Staying Home
I’m in self quarantine
To keep away from covid 19
We all have to keep clean
To keep myself in quarantine
We need to stay at home
We can’t go into town
We can’t go out and around
We need to stay at home
Doctors and nurses are the real hero’s
But all they see is death
Working hard but no zero
They watch the patients take their last breath
While they cry to their pillow
We need to stay at home
We can’t go into town
We can’t go out and around
We need to stay at home
Deliverymen risking their lives
Along with retail and volunteers
Risking their lives
That’s when they hear a cheer
They feel happy but no high fives
We need to stay at home
We can’t go into town
We can’t go out and around
We need to stay at home
Some people simply ignore
While others, stay indoors
While the enemy secretly attacks
While they don’t watch their backs
We need to stay at home
We can’t go into town
We can’t go out and around
We need to stay at home
Funeral homes bursting at the seems
Just like hospitals with covid 19
The government care about the money
What happens when they lost their honeys?
When they don’t care about hygiene
We need to stay at home
We can’t go out and around
Or else your buried, six feet down
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The Orginal Teller
One day the little girl got fed up
No more lies and saying she’s the cheat
She was ready to buildup
For months she planned in discreet
She was silent, writing it all down
In her little corner
Not wanting to be found
To end this torture
So many lives ruined and lost
She got angry and hurt, she just wanted it stop
She would do anything, at any cost
For years she wanted to shout to the rooftops
Again, she just got tossed
She grabbed the knife
And cut off his weiner
To fed it to his demeanor
Now, he has no life
The next person, she grabbed a sledge hammer
Crushed his spirit into little pieces
Without even a stammer
Not even giving a little peace
Covered in red
She ran back home
And laid in bed
But nothing to roam
For years she waited to be blamed on
No one knew it was her
Nothing to come upon
Even getting away with murder
Everyone thought it was a stranger
Even tho she committed the crime
It was all an remainder
She was ready to showtime
Everyone paid no attention, no mind
But no one knew, was the mastermind
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Lies and Deciet
Once there was a little girl about 15
She just wanted to be loved
But she was never the queen
At school she was bullied and shoved
One day her mummy black mailed the other mummies
Tried and failed, everyone blamed her
The little girl felt she was a plastic dummy
Her mummy lied and achieved the stir
Again, everyone blamed her
Now in her adult years
She told people about the lies and deceit
She was in tears
Because everyone thought she was a cheat
Ruled by anger and hatred
She planted a little seed in her mummies head
For a while she manipulated
That, her mummy had voices in her head
For years her mummy was unwell
Told everyone she’s loosing her mind
Her mummy held onto the past of dwell
But everyone was so blind
For years she fed her mummy lies
Her mummy screamed and shouted
All her mummy can do is cry
Her mummy was not grounded
No one believed the little girl
But she knew in her mind
All the truth was ready to unwind
But no one knew, she was the mastermind
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I’m sorry I haven’t posted much on here. Since the pandemic, my creative side has a huge writing block. Hopefully soon I will write more creepy pasta stories.
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The word R
There was a little girl about 8
She was all alone
Everyone was just filled up with hate
She was disowned
By everyone around her, it was not great
But where oh where, did her parents go?
She looked around, it was a no show
Always a good bye, never a hello
She waited and waited, until the clocks chime
Then it was bedtime
There was daddy, waiting
He curled up next to her, in his prime
All night long, he await
For the perfect time
All night daddy made funny sounds
Mum got up, and did her rounds
Her sister checked her bed,
Told her to “fuck off” and layed in bed
Daddy had finished, zipped his pants
Said “now, just rest your little head”
She cried and cried and wished it too stop
But, no luck
She cried and shouted to the rooftops
Again, no luck
She went to church with her daddy
Pointed and screamed “I don’t want him”
People thought she had a paddy
It was very grim
He was close to different girls
But everyone turned away
She was ready to hurl
She prayed and prayed
But again, no ‘yay’
Wanting it to stop
As she grew up, no one believed her
So, she gave him the chop
Fed his little weiner, to his demeanour
She smiled and said “knob”
Years later and she got away with murder
He was still alive
It was a yay, for her
All because he had no sex drive
People still blamed her for the things he did to her
But no one knows, she got away with murder
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Found a Missing Tape
“Okay, okay! Are you ready for the big adventure Fred?” he looked at his friend with excitement, his body jittered with joy, as he was like bouncing off the walls.
“Yes! Now can we need to hurry up Ben, I don’t want it to be too late” his friend rolled his eyes as he got a cam recorder in his hand.
Both guys were excited to film their first YouTube video. It was 2009 and Youtube only started to become popular They packed their rucksaks with food, extra batteries , torches, lights that’s attached to the recorder and tripods to take epic pictures. Even tho it was middle of Winter in January, they were still rearing to go. For a while they had their own Facebook page to take abandoned photos of builds, the eerie lifeless of buildings, gave it a creepy surprise. Like it was from a zombie movie. Both guys were best friends since highschool and they do everything together. Fred was tall and skinny, at least 6.2ft, his hair was brown but curly and he hardly brushed it, everyone called him ‘bush’ but since leaving school he like his own name, he had a skater style along with Ben. Ben was Chinese but he spoke English fluently and could only say a few Chinese words to pick up women, even tho it never worked. Ben was 5.8ft, an average looking guy, but love to wear black, even tho had the skater heart. Brown hair, brown eyes, with a tan too match, compared to Fred, he was a pastey white boy. They were still best friends without a doubt.
“Okay I’m all set” as they got into Ben’s car, stopped by the gas station before they hit to their destination. “Heyy Fred, Do you think it’s still abandoned? I’ve heard stories about that place man? I don’t think we should go?”
Fred ran back and jumped into the car, shouting out through the window “dude! It’s going to be awesome! We are going to take wicked sick videos and pictures. And anyways, our friends been there before you know, that big party they had but we were sick. It should be okay”. Ben just nodded as he finishing up the tank and paying it on his card. They drove into the distance, early hours in the morning.
Hours went by, soon as they came across the building, they parked up and hiked to the place where they were going to film. Fred and Ben were infront of the camera “heyy guys! It’s me Fred and Ben! Coming to you, to this abaoned location. Now this place is so old and so creepy, we had to see it! It’s an asylum but was going turn into a hotel. But now abandoned! Ain’t that cool!”
Ben smiled and using hand gestures “dude it’s going to be fucking cool! So I looked into the buildings history! We are in Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia. This place was said to be haunted! Cool right! Apparently they tested on their own patients and did lobotomies, where the doctors used an ice pick and went through your brain, from your eye. Dude that’s creepy”
Fred interrupted “and and and, local people are still saying, the patients who died here along with doctors and nurses, are still here. Spooookkyy!”
Bed interrupted “so we are here! Going inside and look around! Ain’t that cool dude?”
“So cool” replied Fred, with extreme anticipation.
Ben was holding the camera will Fred was looking around, both followed into the dark rooms and the light lead them the way. Each find of a wheelchair, an operation table was well documented. The paint was peeling off and the green mould was growing in the corners of some of the rooms. Each of them had this sadness that they couldn’t wait to be here. Fred insisted Ben to hold the camera while Ben was doing the entertaining and giving out more history stories.
“So, this room I bet is where they did the lobotomies...” then suddenly they both got interrupted by a sound near by. They both went quiet and tip toed to the noise.
11 years later.
“Omg I cannot believe you found this place” Bailey flirtatiously teasing her boyfriend John, their friend Ivan couldn’t wait to leave. Bailey a typical girl with died red hair, black shorts with a grey tank top and John wearing his jeans with a graphic tee that had on ‘Rick and Morty’. Ivan was wearing something similar to John since they were friends. All three in college and a few YouTubers visited the asylum too; then all went to this Building in Virginia because they all went to college near by. They all got bored during summer break and before they head back home, they wanted to do some exploring. Searching on the web, Bailey wanted to go to an Asylum to cross off her bucket list.
After a few minutes of guessing on google maps, they finally found it. All derelict and no one around, the only sounds are the birds cheeping in the distance. It felt peaceful, they tried to go inside the asylum. The doors were falling off and the black mould growing up the walls in the hallway. As they approached a dead end since the building was falling apart, they decided to head home. As they were walking, Bailey shouted “wait a minute guys, I think I see a cam recorder” John grabbed Ivan and they both followed Bailey. The room was an old office and nothing haven’t been touched for decades. The papers were still there along with documation of the patients that stayed. John grabbed them and Ivan followed, he went into the filing cabinets and took as much information as they could. Bailey put the cam recorder in her bag and all of them headed to the car.
Driving back to the college, she said “most of this tape is fried and slightly damp. Do you think Paris can take a look for us?”
Ivan replied as he was driving on the highway “I don’t see why not. What do you think is in there?”
Bailey handed over the cam recorder to John “whatever is inside, it’s been there along time. Strange that something like this is in there”
They all headed to Paris, who was the head at the media department. For a teacher, she had piercings on her lips and ears, tattoos all over her body. For a 42 year old, she looked 10 years younger. “Wow I haven’t seen something like this in 11 years! Back then, this was state of the art! Still working just the tape is a bit damp. Maybe tomorrow it will be finished. Where did you guys find it?”
Bailey shrugged and was nervous to talk “we found it at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum”
“You fucking what! That place is bad news! How did you even go there?” Screamed Paris as she folded her arms looking at John and Ivan. They both shrugged and looked down with disappointment.
“Do you know what... fine I will do it. Only because I’m curious myself” Paris held the cam recorder and took out the tape which was slightly damaged. The three of them walked out and closed the door behind them.
3am the next morning
*Ring, ring ring* “ugh... hey babe, can you get that” muttered John as he woke up Bailey. She muttered, picked up the phone from the bed night stand “yeahh, this is John’s phone. What the fuck do you want at this... yeahh. Wait now?! .... Do I have... okay... yes we getting dressed.... fine I will get Ivan too.... yes we will be there.... okay, bye” she poked John till he got up. She put on a black dress with her blue sparkley converse on. “John get up” as she took the covers off him “we need to get up now. Get ivan, he needs to come too”
John still in his pjs, he went next door to his dorm and got Ivan. Ivan was in his sweat pants and no top on, luckily he worked out and had a six pack to show off. All half asleep expect for Bailey, she was anxious and her nerves were running high. They both got into Paris’s office and she had beer cans all over her desk; including empty beer cans in the trash that was piling over ready to burst at any moment. Her room was dark and musky, the blinds drawn as you can see the sunrise appearing through at any moment. She got spair chairs from another class room and the three of them sat down, huddled over the computer. “Okay this is fucking creepy and I’ve already called the cops, they are coming in the morning. But you need to see this” as she opened up another beer can, Ivan felt uncomfortable as her breath stank of stale beer. She pressed play as she saw two guys in the video.
Fred and Ben were having a blast, recording everything they could find, even the old theatre. Suddenly they both screamed as the door flew open and a bird flew past them. The guys were laughing their heads off. A few more minutes in, they saw something in the hallway, they ran after it “omg do you think someone else is here” Fred panting to Ben.
“Well whatever it is, it’s fucking cool” then they both stopped. A gastly apparition was following them back, they started to scream. Ben dropped the camera and Paris, John, Ivan and Bailey saw a black face starring into the camera with red eyes. Then black. Suddenly the cam recorder was switched on, Ivan, Paris, John and Bailey all held each other close tight, as they saw something carrying the camera. The background noise was heavy breathing, walking around the asylum as if nothing happened.
Paris pressed stop “that was was fucking freaky”
John was built well and had a deep voice, but it cracked “what the fuck”.
“What was even is that?” Bailey looked over at Ivan as he was in a fetal position, rocking back and forth.
“It doesn’t stop there. 4 years ago when the building was going to change into a hotel like everyone had been promised for fucking years. The builders found the mummified remains of the boys in the basement. It was all over the news, apparently they were missing for years!”
“Omg I remember that... but how did they die?” John asked as he was biting his fingers.
“No one knows, but maybe this video will help” as Paris brought up the screen again with the black face starring at them on the computer screen.
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Count to 30
In 1943 there was a big mansion set in the Country of England, nothing around for miles and miles. The owner is a professor, Dr James Alby at Oxford University, but during this time there was WWII, he took one 3 little sisters; Mia age 7, Shelia age 9 and Courtney age 12. Since Manchester was under threat by the Germans they moved to the country side in the big mansion. They were living there until the war was over. Every weekday they had their own private tutor and on weekends they get to play with the maids.
One day they decided to play hide and go seek, the little girls played for hours and hours. The maid, Margret was counting “1, 2, 3” All the little girls ran away and started to hide in the big house, hundreds of rooms available for them. Shelia waited in the kitchen in one of the cupboards, Countney hide inside the libaray behind a stack of books that needed to be up on the shelf and Mia ran up stairs into the attic, hidden away inside a suitcase. After when the Margret finished counting up too 30 she said “ready or not here I come!” Found Courtney first behind the books when her foot was peaking out, they both searched high and low for Mia and Shelia, then a pan dropped in the kitchen “Oops” quietly muttered Shelia in her little voice. All of sudden “GOT YOU!” Shouted Courtney, Margret laughed her head off. For hours they tried to find Mia but no sound.
It was 12 mid night, a search party had already finished. The dogs helped out too, thanks to the local farmers who helped. Still no sign of Mia. Dr Alba called off the search party and tried the next morning. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months; still no sign on Mia. Courtney and Shelia were devastated and was deeply hurt. Their little sister, gone.
40 years went by, Shelia and Country now adults found themselves back in the Mansion where they played their favourite game. Dr Alba had died and so did Margret but her daughter Melissa called the two sisters because they had left their things. They all went up into the attic, searching and searching for hours. Courtney stumbled on an old suitcase, it was locked. Melissa had to get a hammer to open it up. Melissa pried open the suitcase and gave out a gastly scream, Shelia quickly ran along with Shelia. Their shock off horror on their faces, little Mia in the suitcase all curled up dead and mummified.
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Hidden Love
Im Sally, 23 years old and at university, studying sociology. I’m the average person looking girl. I’m at 5.5ft, with medium brown hair and grey eyes. My fashion style, hmm, I haven’t really got one. I just wear hoodies with my jeans that my mum buys me. I don’t care if people make fun of me, it’s what I do. I don’t have a lot of friends in uni and I just hang out at the library or in my room reading a book or studying.
I’m in a shared house (2 bed house) and Meadow is renting a room right opposite from me. My roommate she, on the other hand, is the opposite, she’s only 5.4ft and has long brunette hair, wavy and her style is always fitted. I don’t know what you call it, but yeahh. She’s really cute. Okay, I admit, I have a little crush on her. It’s her first month here and my last 3 months here. Though I am glad I’m going to leave, she always has one night stands with guys she just met. I don’t really get involved when she gets too drunk, she gets all horny and I just feel really uncomfortable. My landlord doesn’t really care, as long he gets the rent paid and no damage to the house, he’s fine. I heard Meadow is a waitress at the local cafe near here, but I never go in. I don’t really socialise.
The next few weeks later Meadow had a boyfriend and then suddenly he broke up with her. She stormed into my room and starting to crying on my bed while I was studying for my exam, I told her to go away but then she started to throw up. I cleaned her up the best I could and let her stay on my sofa. All of her makeup was ruined and her red lipstick was all smudged, I just felt sorry for her. It’s so embarrassing at the same time too. That night she was so drunk, her boob popped out of her dress red silk dress. Of course I tried to not look and I got one of my tops to put on. I didn’t mind, that top was going to the charity shop anyway. The next morning she woken up and I made us breakfast in the kitchen with a little table we had. It’s crappy and needed to be replaced but my landlord is lazy. She came down stairs with no knickers on and just my top. I was like “where are your knickers” she replied back “I threw up and I had to bin them”. She went into the down stairs bathroom and brushed her teeth. By the time she finished, I just finished my breakfast. We talked for a while and saying that her ex boyfriend was blaming her for spreading lies and calling her a crazy psycho bitch and so on. After that, we really close.
We started to hang out all of the time, and I started to like her even more. Her cute laugh, her cute smile when she wore red lipstick, my heart just melt. But I know I shouldn’t be going there and soon I’m going back home. One night she got me all dressed up, did my hair and makeup. Worn heels that I haven’t worn since prom and worn one of her dresses. I felt pretty for the first time. Meadow said “wow, any guy would fall for you” I blushed. I turned away and we went to one of her friends parties, of course no guy chatted me up, only the guys would stare at her. But surprisingly she didn’t bring anyone home, we both got the taxi and I had a little too much to drink. That’s when it all started in the livingroom. I accidentally fell on her while I was wearing my heels and we both fell on the sofa. I kissed her and I pulled back but she straight away kissed me back. We were making out, feeling each other up. Am I going to have sex tonight? The last time I had sex was with my ex 2 years ago. But this felt like something else, I never felt like this before. Before you know it, we were in her bedroom taking each other’s clothes off. So passionate and I never kissed a girl before and I liked it. Before long we were having sex, it started oral her licking me, I felt her tounge inside me and I just wanted to scream and then coming up to my boobs and her touch, oh her touch felt magical. We tried many positions and some things I had never done to a girl and I craved for her moan, her sweat, her voice. I wanted more, that’s when she brought out her double dildo and we just started to hump, grind and a few more different positions. Oh my, I loved her. We were having sex for hours! I never wanted this to stop.
The next morning I woken to her and she did the same, we kissed passionately. I went down stairs and made us some breakfast, she kissed me goodbye and left for work. Thank god it was a Saturday because all I needed to do was to take a shower. That night we just cuddled, watching tv together and kissing here and there. Weeks turned into months and we were having sex every other day, I didn’t mind because I fell in love with her. But every time when I wanted to go out with her, she made an excuse. I was hurt and after a while, I hardly saw her. The sex stopped and I was hurt. I tried to talk too her but nothing. After uni I graduated, I tried knocking at her door, she opened the door completely naked and started to kiss me, again we fucked. We tried a few more positions and even scissoring, her clit against mine, while she grabbed my hair. It was rough, the bed was shaking so hard we broke it and we carried on to my sofa. For hours we played around with each other, her giggle, her moaning while she grabbed my hair forcefully. It was heaven. Afterwards, I felt great but there was always something nagging at me, at the back of my mind.
When I was preparing to move out, she wasn’t in. I only lived an hour away from the house. I sent her a little message saying I’m moving out soon and it would be nice for you to meet my family. I gave her the address with “xoxo sally” Meadow didn’t respond. I was hurt and I left it at that.
A few months went by and nothing from Meadow, not even her sexy text messages, her naked pic or even pic masturbating. Nothing. I even sent her a few but they didn’t get delivered for some reason. I missed her touch, her moan. I admit, I wanted to fuck her again. Hot steamy sex, I was in my room crying. My mum and dad were worried about me, but I couldn’t say why because I was afraid they wouldn’t understand. Don’t get me wrong, my parents love gay people and infact we have a gay couple next door, Dan and Craig with a beautiful daughter named Molly. My parents are best friends with them and was there with the adoption. I love my family and I’m the only daughter they have. After work with my mum, I called her and nothing, just went to straight to voice mail saying “heyy it’s meadow, leave a message after a beep. Beeep *giggles”. Later that night I was taking out the trash like I normally do and I thought I saw something in the distance, I just walked it off and went inside.
The next day I was doing errands, it was getting darker by the day of course it’s winter, so it will do. I was walking back home after picking some milk and bread from the corner shop, all the way there I felt someone was following me. Where I live, it’s not great for light. So I tried to be where the street lamps are, but since I live in the country side, it’s not that, well great. I was scared the whole way. I picked up my phone and tried sending a text to Meadow, “heyy, are you doing okay. I miss you”. Sort of cheesy bull crap, when I came home, still nothing.
Months go by and I haven’t heard from her. In Decemeber it was my mother’s birthday, it was her 50th and I saved up my money and got her a pearl bracelet. She always wanted one and my dad gave her a matching pearl necklace. We thought she would love it, come to the the party at our house. I went into my closet and I couldn’t find the bracelet, everywhere I look, it wasn’t there. I freaked to my Uncle Javis and my cousin Terry. They both helped me look and I was crying, my mother found out and she was kind, she told me “you will find it when you’re not looking for it” I smiled and carried on with the party. That night when everyone was going home, some had a little too much to drink aka my uncle Javis, I saw behind him I thought was Meadow and her look, I’ve never seen before, her dead eyes. Blinked again, she wasn’t there. I thought, I must be seeing things. Everyone went home and I was cleaning up, in the kitchen was a piece of cake on the floor and as I was going to get it, my dad called. I heard a creak from the kitchen door heading to the back garden. But my dad called again and I had to go and see him. Me, my mum and my dad were having a really good time and laughing at uncle Javis. We love him and thank god my counsin Terry was there to take him home.
The next few days, I honestly thought I was going mad. My charger had gone missing along with my vibrator. I thought I was going crazy, but like my mum said, will find it when I see it. But after a few days later, in my office some of my things were going missing and I couldn’t explain why. I nearly got fired too because I missed placed a clinents folder and everything was in it; their address, driving licence, number and so on. I was so worried and I had a panic attack at work. I got sick leave for a month and thank god my mum stepped in or else I would of lost my job. Only a few days being at home, I finally felt more calm, turned on the news at 6pm everything in my life went down hill. Some person murdered my client in their home and stabbed them to death. They even stolen their car and stole a few things. I called my mum because I was worried I would loose my job, the police came over and everything. Thank god I had an alibi because I was out shopping and the CCTV caught me. I was off the hook.
Next morning, I just went out for a run. I haven’t ran since college but it always helped me. Putting on my music, running around the park and in the woods, I felt better but I’m out of shape. I was panting badly, then I remembered, there’s a fresh spring of water near by. I slowly walked to the spring, had some refreshing water. I got my phone out and tried to call Meadow again, but this time I heard the ring and it was right around the corner. I saw her, she came running up to me “I miss you” and we started to kiss. Her car was near by and he had sex in it, first time I felt naughty, she grabbed my hair again and she wanted too finger me, it felt so good. The car was rocking back and forth, I forgotten all about the murder. We ended up using her dildo, thrusting back and forth, Meadow grabbing my hair again as I moaned hard. We finished up and started to kiss again. I missed her so much, she told me she would be at my house tonight. I couldn’t wait, I bought the most sexiest outfits and a new double vibrator from Ann Summers. I was so ready to be fucked tonight because my parents were going out. All the house to myself.
Later that night, she showed up, nothing but her coat and her thong. She went inside my home and forced me onto the sofa, ripped my tights and fucked me there. I felt so good, the force the passion. I craved for her, we went into the kitchen. Licked me from the inside, her tounge on my clit, I screamed. We both went into my bedroom, I brought out my double dildo vibrator and we went doggy style, half way through my phone rang. Meadow told me not to get my phone, but it kept on ringing and ringing. She turned it off and fucked me even harder while the dilido was at full pelt. We were having sex on the floor, rough and hard, we were at it for hours. Her sweaty body next to mine as we were lying down on my floor. I missed her so much. She whispered in my ear “no one will have you” as she grabbed my hair and fucked me hard again with my own vibrator I thought I lost, I screamed begging for more abs more. Again she went on top of me and fucked me so hard I started to scream again. When we were done, I got my phone and I had so many messages from everyone. I turned around and she was there, staring at me with those dead eyes. I ran from her, i was completely naked, i started to scream at the top of my voice for help. The message was “your mum is dead and your dad is in ICU and a woman with bruntte hair was found trying to kill them”.
The car was my client where me and Meadow had sex, my parents gone out for the day. All that was Meadows, my missing things, the mysterious cake, her following me. Oh god, she stalked me! She wanted me all to herself. I ran to Craig and Dan’s house. Thank god they were in and, I locked the doors, called the cops. I told them everything on what happened. I was crying in tears while molly was trying to cheer me up with her dolls. I was so confused and hurt. I didn’t know what was going on.
The day of the court hearing, she was found guilty and sent too a mental instition for the rest of her life. Apparently she lied about the cafe and even her own name. Her real name was Abby, when they sent her away; I just sobbed, me and my dad, now in a wheel chair, we finally said our goodbyes to mum. We both missed her.
3 years later, I get a letter from Meadow every month. I never annswred and I never really heard from her again. Me and dad moved house, nearer to the city and family. That year we found out Meadow escaped from the mental institution. I was always on my guard after that. Then one day, I saw her on the tram, those dead eyes starting at me again. I hated her.
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Security Shift
So I’m 37, my name is Nick. I got divorced 3 years ago from my wife of 5 years of marriage. Seems like a life time ago, she caught me cheating with a friend of mine. It admit wasn’t the best choice, but I only did it only once. Now I’m living alone, in a one bed flat near the London city, not the best place but I’d rather have that, than a shared house.
So I started to get myself a new job a year ago since I had pay child support to my little boy, Edmund. He’s only 5, bless his heart and I only got to see him every other week. That did hurt me, after argument, after argument, I barley got to see my own kid. Straight away after the divorce she started to see this new fella with a fancy car. Here’s me with my second hand barley works, ford.
Anyway back to the story of my sad pathetic life, it wasn’t long I got this new job. The company I normally work for, got closed down. Just some offices in London and at my desk checking the security footage, not that exciting but heyy, it paid the bills. After when I made redundant, of course I had to look for another job that was near my home. Since I’m a security guard and I had 10 years experience, they took me on. The building was old, I’d say was built in 1800’s, had a lot of history, barely survived WWII. It was an asylum and they were going to change it too “luxury apartments” nothing I could afford with my new minim wage. But it had to be done.
First few nights wasn’t that bad, nothing major. I had my own little building just outside the main one. Every few hours I had to go inside to make sure no kids would get in. One time they did and I caught them smoking pot and having a party, dirty kids. I scared them away, I never saw them again. After a month later, everything was quiet. You do get to hear the building roaring and moaning, I just thought it was the wind. Went inside, nothing really. Everything was calm, until I heard laughter; I didn’t know what it was, so I followed. But again, nothing. Now I’m a sceptical guy, I don’t believe in ghosts but that building did have that vibe of ‘they are watching you’. Like everyone said about the building, I just ignored them. But I was waiting for my company to do the work. But nothing again, every month. No work was being done. Watching the square black and white monitor at my desk, waiting for nothing. It was like, I was watching the same thing over and over again. A mother bird feeding her chicks and a fox kept going inside the building for warmth. Am I going mad?
One day on the usual shift, my torch started to flash and I heard laughing and someone talking. I tried to follow the voices, even going down into the basement. Nothing, I thought it was strange, so I just left and went on my merry way. But each day got worse, it started with the voices, the giggling of children. Nothing would calm down the noises! I even heard a mother telling a child “you can’t have that toy”. What toy? What am I hearing?! A few weeks later it started with ringing, the constant ringing in my head? I’m not going crazy, you are?! How can I make the ringing stop! I want the voices, the ringing to stop!
I ran, as fast as I can. I tried to go back into my flat but I ended up in my little building. Am I going mad? Where is everyone?! I just sat down on the dark red sofa with golden patterns. I checked my watch, okay it’s 6am, I will just stay here until the new guy comes in at 7am. The sofa is so comfy, I slept it off. Woken up, again it’s 6am. But why is it dark out? I ran inside the asylum, some of the rooms have changed. I don’t get it, did I sleep for a long time? Am I going mad? What’s with the white walls? What’s with the new carpet, did no one tell me? What’s going on? Again, the constant fucking ringing?! The constant ringing, the constant fucking ringing?!
I tried to run outside the building, again and and again, I came back into my little building. With the same décor and the same sofa with the same little security tv. Am I going mad? I checked the mirror to see if I’m okay, but I couldn’t see myself. Why? Vampires don’t exist. Oh god I’m going mad! I’m crazy, I need to be locked up. I decided to go into the asylum of the main hall and I looked up, started smiling to myself and when I looked down, I saw everything had changed. Where am I? Am I in the same building? Where did all these people come from? The ringing, it’s from their hand held devices and their talking? I don’t understand.
So many shops, W.H Smith, Pound World, Waitrose and Dorothy Perkins? I never heard of these before. The whole building changed and into a Mall? I don’t get it, I think I’m going mad. I started to wonder and I tried to say hello but this little kid, just walked straight through me. What’s going on? I walked for ages and I saw the front of the building, then a small plaque said “in loving memory of Nick, who committed suicide at 37”. Everything flooded back, I lost my job, I lost my home, my wife left me and now I’m dead. I hung myself in my little building and I’m dead.
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