mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
Reblog if you are Mystic Messenger trash.
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
first can i just say you are a really good writer, i love the whole plot and writing style of your writing. i was just wondering if you can you do another jim moriarty imagine, your last on was really good. it can be on what ever you want it to be, i just want to read more. please?
Thank you so much!! It means a lot that you like it :) I absolutely LOVE Moriarty so yes, I'll do another one!:)
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
Fare Thee Well One of the most beautiful scenes on Supernatural 
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
Me watching supernatural right now!!
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
Arin’s Motivational Speech -x
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
Dark Paradise
A/n: if anyone knows how to change font on the phone PLEASE let me know. I LOVE feedback, enjoy! :-) Well, here we are. I had hoped you wouldn't end up with this letter in your hands in the end of our insane adventure but, I guess it was inevitable. I never expected for this to happen, I don't think no one ever would in their life time! Yet, here I am laying in the arms of a man who had killed countless of people, directly and indirectly. Now, you're probably thinking: "What the hell is wrong with you!?" Right? Well, many things are wrong with me. From a young age, I've always been attracted to danger I was what people called a 'Tom Boy'. Climbing trees, jumping off roofs, constantly breaking an arm or leg from doing things most kids would be afraid of. I was doing all these things, but as I grew older by my Junior year in high school I realized something... Life was boring! There was no excitement, no constant adrenaline rush or my heart pounding so hard in my chest that it might jump out. I wanted, no - needed  something in my life like that. One day, I got exactly what I wished for and I've never been happier since. I might as well be stupidly cliche and say that, I love you. Now, don't go bringing me back just to kill me for that, I know you don't feel that way, I know and honestly... I'm always kept on my toes working right��beside him in the spider web he controls. He's dangerous, smart, sexy and I know if he were to tire of me I'd be dead but - that's the exciting part! I'll never know when it will happen and honestly I would die with a smile because he made my life that adrenaline rush I so craved. There is a small,small  chance this is real, this thing between us. It feels real, but come on; Jim Moriarty falling in love? ...I don't think it's possible. "Morning," he said in his beautiful, husky morning voice, Irish accent more noticeable. His accent, that alone could get me on my knees no asking needed. I loved hearing him talk, the strength, confidence and power that flowed through every syllable he says. There was never any hint of affection in the way you spoke to me.... I never noticed it, but in this peaceful moment waking up next to this amazing man, his tone when speaking to me was the same as with any one else, but his look; he looked at me differently. Rather that made me different from others or not, I'll never know but it felt like it was. That I was different to him. Eyes were Windows, and no matter how good a person was at bidding emotions or claimed they didn't have any, that is were you look. His eyes always watching me, always soft with me. Whoever that dared mess with me, his dark brown eyes that looked almost black would harden with power and anger. That person were never to be heard from again. It could be shrugged off as Moriarty playing favorites, not wanting his pet  to be used or damaged by anyone other than himself. But, there's that little nagging voice in the back of my mind always saying, "what if it's more then that?" "Morning, handsome," I replied back softly as if trying not to wake someone even though it was just us in this room we shared. "Ready for the day?" He asked, a teasing smile playing on his lips, eyes shining with mischief. "With you? I always am." I never expected it from you, of course, but you always surprised me and made me think that maybe I should have played more attention to what you've done for me..... "Well?"  I stood over a thin, weak looking man as he stayed sitting in his knocked down chair, boot cladding foot pressing into his throat a little more as the seconds passed. He owed Moriarty for faking his death and getting him away from his loving wife and kids. Instead of an Apple pie life he chosed to be an owner of a run down, ass smelling strip club. "I'll pay, I'll pay!" He choked out, wheezing as he struggled to get air in his lungs.  Concidering his words she shrugged her shoulders and with one little pressure to the man's neck she moved away from the man her back facing him for a short while. It was a common mistake. I never noticed the side door in the room, or the man that sneaked out of it till his thick arm wound it's was around my neck and squeezed. Naturally, I'm out stronged. Little ol' me fighting off some buff dude? I would surely lose, but men have a weakness that would always get them down. Booting them in their fucking balls, if they had any that is. It got him down alright, but I didn't anticipate the right hook that my cheek took that effectively knocked me on my ass. The sudden hit made medizzy and light headed as I dragged myself into my knees, squeezing my eyes shut tightly and reopening them to see where I was going. "Damn bitch, get back here!" The man huffed out as he grabbed my ankle, yanking me towards him. As he did that, I turned to face him and kicked him repeatedly in the face hearing a satisfying crunch under my boot from his nose. He reeled back with a painful yell as blood gushed out, down his chin and onto his hands that he held up.  I took this moment to stand up, facing both men, a fury burning in the pit of my stomach but I couldn't do anything by myself. "You'll be hearing from him again, soon." Walking out of his make shift office and soon the club I frown at the now noticeable metallic taste in my mouth, it was blood. I hated that taste, and it only added fuel to the anger burning inside me, but at the time I didn't realize that those two men were already being taken care of by a few of Moriarty's men. "What happened to you face?" He asked calmly from where he sat, eyes not leaving me. I shrugged, "Nothing serious," "Oh, okay." He smiled, which caused me to look at him suspiciously.  "Why are you - Jim, what did you do?" "I just had a few...'friends' pay him a visit," he shrugged. "Did you honestly think I'd let you leave and not have some type of surveillance on you?" "Do you do that all the time?" "Of course." I have to admit that it's a bit stalkerish, but think about the man doing it. It was normal behavior for him and if I'm being honest it made me feel safe knowing he was watching as I did small errands like I was.  I soon realized that you treated other favorites the same way. I was no different but I didn't care because I was happy just being by your side. Everything was perfect, but all great things must come to an end at some point. I woke up feeling...confused.  I didn't understand why I felt like that and it made me even more confused as I stood laying in bed on my side just staring at the wall in front of me.   This lasted for a good few minutes till I seemed to snap out of what ever it was and got out of bed, shrugging off the odd episode. Throughout the day I stayed inside and set up appointments with clients who called for Moriarty's help, it was boring but as another strange confusion feeling began to creep up I was thankful I was here and not doing an errand. By the end of the day I had two 'episodes' and a headache that made me tear up a few times. I thought I might be getting sick, nothing bad was happening I was a young, healthy 26 year old woman. As the days progressed so did what was happening, and I did my hardest to hide it. Headaches were constant, I'll randomly become confused, and would trip over nothing once in a while. The moment my balance was messing up, I knew something bad was happening inside my body, It scared me.  Going behind you back was a difficult feat, but I did it and soon regretted it. I was alone and terrified when I got the news, all my choice. The doctor, Doctor Smith sat down on my bed, looked me in the eyes, and told me that I have a Malignant brain tumor that originated in my cerebrum. It was the aggressive type and is already invading the surrounding tissues in my brain.  The news hit me like a weight bricks, my body was shaking, I felt numb as my heart pounded in my ears muffling the words Smith said to me. I felt sick to my stomach, on the verge of vomiting as tears blurred my vision and tickled down my cheeks. "Is...is there anything...?" My voice cracked, sounding weak and fragile.  "With it growing and spreading so fast, if we were to do treatment it will only do more harm than help." "Surgery?" "I'm sorry," he apologized instead of giving me an answer, I knew what it was anyways. "do you need us to call someone? Some one to talk to?"  Shaking my head I opened my moth to say no but nothing came out. I cleared my throat and tried again. "No, I just want to go home." The only thing they could do was keep me comfortable till I die, I don't want that. Not yet, anyway. I'm still able to walk, talk and think for myself, so I'll continue till I can't. I don't know how I should feel, I'm still numb as I make it to the place I call home and up the stairs to my room, the door slamming shut behind me. Being alone in this huge home something snapped, like a dam finally breaking after all the wear and tear at it. Tears streamind down as I let out an heart wrenching scream while knocking down and throwing whatever my hands could get. I was mad, at what? Everything. The whole world,that doctor,  at myself and my stupid body that decided to Fuck up on me early. My room was a mess and I sat on my knees sobbing in the middle of it, arms around me tightly, as if trying to keep myself together when the bedroom door creaked open and closed. Footsteps walk towards me and stops nearby. I didn't need to see to know who it was, but once again I was suprised today except this time I was thankful as my hands clung to his suit and more tears fell. No words were said that night as he just...held me. It was odd for him to just put everything down and comfort  me, I needed it and he gave it willingly so I wasn't complaining.  Thank you, for that night when I first found out. You had let me cry on your suit, if I wasn't so distraught I would've been proud for that feat. You still treated me the same as before too, just not as much errands as before and I was fine with that because half the time I wasn't feeling up to anything strenuous. I ignored any sign that I was getting worse till it happened that made me terrified. You were with me, I know you remember it. I was glad you were there with me. The both of us were currently talking with a client who is paying Jim directly which was rare most of them were too scared and payed through other people. As the client left I turned to say something when I suddenly tensed up, the words I was about to say stuck in my throat as I struggle to even make a sound. Slowly, I lifted my left hand a little and tugged hard enough to gain Jim's attention. My heart was beating fast in my chest as I tried to say a word or something from what I had originally wanted to say. "What is that?" He asks calmly, point to something on the street. I turned to look knowing exactly what it was, "Restaurant," I said, realeasing a breath of relief afterwards. Jim placed a kiss on my forehead as the two of us continue on our way. This was just the beginning, it started happening more frequently as more days passed till one day talking was out of my life one morning. On this same day, my vision would go in and out, like a camera going blurry than fixing itself.  This didn't help me with my walking, I couldn't without leaning on something because I either couldn't see at the moment or was stumbling about. That night before I went to bed, I wrote down a letter while I was still able too see and think. I stopped paying attention to the days and one day, I woke up early in the morning to pitch darkness. I was blind. I didn't know what to put in this letter at first, but since I'm probably currently dead now, I thought I'd just let everything out.  I did a bit when I started, with a confession and me thinking that you couldn't feell like that, let alone towards me. Hopefully, I found out if you did or not before, but knowing you, you aren't the type of person to flat out say it in any situation. I'm okay with that. I'm okay, with all the harsh things you had once said or did to me. There were many bad times between us but, they don't override the good. You gave me a home, a job, a life that I've always dreamed of having, you gave everything to me and I gave all of me to you.  I don't know how bad I let myself get in the end, and part of me hopes you dont see me like that and do what I have planned, but honestly, I hope you are there with me till the end. We both sat on my bed, large enough to hold at least 3-4 people. Jim sat behing me as I leaned against him, face in his chest and his arms wrapped around me tightly. He was dressed in his usually atiire but his hair was a mess, pointing in every direction whish was unlike him. One hand fisted his suit, the other closed tightly around a single small pill, that once swallowed will put me to sleep...an eternal sleep. "Are you sure about this?" He asks, voice soft and sounding beautiful to me. I nod my head. I wanted to, needed to because I was losing myself because of this sickness and I hated it. My arm shook as I struggle with just lifting my hand to my mouth and place the pill on my tounge just as a glass was held up to my lips, that was probably filled with water. I swallowed and played my head back down on his chest. I wanted to cry, I was scared and I couldn't say a thing to the man holding me and I wanted to say so much! But I couldn't! "Shh, love, it's alright - I'm here." He shoothed, moving some of my hair that slipped in my face. I was crying and I didn't even know till he suddenly made me 'look' at him while cupping my face, wiping the stray tears. He rested his forehead against mine, his breath fan out on my face. Imagine my suprise when his lips were pressed against mine in a passionate kiss that i wished had happened a long while ago but better late than never, right. He pulled away and held me tightly, pressing a kiss to my hair as my eyes fluttered, struggling to stay open. I didn't want to go, now. Why did this have to...why me? Why anyone? "Thank you,"  He whispered, arms tightening, but I barely felt it as my eyes closed shut for the final time with a smile on my lips. He didn't let go her even after her body fell limp in his arms. He didn't want to, but he had to. I'm coming to an end in this letter, I think I've gone on long enough you must want to get back to playing you games with Sherlock, Have you met by now? I wish I could have met him to, he seems interesting and he even has a.. live in? Is that what you call him? I can't remember right now. I'm curious, I was your live in, wasn't I? Would you replace me? I don't mind if you do, it'll hurt but it's not like I'll be there to know. I'm sorry....I don't know why I wrote that I was sorry, sorry for what? Well, this is the end. I need to go and you need to continue with what your doing. But before I go...Jim Moriarty, you are bloody brilliant, and I love you.   always yours, (Y/f/n) Jim Moriarty stood up straight, place the letter in a pocket inside his suit coat before smoothing out his atiire.  When he first stumbled apon this letter he had cried, he showed a lot of emotion during the time of her death. Sadness when alone, anger when not. He of course continued on with daily life, which leads him to where he is now. ​​​​​​Moriarty walks through double doors to see a pool filled with water in front of him. "I gave you my number, I thought you might call." (y/f/n), You think I would replace you? There's no one better that could tolerate me the way that you did.   I love you too, Jim Moriarty
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
Does any one know any REALLY goo Sherlock/reader or even Sherlock/oc stories? Tumblr, quotev, fan fiction, ect. THANK YOU!
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
For all my plus size girls
- Coconut oil is great for boob sweat
- Essential oils/Deodorant for thigh chafing
- Crop tops? WEAR THAT
- Wanna ride his/her face? Do it. They’re grown. They will find a way to breathe.
- Afraid to have sex with the lights on? Girl, they knew what they signed up for, flaunt them stretch marks. Guarantee you that your confidence will turn them on even more
- Double chin troubles? Search for contouring videos on youtube
- Trouble with confidence? Walk with your shoulders back and your head high, I promise you it works
-Scared to eat in fear of judgment? Please eat, they’re probably not paying you any attention and if they are? Fuck em
- Worried about if you could get away with wearing that? Well I’m telling you that you CAN
And last but not least important, ALWAYS remember:
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
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Everyone meet Sans. Sans the cat.
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
10K followers celebration!!
Yay I am 6 away!! I can’t believe it.
So I had asked y'all to vote what I should do for the celebration and it was a tie between ships and personalized story! Looks like I am doing both!’
Here are the rules: •MBF Me •REBLOG THIS POST (to get the word out.)
If you want personalized fic, do the following. •send me an ask with; -your name -character/actor/musician you want -prompt Will be at least 500 words.
If you want a ship, do the following. •send me an ask with; -the fandom you’re in -the gender you want to be shipped with -a little bit about yourself Will look like this: Ship Best friend The one who secretly loves you Enemy
You have until April 5,2016 5:00 PM pacific time to submit your ask.
Thank y'all so much for sticking with me! I can’t believe this! I am still in shock!
I love each and every one of you!! Thank you!’
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
Writing Prompt #10
1. “I don’t want to let you go.” 2. “I can’t do this anymore. I’m done.” 3. “If you want me, earn me.” 4. “I’m already gone.” 5. “If you can’t be honest with me then you don’t deserve me.” 6. “Don’t turn your back on me!” “I should’ve turned my back on you ages ago!” 7. “I can change, I promise.” 8. “I just want the chance to be yours again.” 9. “I know I don’t deserve you, but I can’t lose you.” 10. “You are the best part of my life.” 11. “I love you, but I love me more.” 12. “Do you enjoy hurting me? Is that why you always come back here?” 13. “I need you.” 14. “Please don’t leave.” 15. “I am done being your second choice.”
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
#Supernatural #male character
Reblog for a ship!
-must Be following me -reblog ONLY -tag the fandom you’re in and gender you’d like to be shipped with. (Can be shipped with actor/character/musician/celebrity) -submit a picture of yourself to me. (I will put them together the person I ship you with)
Only doing a few of these. Please be patient. Xo
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
I need feminism because...
Zayn Malik can pay to leave in the middle of a world tour, the middle of a contract, and make his own music because he didn’t like One Direction’s music, but Kesha is being forced to stay in a contract with her mental abuser, sexual assaulter, and rapist and Sony won’t let her out without repercussions 
Sam Pepper goes around with sick and horrible pranks and nobody bats an eye, and when people do, they get shit because the girls who got their ass grabbed should have liked it.
Chris Brown can beat women and get away with it WITH a career and female fans still worshiping this woman beater.
Hillary Clinton will get asked about her wardrobe in interviews instead of political topics, unlike her other male runners.
Tampons and pads are taxed as luxury items, but male shaving items are not.
When I get catcalled at the mall, the guys yell at me about how I should take it as a compliment and only stop when my boyfriend shows up and tells them to stop.
Nobody bats an eye at a shirtless male, but the moment a woman doesn’t have a shirt on and her breasts are out, people are in outrage.
Men can’t go out in public wearing ‘feminine’ items without being ridiculed.
I got detention for wearing shorts over my leggings because my shorts were not fingertip length and was distracting to my male students learning environment, despite having full length leggings on and my shorts covering my butt.
5SOS can have a completely bare naked magazine cover, only cover their junk with their hands, and be praised, but Selena Gomez releases an album cover of her naked, but at the same time quite covered, and gets called a slut on social media.
When Justin Bieber posts a naked photo of him on a boat (with his back facing the camera) he is praised and drooled over, but a woman can’t post a bikini photo without being attention seeking.
Tyler Joseph can’t wear a dress on stage during a performance without being called out on the media, and in person, but a female can.
When a female says she’s a feminist, people think that women want to be better than men.
When a male says he’s a feminist, people think he is lying to get women’s attention.
When a gay man says he is raped by another man, he is told he should have liked it because he was gay.
When a boy says he was raped by a female, his friends say he should have liked it because he got laid by an older woman.
When a lesbian is raped by a man, he gets away free because he claims to try and turn her straight so her family would accept her.
Because ‘there are only two genders’.
Because pansexuality, demisexuality, asexuality, agender, genderfluidity, and other sexualities and genders are seen as ‘fake’ and ‘jokes’ because people use them as jokes.
I need fucking feminism because we all deserve to be treated equally.
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
how the hell do i talk to people
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mybrokenhero-blog · 8 years
Omg my heart, ;-;
y’all need to know what happened in the spanish masterchef last night
okay so we’ve got sweet little laura here
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laura is 8 years old. even though she’d been constantly ignored and undervalued by some of the other contestants because of her age, she was definitely one of the best. everyone thought she’d definitely get to the final.
last night was the semifinal.
she wasn’t doing too badly until the last test, which was so hard that it had only ever been done in the grown-up masterchef. the contestants had to follow the instructions of a professional chef who cooked at the same time they did. it was not a test in which you could afford to waste time or get distracted.
and laura, poor, sweet, tiny laurita, whose pots and pans were almost as big as she was, got burnt.
she tried so, so hard to carry on with the test. she knew that having the burn treated would take up too much valuable time, so she kept cooking. but she couldn’t. the burn was bad, she was fighting back tears, and even the judges were starting to get worried. she had to go.
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at this point, spain began to cry.
everyone thought it was game over for her. she’d be too far behind when she came back. there was no way she’d be able to make up for lost time.
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and then laurita came back with a heavily bandaged hand. she tried to continue, but it was too much for her since she was basically cooking with one hand.
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in the end, laura had to leave for good. she just couldn’t cook. she tried, though, and she was asked if she wanted to leave twice before she said yes.
and so our princess left.
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thankfully, at least something good happened. lukas made it to the final, and most of spain is rooting for him.
these kids are angels, guys, and i’m crying. i’m crying so much.
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