myascarada · 2 months
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Alright there's this. Now back to drawing undead gay dog men in love.
Tip Jar!
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myascarada · 3 months
the post: everything has a right to exist in fiction, even if it's fucked up
the comments: i was going to reblog this until i realized op likes fucked up stuff in fiction. this is a common dogwhistle phrase for people who like fucked up stuff in fiction. they have to talk in code to trick people into agreeing with them. stay safe out there!
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myascarada · 4 months
We don’t talk enough about the systemic health effects of casual fatphobia and how much they fucking skew the data to the point where we literally cannot know how much outcomes are actually related to fatness and how much they are related to society not being designed for fat people, like literal design.
My best friend cannot find a bra.
She’s fat. We won’t get into the ~why~ here because it honestly wouldn’t matter whether it was “all her fault” or whether it was a result of outside forces like genes and such, she still deserves a goddamn fucking bra that fits.
And she cannot find a bra.
She’s short and fat, and Fat Bras are usually full cup, but because she’s short the full cups are usually too tall, or the armbands around them are too tall, to the point where what’ll fit around her chest and over her boobs will also dig up into her arms or have such high coverage that she literally cannot wear a shirt with a neckline high enough. Any bra that goes out enough goes too high.
This affects her ability to find clothing, impacting her ability to go outside sometimes, because she has this tiny selection of bras and she constantly has to wash them and when they’re gone she has no idea when she’ll next be able to find another unicorn bra. They appear in a flash usually in startups that die soon after, and COVID has killed most the small businesses remaining where she had even a hint of a chance of finding a fitting bra.
So she wears bras that don’t fit. Or she doesn’t leave the house. One gives her back pain. The other is, obviously, not very active. She likes to be active.
If she brings it up, people suggest breast reduction surgery.
But the thing is, with a good bra, she does not get back pain.
But if it’s that hard to find a good bra, they say, wouldn’t a reduction just be easier?
Wouldn’t it be easier for you to chop off part of your flesh, they say, then for us to cut fabric and underwire to more sizes? As if that is normal. As if that isn’t horrifying.
It’s not just bras. It’s chairs. It’s benches. It’s goddamn shoes. It’s seatbelts. It’s exercise equipment - I just got an exercise bike for Christmas. I had to shop around to find an affordable one that was also rated to take my level of fat. If I were 100 pounds heavier, which some people are? I don’t think any equipment would have existed in a price range that any working person could expect to afford. I don’t think most people even look at the weight ratings on chairs and couches and furniture. Once you start? They are lower than you think. There are absolutely 100% people you love in your life - whether really tall men or just average kinda overweight fat people - who should not be using the things they are using. Who are not getting support from their mattress, their footwear, their office chair. It might be you! You might be thinking “but I am average size!”, but the amount of furniture out there that’s only weighted to about 200lbs? Or 175??? It’s SO MUCH MORE THAN YOU REALIZE. Get into the Proper Fat? The 350lb, 400lb, 500lb fat? There’s virtually nothing.
Seatbelts are not tested for fat bodies and seatbelt extenders aren’t regulated.
We know about the problems with too small a blood pressure cuff. With too low a medicine dose. With no MRI a really fat body can fit in for a thousand miles.
We know, from multiple studies on multiple oppressed communities, that social bias by itself, with zero other compounding factors, can give people worse health outcomes.
Now add up
+ one of the social biases with the least pushback even from the educated liberal set with
+ having a world that is literally not made for you. Where you cannot get clothes, furniture, or transportation in a way that will actually accommodate you,
+ where society is constantly blaming you for this. And even if you somehow (and if you know how, please tell me) manage to retain some sense of self worth and optimism and determination despite all that
+ that’s not gonna magically give you access to the daily supplies a person needs in their home and out in public that’ll make living safe and healthy life literally physically possible.
If you’re really so concerned about fat people’s health start a bra company. If you’re really so concerned about fat people’s health mandate changes to seatbelt requirements. If you’re really so concerned about fat people’s health have a variety of chairs in your waiting room with at least some being properly Fat Rated. If you’re really so concerned about fat people’s health, make it easier for fat people to be active by making exercise equipment that fits them, swimwear that’ll actually stay on them, athletic shoes that can bear them. If you’re really so concerned about fat people’s health ask they be included in more medical trials. If you’re really so concerned about fat people’s health, promote fat visibility and fat people loving their bodies - because hating yourself has literally never been good for anyone’s health.
If you’re using “concern for health” as a shield to allow you to judge and criticize strangers, you don’t give a fuck about anyone’s health. You’re just an asshole who prefers a veneer of respectability when you bully people. You’re hateful and we can see right through you.
But fatphobia isn’t just bullying. It isn’t just judgment from strangers. It isn’t just medical neglect and medical bias. Even if we could wave a wand and make all that go away, my best friend still wouldn’t have a bra that fits, people still wouldn’t have a chair that supports them, a seatbelt that protects them. It’s literally engineered in. And it slowly kills people day by day by day.
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myascarada · 5 months
The world is ending. You know it, your neighbor knows it, the dealer knows it, the jailer knows it, the king and all his men know it. All one has to do is look around to see it— the future is curdling into something pale and incorporeal. The infernal machine that is this stupid world is going to blow, sooner rather than later. So what are you doing? Why are you still here? Why is anyone still here?
You are doing the only thing worth doing. You are living. *Why,* you ask? Try and remember now. Remember your mother’s hand on your shoulder. Remember the taste of a fresh catch. Remember the times when you were kind to the dogs in the valley and they did not bare their teeth. Remember the weight of a child on your shoulders. Remember the stars throwing their light against the wall of sodium and smog. Remember singing until your throat was raw. Remember crying just as loudly and publicly, and the gentleness with which someone opened your curled fist and pressed a handkerchief into your palm. Crying, laughing, running, eating, screaming, haunting, loving, fighting, fighting, fighting. The fight fuels you, and you fuel the fight. You run yourself ragged just for a chance to keep running. You never stop. You cannot stop. The world depends on it. *You* are the infernal engine. You are the world. And, simply put: you want to live.
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myascarada · 5 months
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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myascarada · 6 months
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myascarada · 6 months
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myascarada · 7 months
you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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myascarada · 7 months
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hellspawn supremacy!
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myascarada · 7 months
"their relationship is romantic" "their relationship is familial" "their relationship is platonic" you're thinking too narrow. their relationship goes beyond labels. the family is inherently queer. their platonic love is romantic. the erotic is familial. each one is the other and the other is them
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myascarada · 8 months
The Laguna Madre is a beautiful ecosystem that houses so many species of wild life and many migratory species of shore birds go there to eat and rest. Its all thanks to the sea grass that grows there, and after the big freeze of Texas in 2021, it is slowly making its recovery and now it's in danger again!
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(Black Skimmer with chicks shown here)
If Elon continues with this disguising act, nitrogen and hydrogen rich waste will be dumped and plankton and algae will begin to overpopulate and create a cloud of themselves over the sea grass causing it to not get the sunlight it needs to photosynthesize. It will basically be suffocated by the overpopulation of microorganisms and die out and so many species of animals will lose that shelter they need to feed, breed and even escape dangers like predators. This grass also feeds the endangered green sea turtle and was even given the name "Turtle Grass" for its huge importance to these creatures.
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(Green Sea Turtle grazing) Not only that, but the South Padre Island is one of the largest ports in America and has many shrimping and fishing companies that rely on the environment to make a minimum wage. And once the water gets polluted, so many people can get sick or worse if they eat the fish and shrimp that have been exposed to it!
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(South Texas Shrimping Boats) This is serious! And if you or someone you know lives in Texas there is a way you can make a comment and state how you DON'T WANT LITERAL SLUDGE IN THE OCEAN! IT WILL HURT THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AND ANIMALS AND THE VAST AND DIVERSE ECOSYTEM THEY LIVE IN!
You can find the link here:
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myascarada · 8 months
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myascarada · 8 months
2nd Anniversary - Login Story 4 (211126) ft. Cain, Shino, Heathcliff, Owen
That quiz variety show featuring Cain, Shino, Heathcliff, Owen and Sheepy! And more sheep butt! I wish that one line was voiced though because it would be such a cultural revolution......
====== 2nd Anniversary - Short Story 4 (20211126) ======
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Cain: Akira! Thank you for always being by our side! 
Heathcliff: Living as a wizard can be tough at times, but you’ve been a great rescue to us. 
Shino: Don’t worry. If anything happens to you, I’ll be sure to rescue you with this scythe of mine. 
Owen: Hehe…… That peaceful lifestyle of yours is about to come to an end though. 
Owen: For as long as you’re alive, I’ll be showing you what hair-raising terror and anxiety that wears out your soul is. 
Cain: And so, we’d like to show you a variety quiz show full of our thanks to you! 
Shino, Heathcliff (smiling with ♪ ♫): Yaaay. 
Cain: Owen will be the quizmaster. I’ve treated you to that much cake, so be sure to do it properly, alright?
Owen: Hehe…… Well, I wonder about that. 
Owen: Question time. What is this sheep saying? 
Sheep: Baa. 
Owen: 1, I’m gonna haunt Blanchett Manor and make it flooded with hairballs. 
Owen: 2, I’m gonna go spread a rumour that Central Knights are weaker and more timid than a lamb. 
Owen: 3, My butt is itchy. 
Shino: 3. 
Heathcliff: 3. 
Owen: Tch…… Correct. 
Cain: Next question! 
Owen: What is this sheep saying? 
Sheep: Baa. 
Owen: 1, I’m excited because I saw Heathcliff’s embarrassing state. 
Owen: 2, I’m snickering because I saw Shino in a pitiful state. 
Owen: 3, My butt is itchy. 
Shino: 3.
Heathcliff: 3. 
Owen: Tch…… Correct. 
Shino: Just scratch its butt already. 
Owen: There’s no way I'd scratch a sheep’s butt. 
Heathcliff: Umm….. Should I do it instead? It seems so miserable…… 
Cain: That sheep’s not gonna say anything but that until we scratch it, you know. 
Owen: You’re so noisy, ugh. Fine. There, happy?  
Sheep: Baa baa baa. 
Cain: Next question! 
Owen: What is this sheep saying? 1…… 
Shino: It’s not itchy anymore. 
Heathcliff: I think it’s saying it’s not itchy anymore. 
Owen: ……
Owen: Correct. 
Cain: Shino and Heathcliff got all the questions right! 
Shino, Heathcliff (smiling with ♪ ♫): Yaaay.
Cain: How do you two feel, after getting all the questions right?
Shino: That sheep that’s feeling excited over seeing Heathcliff’s embarrassing state, I’ll let shreds of you rust on my scythe so show yourself. You’ve been showing some real disrespect there. 
Heathcliff: I think that the people at Master Sage’s world enjoy strange activities.  
Cain: Thank you! And thanks to you too, Owen, for being our quizmaster!
Cain: Akira! No, Master Sage! Not just for before, but for the days ahead as well…… 
Shino: Thank you and please continue to take care of us. 
Heathcliff: Thank you and please continue to take care of us too! 
Owen: Hehe…… This guessing quiz thing, shall I do it for you with a cat too? 
Cain: You liked that? 
Shino: You liked it? 
Heathcliff: Looks like he liked it, doesn’t he……? 
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myascarada · 8 months
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[durgestarion] kissing the murder puppy 🐶
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myascarada · 8 months
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Hey, dominate person is a pretty fucked up spell, ain't it?
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myascarada · 8 months
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Part 2 of my bg3 tarot deck
Part 1
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myascarada · 8 months
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first part of my Baldur's Gate 3 tarot deck!!
part 2
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