muaz2205 · 5 months
the two cats at a mosque I go to disappeared
i hope they're alright
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muaz2205 · 5 months
I’m gonna say it.
It’s unhinged to assume that someone’s taste in fiction equates to what they believe is moral or good, or is something they want to see or experience in real life.
That is a bonkers assumption to make.
I’m tired of humoring people with long arguments about it when the simple fact is it is a totally fucking absurd reach to accuse someone who enjoys something in fiction of being in favor of it in real life.
I’m tired of pretending like this is a legitimate position to hold– that they should be afraid of fiction’s dire influence on a reader’s moral decay or that it’s a sign of what the author secretly wants for realsies in real life.
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muaz2205 · 5 months
i'm sorry but i'm pretty sure that's wrong (mb if I'm the one who is) pro-shipping stands for problematic shipping
im against that kind of shipping (minor x adult, incest, non-con, etc.), however i don't discriminate against the authors or treat them as lesser than/ That's what i meant
I’m gonna say it.
It’s unhinged to assume that someone’s taste in fiction equates to what they believe is moral or good, or is something they want to see or experience in real life.
That is a bonkers assumption to make.
I’m tired of humoring people with long arguments about it when the simple fact is it is a totally fucking absurd reach to accuse someone who enjoys something in fiction of being in favor of it in real life.
I’m tired of pretending like this is a legitimate position to hold– that they should be afraid of fiction’s dire influence on a reader’s moral decay or that it’s a sign of what the author secretly wants for realsies in real life.
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muaz2205 · 5 months
hi turns out I will have to use #saiyanoffaraway now because #sof leads to some unsavoury shit
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muaz2205 · 5 months
"Okay. The spirit bomb's big enough…"
Frieza floated ever upwards, aiming his deathball at Aubrey.
"DO IT NOW AUBREY!" King Kai screams
So she let go.
The spirit bomb crashed down towards her, eviscerating everything in 20 mile radius, before it just… imploded
Everything except Frieza.
"HA! Nice try jackass. Kamikaze attacks won't work on me."
It… failed?
They couldn't feel Aubrey's ki at all.
Then suddenly, an immense pressure washes over everyone.
The dust settles and out steps the Super Saiyan God.
サイヤ人の 神オーバジーン
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muaz2205 · 6 months
my bitch wife took my mortality in the divorce and now I am cursed to walk the earth a shambling husk forever trapped in the gray nothingness between the beauty of life and the release of death 👎👎👎👎
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muaz2205 · 6 months
kudos don't determine worth
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muaz2205 · 6 months
•Normalize Fanart for Fanfics Again You Fools•
It's not cringe anymore (it SHOULDN'T be cringe anymore), just do it. You're doing something you enjoy, who cares what anybody else says! So spread the words my fellow internet brethren.
Spread the Word :)
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muaz2205 · 6 months
If it's a game shouldn't there be a download for someone to get higher res clips???
So I went on a deep internet dive today and...
(Because it's a game, I think the player's choices impact the ending).
Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans Alternate Endings:
Giant Hatchiyack Ending (youtube)
Giant Hatchiyack Ending with more context (internet archive)
Multiple Hatchiyack Ending (youtube)
Spirit Bomb Ending (youtube)
Scroll Ending (internet archive)
Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans with More Scenes
Slightly more scenes (youtube)
Slightly MORE scenes (mega.nz file link, leads to a website where a user uploaded the video, I had no issues on this website but just a warning if you only go to trusted sites)
Earth disk (part 1) (mangled audio and a guy is speaking in Spanish over it the entire time but hey you can see the pictures!) (youtube)
Space disk (part 2) (youtube)
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muaz2205 · 6 months
Literally Hero Omori
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hello fanon enjoyer. in front of you is a kind & emotional man. you have 20 seconds to explain why you headcanon him as transgender without using his kindess and emotional availability as reasoning. good luck
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muaz2205 · 6 months
lol im 15
Reblog for a larger sample size!
No "show results", if you're not a fanfic writer just be patient.
I saw a post about an anon saying it was embarrasing to have an ao3 account in your 30s (it's absolutely not), so I want to do a poll and see what the age range actually is.
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muaz2205 · 6 months
Okay here's the thing. The strategy fails once you reach the low low hit levels. Mainly what I do is firstly see what the summary says, check the tags, then go in. Skim a bit (because honestly I can't fucking read longfics that's why mine are so short) and then if it looks good i'll read it properly
Another AO3 thing I’m curious about, how do yall decide if something is good enough to read? Usually I follow a rule of 1 kudos for every 10 hits. One because it’s easy math and two it’s yet to fail me. Thoughts? Do you just go for it and pray it’s good?
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muaz2205 · 6 months
Should I have sunny's dad be a straight up asshole or someone who just projects all his self hatred and pent up aggression onto his son because he's actually a good (if not flawed) dad in the Mari lives AU
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muaz2205 · 6 months
Another day, another example of Omocat being kinda an ass writer.
Even I'd win. /hj
seriously, I need more people to consider that Basil's friends insisting on talking with him when he was in no condition to do that could've been a huge contributing factor to his breakdown. idk about OMORI fans but if I spent the day grieving the very recent death of a beloved relative only to hear my friends knocking my door down and saying shit lke "we're here for you 🥰" even though they didn't give a shit when it would've actually made a difference, then hear my former bestie who harassed me for a prolonged period of time go "are u there? i'm sowwy 🥺" and then hear them unilaterally deciding to stay over at my house I would've jumped out of the window
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muaz2205 · 6 months
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Chi-chi week #4: Future AU/Snow
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I think she deserves it
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muaz2205 · 6 months
Regular ol' Kelbrey fic while working on SoF
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muaz2205 · 6 months
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Hero in every post good ending fic:
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