mt-seeker-of-rain · 3 months
How do you feel about Americans?
Americans have one of the highest obesity rates in the world, yet they hold the most Olympic medals. They have a horrible education system, yet eclipse the rest of the world in scientific research. The country is filled with clueless philistines, yet their culture permeates every society, in some way, across the planet. The country is still less than three centuries old, but has spent most of it at war. They are universally hated or feared by nearly every other country on the planet, yet the first to offer help during a disaster. Their people are stubborn and never content with the way things are, and for better or worse, all of them imagine how things could be better. Every American is a bankrupt billionaire, a prince in exile, a grounded astronaut, a disgraced scientist. There are the people who do not settle for who they are, but for what they may become.
The country has her problems. Certainly their government has a lot of blood on its hands. But there is something charming about the people I can’t quite place. Even the delusional leftists or the out of touch neocons. There is a certain magic about the place that you don’t find elsewhere. There are bad parts and bad people, to be sure, but there are just as many good parts and good people. It is a land of extremes. But even the poor aren’t really that poor. Much better to be a homeless American living on the beach than literally freezing to death at a metro station in Moscow.
Sure, Yanks say some stupid things. Sometimes they do stupid things like arm terrorist groups they later go to war with. But sometimes they also say profound things. Sometimes they do profound things like planting their flag, in person, on the moon. I can’t stay mad at them and I can’t help but love them.
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
Reblog cuz I want to keep this.. good reminder 👍🏼
When you pick up a sword for the first time you will be slow and awkward. This is frustrating, but refuse the temptation to try and become a “faster” fencer. Chasing after speed is like trying to catch smoke. If you try and pursue speed, all you will accomplish is haste. Haste is the enemy of 1st class fencing.
Speed is a lie the untrained mind tells itself when it sees an action it cannot follow. The truth is a combination of timing, control, and fluidity. Fluid motion, even done slowly, will always arrive before a hasty strike. Control will allow you to move without wasteful motion that will slow you down. Timing will eliminate the need to move fast almost entirely. There is no need to get somewhere fast so long as you get there at the right time.  
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
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Parker Library, Cambridge
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
Needs to be understood by more.
I'm not sure if this will come out right but:
Being loved is NOT a reward for being beneficial or useful in any way. You don't become less deserving of being loved if you aren't productive for a day or if you have a bad day and can't get out of bed.
I promise. Being loved has nothing to do with how you "help" the world or those around you.
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
‘Cause I like it and maybe you might also..
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
Well said!
‘Merica 🇺🇸
Independence Day wasn’t the day we became free as a nation.
July 4th, 1776 was the day we declared our intention to be free, whatever the cost.
This day is not about the freedom we possess, it’s about our resolution to obtain and defend our freedom even against insurmountable odds.
That’s the spirit of America: the little guy who won’t back down.
🇺🇸 Happy Independence Day, America. 🇺🇸
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
For the sake of trying this later.. looking forward to making it some day
This whole thing cost me $5
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
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Spring ‘23 happenings
"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat."
~Laura Ingalls Wilder
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
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Morning sun peaking over the mountains on a cold winters day
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
Awesome interaction!
Reblogged so I don’t lose it.
From a friend. Not sure of the origin. That's some raw power right there.
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 1 year
Speaks to my soul every time I spend time there…
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 2 years
Uh… took me a minute or two…
My medieval servant boy has gone missing. I’ll just use Google to see if I can find him.
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 2 years
“Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of. An apparently trivial indulgence in lust or anger today is the loss of a ridge or railway line or bridgehead from which the enemy may launch an attack otherwise impossible.”
—C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity.
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 2 years
Because . . .
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 2 years
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Montana - a place I love to call home!
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 2 years
“Somebody observed about Christopher Columbus, "Columbus went out not knowing where he was going; and when he got there he did not know where he was; and when he got back he did not know where he had been, and he did it all on other people's money."
This is the way of religion today. People do not know where they are, they do not know where they have been, they do not know why they are here, they do not know where they are going; and they do the whole thing on borrowed time, borrowed money, borrowed thinking, and then die. Science may be able to help keep you, but it cannot help you here.
Science can keep you alive so that you have longer to think it over, but it will never give you any answer for the purpose of your life.”
~ A. W. Tozer The Purpose of Man
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mt-seeker-of-rain · 2 years
Just because I do not want to lose this post - duck-tas-tic!!
What the duck?
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