mountains area has the village of Lu Zhong (Green Bell Village) which is mysterious and full of mysteries, because there there have been various incidents and crimes caused by the Banyan Tree Demon King named Rongshu who is very evil and cruel. He likes to drink blood and eat human flesh, likes to rape his victims, both male and female, to regenerate their bodies.
Apart from that, the Yin Wu Mountains were also the territory of the Demon Emperor called the Mysterious Mist Empire with a very handsome Emperor named Emperor Zhou Ming.
Although Emperor Zhou Ming had the title of Demon Emperor, he actually had a very kind heart and was a defender of the truth, so he obtained the Holy Whip from the Heavenly Emperor, namely the One Hundred Soul-Destroying Divine Lightning.
Emperor Zhou Ming had two concubines, but he did not love his concubine because his father forced him to marry immediately and he never touched his concubine. He wants to find his beloved empress who is from the Human Race, the same race as his mother.
Emperor Zhou Ming finally found a very beautiful woman from the Human Race named Chu Yi Lian or Chu Yi who he loved very much. Chu Yi Lian was the daughter of Sect Leader Tian Xin which was the number one Martial Sect in the Great Eastern Country.
On his journey to find his future empress, Emperor Zhou Ming encounters an interesting experience and encounters the evil Demon Wolf.
In the end, this journey actually led him to discover the True Identity of Emperor Zhou Ming himself, which actually had something to do with the Heavenly Emperor Wu Jian Rui.
Who really was Emperor Zhou Ming?
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