keeping that previous post up for posterity and to preserve the reflections on classpecting therein, but I feel I should make sure that it is noted somewhere that the reason I am making no more responses is because I have blocked the OP because the patience I have for people who would dismiss someone who questions their logic in good faith as "looking for an internet fight" is very finite.
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"the first stuff: don't worry about it" fantastic response to the validity of very objective statements you have made about your project being questioned. 10/10. /s
"the second stuff: i'm not making a uquiz that has 144 personality types and then assigning 144 personality types per question sorry" perfectly understandable. I was not expecting you to personally do so nor do I even anticipate such a feat as being possible in a uquiz. /gen
hello homestuck kinnies that live in my computer
i finally went ahead and made a classpect quiz based on my personal conception of how things work. that means it's probably one of the more accurate classpect quizzes out there. consists of two parts. 20 questions total. go take it, share it, argue about it, whatever. have fun.
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"the quiz is made to determine how you *would* come off to an external observer"
How exactly is a personality quiz, the very definition of a self-report measure, supposed to accomplish this? In other words, it seems as if you are trying to get at the perspective of a hypothetical external observer by combing through the thoughts of what you have yourself established as being, at best, the incredibly unreliable narrator of an incomplete story.
To me, focusing on this idea of an external narrative also defeats the what little practical usefulness of assigning yourself a classpect actually has. The classpect system has a lot of potential as a tool for introspection and reflecting on one's internal narrative, which is more relevant to one's daily life than the approximate perspective of a hypothetical "outside observer". To put it simply, what you're describing as the flaws of "IRL classpecting" I see as it's strengths. Is it 100% compliant with canon? probably not, but none of us are exactly going to be playing SBURB IRL now are we? So ultimately, we will never truly be able to know what the only true authority on classpects in canon (Skaia) thinks about us so we can't get a 100% canon-compliant answer.
Dividing the quizzes between class and aspect also seems like it would cause some flaws (which, to be fair the official aspect quiz also does this since it does not cover class at all) since if some inclinations can be attributed to both classes and aspects (ex: learning is often associated with both the Seer class and the Light aspect) then that could heavily bias the test towards combinations where the class and aspect have in common due to double-measuring of the same aspect of the quiz-taker's personality or experiences.
hello homestuck kinnies that live in my computer
i finally went ahead and made a classpect quiz based on my personal conception of how things work. that means it's probably one of the more accurate classpect quizzes out there. consists of two parts. 20 questions total. go take it, share it, argue about it, whatever. have fun.
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Some Thoughts on Dirk
So I was just watching this video by optimisticDuelist, and they where talking about Yaldabaoth and the symbolism between yoga body and Caliborn... and that got me thinking, who else has yodel boner as a denizen? Dirk.
In the video, yogurt buddha is described as a tyrant and a flawed creator, and symbolic of the antagonist. most of this is rooted in gnosticism, but these are also all things yo-yo bongos shares with Caliborn. Dirk has also been showing many of these traits; he’s tyrannical in his manipulation of the narrative and is seeking to populate a desolate planet with his own ecto-alchemical creations, which are likely to be flawed. (although the most “flawed” ones seem to be created by Rose purposefully to mess with him. which makes them arguably perfect, as their design fulfills Rose’s purpose in creating them.)
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continuing on the classpects + astrology idea, it’s also possible that the house and/or sign your chart ruler falls in could also have an impact, for example: i’m a seer and my chart ruler is in Libra
The results of the survey are in
First of all, i would like to thank all 39 people who responded. 39! that’s way more than i was expecting, i was expecting, like, 5. anyway, here’s my findings below the read more, in case this gets long this most certainly did get long
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The results of the survey are in
First of all, i would like to thank all 39 people who responded. 39! that’s way more than i was expecting, i was expecting, like, 5. anyway, here’s my findings below the read more, in case this gets long this most certainly did get long
Part 1: The questions i set out to answer
when i created this survey, i was developing theories that could i felt could only be properly confirmed with data to see if there was a connection between these pairs:
Astrological ascendant and lunar sway: more often than note (29/39 responses)
Descendant sign and class: most likely not (5/39 responses)
Strongest sign and aspect: most likely not (9/39 responses)
Mars sign and class: maybe? more likely than descendant sign at least (10/39 responses)
Strongest element/modality and class: most likely not (9/39 responses)
if you include my own results, which is what initially inspired these theories, you would get:
Astrological ascendant and lunar sway: more often than note (30/40 responses)
Descendant sign and class: most likely not (6/40 responses)
Strongest sign and aspect: most likely not (10/40 responses)
Mars sign and class: maybe? more likely than descendant sign at least (11/40 responses)
Strongest element/modality and class: most likely not (10/40 responses)
however, it is worth noting that these might still be worth looking into, since none of them are entirely wrong, they just aren’t some “end-all way to find your classpect” which isn’t something i was expecting to find anyway, given the emphasis classpects have on personal journeys.
Part 2: my reasoning for making these connections
now, those results aren’t going to make much sense if you don’t know the logic behind the connections, so here it is:
Astrological ascendant and lunar sway: this connection was made a little ways into creating the survey when i realized, “hey, i’m a derse dreamer with an aries rising, maybe i should track whether the responses to the survey also match up like that.”
Descendant and class (could also potentially also relate to aspect in some cases) while it might seem strange to look for a link between your personal god tier class and the sign most associated with what you find attractive in other people, but i remember also reading somewhere that the descendant is also where you need to improve the most, since it’s the sign you have a deficit in the qualities of. to quote Nannasprite: “in order to ascend you must first descend”
Strongest sign and aspect. this was another thing i just happened to notice while looking into my own astrology, i was looking into Pullen chart dileniations, and apparently my strongest sign is Aquarius, and i just so happen to not only be Hopebound, but also a Derse dreamer.
Mars sign and class. this was also something i encountered while looking into my astrology, and it made sense to me because your mars sign seems to relate to how you take action, as Mars is all about going out and doing things, and your mars sign symbolizes your approach to that, so it seemed like it could be a good fit for classes, and while the results from the survey didn’t support that much, i definitely think it could be worth looking into for people who aren’t sure on their class or are just looking for another possibility.
Pretty much the same as the strongest sign and aspect pair, although this was something i was more actively trying to find in my initial research, since i was much less sure about my class than my aspect at the time (and still kind of am at times.)
Part 3: Miscellaneous trivia
Most common class among responses: Page (17.9%)
66.7% or responses where from derse dreamers
Breath was the most common aspect among responses at 15.4%
The same amount of mars scorpians responded as pages, hmm...
20.5% of responses came from Cancer risings.
Most responses where dominant in either mutuable or fixed modality, with fixed getting only one response more (43.6%)
Air was the most common element at a whopping 51.3%
The most common strongest sign was aquarius at 17.9%
and for those of you who are interested, a spreadsheet generated by google forms of all the responses is available for download here
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some thoughts on sylladexes
here’s some quick ideas i had about sylladexes and strife specibi
1) sylladexes appear to be given by parents when they believe their child is ready, John seems to have gotten his around the age of 13 since he seems new to the concept in act 1, Rose probably also got hers around her 13th birthday, but Jade and Dave probably got theirs earlier, because Jade likely got hers before her Grandfather died, and Bro probably gave Dave one as soon as he thought he was strong enough to duel. ultimately, it’s the guardian’s decision as to when they entrust their child with this powerful tool.
2) sylladexes probably have some sort of parental controls, as i noted here, it’s possible that that is the true purpose of the fetch modi, since Dad’s modus is far less restricted than any of the Kids’ or Trolls’, although strife specibi do not have these restrictions.
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musings on troll genetics and the rarity of jade bloods
since it’s at least implied that jade bloods are always female, it’s possible that the pigmentation of their blood works similar to that of calico cats, which are the colors that they are because they have two X chromisomes, which due to the way cat biology works, results in two sets of conflicting coat pigments, so, assuming that troll biology works similar, in order for a jade blood to be hatched, two things need to happen: a troll has to have two X chromisomes and for those two chromisomes to carry the right genes for a shade of blue or green blood colors, of course, this also assumes that the main pigments of troll blood colors are burgundy, brown, yellow, olive, teal, cerulean, blue, indigo and purple, although, shades such as teal, cerulean, indigo brown and purple could be the result of pigment mixing similar to that of the skin and hair of humans, and fuschia likely works similar to jade.
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actually, it says here that pounce is a girl, despite being named after a man. maybe the alternian equivalent of ponce de leon was a girl?
EDIT: 13/12/2016: it actually wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of major alternian historical figures are female, given that the empire seemed to be a matriarchy, likely due to two of the most important castes (Jade and Tyrian) being exclusive to female-bodied trolls.
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i’ve often seen space being associated with everything that physically exists, so maybe Lord of Space could work, since going on most things i’ve read about Lords and Space players, that title would actively embody everything.
Are there any titles, either fan made or canon, that represent everything?
Could you be more specific about what you mean?
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EDIT 8/12/2016:
another possible method for determining a dancestor’s title.
 the “inversion” of a teammate’s for example,.here’s the “inversions” of each of each beta troll’s title, with the ones that line up with alpha trolls in bold:
Witch of Breath
Seer of Space
Knight of Blood
Mage of Life
Heir of Mind
Bard of Time
Rogue of Heart
Prince of Void
Thief of Light’
Sylph of Hope
Maid of Rage
Page of Doom
this one is a bit less reliable due it building on “inversion” and only covering 1/4 of the beta trolls
theory about Dancestors
Each class has at around 6 different possible classpects for their dancestor to have, example: Roxy is Rose’s dancestor, and she is the Rogue of Void, but going on the beforus trolls, she could have easily had the Light aspect and ether the Knight class.
Therefore, the chart for possible dancestor classes is:
Knight: Seer/Prince/???
Maid: Sylph/Heir/Witch
Page: Witch/Heir/Rogue
Mage: Rogue/Heir/???
Rogue: Page/Mage/Seer
Sylph: Maid/Thief/???
Seer: Knight/Rogue/???
Thief: Sylph/Witch/???
Heir: Maid/Mage/Page
Bard: Prince/Knight/???
Prince: Bard/Knight/???
Witch: Maid/Thief/Page
of course, this is assuming that each class has 3 possible dancestor classes, but not all classes have had three dancestors in canon, and some dancestor classes have overlapped (i.e: Latula is a knight rather than being of the third seer dancestor class.) i’m thinking on some of them, the third class might be the classes inversion, since those seem to turn up a lot on the chart.
The chart for aspects is this:
Blood: Blood/???/???
Time: Heart/Time/???
Breath: Life/Breath/???
Doom: Doom/???/???
Heart: Time/Heart/???
Space: Hope/Space/???
Mind: Mind/???/???
Light: Void/Light/???
Void: Light/Void/???
Rage: Rage/???/???
Hope: Space/Hope/???
Life: Breath/Life/???
it’s a little more difficult with aspects, since the troll dancestors all share each others aspects.
there seems to be four different methods for deciding on the first name of a dancestor:
Genderswapped version of original characters name: Jane is a female form of John
A play on the characters class: Dirk’s name is short for the dutch form of Theodoric, which means “Ruler of the People” and it may be a play on him being a Prince.
A play on their dancestor’s aspect: Roxy’s name means “bright” or “dawn” and could be a play on Rose being a hero of Light.
If it’s a beta being introduced after the alpha, then one method to use is to use a previously suggested name for the alpha.
i have no idea where jake’s name came from, otherwise i would’ve listed a 5th method.
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