msierra7-blog · 7 years
I feel like the more you tell some one to click on a link they more they want to do it. I promise I didn't click on it besides that, I think you are correct in how you will show your ethos. Having in-text citations and the references available will probably strengthen your writing. As a designer displaying your work will give it even more ethos, and the colors are definitely important in making it appealing but professional. Good luck on your website!
Week 16: Ethos, pathos, logos FTW!
*work in progress above DON’T CHECK IT OUT!!*
B: As a writer…
Ethos- for ethos to be presented throughout my website i will show the websites i have gotten most of my information from or addressing certain professors in the actual paragraphs to show the type of educators i encountered and to justify my writing through the professional use of accessed information. this will be shown through out my reflections and explanations of each major assignment.
Pathos- to find pathos in writing i can easily show the connections made with my semester topic to those who are interested in the solutions i have found while researching by suggesting the ideas of actions that can be taken place in restoring racial disparity in foster care. depicting words such that will make the audience feel they can get up and make a difference while reading the research i’m reflecting on.
logos- to present logos in writing it can be shown by accessing and providing pictures or sources i have come  upon on to establish the factual claim behind the writing and allowing statistics that have been tied to my research so the audience will clearly understand that these facts are from credible sources and would make it better to trust .
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C: As a designer..
ethos- by adding in screenshots on my website it will help to establish credibility into the reflections to show the past assignment and another thing to show tha tit is my work i will add in a photo of myself to ensure the audience of my work and the enrollment of the class by adding in my school address and the class title.
pathos- by putting colors that appeal to the eye as well as placing pictures that can correlate with my topic reflections and lastly a design that incorporates a welcoming feel .
logos- by making sure my webiste is easy to use and straight to the point by not losing the audeinces attention.
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msierra7-blog · 7 years
My Website
Section A
I started a very simple design, I have not been able to play yet with the website. But I am excited what I can come up with. 
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Section B
In my writing for the website I will make sure that I use all three rhetorical appeals. The best way I will be able to have ethos in my writing is by citing and referencing the scholarly work I used in each of my projects. If possible I will link  PDF version of my work so that my ethos will be reinforced. Logos and pathos will be employed by making sure that my work is not biased nor shows one side, and that the importance of it is easy to identify. 
Section C
Designing and being creative is not my forte, I tend to be a very straightforward and practical. Which is why I am going to take the challenge to be more creative with my website but still be professional about it. The most practical way I can ensure that all the appeals are in my website, will be the images I use. The images have show the credibility of my writing but at the same time evoke some sort of emotion. Logos can be achieved by using a professional design that does not make my writing and work questionable. 
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So as a writer and designer the first step is to find the type of website that I want to create. I feel that the Portfolio and CV templates fit the criteria the best. 
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I found a couple templates that I think would show logos and ethos, but at the same time I can make it my own. 
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msierra7-blog · 7 years
I agree with you, I am worried about time because we have other things to do so our schedules might clash. Also, I really do want to finish before the deadline so we can practice for the presentation and be able to edit. 
Week 14: Creating a plan of action
I will commit to this project as much as I can. I will use my free time to work on this assignment and those days include the weekend and Mondays.
I will be meeting up with my group on Wednesdays after RWS and Thursdays from 10:30 to 2:50. I will be working alone when I do not finish my part of the assignment when we were in a group.
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My part of the assignment is to write about the diversity of Hispanics in the nursing field, that is what I will be focusing on when I meet up with my group members on those days
In order complete my part of the project I will use the research from the research paper and apply it to the poster. If further research is needed to complete the project I will undergo the necessary steps in order to supplement my writing.
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An aspect of this assignment that I am concerned about is time because we all manage our time differently. The project will get done on time but hopefully it will be done a few days before the due date so we have time to revise and edit the poster.
I am most comfortable with my group members and how the work is divided because it is evident that they have a very good work ethic and will get their part done on time.
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msierra7-blog · 7 years
Creating a Plan of Action
A. Based on my schedule and what we have completed on my project, I will commit my work time to Thursdays and Fridays. But also this time will vary if I need to do more extensive work.
B. We will be meeting up as a group Wednesday after class and Thursdays from 10:30-2:50. As a group we might not take up that whole time but it depends on how much work we have and are able to complete on Wednesday.
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C. Hopefully during our visits this week we will complete the poster. So by next Wednesday we can have our presentation done and begin practicing.
D. We all have the responsibility to bring the perspective from our Literature Reviews. The rest of the group members focused more diversity of the medical field. While my perspective was more on the results of not having a diverse field on the accessibility to healthcare. Which is why being able to connect all of our data we can finish both our poster and presentation in a timely manner.
E. The end of the semester is coming fast and with comes finals, term papers and such. Everybody is ready for it to be over and we just want to sleep. That is why I am concerned about time and scheduling but all will be well.
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F. All my group members are obviously very passionate about their topic, so we are not lacking information or energy. I am sure we can work efficiently and be able to do a great job with our project.
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msierra7-blog · 7 years
Your analysis was great and you made sure to be specific in every question. I think its a great idea in improving your use of visuals in the poster. It can make the poster stand out more, and make it more easy to understand and relate.
Week 13 Poster Analysis
1.The poster that i chose for this was:
Effects of electrical stimulation on Schwann cell migration on polypyrrole substrate
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2. It’s similar  to our poster in many of the parts that it uses to separate information it has an introduction or something similar to it, a conclusion and result section, however it is different than ours in that it has an additional current treatments section on its poster.
3. Its purpose is to inform the reader about nerve damage and how Schwann cells can be used to treat such damage, and this purpose its very clear with the first statements of the poster being focused on establishing this purpose and its displayed effectively as well.
4.The intended audience is people that have some knowledge of biology and chemistry and are interested in health care, its mostly this specialized audience because they bring up terms that a normal person wouldn’t be able to grasp as well as a person with experience in that area already, it appeals moderately though if its going for that audience a bit more of claims and more advanced topics can be used to interest them more in this issue.
5. it shows its ethos by stating facts and showing what school made it or where it was researched, ethos is not that effective due to the lack of citations nothing has a citation that can give it more credibility and due to nothing being cited makes it look like a weak poster.
6. It barely displays pathos and it is not effective it is mainly trying to appeal the audience through the use of ethos and logos, pathos is not effective because there is no major appeal to the reader emotion almost everything is clear stated facts, and opinions with no bias or emotional impact.
7. It displays logos through the use of image and statements it is very effective, it uses the images especially to show how schawnn cells could vastly improve nerve damage repair.
Section B: Implications for your own research poster
1. I will try to convince my team mates into adopting some of the strategies that this poster uses towards our own such as the heavy use of images to support the text.
2. It will probably won’t change a lot, however we might add a background section or method section to support our poster.
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msierra7-blog · 7 years
Analyzing a Research Poster
Section A: Analyzing a Research Poster
1. Conflict Minerals: Should Businesses Avoid or Develop?
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2. Similarities in this poster and ours  is the basic requirements and format. For example research objective(thesis), introduction, and results are found in this poster. Another similarities are the usage of visual aids, and their purpose. In which both papers aim to not only inform but also persuade. Difference in the poster would be the methods section.
3. The purpose of this poster is to inform the audience in the issues of mining minerals. Their purpose is clear in what they want to accomplish in informing. They want to being attention to how mining for diamonds, coal, and etc, is far more damaging than beneficial. But the format was distracting and it took away for their purpose.
4. Who is the intended audience for the poster? How do you know? Does it effectively appeal to the intended audience? Why or why not? The intended audience is the businesses that profit from the mining market, but also the leaders that regulate it. The visual aids were able reinforce the appeal for the audience. The yellow graphic
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5. How does this poster display Ethos? Is it effective? Why or why not? The credibility of the poster was not clear to me. I did not see any information quoted or properly citied. So I am not sure if ethos was properly displayed.
6. Pathos was displayed by the image circled in red. It is effective because it shows the two sides of the mining market. It makes a statement because of the intense contrast. Not only in the images but also the abstract where it mentions the harsh reality of mine workers in Republic of Congo.
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7. Logos was shown not only throughout but by the usage of the image circled in yellow. That image is impactful because it helps to understand why the purpose poster is important. Because it shows that the need for that market does not justify the casualties of it.
Section B: Implications for your own research poster
1. This poster will definitely aid in figuring what visuals are appealing and effective. Also, to make sure that our sources are credible and easily identifiable. Importantly, being able to structure our message to purposeful and be accessible to multiple audiences. 
2. After analyzing this poster it became easier to understand what our poster is lacking. How we can display the results and effects lack of diversity in nursing in a logical manner.
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msierra7-blog · 7 years
I think its great you might be use your review for when you do your graduate work. If its something you enjoyed researching and writing about, you should definitely use it as a stepping stone for the future. As you said when you begin your career as a Social Worker, it is vital that you are open-minded and understand the struggles of the children. 
week 12
when professor Cisneros gives us assignments every week that eventually lead up to the literature review final and we think its more work when in actuality its less. 
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but of course now we reflect so….
1.) WHAT?????
when writing and piecing together a literature review it was nice being able to prove and analysis a point with the loads of information we collected. which then became those key parts to the actual essay with facts not only informing the reader but also informing the researcher. this helps the researcher by evolving their factual claim and having them be more aware of the chosen topic.it was nice being able to understand and learn my topic all at once during this assignment.
2.) SO WHAT????
with all the things i’ve learned throughout this assignment and course i do feel the majority of the sources i used to accomplish the things i’ve done for this assignment will be very useful because these key factors made it important to this paper. from the ways i learned how to write in APA style for this particular assignment, to the use of scholarly articles and how i found all my information to ‘ace’ my paper. Also being able to understand how to include certain criteria in my paper and make it work like in text citations and graphics.all that will be important in future papers and knowing how to look up scholarly articles on the utep library and going to the UWC for more help/ reassurance.
3.) NOW WHAT?????
with the information that i discovered throughout my research future outcomes that can be made with all the things i now know can differ from community service and volunteering in communities with these children especially minorities. Also it can help by enhancing my views when i actually do step into the field work of Social Service by knowing that i have to create an un-baised view for these children i will be dedicating my job life to. also another thing would be a starting point topic that i can focus around for when i want to achieve my masters since ive already developed all this information around minorities in foster care system. all these points are crucial for my future and im glad i had all this information to help me get there one small step at a time!
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msierra7-blog · 7 years
Reflection time
To be honest, I hated how mental health and illness were rarely mentioned in any of my sources. But, I was well aware that would happen so thats my fault. Still sucks tho
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Anyway lets spill the tea on my experience with the literature review 
1. What?
I am psychology major and I have multiple fields in which I can go to. So during the process of the review I learned more about the healthcare system aspect of it. I have written essays similar to literature reviews before so I was already familiar with the process. Going through this again was a refresher and a reminder of how tedious writing may seem. But it was great, and being able to conduct an interview was an amazing learning experience.
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She came through y'all
2. So What?
Unfortunately, I did not learn much in regards to my field of psychology. There was countless resources involving physical illness and not so much on mental. That was disappointing because mental illness exists and there should be literature on it. Yet it was great to see that diversifying healthcare system to reduce disparities is important to others. But mental health should be as important as your physical health, and education on mental health is necessary.
3. Now What?
The thing is diversity is needed not only in nurses and doctors but also professionals that deal with psychology. Especially when it comes to cultural barriers because as a latino/hispanic and being diagnosed with a mental illness is a different experience than a white or African-American individual. To be honest, I have never strived to be a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. However, as I did my research it resonated with me how impactful it would be if that field was diversified. I might not choose to take that career path, but I will definitely make it a priority to promote that change .
Now that I am done with the Literature Review...
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msierra7-blog · 8 years
I love the organization of your post. For the introduction info, putting the page number is a great help for me, because I can never find anything. I basically live in the purdue owl page when writing and essay. No matter how papers I write I always forget. So the information you presented is very straight forward and clear. Good job and good luck on your Lit Review. 
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Week 11: Introduction and In-text Citations
1.      The introduction(s) for the Literature Review must include:
 Background information from the topic
 A clear statement of purpose
The stated research question(s) in bullet form
Thesis statement
Written in third person
APA format
2.      This information was gathered from two places:
one was directly from the supplemented guidelines for the literature review folder in week 10
RWS e-book pages 218 and 231.
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3.   My classmates and I will meet the introduction requirements by using the following instructions and an example when writing our introduction.
Retrieved from the RWS e-book page 226 and example from page 223-4:
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In-Text Citations:
1.      Assignment requirement for In-text citation for the Literature Review:
 APA Formatting
Author’s last name
The year of publication
The page number where available
If no author, cite the source by its title in the signal phrase or use the first word or two in the parentheses
 A work by two or five author should name all authors and use the word “and” between the last two authors name in the signal phrase or parenthesis
Six or more authors should use the first author´s name followed by “et al” in the signal phrase or parenthesis
 If source does not have a page number, reference the source by its paragraph number
For interviews cite the communicators name (Initial and Last name), a comma and then the fact that it was “personal communication”, and the date of the communication (Month Day , Year)
 For Direct quotes: cite author in the signal phrase or after quotation citation, but author and date should always be together
 For paraphrasing: even if it’s not in quotation, it is needed to cite the source of your information
2.      This information was gathered from two places:
Directly from The Rhetoric and Writing Studies HandbookPages 43-45
Purdue OWL: In-Text Citations: Author/Authors
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3.      My classmates and I will meet the introduction requirements by using the following instructions in the video. We can refer to the examples provided when we are doing our in-text citations. 
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msierra7-blog · 8 years
Extra Credit
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msierra7-blog · 8 years
Methods & Interview Material
A. Assignment requirements
 1. Purpose of your primary research:
 Make sure to title your research
Have a statement explaining what you hoped to learn
 2. Methods used to conduct your primary research 
The who, what, when, how, and what.
3. Results of your primary research:
How the interview results tie in with the rest of material.
Detailed statement telling your audience how the responses will be discussed throughout the paper.
4. Implications of your primary research
How interview results relate to your other sources.
Relate the results to the community or a to bigger scale.
Interview Material 
1. Begins with requesting an interview from your list of picked scholars.
2. Once you receive a response, make sure to follow up with an “Interview Confirmation”
Include your research questions, scholarly articles, and interview release form.
3. Remember to have your interview materials for recording 
 Phone, paper, pencil, etc.
4.  Reminders 
Dress the part (nothing too fancy). 
Act professional and have fun. 
Bring a copy of the “Interview Release Form”.
5. During the interview do not worry about writing every single thing down. Write points that stand out, and remember that you will have a recording.
B. Where I found everything.
Week 10 and the RWS Handbook will be your savior. You can find all your information and requirements in the:
Literature Review Supplemental Guidelines
Interview Material folder
 p. 218-222(which include rubric), 226-227
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C. How can we meet these requirements 
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This presentation is a great tool if you are unsure or nervous for the interview.
For the methods section a quick google search can help even more if you still cannot figure it out. 
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First two links are great. 
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msierra7-blog · 8 years
Hey Ari, I like your questions and you should make sure to ask if they have any personal experience (facing stereotypes, being underrepresented, etc) in the STEM field. If they can provide a specific example of themselves or a colleague, it could help your topic have a more impactful response. By asking about their experiences you could either get responses that support or oppose your research. Which would be totally interesting to see.
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Week 10: Interview Attempt
the first step was to attempt contact with the professor I chose to interview. 
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the next step was to save the documents required for this assignment: interview release form and the interview confirmation form.
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the next step was to put my interview questions together and draft them out before the interview attempt.
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the final step was to provide proof of my interview tools: my laptop and my telephone.
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msierra7-blog · 8 years
Interview Request
First the was the hard decision of who I would contact. 
I decided on Dr. Cooper 
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Then I have both the interview confirmation and release form saved.
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Drafted interview questions 
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Finally interview tools 
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Now time for a happy dance because Dr. Cooper responded and scheduled a time to meet. 
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msierra7-blog · 8 years
Interview Questions
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Have a nice spring break y'all!!
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msierra7-blog · 8 years
Hi! So your interview questions 1 and 4 seem like they can be awesome and informative. But maybe for question 2 if you also asked “ do you think these measures currently exist on our campus or region?”. Overall your questions are good. 😊👍🏼
Interview Questions
These are my interview questions based on my research questions. 
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I hope you are ready for my questions Mr. Professor…
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msierra7-blog · 8 years
Hi Gema, I like that your picks are UTEP graduates and who may or may not be hispanic. They could definitely give you a female perspective but also one that can relate to El Paso community that has a high population of hispanics. 
Primary Research
My declared major: Pre-Nursing
Correlating college: School of Nursing
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Unlike other majors, nursing is divided into programs instead of departments. the program I am part of is the undergraduate degree program of Traditional BSN
Contact information
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Advising information is found in the “people” tab. The website has subheadings that will help find an advisor.
My first choice is this professor because he is the Dean of the college of nursing. As the Dean, he has to know a lot about nursing field. He has many degrees in nursing which indicates that he is well informed.
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I choose this professor because she is the director of the BSN program. She received all her degrees from UTEP which means she has an idea of the diversity of Hispanic nurses here in the university.
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I choose this professor because her research is on Hispanic women. It is not the same topic I am researching but she might have information I am not aware of. She also got a degree from UTEP which means she might be Hispanic and could give me her point of view.
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msierra7-blog · 8 years
Primary Source Research
Declared major: Psychology 
 Correlating College 
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 Contact information to department and undergraduate advising 
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Lets begin the lurking 
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 Dr. Cooper, was my intro to psychology professor, I am well informed of his studies that directly involve tobacco use and Latinos. Which is why I'm sure he would know the healthcare access disparities that Hispanics can face. 
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Although, Dr. Field focuses more on promoting behavioral change in regards to health. His research could help me answer what is the value in promoting healthcare equality specifically to the Latino population. 
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 Dr. Louden, area is in legal psychology and her research focuses on offenders with mental illness. Her perspective could help me in regards to policy change in healthcare access not only in general population but also in criminal offenders.
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