my-writing-and-i · 8 years
I never want to forget this feeling The feeling of freedom Of happiness of knowing how far I’ve come And the friends I’ve made And the things I’ve been doing This should stay with me always
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my-writing-and-i · 8 years
It had been three weeks since our last island sighting and we were all getting restless.
When we had first received our mission, I remember all of us (including me) being agog with excitement. Making the first comprehensive map of the world? We would go down in history books!
Indeed, our first few days had been quite eventful. We had stumbled across three islands, albeit uninhabited, that had gone uncharted until we came along.
Being the only one of our crew blessed with mapmaking skills that had come from my father, I was the obvious choice to chronicle them on the parchment, my hand shaking with exhilaration as I plotted them.
But now we had hit a drought, so to speak. We had been sailing northward by my compass but no sign of anything - new or old.
Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad had the skies bestowed us with wind, but there wasn’t even a slight breeze coursing through the ship and the sea was so calm that it made it seem as if we we were all just sitting in the water as opposed to adventuring.
More than once I had heard people mutter under their breath “Oh, if only there was a storm! Then there would be some excitement.” I’m sure they didn’t really mean that - a storm could spell trouble for our ship, but we were, for a lack of other words, bored.
Sitting on the edge of the ship, I looked down at my compass, its needle still pointing northwards. It had been given to me by my mother before we set off and it was the only thing that kept me going now - knowing that my family would be proud of my achievement.
Suddenly, I noticed the needle go a bit off-center. Then, to my amazement, the needle started going crazy, spinning clockwise in such a blur that I could no longer see it properly.
It was then that I heard something else - a scream. Looking up, I gasped at the wave that towered above us. Where had it come from? The sea had been as calm as a mill pond not two seconds earlier!
But I barely had time to think of anything else before the wave let gravity take over and fell down upon us with a SPLASH!
My vision was blurred and I stumbled and fell as the ship rocked violently, clutching the compass close to me as I felt the wooden floor press against me.
It was all over in a few seconds and when I was sure the wave had done its damage, I ventured to open my eyes and look around me.
The crew that was above deck were all dripping wet and the captain, at the helm, had also stumbled and now lay on the floor, looking a bit shell shocked.
Raising myself, I tested my joints to make sure everything was still working properly before my eyes suddenly took in the environment outside the ship.
I gasped.
No longer was there just empty sky around us, but small rocks and islands with giants on them surrounding the ship on both sides.
They were dressed in garments typical of someone living in ancient Greece or Rome and their appearance reminded me of...of...but what did they remind me of? I racked my brain, but the right words escaped me.
Shouts sounded out from my left, startling me out of my thoughts and I joined the rest of the crew at the side of the ship to see what was causing such a fuss.
Was that Atlas?
He was just as tall as the others that surrounded us, but he had a pained expression on his face and was down on his knees. Even from this distance, I could tell he was sweating profusely as he struggled to hold the sky in place.
That was when it all clicked - we were in the land of the gods and titans! They had reminded me of the pictures of their statues that decorated our history books back home.
The realization must have hit everyone else at the same time, because suddenly everyone was pointing around and exclaiming things like “Hera! Zeus!”
I could hardly restrain myself thinking of all the new territory we would need to map. Taking out my handy notebook which I keep stored in my pocket, I started to scrawl down the characteristics of the place.
Large rock wall decorates the front of the area. Small hole inside - big enough to fit our ship if we tried.
Startled, I dropped my notebook and pen and looked towards where the nightmarish sound had come from.
My heart skipped a beat. A gigantic sea serpent had risen a few yards behind us and, if its glowing eyes and smoking nostrils were any indication, it was not happy to see us.
Everyone stood stunned for a few seconds, but then our captain broke the spell it had on us and started barking out orders to everyone, the ship soon becoming a hub of activity as the crew rushed to their places.
I ran to the captain’s side as he manned the helm. Sweat dotted his brow as he steered towards the hole I had noticed earlier.
“It’s our only chance,” he muttered to me. “We can fit in it, but that serpent won’t be able to.”
In spite of myself, I felt my face grow warm with excitement. This was an adventure all right!
I heard the noise of a cannon being fired and the accompanying shouts of the crew. I didn't need to look behind me to know that they were trying to slow the creature down, but if it was anything like the gods that surrounded us, it couldn't be stopped by just a few measly cannonballs.
The captain gripped the wheel tighter as the hole came closer. Looking behind me, I saw the beast bearing down on us, making the same monstrous noise again and again. It seemed to be aware that if we made it through we would be safe from its clutches.
“Faster captain, faster!” I muttered to myself, my heart pounding.
The boat crested against the rocks that decorated the beginning of the hole...
BOOM! More cannons.
...It was a tight fit but the serpent was making such a ruckus that the waves helped push us through...
CRACK! The hull scraped the sides of the hole.
...I heard the beast again, this time sounding even closer. I didn't dare to look back...
...and suddenly everything went deathly quiet.
I opened my eyes, which I hadn't even realized were closed, and ventured to look around me. With a start, I realized we were back on the calm waters of before. I saw nothing of the wall we had gone through nor of the gods we had shared company with just minutes before.
Everyone looked dazed and confused, including the captain and myself.
Taking out my compass, I saw the needle had stopped quivering and was pointing northward again. Everything was the same as before. Had it all been a dream? But what kind of dream is shared by everyone?
“Land ho!” came a voice from the crow's nest, wrenching through our collective thoughts.
Everyone looked and gasped. Indeed, there was land! Right next to us not five miles away!
The captain started barking out orders again and everyone obliged, the adventures of the day behind them as they let this new island take hold of their minds.
Except for me. For a brief moment, I felt disappointed. We had just been among the gods but that had lasted all of two minutes and now here we were, smack dab in the real world.
But looking around at the crew, I realized that even if we didn't get to meet the gods and map their land, at least we had gotten the excitement we had wanted and an adventure that would last us a lifetime.
With a smile on my face, I ran to my cabin to get my mapmaking tools.
Maybe we would name this island Atlas.
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my-writing-and-i · 8 years
It’s time.
I peer out the window, letting the dark curtain cover most of my face except the half I need to use to peer out the window.
It’s dark outside save for a few street lamps, but that won’t be a problem as the only people outdoors are drunkards. I won’t be spotted by anyone I know.
I don my blackest coat so I'll blend in more easily with my surroundings and grab the brown package from the hall table.
Tucking it under my coat, I open the door and step out into the night. It’s cold and the air hits my face - the only bit of me not covered by something at that moment.
If I were being rational, I would only need to walk ten blocks to my ultimate location. But, despite what I saw outside my window, I know spies could be anywhere which means I need to walk down a less obvious path.
I start along it, keeping my head down but my ears alert for any sound that’s out of the ordinary.
I finger the package under my cloak, not knowing quite what it contains but knowing that it’s better that way.
Suddenly, I hear a weird footstep behind me - as if it was anticipating that I would land my foot quicker than I actually did - and I know that someone is tailing me.
It’s a trick I picked up: change your walking pattern so that a person who is tailing you trips up and unknowingly alerts you to his presence.
I stand under a streetlight, knowing that the person dare not catch me in the light, and survey my surroundings.
Ahead of me is the “non-obvious” path I need to follow, but I know a more indirect route that may lead to me losing my tail.
I sharply turn onto the road to my right and walk quickly along the row of poor, run-down houses. For a brief second, I feel a tear tickle my eye. It’s sad that these poor blighters live the way they do.
I duck into one of the more decrepit houses and conceal myself right next to the door. I don’t hear any more footsteps, so I assume that I lost him. Or maybe nobody was tailing me at all. Maybe it was just a drunkard trying to play a silly game.
But, just to make sure, I don’t leave the house and instead walk through it, picking my way through the rubble that adorns the place.
It’s as if someone set a bomb in here. There wasn’t a door and everything is destroyed beyond recognition.
I see a painting nearby and give it a once-over as I advance to the other side of the house, to the side that opens up on the same street but on a different side. It’s mostly destroyed, like everything else in the house, but I can see a slip of a woman. Maybe she was a wife to the person who owned this house or a servant. I let my mind wander for a second.
Then a clink of glass startles me and my heart drops - that hadn’t been me and I can’t make a break for it without tripping over something and hurting myself.
I slowly turn and I see my captor wearing a wicked smile and clothes that are similar to mine. He is maybe two feet away from me. I shouldn’t have distracted myself.
“I’ve caught you, Lewis,” he smirks, before reaching for my arm which holds the package under my jacket. He flicks open a penknife with his other hand and waves it about, threatening to cut me if I don’t comply.
I let my arm be dragged out and the package be unconcealed. He takes it gleefully and then motions me to stand in front of him. “We’re leaving together,” he states.
I do as I am told and soon we are back out in the darkness. He pushes me forward and I go. I don’t know where we’re headed, but I can guarantee that it will be a while before I’m let free.
It’s then that I realize the one disadvantage to doing this at night - no one can help me.
But at least I’m just the decoy messenger.
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my-writing-and-i · 8 years
Inspired by Na Vedui by Nick Phoenix and Grimm’s Fairy Tales
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, who were the parents to three young daughters.
The two eldest daughters were typical princesses, always trying to dress themselves up and look pretty for any princes that may visit the castle.
The youngest, however, was different. She was not satisfied with waiting in a castle, pining after a prince who she wasn’t even sure would come. She would rather be surrounded by nature, feeding the squirrels and deer and feeling as free as a bird.
Her parents often worried about her, especially given the fact that she was prone to wandering off in the forest when their backs were turned. However, for the first eighteen years of her life they elected to let things be.
That is until, one day, the youngest daughter (let’s name her Isabel) left the castle after breakfast on her usual jaunt through the woods and didn’t come back for dinner.
The king ordered his men out to seek her and they found her sleeping on a rock in a moonlit area.
When awakened and brought to her father, he demanded to know what had happened to her. Her response was the following: “Oh Father, when I heard the most wonderful chirping among the birds. It was almost as if they were singing and I started singing as well. It was so lovely that I lost track of time.”
Her father was so angry with her carelessness that he ordered her to be locked in her room until they could find a suitable husband that could “keep her in her place”.
Now, at this time, in another kingdom not too far away, someone else was getting restless – a queen, this time. Her son had been going in the wood for days on end and only came back when he needed food or money. He was not a prince; he was a mere woodsman! He had no place among the stately! And so the wicked Queen devised a plan to get rid of him, for she was a witch in disguise.
When the son (let’s call him Wilfred) arrived home a mere five minutes later, the Queen asked him inside and then closed the door. Then, with a whirl, she muttered some ancient magic words and pointed at him, turning him into a hummingbird. She pushed open the window and the poor bird, scared for its life, flew out and back into the woods.
Unbeknownst to the bird, however, was the fact that the spell could be broken provided someone sang the song of the birds. Without this knowledge, Wilfred felt quite helpless and fluttered about aimlessly as the day turned to night.
Isabel, back in her tower, was upset at her current circumstances. She felt the call of the woods too strong to be kept indoors. Suddenly, she saw a window to her right and devised a plan.
Within minutes she had tied up all her dresses, apart from the one she was wearing, into a rope, which she tied to her door and threw out the window. She then descended down this makeshift rope and ran into the woods as soon as her feet touched the ground.
As she entered the woods, her pace slowed and she felt the words of the birds enter her ears. She smiled and closed her eyes, waltzing through the woods as she sang it, the words slipping easily off her tongue in a language that seemed like that of elves (for that is what birds sound like if you care to listen close enough).
Wilfred, who was a quarter of a mile away, heard this song and made his way towards it, his wings flapping incessantly for he felt a strong tug with each word.
Finally, the two met in the middle of the woods, the moon shining down on them. Isabel smiled and continued to sing her song as the bird flew to her and landed on her outstretched hand.
Eventually, the song neared its end and Wilfred felt the tug again and, before either of the two knew what was going on, Wilfred burst out of his small bird body with a bright flash of light and, to Isabel’s surprise, his human form stood before her.
The two smiled at each other, their hearts immediately swelling despite the fact that they were utter strangers.
They were soon wed and spent the rest of their days in the forest, singing the songs of birds and making up a few of their own. So now, if you ever hear any of the sounds of a forest, know that Isabel and Wilfred have passed by with their love for the wildlife.
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my-writing-and-i · 8 years
Flying Snow
Snow. All I see is snow. Snow that whispers as it moves to the ground But now there’s a disruption. Boots clamp down on it Pushing the snow to the side As they make their way through. The snow is no longer a still curtain But one that has been lifted To make way for the soldiers. They cloud my view Off to fight Their faces fierce Their coats red And their bayonets sharp But my eyes dart back to the snow The flakes aren’t letting the soldiers take control of them They rise up Rise above And fly.
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my-writing-and-i · 8 years
Freedom Ship (Long Post)
We had been at sea for weeks now and no sign of it. It frustrated me to no end.
           I held my head in my hands as I sat on my bed, the waves outside rocking the ship just a little too fiercely for it to be considered peaceful. I know I should be out there, with my crew, but I can’t bear to see their disheartened and, in some cases mutinous, faces.
           When we had first set out, we had all been excited. The possibility of finding the glorified ship had clouded our minds like drink…but now our rations were running low and, even if we turned back now, we would never make to land before they ran out completely.
           Much to my surprise, I started to feel tears stream down my face. I shook my head, getting up as I did do. I was the captain. I needed to remain strong, even if most of the crew was ready to give up or turn on me.
           I walked up to the door that led to the deck, opened it and was met with a huge gust of wind.
           “Captain!” one of the crew, Leonard, called out, stumbling towards me as the boat violently rocked. “The storm has grown to humongous proportions! We need your help!”
           For a brief second everything went blank. I felt like giving up, just jumping into the waves and letting them carry me far away…but then I looked at his face and saw that, behind his fear, he was determined – determined to make it through.
           “All right!” I shouted, my voice barely audible above the wind. “Men, get to your places! I’ll man the wheel!”
           Soon, everyone was at their stations and we were braving the storm as best we could.
           My attention was so focused on the waves in front of me that I barely heard the screams. It was only when another shipmate touched my shoulder that I turned my head.
           “What?” I asked, a little more gruffly than I meant to.
           “Leonard’s gone over!” he cried and I felt my heart drop. Commanding him to man the wheel, I rushed to the side and scanned the seas for Leonard.
           He was nowhere to be found.
           “Leonard!” I screamed. “LEONARD!” It couldn’t be true…it couldn’t.
           “Peter, let me come with you.” Leonard pleaded, brushing his brown hair away from his eyes.
           “No, it’s too dangerous for you.” I stated, pretending to be busy with some papers on the desk in front of me.
           It was the day before we set sail. I had all of my crew already and we had packed most of our rations. The ship was also ready to go, ship-shape if you will. Yet, Leonard wished to come with us. God knows why – he already had a job as a skipper on another boat.
           “Peter, please,” he said, pushing the papers under my hands aside and turning my face to look at his. “You know that’s not the only reason. Why don’t you want me to come?”
           I looked down, but reached up to touch his hand. “You know why. If they hear of our relationship, they’ll kill you.”
           “Oh then let them kill me! I can’t bear the thought of seeing you leave tomorrow and not knowing if you’ll ever return.”
           “You have no experience!” I insisted.
           “I have enough,” he insisted back.
           Our eyes met and I…melted. I didn’t deserve him – he was so loyal to me. Though my brain said No, think of all the dangers, my heart said Yes.
           “All right, you can come. But only if-” I didn’t have time to finish, his lips were already pressed against mine.
           Tears flooded my eyes. Oh, why did I let him come?
           Then, something miraculous happened. In front of all of us, a ship started to rise up from the water – it was magnificent. First came its main topmast, then its fore topmast, its sails…
           “Captain…?” said a voice to my right. “I-is that…?”
           My eyes focused on the sails and I gasped. They were blue with an image of two maidens on it entwined around an anchor. It was exactly the same as the one in my history books.
           “The freedom ship…” I breathed.
           By now, the body of ship was starting to rise up. To my shock, I saw two maidens standing there – the same as the ones on the flag.
           One was reddish and had short hair that touched her shoulders. Her rounded face sported cat-like eyes and a cute little nose. The other was greenish, with hair that reminded me of a fairy queen and lazy, but kind, eyes.
           They were now abreast with us and all our eyes were fixated on them. Perhaps they had been doing it before, but we just started to notice that they were singing…some kind of elvish song. Being sailors, we were told to be suspicious of women that appeared from the ocean – sirens – but they seemed much too heavenly and beautiful to be sirens.
           We were all mesmerized by them – their voices like angels, timed perfectly with the crash of waves against both of our boats. For a brief moment, I wondered why we weren’t rocking with the waves as we had done before, but that thought was brushed aside when I heard someone call out my name.
           “Captain, look! In their arms!” said the voice and my eyes darted to that location.
           I could barely speak. There…hanging in their arms…was Leonard. My Leonard.
           The two spirits, perhaps sensing my excitement, floated above the ship and across to ours. Then, they reached Leonard out to me and I took him.
           I looked in their faces. “Thank you,” I whispered to them and they nodded, their voices still ringing in my ears…
           …and just like that, they disappeared and so did the ship…and so did the storm.
           All the crew looked confused for a minute, but then they turned all smiled at one another.
           Leonard started coughing, some seawater falling out of his mouth. I almost dropped him, but then I looked in his eyes and he looked up at mine. I was smiling, despite myself.
           “Why are you smiling?” He asked.
           “Because we found the Freedom Ship.”
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my-writing-and-i · 8 years
Victory (Long Post)
Was I alive, was I dead? I wasn’t sure, but, for some reason, I didn’t panic. Instead, I assessed the situation. My heart wasn’t beating anymore, that much I knew, but my vision was returning. I could hear the click of guns now, as the knights changed their weapons, but I didn’t feel the ground shake with the thud of dead bodies falling. Of all the things to remember at that moment, I recalled the rule of battle that dictated if one soldier changed his weapon of choice, everyone else had to as well.
I heard the voice again, that of my wife’s. Her lavender spirit rose above me and reached out her hands, taking mine and lifting me into a sitting position.
I looked down and saw that I was colored a light blue. So now I had an answer-I too was a spirit. My wife continued to tug at my hands, until I was fully released from my body, which lay on the ground behind me, feeling lighter than air.
She parted her lips, her sweet voice returning to me as I continued to rise with her, until I had a bird’s eye-view of the battle. I felt my strength returning as I surveyed the battlefield below. We were losing; I could see the opposing forces pushing their way to the castle. Ordinarily, when the king dies in battle, the whole fight ceases, however it seemed that the other knights sought to avenge my death. I was, after all, their Prince.
Only now, I wished they would stop. I foolishly felt guilty, leaving them to fend for themselves, while I was safe from further wounds. I wanted to help, but how could I?
My wife, possibly sensing my dejection, reached out to me and turned my face towards hers, bringing my hands up to me. I could see that they were tingling with magic and as she continued to sing, the sparks became brighter. I looked back at her before realizing what I had to do.
I gave a quick nod before swooping back down and aiming my newly-formed magic at the members of my army that were visible. The first one to catch my magic was one of my closest friends. He didn’t see the magic, but it still produced some effect on him. He was now more assertive than before, much more skillful than his opponent. Although he had fallen to the ground, he now jumped three feet in the air. His opponent, blinded by the sun, closed his eyes and shielded his face, leaving his chest exposed. My friend aimed his gun, shot and killed the knight, before landing on his feet.
He then rushed into the battle, shooting at every enemy soldier he could see; but that was not enough. I continued hovering above the battle, making sure to share my magic with every single one of my fighters.
My wife kept singing her alluring song as she flew down to meet me, allowing both my magic, and, consequently, the strength and skill it bestowed upon everyone, to grow as well. Before long, every member of my army had caught my magic, using the force it bequeathed to kill the enemy. Soon, the enemy was vanquished. Everyone, including myself, gave a sigh of relief. The battle was over. We had prevailed.
My wife and I had just been about to float back upwards to the heavens when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone who stood out from the rest. I moved to get a closer look at him and then I gasped. He possessed blue eyes...and a scar that ran down his face! My killer! Why hadn't anyone nabbed him? Then I realized, he had discarded his uniform for one of ours (mine in fact) and that meant that everyone was ignoring him. They were all too tired to notice this stranger in their midst.
I felt the rage surge up in me…how could he just don my armor so casually? But I was powerless. My magic could only provide strength, not unmask a villain.
I felt my heart sink as everyone headed back to the castle, while he leaned over my body and cackled wickedly. It was as if he was trying to rub it in my face--I’m alive and you’re dead and you can’t tell anyone I’m hiding in your uniform!
I looked at my wife, who had returned to my side and she looked at me. She seemed regretful for a moment before nodding. Then a flash of light appeared and for a brief moment, I was blinded. A few seconds later, I felt stuck and heavy and my heart started to pound in my chest. I silently cheered, for my wife had put me back in my old body lying on the battlefield. I didn't have much strength, but hopefully my perseverance would outweigh that.
My eyes fluttered and I saw him--the killer. I heard his laugh and felt my sword, which had stayed by my side even as I had plummeted to my death. With the last bit of strength and every ounce of anger I had, I moved my arm fast and plunged the clenched sword into his chest.
He stopped laughing, coughing out blood as he fell backwards and soon ceased moving.
Every knight had stopped and stared at the precise moment the coughs were heard.
“Hey…the Prince just moved! His arm wasn’t in that position before.” one knight observed. Indeed, my arm was now outstretched, sword in hand, instead of by my side.
“He just killed one of our soldiers!” another protested. But it was my friend who made the smartest comment of all.
“No, not one of our own…he’s wearing the Prince’s garbs--look. The seal is on his chest, he was the one who killed the Prince," he pointed out.
I smiled before feeling my wife tug at my arm once again. As all the knights ran to me to shake me awake in vain, my spirit left my body for the final time and my wife and I soared to the heavens.
Some may wish they could live their life over again…but I only had one desire: for my army to emerge victorious.
I may be dead, but victory--what a sweet word it is.
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my-writing-and-i · 8 years
Rise Above (Long Post)
The sun rose laggardly over the horizon, casting its light everywhere and startling me awake from my dreams. I got up and stretched out my arms. My back was sore from the previous day's training and my head was still heavy from drink. I shuffled out of my living quarters and down the steps in the castle, not at all prepared for what was to come in the sleepy state I was in.
I couldn't recall what we had been told the day before as I sat down on a bench in the dining hall, where breakfast was served promptly at dawn. Damn all the merrymaking last night, I thought to myself. All I could remember was that something important was supposed to happen...early...in the morning…
I shook my head, deciding to think about something else, for instance, breakfast. That was when I noticed that it wasn’t there on the table. That's odd... I thought. The cook was very strict about serving meals on time: if you weren’t there, you didn’t get your meal. There was only so much for everyone and even I, the Prince, was subject to such rules; the general saw to that.
Suddenly, the cries of battle and the clanging of swords reached my ears. A flood of memories came back to me as my sleep-filled eyes suddenly shot open. At that moment, I remembered what I had been told by the General: a battle against a neighboring kingdom was imminent and we had been ordered to be prepared for it since it was going to commence “very early in the morning.”
I ran to the window and peered out to see my fellow knights locked in a heated battle. I hurried to my room, donned my armor, then dashed out onto the field, sword in hand.
My fellow knights looked at me with a mixture of astonishment and gratitude as I charged into the heat of the battle, immediately clashing swords with my first opponent. He was vicious and ruthlessly countered my every move. However, I too could be vicious and before long I spied a weak spot and took the opportunity to jab my sword into his ribs. He collapsed, blood gushing from his wound, as I spun around to face my second opponent, who soon perished in the same manner.
“Let me at him!” a voice roared just steps behind me. I turned around to see the enemy king, distinguishable by the carving on his armor of his kingdom's emblem. My heart skipped a beat before I stood strong, not wanting to give this new adversary an edge.
“Sire, you don’t want to waste your time with this scoundrel, when the Prince is awaiting you!” a knight at his side advised, while embroiled in battle with an opponent of his own.
“You fool, this IS the Prince and he has just killed two of our best knights! Don’t tell me what to do!” he spat, before launching himself in my direction, with his sword just barely missing my face.
He was a skilled fighter. He never made the same move twice and was so agile I had no time to get in any jabs of my own.
I was fighting a losing battle, and, as if that wasn't enough, I could feel my early morning fatigue and hangover returning. My head was getting hazy...
“Not now...not now!” I muttered, shaking my head clear just in time to avoid a serious blow from the king's double-edged sword...but my moves were getting sluggish, my timing sloppy. This did not go unnoticed by the king, who laughed wickedly before using his sword to whack mine from my hand.
I staggered and fell backward as he loomed over me. My sword cast far away, I had no protection save for my shield - not that it would be much help, I was so dreadfully tired that I couldn't see straight.
Suddenly, I heard a voice, a woman’s voice. I felt a fierce wind as a lavender-colored spirit wound its way around me. I gasped when I realized it was my wife, whom I hadn't seen in years.
For a brief second, I felt drops well up in my eyes, as I recalled the day she had died. I had just returned from one of the fiercest battles I had ever fought, when a servant ran up to me and handed me a letter. I opened it and my eyes immediately fell upon the sentence “She didn't survive the serpent bite.” At that, I tumbled onto the floor and wept what felt like fiery tears.
She had been my rock.  Just knowing that she would be waiting back home with open arms had helped me survive many a battle...but she was gone.
As if to brush away the memory, the lavender-colored spirit reached under my chin and brought it up to face her, murmuring words I could not hear. But her voice...her voice was heavenly. It was so soothing and I felt my strength returning to me.
She continued to sing as I felt her slip my sword into my hand. I held it tight and then leapt up as she disappeared, her voice still echoing in my ears and the energy she had given me coursing wildly through my body. The king was startled by my sudden move, his face terrified. That was the last thing I saw before I plunged my sword into the one spot he had left unguarded, the one spot where his armor had slipped just enough to make him vulnerable-his heart.
He fell to the ground, coughing up blood before he faded away. Everyone around me came to a halt and stared at the sight. No one could believe it: the battle was over, the battle was...
A bullet suddenly struck me in the same spot I had killed the king--the heart. I gasped, my breath taken away from me as I staggered backwards and fell. My vision grew blurry, but for just a few seconds I saw my killer's face as he suddenly appeared above me. His eyes were blue and a noticeable scar ran from the corner of his left eye down his jawline. It was at that moment that everything faded to black.
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my-writing-and-i · 8 years
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I don’t draw too often these days, but here’s some fan art I did for FNAF 1 and it’s called “Oh, crap”.
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my-writing-and-i · 8 years
A couple times per year, my family and I would all climb into the family car and make the two-day journey from New York to Minnesota to visit my grandparents. On our way there, we would inevitably pass a lot of farmland and my little brother, Willie, would grow restless and start singing at the top of his lungs.
Believe me, when you are in the back of a car with your little brother, his singing is the last thing you want to hear.
That;s why, when I heard that we were about to make the two-day trip yet again, I asked my parents to allow Willie to stay up past his bedtime so that he would be too tired to sing the next day. Although initially against it, I reminded them that my birthday was coming up and they owed me one.
OK, perhaps that wasn’t what swayed them, but they did grant me that wish in any case and the next day, when we had started to reach the farmland, my ears were greeted with some peace and quiet as Willie slept instead of sang in the backseat. It was because of this that I was able to look out and enjoy the countryside for once and, this time, I saw something that I had never seen before.
You know in those movies where someone passes by someone else and suddenly all time is moving really slow? It was kind of like that, because I can’t account for how clear everything appeared any way else.
I saw a barn that I had never seen before, but it must’ve been there for a while because it was kind of run-down. In the front, near the field, I saw a girl. At the time, I didn’t really think about whether she was attractive or not, she was just there and, when we were passing, happening to look up at the road.
When she saw me looking at her, she waved her hand up in greeting, a pleasant smile on her face. Somewhat startled, I looked away, but immediately regretted that decision. I have a knack for looking at things with multiple perspectives and, in that moment, I was looking at what just happened through the eyes of the girl.
Jerk, she was probably thinking, who would do that to a friendly wave? But I wasn’t a jerk and that’s what made it hurt.
I looked back out, but by that time, we were long gone.
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my-writing-and-i · 9 years
How long ago were we together? How strong was our bond? These are questions I can't answer But of that period I am fond We had joked and laughed Of each other we were needing But now we've grown apart And my heart feels like its bleeding You and me had promised each other To stay friends for the rest of our lives But now I see you with someone else And that whole promise feels like a lie I want to hold you in my arms To confess that I have failed But that bond is now gone And my feelings must be veiled We had joked and laughed Of each other we were needing But now we've grown apart And my heart feels like its bleeding Why didn't I realize That without you I was lost But it makes so angry To know that I have been tossed Like a sack of old clothes That you use once and forget I already feel like that Unlike you I'm not part of a duet I want to destroy To show you what you have done I can't get through one minute Without this feeling ruining my fun You act like I'm not there And when you do its not the same As if the years we spent together Fill you with immense shame. Here I am feeling alone But of that you are blind Instead you laugh and joke... Like I need a new friend to find I feel so angry My eyes are are blind with rage But then they fill with tears When I remember... We had joked and laughed Of each other we were needing But now we've grown apart And my heart feels like its bleeding I miss you
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my-writing-and-i · 9 years
Follow me at my other blog for stuff that isn’t writing :):
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my-writing-and-i · 9 years
Promise you won’t leave me
Promise you will stay by me
Promise you will always be happy
To see me
Promise you won’t lie
Promise you won’t sigh
Promise you won’t try
Too hard to be you
Promise that you and me
Promise that we will be
Promises are meant to be
Kept in your heart forever.
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my-writing-and-i · 9 years
Follow me at my other blog for stuff that isn’t writing :):
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my-writing-and-i · 9 years
I have a problem. Every time I lie I get a colored mark on my skin. And its not little white lies either. They only occur when I’m lying about how I’m feeling. I try to pretend I’m drawing on myself when I see one forming but that doesn’t help the fact that I’m cursed. At least, that’s how I see it. I had a friend, her name was Nyla. She and I had been best friends since kindergarten. Then she fell in love with this guy and is all “Omg he’s amazing!” “Don’t you think we’re a cute couple?” She asked me once. “Of course!” I gushed, but I felt it. I felt the slow itch as the pen began to make its mark on me. I hid my arm, but it wasn’t enough. I could feel it grow and grow. I left under the vain pretense that I needed to pee. As soon as I was alone I collapsed and cried, my tears doing nothing to erase the red mark that was there. Purple, pink, blue and red. It won’t be long before I’m a mess of colors.
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my-writing-and-i · 9 years
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The Peanuts Movie (2015)
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my-writing-and-i · 9 years
Gonna be inactive for a while since I’ll be away, but see you all soon 😀
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