myakavi · 4 years
tortured by the knowledge that mozart was a catboy
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myakavi · 4 years
Thank you so much for requesting dear!! :) you were my first, so I really hope you like it 💖
Arthur Conan Doyle - Fluff Alphabet: D, I, J, N, U
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D = Dream (what do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
I think sometimes people forget that the boys have lived whole lives before, and when I think about Arthur this point really comes to mind. It's acknowledged in his route that this boy has a decent amount of trauma and insecurity from all the things that happened in his past life; because of that, I kind of get the feeling that Artie isn't looking for some huge, noble dream to fulfill. He wants to do good for the world, to ease the burdens of others, but through the simpler things. He wants to take your hand in his and Vic's leash in the other and go out and enjoy every moment you spend together, laughing and exploring and just never getting enough of each other. That would make him happiest.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Dispite being a total thot, Arthur probably sees more to contact and closeness than what his Horny tells him. I think that he finds a lot of comfort in feeling someone pressed against his chest or with their arms around him, and you offering that to him because you truly love him is a treasure. He values that stability more than words can express; knowing that you will always be there, knowing that he can bury his nose into your hair or intertwine his fingers with yours, knowing that nothing will ever change.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Arthur is a jealous boy 😭 he can't help it
I feel like he would be more prone to jealousy and very adept at recognizing men making moves on you because,,, he WAS that man once, not very long ago. He knows the ins and outs of flirting and even if it goes over your head he is quick to notice and slide an arm around your waist, flashing this challenger a confident smile. But that confidence is sometimes skin deep, because Arthur has his moments where he worries that maybe you would be happier with a man like that. He tries to keep it to himself because he knows those thoughts are just foolish doubts, but when you catch his smile faltering later on, you can reassure him with a kiss on the nose. It is something he is immensely grateful for, and will remind himself of whenever he feels that dreariness again.
N = Nightmare (What is their worst fear?)
Goodness,,,, this poor baby deserves everything and the thought of him having nightmares breaks my HEART
That nightmare could be a number of things, but it's probably insufficiency. It's the loss of your trust, or his inability to do enough. His biggest desire as an individual is to ease the pain of others in the world, hence being a doctor. However, failure at that is his biggest torment. After your arrival at the mansion, you become his world, that one thing he wishes to hold close and spend life with, and the thought of him slipping up, doing something to hurt you, or just not being good enough is easily his greatest fear. Please don't leave him 🥺
U = Upset (How do they act when you’re upset?)
If he's the one who's messed up, he's very quick to apologize—so quick he sometimes fixes the problem before you even noticed it yourself. Arthur has the Sherlock Power when it comes to reading people, especially you, and it's not hard at all for him to figure out what exactly is the matter. He loves using physical affection to cheer you up (#1 backhug specialist) and knows very well that sporadic cheek, jaw, and neck kisses as well as some flirty teases do the trick to taking your mind off something stressful. If it's more serious, he's a very good listener and will gladly hold your hand as you talk it out. He just wants to see you happy and will do anything for that, be it some alone time or an evening walk through Paris.
If you are interested in requesting, read the pinned post on my profile! I'm more than happy to write for you :)
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myakavi · 4 years
sunset’s never been so bright (when you look into my eyes) - day four
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jumin x mc
rating: G
prompt: swimming pool / {beach}
warnings: none♡
word count: 1,199
ao3 link
[my Ko-fi♡]
She’s supposed to be watching the waves, but her fiancé is much more captivating. 
note: this was inspired by this fic (ao3) by @myakavi​! you should definitely check it out and all the other fics they’ve written! it’s one of my favorite Jumin pieces ever ♡
She was sure she’d never felt so relaxed.  
The warmth surrounding her whole body only reminded her of where she was, her eyes fluttering open once more to take in the scene around her.
Waves crashed gently onto the shore, bringing her gaze back towards the horizon. The sky was bathed in the softest mixture of sunset she’d ever seen, filling her chest with a childish glee that persisted. The clouds that billowed and rolled parallel to the horizon looked like cotton candy; a gentle, pastel pink that was outlined with lavender shadows.
She squinted as she glanced quickly at the setting sun, a smile tickling at her lips. It was one of the most beautiful places she’d ever been, but she couldn’t ignore the man sitting next to her, the man who’d been wrinkling his nose at her while complaining about the offensively strong sea salt smell just to make her laugh only moments earlier.
Her head had leaned over to rest on his shoulder several minutes ago as they sat together in the sand, and being able to feel his body rise and fall with the rhythm of his breathing only served to calm her further. She’d never felt so lucky. 
She lifted her head from him, reaching towards his lap to take his hand in hers. She met his gaze as he looked down at her, smiling up at him in perfect bliss.
Keep reading
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myakavi · 4 years
Theodorus Fluff Alphabet (D, H, I, J, K)
To celebrate his route release!!!!
now to get back on topic, here are a few fluff headcanons I did a good while ago for someone on Amino but I'm only getting around to posting now. I'll post my rules soon and then you all can request any fluff headcanons you like!! :)
And disclaimer, I haven't played his route before until like right now so I apologize for any inconsistencies!!!
✨Without further ado, here we go✨:
D = Dream (what do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
Theo probably dreams of taking you out with him to see art of all kinds. He's an art dealer and art is his passion in spite of the risks of his trade, and dreams of being able to take you with him all the time. His main apprehension is getting you 1) roped into trouble and 2) dragging you out to the point of exhaustion. It can be an exhausting job, leaving early in the morning and not returning until rather late, but if you show enthusiasm to accompany him and passion in what he treasures so dear, he'll fall in love with you 10× harder and that dream will come true.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Theo is a puppy at heart, so he adores hugs. Never in public, though. Whether it be the residents of the mansion or strangers while the two if you are out and about, Theo does not have the spine to receive PDA, and the most he will give is probably pulling you through a crowd by the wrist. Whenever you're alone he flips like a switch, though, and loves nothing more than to melt in your arms, leaning against you and resting his head on your shoulder. He has to remember that he's actually quite heavy and needs to support his own weight, or he might crush you. He prefers it when you initiate (taking a little bit of the embarrassment away from this tsundere prick c; ), and favors hugs where he can snuggle his face into your hair or neck. Even after you've hugged for the thousandth time, he's still somewhat embarrassed to make eye contact, and nuzzling where he can take in your scent is a good replacement.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Theo can be a romantic when he wishes to be, and the main thing that pushes him to it is seeing the way it flusters you. He used to consider many romantic gestures as incredibly (and unbearably) cheesy, but if it turns your face beet red then he's sold on it. Given that nobody else is there to see, Theo's favorite forms of intimacy and romance are primarily physical. He's not very good with words and not very gracious at giving gifts, but be it a ruffle of your hair as he passes you by or a kiss to your neck behind closed doors, he treasures that. He likes those mellow moments under the moonlight, lying together in either silence or filling it with idle conversation whispered by gentle voices.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Whoever made Theo jealous better run
If you want an idea of how Theo is when he's jealous, just think of how protective he is of Vincent.
He's probably an easily jealous person, but not so much that it's toxic or manipulative. It's triggered by little things (you smiling too warmly at one of the mansion residents, or accidentally brushing up against one if them, or Arthur getting too close when he flirts with you), and it's usually very visible on his scowling face. He tries his best to trust you and keep his feelings a secret, because these things are bound to happen in a mansion full of men. And telling you... oh dear... telling you he got jealous would be more embarrassing than he can handle. So instead, if he feels that you aren't giving him enough attention, he will just pull you away by the wrist and come up with some excuse to take you with him to town
His way of taking you out on a spontaneous date, but he'll never admit that's what it is. Instead he'll come up with a stupid excuse
"No, stop looking at me like that, hondje. You're just working so damn hard all the time, I don't want to deal with you fainting or anything... that would be such a bother."
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
Theo is probably a bit of a tease when it comes to kissing, liking to leave a kiss on the cheek or corner of the mouth and then leaning away. He likes to see you pout or stand on your toes to reach him, so that makes it all worth it. Like with hugs, he loves it when you initiate, but if you're not alone he can and WILL turn beet red and look away. He's a softie deep inside and would love to leave longer, more loving kisses, just... not when anyone's looking...
Even in private it probably takes him awhile to get used to kissing with more intimate and romantic meaning (he copes with embarrassment by teasing so if you take that away he'll be jello inside), but once he gets a bit more used to it he really enjoys it for what it is.
Thanks so much guys 😫😫😫 sorry if my formatting is a mess I am VERY NEW TO THIS but I hope that I can make lots of friends here and you'll at least enjoy a bit of what I write ;____;;;; ILL POST MORE IN THE FUTURE TOO OK MWAAAAAH ❤❤❤❤❤
If you wanna see some ikevamp art I have some on my art page @magnumm-opus 👉👈 the algorithm really IGNORES ME so who knows maybe you'd like to check it out, only if u want to ofc 😭😭😭❤❤❤❤😫😫😫 ILL BE POSTING THEO CONTENT VV SOON TOO SO DON'T WORRY
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myakavi · 4 years
Seashell Sanctuary | Jumin Han
Jumin x Reader
Don't forget to check out my AO3!! (@myakavi)
Genre: fluff
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
TW: none
"Are you happy with me?"
He offers you all he has and all he is, from the shirt off his back to the heart in his chest, and yet dreads it is not sufficient. You are the only pearl in his sea and the one he would risk anything for, but he treasures your smile far too much to possibly take it away. To be insufficient for your happiness.
Alt: after 1 year of marriage and a trip to the sea, there has been something on Jumin Han's mind. Something that can be soothed by the smile he loves and seashell windchimes.
Salt, sand, and warm water. 
An ambiance of liquid gold and flowing linen, a world of tropical greenery furnishing the days, and candles and bonfires speckling the nights.
The distant whisper of waves intermingles with the muted chatter of palm leaves, a sound that is constant but calming. Like a massage to the mind and a solace to the heart that treats you to a relaxation like you had never before known, you found yourself closing your eyes and sinking into the mattress with muscles that became jelly. Golden rays and the songs of birds beckon you to explore the morning's treasures, but instead you smile to yourself and pull the sheets up to your chin, then habitually reach out for your husband Jumin Han; who, when your hand feels nothing but cold blankets, is nowhere to be found.
With disappointment you cannot mask, you prop yourself up and glance around for some hint of where he has gone. Admittedly, Jumin is the needier one of your presence; from even days before the first RFA party, he held you close to his heart (sometimes literally) as though you were the very thing that kept it alive. But for him to disappear like this in the morning without a word—on your first anniversary vacation together, no less—was far out of the ordinary.
You slip out of bed and onto the wood floors and wrap a robe over your thin nightgown, glancing into a few of the rooms and, when Jumin is not found, you finally step out onto the patio which overlooks a private beach scape. The beauty almost startles you (a life of luxury would take many more years for you to get used to), but as the saying goes, what you are looking for is always in the last place you look.
Your first greeting is the twinkle of seashell windchimes and the humid salt breezes, but Jumin is not late to follow. He sits on a bamboo chair with his head in his hands but is swift to compose himself in your presence, glancing up at you with a countenance framed by natural light that compliments the gentle honey of his skin and the obsidian of his hair. The wind combs its fingers through his locks and the beige linen of his polo, tugs fabric against the broadness of his chest and flatters the shape of his build. Like a chiseled statue of the renaissance, there he is poised, chin rested on knuckles and elbow propped on his thigh. He smiles in a wordless welcome and asks whether you'd like to join him, but behind the formality of his gesture resides the faint flicker of apprehension, of worry, a brewing rainfall on this summer bliss. 
All rationale that told you not to pry has been abandoned at the doorstep when you take a seat, and with attention geared at none but your lover you part your lips to ask what's wrong. 
His countenance smolders with a fragment of the melancholy you saw before; but stronger now, it reaches like a shard that cuts icicles into your heart and threads deeper with cold tendrils. 
Jumin demonstrates more through his hesitation to respond than though any of the words he could've taken from the dictionary. He glances downward, and with falling shoulders and knotted fingers he takes in a breath that returns carrying words that taste like acid.
"Are you happy with me?"
Here you are, under the shade of palms and luxury; here, in an abode that costs as much as it were made of gold; here, overlooking a strip of blue ocean trimmed by sand as white as snow; even here, Jumin still worries.
He offers you all he has and all he is, from the shirt off his back to the heart in his chest, and yet dreads it is not sufficient. You are the only pearl in his sea and the one he would risk anything for, but he treasures your smile far too much to possibly take it away. To be insufficient for your happiness.
But after a year of happiness that is brought not by zeros in his bank account but by his devotion and his love, you know he has no reason to fear. Jumin Han is who you have cared for all along and will for the rest of your life; and reaching to take his hand and rub a thumb across its breadth, you know that there is nothing more important than the man beside you and the unwavering support you will always share.
"I could never be happier than with you."
The words lift weight from his shoulders and smooth the creases on his face. For a moment he only blushes, glances away bashfully as though he is embarrassed for having brought the topic up in the first place. Weakness is not what he likes to display. But...
"Wait." Attention sparks back into his countenance, and out of the corner of your eye you see him pull a small box from his pocket. Seafoam green tied with a red ribbon, he hands it to you to turn in your hands, but aside from the gift in front of you that bashful expression is what catches your attention the most. "This is for you. I could buy you all the things in the world, but... this one I made myself."
Inside is a necklace of seashells; made up of different shapes, sizes, colors, clumsily strung together. Not the work of a professional, but somehow better, because between the threads and the seashells are memories and smiles and warm embraces. Forehead kisses and back rubs, smiles and sunsets. You glance up to him, painted with the sunshine of a new day, and he meets you with that small Jumin smile.
"It's not the best gift money can buy, but today I want to give you my time." He begins, and nothing can express the gratitude that swells in your heart. "I want you to know that you mean everything to me, and you are the first person in my life to truly... to truly understand. Even some things that remain a mystery to myself."
Shadows cast by palm leaves dance across his face, summer colors sway in the wind, the lapping of waves on the shore continue to paint the picture of now. But all the luxuries pale in comparison to the presence of Jumin Han, holding your hand in his and telling you the one thing he will never tire of saying.
"I could never be happier than with you, either."
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