myamoonie Ā· 4 years
Drawing certain characters, specifically Simeon, has caused me to start crushing
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
Iā€™m watching jojoā€™s bizarre adventure for the first time and why is everyone so fucking BUILT what the fuck is this
Jojoā€™s thighs are like three times the size of my fucking head omfg
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
One may assume I draw mammon more then anything but the sick disgusting truth is that I draw myself the most
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
Iā€™m gonna just mass post some sketches when my sister is done with her class
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
I love the newest nightmare event itā€™s the best!!
I had a good laugh for at least twenty minutes
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
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Yeah!! Leviachanā€™s here
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
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Itā€™s amya, did ya miss me?
Oh, okay.
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
U know, Bolinā€™s pretty hot, kuvira too
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
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Once a baby always a baby
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
this pride month, please please please do not let the black lives matter movement go ignored. the lgbtq movement owes so much to black members of our community. we are not free until all of us are.
what is happening now is change in action. if you care about activism, and you should, you know that blm deserves to be seen, their voices to be heard.
pride matters, and we should still celebrate, still fight, still demand our place in the world. but black and indigenous people need our support right now. cops are not our friends. oppression is never okay. privilege is never comfortable. if you are white or non-black, refuse to let support for blm die down.
this pride, letā€™s fight for each other. demand spaces for lgbtq people of colour. let their voices be heard. listen.
you can help.
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
tips for protestors.
igas my parents went to many protests when they were younger, and although i canā€™t go to any protests because iā€™m too young (in their eyes) i do have some tips from them.
note: trump HAS given the word for the national guard to use lethal force against protestors. i understand that it is hard to stay silent if there is a protest in your area, but there is a chance the bullets wonā€™t be foam or rubber. stay safe, stay smart. please donā€™t become a statistic.
secondly, if you are in the san diego area, do NOT attend the protest that was advertised on facebook. it was created by white supremacists to target black youths.
cover any scars, tattoos, or distinct features you have. cops will use this to identify you, especially if you live in the area. they will take anything you may have done and attempt to arrest you by any means.
wear a face mask, bandana, or some other covering. this is not only because of covid-19, but it will make it harder for them to identify you.
wear clothes you wouldnā€™t normally wear. this is for the same reason. make sure not to wear those clothes in public until after the protests are over, that way they canā€™t identify you based on your outfit. also avoid jewelry and accessories.
bring a backpack. this will not only help carry the items you should bring, but it will also keep your hands free and make running easier when needed. make sure it is a real backpack, one that is on your back. and over the shoulder bag or satchel will make it harder to run.
bring plenty of water, a tourniquet (or, if possible, the items needed for one) a medical kit, an extra face covering, and milk. the water is important for 2 things: rinsing your eyes from tear gas and putting out the actual grenades. a tourniquet will be especially important for when the cops start using lethal force. do your research before using one, though, to avoid causing additional harm. the milk will help with your actual skin that will be burning from tear gas, but donā€™t put it in your eyes.
prepare to be tear gassed. if you sense things are getting tense, try to douse an extra face covering (like a scarf) in water. it will keep the gas from getting in your airways. wear goggles, like the ones you use when you swim. they stick to your face to keep the water from getting in, and will do the same with tear gas. cover as much of your head as possible, and tie up long hair. donā€™t wear makeup, because tear gas clings to it like it does your bodily fluids. also, if possible, avoid contacts. it can get stuck behind your contacts and that isnā€™t something you want. similarly, donā€™t rub your eyes, because the chemicals can get behind your eyes, which will open a whole new set of problems.
if and when you get gassed, stay calm. if you are able, find anyone on the ground and get them help. tear gas will settle low to the ground shortly after being fired and will make their afflictions worse. make sure to watch out for yourself and others, and get out of the area as quickly as possible.
there are two methods to put out tear gas. the first is by covering the capsule with a traffic cone, then pouring water through the hole until it goes out. make sure to wear gloves and donā€™t touch your face. the downside is that this takes a lot of water because this is not very accurate. the second method needs to be handled with extreme caution. only do this if you are wearing heat protective gloves. take the capsule and put it inside of a metal water bottle WHILE WEARING PROTECTIVE GLOVES. shake it until the fire inside the grenade goes out. it is very important that you have proper protection, especially with such close exposure to the gas. a gas mask is your safest bet.
another way to avoid identification is by putting a rock in your shoe. im unsure of how advanced the stride detection system is in the us, but during the hong kong protests, they would recognize protestors based on their walk. if you put a rock in your shoe, although it will be uncomfortable, it will help keep you anonymous.
use your privilege for good. if you are not a poc and are attending the protests, protect your poc counterparts. unfortunately, cops are statistically less likely to attack white protestors. (see the physical protesting of the quarantine which was led mostly by white people.) if things are getting tense between a cop and a poc protestor, step between them if you are comfortable.
identify undercover cops. undercover cops will deliberately cause mayhem in a peaceful protest to give reason for cops to attack. you can identify them by their shoes and their masks, as well as their attitudes. all cops, undercover or not, will almost always wear the same shoes because they have iron fillings that allow them to break peopleā€™s feet/hands/other bones when they have no other defense due to being undercover. they will also wear the same gas masks as the other cops. if you see a protestor put on one of these masks, you should leave because it means there will be tear gas deployed soon.
donā€™t bring any weapons that are illegal. this will give them probable cause to arrest you.
most importantly: stay safe. protect yourselves and others. if things get bad, run. they canā€™t catch everyone, and if they take more lives it will only fan the flame.
i will probably add more things as they come to me. i am a really small account but i hope this helps anyone. if you have any tips, comment and iā€™ll probably add them on here.
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
All lives matter ???? OBVIOUSLY!!!! BUT SOME PEOPLE *the police, the government, the fucking president - to name a few* DONT SEE IT LIKE THAT! If all lives mattered to them, George Floyd and literally HUNDREDS of innocent victims would still be alive today and with their families.
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
black lives matter. unfollow me if you disagree
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
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Louisville, Kentucky ā€“ May 30, 2020.
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myamoonie Ā· 4 years
Cops murdered a black girl in Toronto this week too but Canadians are too up their own asses about how weā€™reĀ ā€œNot the racist ones! Thatā€™s only America! Weā€™re the nice ones :)ā€ to acknowledge it or do anything about it
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