mr-boredom · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Stupid Double Agent who loves animals
My name is Agent, Double Agent. I’ve been working undercover in a Russian crime ring out of New York for going on five years now. Today, I’ll be responsible for the torture of a informant of a rival crime family for the Don.
“Sit down, make yourself comfortable.” shoving the perp down into a chair. “I’m here to make you talk.”
“Do your worst Double,” he scowls, spitting onto the floor near my feet “You’ll never get me to talk.”
From the looks of it they might be right, they had been working him over real good. Just looking at him you could see four fingernails missing, a nail in his foot, and his left knee was sagging in a unnatural way. Bruises and blood were all over his face and he was drench with water from head to toe.
“Oh, I’m sure we will.” Threatens Don Russianto “We’ve got ways of making guys like you talk. We’ve brought a little friend with us!”
One of the guys rolls in a trolley with a sheet over it, I wasn’t aware of any partners the perp had, what could be under the-
Oh come on.
The Don take the sheet off with a flourish, revealing a toy poodle inside a cage. They didn’t expect me to, they don’t want me to. No, surely-
“Double,” The Don spoke in his commanding voice “Why don’t you make our friend here talk?”
“Don,” I started “Surely we don’t need to do anything to the poor animal, they’re innocent in all this.”
“Are you questioning me Double? Do I need to put you in a chair too?”
“No, Don Russianto, I was just sayin’-” “Enough of you ‘just sayin’’ and start doin’!” Don said with barely an attempt at hiding his growing irritation.
Was this it? Was this where I faltered after all these years? No, I was just going to have to do it! I was going to have to  torture this beautiful, innocent pup to get some information out of this perp. Not only would doing this strengthen my position with the Don, but surely this info would help my organization out as well. I was just going to have to do it.
“Alright. . .” I took the poodle out of the kennel, they had already muzzled them so they wouldn’t bite me, not that they seemed to want to. They just looked at me with those eyes of theirs. Their unknowing, innocent eyes.
“Her names Aracella.” The perp said softly “You best know her name if you plan on hurting her to get to me. It won’t work though. . .” I could see that it wasn’t the case though. They loved animals just like I do. I probably wouldn’t need to do much to get them to talk. Cut on the leg, pull out a nail. They’d fold like a napkin. I know I would. . .
‘Alright Agent’ I thought to myself ‘If you can do this, the Don will trust you all the more and you’ll get information that will lead not only to his arrest, but his competitors arrest too. Maybe the entire mafia structure would even fall to ruins and all you have to do is hurt this dog.’
Well. . . Here goes. . .
All of a sudden a gunshot rings out, I’m not sure where it came from. The perp gasp like they were hit with something, probably because they were. A crimson stain started pouring from their chest, they were hit right in the heart. I put the poodle on the ground and turned ready to fight whoever took the shot, but there wasn’t anyone around.
I saw a rush above, through the window on the roof! I yanked my pistol free and pointed it towards the shadow, but they were already ducked out of sight.
“Damn it!” the Don bellows, being escorted to safety by his body guards “Why wasn’t someone watching the rooftops, I want to know who was responsible for making sure no one got up there!”
I looked around desperately, trying to see if I could locate the poor dog, finding her pawing at the perps leg, their blood starting to pool around their feet on the floor.
“Well,” I said, relieved I wouldn’t have to hurt the poor pooch “I’m afraid your owner is no longer with us. So for now, Aracella, you’ll have to come home with me.”
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mr-boredom · 3 years
Pretty sure this I'd my older account
Reblog this to prove your blog was made before the February 2022 tumblr resurgence
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