murrayaston · 10 years
Week 9: What are the steps I need to complete to successfully complete a CAO application.
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                                        Firstly, this is the second step of a double edged sword for me. Being as that my Christmas exams are held in January, and this due 1st February, the most important thing is to complete my research into 20 subjects I must apply for next year. Will I even have 20?
  Step 1: Research Time.
  I am although at an advantage. I am looking to apply for DT546 BA Fine Art, to pursue my existing burning desire to create. Artsy I know, but...
  The steps after the research is the easy bit. Lets face it, applying to anything online these days is. Sites look for everything to posses, then later feed it back to you in a series of unwanted emails. Why should the CAO be any different. Aahh... But it is.
 The seriousness of this step is not to be underestimated. Nobody wants to become that urban legend that lecturers repeat to students year in year out. 
Step 2: Quiet & Calm.
Murray Aston                                            Word count: 162
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murrayaston · 10 years
Week 8: Understanding Conflict.
When trying to understand conflict, I really must remember that conflict is neither good nor bad, oh no? No, from my experience it is the level of conflict that determines how the conflict really effects. 
When understanding conflict we must first break it down into its main issues or components if you will, these being;
Each of these components are critical in the understanding of our own expressed conflict and better still, ensuring conflict is controlled.
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The Conflict Slope.
The conflict slope is a scale that gives us an idea of what level conflict rates on an intrapersonal level. This can be used in all three components above.
The level is rated as follows; (1-5,1 being the lowest level, 5 being breaking point.)
Conflict could occur many times during each day. Whether in work or play we find ways to manage, resolve or transform everyday issues. It is only when the conflict outweighs any source of amicable resolution does our understanding get rattled. When are territorial bubble pops, conflict can escalate extremely quickly. 
To correctly understand our conflicts we must first understand ourselves. A good way of doing this is to perform a DISC test to find the areas of our own intrapersonal well-being.
Now this test is not going to solve all your problems, nor give you any of the answers. What the DISC test does is give you a detailed understanding of who you are. If by understanding that, l'll be able to have a better knowledge of the "why" behind my conflicts ?
Murray Aston                                            Word count: 270
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murrayaston · 10 years
Week 7: Locus of Control: Where is my 'locus of control' and what does this mean to me?
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                                 -Locus of Control-
  The Locus of Control refers to how much control I have over my life and surroundings.
  As I covered in Week 6, with theories of intelligence I looked at the 8 basic intelligence's that Howard Gardner perceives to determine our higher state. This in my view determines what our locus of control might sway towards.
  For Example; Visual or Spatial intelligences' would lend itself to assist a painter in regards to media and form of work he is about to undertake. In turn, his 'locus of control' might go to reassure him that psychologically he has the upper hand.
   Personally, my 'locus' falls on the higher side of internal. This is not surprising as the majority of males are more internal, where as women are more external. Trying to define my 'locus' is easy but, by defining certain characteristics I can see where I may be going array.
  Conflict Resolution, negative speech, pessimism are all the areas where I feel that are sufficient. Grand.
  But; Taking on to much, insufficient sleep and poor diet are all areas where I could certainly improve.
  So, where is my 'locus of control'? I'm still unsure, but what I do know is the areas to focus on and this in my view is getting to grips with my inner locus.
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Murray Aston                                            Word count: 216
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murrayaston · 10 years
Week 6: Theories of Intelligence. What have I learned about 'intelligence'?
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                       Where is my soul?
What is my soul?
  One theory of Intelligence is Pedagogy. This is a way of teaching how to learn. Intelligence is shaped by what your environment is.
  Whether Charles Spearman, Louis Thurstone or Howard Gardner, each have believed at one time or another in the mental abilities or general intelligence's. Gardner believing that all people hold a least 8 basic Intelligences. 
  I reckon finding my 'G factor' works on two levels,
  Metaphysical being the word fluency, perceptual speed and reasoning of Thurstone's primary mental abilities theory, to Gardner and the 8 theories of multiple intelligences.
Physical, Newton's third law;
'For every action there is an equal or positive reaction.'
  By this I mean, thinking and doing and in my case 'education'.
  So, what have I learned about intelligence and the bigger question being, am I any smarter? 
  Smarter, yes! I believe everyday we become just that little bit smarter because if not, how do we even exist.
  What have I learnt. How to understand to be intelligent. Next step though is to put the theories to the test. Watch this space... 
Murray Aston                                            Word count: 187
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murrayaston · 10 years
Week 5: Note Taking and Effective Reading
  Note taking and effective reading for me are hugely important  as I find it works as a repetition process to kick-start my brain. I tend to break down the  note taking into a couple of main points. When I reflect on the work that I have learnt in class I look at the  Introduction and conclusion. I try to gather as much information from memory as I possible can pertaining to the body that I have heard in class to form the basic key ideas that I have remembered.
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  Visually I try to asterix key components of the class work, such as homework or assignment dates. I also try to bold, highlight or underline the principle topics that I feel I should remember. Numbering is also useful although I usually bulletpoint as opposed the number important dates of figures.
  When I read effectively I employ the technique of general reading first, secondly I read it to understand and thirdly I revision read. This technique does work but at times it is a little harder to put into practice. I find sometimes reading out loud and acting out the material helps me understand and remember it.
                       Question: What are the 3 keys of reading?
Murray Aston                                            Word count: 204
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murrayaston · 10 years
Week 3: Discuss the key principles of Time Management and how do I intend to implement them in my daily life?
"Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity."[1]
When It comes to Time Management I find the key is to know what is going on in one’s life. Sounds simple, right? 
As I have just returned to education as if almost overnight my time has become very precious to me. By immersing oneself in extra college activities I have found that the hobbies I have taken for granted over the last number of years have started falling by the wayside. How do I find time for everything?
I have found over the last week one word that sums up how I tackle this problem called Time Management. Scheduling!
"Set a regular time to do your scheduling – at the start of every week or month…" [2]
This is an easy and hassle free way of setting out your time around your daily life. By drawing or typing out a scheduling list you start to compartmentalize your activities into sections which in turn leave you feeling and looking better.
Now, don’t fear if your first week seems to get a little on top of you, it will take time for you to settle into this routine.
Don’t worry, be…    Organised!
Murray Aston                                            Word count: 218
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[1] http://www.time-management-guide.com/
[2] http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_07.htm
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murrayaston · 10 years
Week 2: How Healthy am I? And what could I do to be healthier?
  In this age of self awareness a greater focus is being put on health and diet. I hear a lot about controlling calories and carbohydrate intake but have never really given it too much thought. I partake in regular exercise such as football, cycling and jogging but is it enough?
  Like many other I have my vices. I smoke, drink and eat fast food. I do although feel that I am doing enough for the pro’s to outweigh the con’s.    
  Now, It doesn’t take a genius to to work out that if one was to stop smoking or drinking that they would benefit physically, but would this make me happy? How does that effect my mental health?
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               Interesting. What part does mental health play in the overall scheme of being healthy. For example: Should I read a book instead of watching television? Would reading a book instead increase brain activity and make me a healthier person?
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                                   Maybe I am asking myself too many questions but I know in my heart of hearts I could be healthier. Going for a walk in the evening to regulate my heart and eating less junk food, replacing it with true brain food. This is why I have come to the conclusion, I am going to start, ‘Going Nuts, For Nuts’.
Murray Aston                                            Word count: 218
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