mumblebeesays-blog · 6 years
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mumblebeesays-blog · 6 years
When we are born , we cry while the world rejoices. When we die we should be with peace with ourselves and the world should cry. We have forgotten our humanity for the most part. We can build rockets , but we cant provide homes to the poor. We can reach the moon but wont talk to out neighbors . We can solve complex equations but cannot understand the feelings of the people around us.We have lost the meaning of the actual important things in life. We should see being alive as a privilege ,and try to touch as many lives as possible with our goodness and kindness. We should leave behind a legacy,a path for human kind to follow.We are alive but we don’t live, we just spend our time on the things that don’t matter. hours turn to days and then into weeks and then months and years and we achieve nothing nor we provide anything worthwhile to this planet and human kind. We need to start doing the things we love , the things that will make our heart truly beat. Those things that were the reason we were born. It doesn’t mean you should leave your jobs but put more of yourself into the work that you do, be present in all your work. we can all have special talents if only we put in the necessary hard work and effort. So that’s it for today, keep loving yourself, sending Lots of buzz
Mumble Bee 
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mumblebeesays-blog · 6 years
Hello world!
I’m mumble bee. I mumble about things, because I can’t afford to be too loud. People get offended. So, I just mumble about the things that affect me and the people around me.
Like PUBG for instance, it’s my first video game, I absolutely love it, but now the thing is ,every time I play with my bf he gets around 17 kills and get 2. Like 2! Is that even fair?
And so my first post is going to be about this, how we love something and then realize we are bad at it. We stand at a crossroad, should we quit because we are no good at it and everyone is way ahead of us, or continue because we love it.
I chose to continue, and for the first time in my life I understood what it is like to try to do something that you love and not be good at it.
This happens more often in our life than we realize, we are all studying in school or college without realizing that some of us aren’t even made for academics, there are some of us trying to get good at sports and paying our coaches and clubs, but what if it isn’t meant for us ?
But the only difference here is that we love PUBG, and continue to try with our whole heart, but in our day to day lives, when we come across these situations where we need to put in effort and improve, we give a halfhearted attempt at the most.
So I’m mumbling about this: don’t lose yourself in the race of your life just in order to finish the race , instead whatever it is that life is throwing at you , let’s just dive into it and fuck the shit out of it. Because until you put in your 100 percent, you will never be satisfied in your win, or even when you fail. You will be nagged by the feeling of “I could have done better” . So do the better thing in the first try it self!
 Lots of buzz
Mumble Bee <3
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mumblebeesays-blog · 6 years
love boys in all shapes,shades and sizes... its not only the women that are mistreated!
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mumblebeesays-blog · 6 years
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mumblebeesays-blog · 6 years
social hypocrisy
me:(to the vegetable vendor) no bhaiya! give me the fruits for 50 or i am going.
(having successfully buying the fruits whispering into my daughter's ears)
me: every rupee counts , never give it away for free
daughter: but that day at the restaurant you tipped the waiter with a 100 rs , even when he was all clumsy...
me: keep quiet , i have a headache.
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