mudales-blog · 5 years
may people with pure intentions find people with pure intentions
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mudales-blog · 5 years
O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.
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mudales-blog · 5 years
A hopeless man sees difficulties in every chance, but a hopeful person sees chances in every difficulty.
>Ali ibn Abi Talib<
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mudales-blog · 5 years
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: there will come a time when holding on to your Deen will be like holding on to hot Coals
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mudales-blog · 5 years
John Esposito
"Islam stands in a long line of Semitic, prophetic religious traditions that share an uncompromising monotheism, and belief in God's revelation, His prophets, ethical responsibility and accountability, and the Day of Judgment. Indeed, Muslims, like Christians and Jews, are the Children of Abraham, since all trace their communities back to him. Islam's historic religious and political relationship to Christendom and Judaism has remained strong throughout history. This interaction has been the source of mutual benefit and borrowing as well as misunderstanding and conflict." (Islam, The Straight Path, Oxford University, New York, 1988)
John Alden Williams
"Islam is much more than a formal religion: it is an integral way of life. In many ways it is a more determining factor in the experience of its followers than any other world religion. The Muslim ("One who submits") lives face to face with Allah at all times and will introduce no separation between his life and his religion, his politics and his faith. With its strong emphasis on the brotherhood of men cooperating to fulfill the will of Allah, Islam has become one of the most influential religions in the world today." (Islam, George Braziller, New York, 1962, inside dust cover).
Paul Varo Martinson
"Islam is an authentic faith that shapes our Muslim neighbors' innermost being and determines their attitude in life. And the Islamic faith is generally more tradition oriented than the recent Western shape of Christian faith, which has experienced considerable secularization. Yet we are only fair to the Islamic population when we understand them from their religious core and respect them as a faith community. Muslims have become important partners in faith conversation." (Islam, An Introduction for Christians, Augsburg, Minneapolis, 1994).
Barnabas' Gospel
None of today's officially accepted Gospels - or, for that matter, the Gospel of Barnabas, whose authenticity continues to be attacked by the established Church because its contents contradict official dogma on several fundamental issues - are capable of being objectively authenticated.
Montgomery Watt
"I am not a Muslim in the usual sense, though I hope I am a "Muslim" as "one surrendered to God", but I believe that embedded in the Quran and other expressions of the Islamic vision are vast stores of divine truth from which I and other Occidentals have still much to learn, and 'Islam is certainly a strong contender for the supplying of the basic framework of the one religion of the future.'" (Islam and Christianity Today, London, 1983).
Edward Montet
"Islam is a religion that is essentially rationalistic in the widest sense of this term considered etymologically and historically. The definition of rationalism as a system that bases religious belief on principles furnished by the reason applies to it exactly... It cannot be denied that many doctrines and systems of theology and also many superstitions, from the worship of saints to the use of rosaries and amulets, have become grafted on the main trunk of Muslim creed. But in spite of the rich development, in every sense of the term, of the teachings of the prophet, the Quran has invariably kept its place as the fundamental starting point, and the dogma of unity of God has always been proclaimed therein with a grandeur, a majesty, an invariable purity and with a note of sure conviction, which it is hard to find surpassed outside the pale of Islam.
This fidelity to the fundamental dogma of the religion, the elemental simplicity of the formula in which it is enunciated, the proof that it gains from the fervid conviction of the missionaries who propagate it, are so many causes to explain the success of Mohammedan missionary efforts. A creed so precise, so stripped of all theological complexities and consequently so accessible to the ordinary understanding might be expected to possess and does indeed possess a marvelous power of winning its way into the consciences of men." ("La Propaganda Chretienne it Adversaries Musulmans", Paris, 1890, quoted by T.W. Arnold in The Preaching of Islam, London, 1913).
Paul in his letter to the Corinthians admitted the centrality of this doctrine to the entire body of Christian faith: "Tell me, if Christ is preached as raised from the dead, how is it that some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, Christ himself has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is void of content and your faith is empty too. Indeed, we should then be exposed as false witnesses of God, for we have borne witness before Him that He raised up Christ…" (I Corinthians 15:12-15)
Vatican's Silence
In the fourth year of the Emperor Zeno's rule in 478 AD, the remains of Barnabas were discovered, and a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas, written in his own hand, was found on his breast. This is recorded in the Acta Sanctorum, Boland Junii, Tome II, pages 422­ 450, published in Antwerp in 1698. It has been claimed by the Roman Catholic Church that the Gospel found in the grave of Barnabas was that of Matthew, but no steps have been taken to display this copy. The exact contents of the twenty-five mile long library of the Vatican continue to remain in the dark.
Destroyed Gospels
All the Hebrew and early Greek versions of Mark's Gospel have been destroyed, and people can only speculate as to how much of the Gospel was changed or altered during these transitions from one language to another, although it has now been generally accepted that the final section (Mark 16: 9-20) was tacked on to the end of the basic work at a later stage in order to round it off.
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mudales-blog · 5 years
Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah Almighty says: Whoever comes with a good deed will have the reward of ten like it and even more. Whoever comes with an evil deed will be recompensed for one evil deed like it or he will be forgiven. Whoever draws close to me by the length of a hand, I will draw close to him by the length of an arm. Whoever draws close to me the by length of an arm, I will draw close to him by the length of a fathom. Whoever comes to me walking, I will come to him running. And whoever meets me with enough sins to fill the earth, not associating any idols with me, I will meet him with as much forgiveness.”
Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2687
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mudales-blog · 5 years
It is He who created you from clay and then decreed a term and a specified time [known] to Him; then [still] you are in dispute.
Quran 6:2
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mudales-blog · 6 years
Fall in Love the Right Way
Chapter: One Abandons His Beloved In Order To Avoid Forbidden Relations And Then His Beloved Is Made Permissible For Him (ie: via a Marriage Contract) or Allāh Replaces Her For Him With Someone Better الباب السابع والعشرون: فيمن ترك محبوبه حراما فبذل له حلالا أو أعاذه الله خيرا منه
This is based upon the principle: “Whoever leaves something for the sake of Allāh, Allāh will compensate him with something better” عنوان هذا الباب وقاعدته أن من ترك لله شيئا عوضه الله خيرا منه
Just as it was the case with Yūsuf (‘alayhi salam) who left the wife of Al-‘Azīz’s for the sake of Allāh, and chose prison over illicit actions. كما ترك يوسف الصديق عليه السلام امرأة العزيز لله واختار السجن على الفاحشة
As a result, Allāh compensated him by giving him supremacy in the land to take whatever he wanted, فعوضه الله أن مكنه في الأرض يتبوأ منها حيث يشاء
And a young woman approached him seeking a permissible relationship with him, وأتته المرأة صاغرة سائلة راغبة في الوصل الحلال
So he married her فتزوجها
And when he came upon her, he said: “This is better than what you wanted.” فلما دخل بها قال هذا خير مما كنت تريدين
So contemplate over about how Allāh rewarded him for the hardship of prison and gave him supremacy in the land to take whatever he desired, فتأمل كيف جزاه الله سبحانه وتعالى على ضيق السجن أن مكنه في الأرض ينزل منها حيث يشاء
Debased for him the wife of al-’Azīz, and she and the other women attested to his innocence. وأذل له العزيز امرأته وأقرت المرأة والنسوة ببراءته
This is the Sunnah of Allāh towards His slaves, past and present until the Day of Resurrection. وهذه سنته تعالى في عباده قديما وحديثا إلى يوم القيامة
Ibn al-Qayyim, Rawḍah ʾl-Muḥibbīn wa Nuzhah ʾl-Mushtāqīn 1/445 ابن القيم، روضة المحبين ونزهة المشتاقين ١/٤٤٥ http://shamela.ws/browse.php/book-11229/page-441
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mudales-blog · 6 years
To all my sisters working on becoming famous… from Instagram, to coaches launching stuff to the world, people building a stronger online presence, those working their way up the corporate ladder - let me say this with some love for you:
If you find that your business/popularity/stuff is growing while your iman is shrinking, and you are starting to compromise on things that *you used to feel really strong about* pay attention.
People don’t stop doing things all at once. It’s a slow and gradual process of moving away from their Deen.
They start delaying prayer more because they are posting on IG.
A previously pretty but simple face is now loaded with make up.
The hijab is starting to shrink. Earrings are coming out, the neck is showing, strands of hair are on display.
There are pictures with the opposite gender which are a little too cozy.
Your not drinking at that happy hour bar…just networking.
Thousands of dollars are being spent on training events which last days on end but you can’t be bothered to go to an Islamic class anymore.
You read books about being “enlightened” from everyone else….except those of our own faith.
Muslim community….what community? You are so out of touch except for FB and your direct blood family.
The more time you spend around those “loving open minded people” out in the real world the more you can’t stand the seemingly closed mind judgmental local community you are a part of both offline and online.
Like this post… darnnit can’t people just let you live?
The line in the sand, however, is about finding people who really truly care about your akhirah vs. those who only care about supporting you in ways that make them feel better about themselves with their choices.
“Girl, don’t let them judge you. You’re fine the way you are” <– sounds amazing except when that person just made you feel better about doing something that the Lord of the Worlds commanded you not to do. What’s a tiny person compared to Him?
I know that I have faced my own decision making moments through the years. I know how fragile I am as a person. I work pretty hard to protect my environment, who I surround myself with, and what I consume.
I have no problems admitting that in public. I also know we are all pretty much the same in this regard. We are and become who we surround ourselves with. It’s downright scary to be honest.
Today we run to say “don’t judge me” from our fellow Muslims but soak up hours and hours of advice on Youtube from people passing judgments on everyone else in the world based on their worldview of right and wrong.
We forget that human beings can remind us of who we are at a time when the remembrance of Allah is something we are pushing away from our minds.
Humans who remind you not to sin are, in the long run, the people you need in your life. Not the ones to remove. The need to remove, remove, and remove some more is often an attempt to remove the agitation in your heart between the person you are supposed to be striving to become and the person you’ve decided you want to be based on dunyah motivations.
“Unburdened” by the rules of others you tell yourself. A good way to think so long as you know the rules of this life by your Creator and strive to follow them. Not ignore or remove them.
This isn’t a post that supports Fb trolls, people who are rude, lack manners, knowledge, and human decency but want to go around harshly shaming people with their fatwas.
That is not our way. Ever. Our way is one of compassion.
But compassion does not mean we walk on eggshells either and it doesn’t mean we lose our backbones.
We cannot paralyze our own voices to help us all be *stronger* as Muslim women by creating an environment of absolute helpless fragility amongst us.
We are from a tradition of strong women with backbones, courage, sacrifice, strength, honor, dignity, scholarship, and brains!
We are not doormat women. We are not women who were told because of our gender we can’t access our own Holy book. We are not from a tradition that says women are lesser in the sight of God.
We are supposed to struggle to be close to God and you better believe that the only people who are going to help you become that are other women who possess a balance of fear and hope in Him and a love for your success in both worlds.
Women who know there is a Day of Judgment.
Women who see the red flags and want to help you answer whatever major spiritual questions you have deep down inside.
Women who want you to earn as many good deeds as you can and stay away from as many wrong deeds as you can because they know that soon enough we all return to the grave. Alone.
Youtube followers, and IG followers aren’t going to help you out.
Stay strong out there. Whatever you might gain in this life in terms of worldly success because you compromised on obedience is going to hurt you the most.
Things to help you stay strong:
1) Reflect on death.
2) Remember why you were created.
3) Spend time with people who remember God often.
4) Read just one ayah a day in your own native language.
5) Spend more time in sujood talking to Allah about what you are grateful for and what you are in need of by Him.
With love, respect, and good will!
Megan Wyatt
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mudales-blog · 6 years
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mudales-blog · 6 years
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mudales-blog · 6 years
Live the life that you will wish to live after death.
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mudales-blog · 6 years
"No matter how preety your face is ... you will still be the food of worms."
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mudales-blog · 6 years
Death is the easiest of all things after it, and the hardest of all things before it.
-Hazrat Abu Bakr
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mudales-blog · 6 years
Be careful what you share on social media. Even among our family members, there may be people who hide ill feelings towards our achievements, beauty & lifestyles behind their smiles. The sad part is that most of the time, people envy what we know isn’t completely real!
>Mufti Ismail menk <
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mudales-blog · 6 years
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mudales-blog · 6 years
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