museiamcalliope · 5 months
The energy and essence I hold within will blow you away like a sultry summer storm.
My heart beats loud and low, so heavy is the thunder of life itself. Low-voiced and soothing as I move slowly over the hills, weighing heavy as I lean over the earth in search of those who need me.
Lightning cuts through, striking down those who are unwanted. Starting fires to bring new life. New beginnings birthed through my charcoal trail.
My Rain brings lush green pastures, my drizzle yields the fruit of passion and of love and understanding. The mist at the tips of my fingers gives dew and glow to a youthful face.
you take me into your embrace with welcoming hands when i am needed, when i withdraw people pray for me.
i will always be needed.
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museiamcalliope · 5 months
there is a pocket of peace in every moment
body and mind and soul open to excepting the pacification
only then
peace will be a waterfall bathing you in tranquility
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museiamcalliope · 5 months
i am the holder of impeccable midnight pleasure, the password... to keep the lights dim... and ill hide beneath the sheets and tweet.
it is not too bad to a Pretty Bird, to sing a Pretty Bird song with the lights off. when the mics off.
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museiamcalliope · 5 months
These thoughts constantly linger about my mind, much like children at a crowded carnival...
I am a lost child in the abyss of lights and noise... no one here to guide or hear my woe.
I cry for mother, I feel her scorn already... she often told me not to wander. I feel her anger so deep in my veins, coursing through like a drug… Fury gets me high...
These thoughts wreak havoc on my livelihood, feeling exceedingly miscellaneous as I put them into words, furthermore I continue my voyage of this vast land of mind and matter.
I cannot fathom my world without these delusions I deem so necessary to share... I see no point in living if not to write... even if no one sees my many masterpieces
I spew these words of thorough thought into the abyss of lights and noise... in hopes I will be found... not to be punished for enduring this vulnerable journey
BY Calliope
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museiamcalliope · 5 months
 Feelings, emotions, tendencies leak from you…
Onto my skin and through my bones, driving my mind six feet under
         Seeping so far into solitude… 
        I sink… to learn to feel for you-
I become all power… I tell the clock, “chime noon”, hear twelve rings - i am control
The muse of my mind is constant control, watching steps of one’s self From behind sorry eyes. 
         Continuously careful to escort in the right direction…
Pushing me into the vehemence of my vast space where I am to absorb
The number one hundred comes to mind…. over and over, one hundred times In a day. What’s the significance of such a quantity
To feel the senses - really know the pieces - of a life that you never knew…                   Power.
And i will feel one hundred times more.
BY Calliope
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museiamcalliope · 5 months
Emotional art
My body is raw in depth and emotion, for I can only truly know you by your emotes.
Your earthly figure means none to me, as I am longing to converse with your soul.
I remove myself from reality,
I speak softly to the tribulations of others, their burden becomes mine as they find comfort in my condolences.
I carry many through the mountains unrest
Forgetting about myself
I love thee more than you know - I have no time for you
I am lost without you - others still outweigh
I will know your soul from Adam, as I come from all emotions
Call me Petra, for I know sympathy, I know what you need to hear...
Because I needed to hear it...
My art is empathy.
BY Calliope
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museiamcalliope · 1 year
Im posting this again to keep it seen. YOU WILL NOT SUFFER ALONE!
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
Hello to all, and welcome to my life with CHS. I made this account, so I can share my story and be there for others who are suffering from CHS, as well as to educate those who may be experiencing this and not be aware of the condition or cant come to terms with the fact that cannabis is making you ill.
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is a condition in which the effected person suffers a very wide variety of symptoms ranging from tolerable to extreme. Here are my symptoms in order of severity; extreme nausea and stomach pain, scromiting (scream vomiting), Dehydration, loss of appetite, anxiety night sweats, restlessness. With this condition, your symptoms will only go away if you permanently stop using cannabis. It is believed by some that this condition only effects long term users, but even if you are new to using, if you “green out” often, this could be your first sign that you are starting in on a trail of suffering.
I had been using for 5 years and I had my first battle with CHS this summer, 2022. At first, I didn’t want to believe that it was the cannabis that was making me sick because I liked using. The first bout I had my symptoms lasted 10 days with the first 5-6 days being the most severe, then gradually I got better and the symptoms stopped. And I had stopped using during the 10 days. I went to urgent care on day 3, where the Dr thought it could be many things causing my extreme discomfort. After lots of questions and working together to get to the bottom of this the Dr asked me if I used cannabis to which I answered “yes” and then he said it’s possibly CHS, stop using and see if this comes back. I did stop using for the whole time I was sick and then when I got better I decided to try using again. I was okay for a few months with occasional morning sickness, but I thought if tat was the extent of it than I might as well continue.
I continued smoking for the next five months, which brings us to now. And let me tell you, the second time around this has been so awful, and scary and not to mention strenuous to my mental health. I had all the symptoms as the first time, but when compared, this time is literal hell. I can’t count how many times I told my SO that I thought I was going to die. I had to go to the ER because after 5 days of constant vomiting, I was so dehydrated that I could feel my heart beat in my kidneys. At the ER they were able to replenish my hydration through IV and they had also administered nausea medicine and pain medicine through the IV which only gave me relief for what felt like 15 minutes, but I have only thrown up once since my treatment, even though I’m still queasy. This started on the 5th with throwing up in the am and going down hill for what felt like weeks but in reality was just two days, going to the ER the night of the 8th. Finally coming to terms with the fact that it was indeed the use of cannabis causing this condition, I completely stopped using on the 6th of this month and I will never use again.
If you think you might be suffering from CHS or are experiencing any of these symptoms, no matter how severe, you should definitely ask your Dr about CHS.
You are not alone! Please reach out if you would like my additional support/input as a sufferer of CHS. Also feel free to leave any questions in the comments below.
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museiamcalliope · 1 year
The energy and essence I hold within will blow you away like a sultry summer storm.
My heart beats loud and low, so heavy is the thunder of life itself. Low-voiced and soothing as I move slowly over the hills, weighing heavy as I lean over the earth in search of those who need me.
Lightning cuts through, striking down those who are unwanted. Starting fires to bring new life. New beginnings birthed through my charcoal trail.
My Rain brings lush green pastures, my drizzle yields the fruit of passion and of love and understanding. The mist at the tips of my fingers gives dew and glow to a youthful face.
you take me into your embrace with welcoming hands when i am needed, when i withdraw people pray for me.
i will always be needed.
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museiamcalliope · 2 years
there is a pocket of peace in every moment
body and mind and soul open to excepting the pacification
only then
peace will be a waterfall bathing you in tranquility
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museiamcalliope · 2 years
i am the holder of impeccable midnight pleasure, the password... to keep the lights dim... and ill hide beneath the sheets and tweet.
it is not too bad to a Pretty Bird, to sing a Pretty Bird song with the lights off. when the mics off.
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museiamcalliope · 2 years
These thoughts constantly linger about my mind, much like children at a crowded carnival...
I am a lost child in the abyss of lights and noise... no one here to guide or hear my woe.
I cry for mother, I feel her scorn already... she often told me not to wander. I feel her anger so deep in my veins, coursing through like a drug… Fury gets me high...
These thoughts wreak havoc on my livelihood, feeling exceedingly miscellaneous as I put them into words, furthermore I continue my voyage of this vast land of mind and matter.
I cannot fathom my world without these delusions I deem so necessary to share... I see no point in living if not to write... even if no one sees my many masterpieces
I spew these words of thorough thought into the abyss of lights and noise... in hopes I will be found... not to be punished for enduring this vulnerable journey
BY Calliope
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museiamcalliope · 2 years
Emotional art
My body is raw in depth and emotion, for I can only truly know you by your emotes.
Your earthly figure means none to me, as I am longing to converse with your soul.
I remove myself from reality,
I speak softly to the tribulations of others, their burden becomes mine as they find comfort in my condolences.
I carry many through the mountains unrest
Forgetting about myself
I love thee more than you know - I have no time for you
I am lost without you - others still outweigh
I will know your soul from Adam, as I come from all emotions
Call me Petra, for I know sympathy, I know what you need to hear...
Because I needed to hear it...
My art is empathy.
BY Calliope
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museiamcalliope · 2 years
 Feelings, emotions, tendencies leak from you...
Onto my skin and through my bones, driving my mind six feet under
         Seeping so far into solitude... 
        I sink... to learn to feel for you-
I become all power... I tell the clock, “chime noon”, hear twelve rings - i am control
The muse of my mind is constant control, watching steps of one's self From behind sorry eyes. 
         Continuously careful to escort in the right direction...
Pushing me into the vehemence of my vast space where I am to absorb
The number one hundred comes to mind.... over and over, one hundred times In a day. What's the significance of such a quantity
To feel the senses - really know the pieces - of a life that you never knew...                   Power.
And i will feel one hundred times more.
BY Calliope
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museiamcalliope · 2 years
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
Hello to all, and welcome to my life with CHS. I made this account, so I can share my story and be there for others who are suffering from CHS, as well as to educate those who may be experiencing this and not be aware of the condition or cant come to terms with the fact that cannabis is making you ill.
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is a condition in which the effected person suffers a very wide variety of symptoms ranging from tolerable to extreme. Here are my symptoms in order of severity; extreme nausea and stomach pain, scromiting (scream vomiting), Dehydration, loss of appetite, anxiety night sweats, restlessness. With this condition, your symptoms will only go away if you permanently stop using cannabis. It is believed by some that this condition only effects long term users, but even if you are new to using, if you “green out” often, this could be your first sign that you are starting in on a trail of suffering.
I had been using for 5 years and I had my first battle with CHS this summer, 2022. At first, I didn't want to believe that it was the cannabis that was making me sick because I liked using. The first bout I had my symptoms lasted 10 days with the first 5-6 days being the most severe, then gradually I got better and the symptoms stopped. And I had stopped using during the 10 days. I went to urgent care on day 3, where the Dr thought it could be many things causing my extreme discomfort. After lots of questions and working together to get to the bottom of this the Dr asked me if I used cannabis to which I answered “yes” and then he said it's possibly CHS, stop using and see if this comes back. I did stop using for the whole time I was sick and then when I got better I decided to try using again. I was okay for a few months with occasional morning sickness, but I thought if tat was the extent of it than I might as well continue.
I continued smoking for the next five months, which brings us to now. And let me tell you, the second time around this has been so awful, and scary and not to mention strenuous to my mental health. I had all the symptoms as the first time, but when compared, this time is literal hell. I can't count how many times I told my SO that I thought I was going to die. I had to go to the ER because after 5 days of constant vomiting, I was so dehydrated that I could feel my heart beat in my kidneys. At the ER they were able to replenish my hydration through IV and they had also administered nausea medicine and pain medicine through the IV which only gave me relief for what felt like 15 minutes, but I have only thrown up once since my treatment, even though I'm still queasy. This started on the 5th with throwing up in the am and going down hill for what felt like weeks but in reality was just two days, going to the ER the night of the 8th. Finally coming to terms with the fact that it was indeed the use of cannabis causing this condition, I completely stopped using on the 6th of this month and I will never use again.
If you think you might be suffering from CHS or are experiencing any of these symptoms, no matter how severe, you should definitely ask your Dr about CHS.
You are not alone! Please reach out if you would like my additional support/input as a sufferer of CHS. Also feel free to leave any questions in the comments below.
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museiamcalliope · 11 years
Too darn CUTE!!
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I got a leaf! by folktalefibers on Flickr.
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