mybullshitbrain · 4 years
The unbeliever.
Bringing brightness to the lives of others by sacrificing their own light.
A fallen star among a universe of empty void.
We wish upon those stars in hope they help our way.
But who saves the fallen star when they enter this universe. Our universe. Wished upon to save the lonely and forgotten.
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
Time prisoner
We all capture time in different ways.
Our minds capture the essence of time but never the truth.
Diaries hide our lies and secrets.
Cameras keep our moments alive in imperfect clarity.
Our lives revolve around capturing and containing. Why can’t we just be Free??
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
Our safe places
Bed’s are glass bottles of emotion. Holding our deepest worries, fears, and thoughts.
We cherish our bubbles of comfort.
They keep us warm and safe in the ocean of negativity we call ‘humanity’.
Too bad bubbles burst.
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
I’ve come full circle.
I had a peaceful life where I wanted a chaotic one with people and drinks and gigs.
But now I just want to go back to the peace and the easiness.
I want both and neither I just want to be me.
I want stability and fire and chaos and quiet.
All at the same time so I can be free to do what I wish without being called stupid, a slag, a player, crazy, arrogant, loud.
I keep messing up the perfectly good people in my life.
People who I know could just leave whenever because they’re too good for me.
They deserve a better friend.
So that’s who I’m going to be.
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
There is hope
My friend has been talking to me about detaching your brain to help
And I guess it works for them and that’s brilliant
I’ll see if it works next time I’m down
I hope that’s not soon
I hope
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
I’ve never feared for my life before
Not until now
If I die, I die right
Goodbye world that was never truly kind
Maybe the new day will save me
Hopefully not
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
I feel lava in my chest again and my brains about to explode
I can’t focus in class my mind wanders all over the place
I can’t forget his touch it’s consuming my soul
But he seems to have forgotten and moved on
Why can’t I just forget
Telling people didn’t work
My body is at war with itself
What do I do?
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
How can I drown in so much air?
With so many people who care about me, talk with me, love me
How can I drown when everything I need is right there and I can get it whenever?
But my mind holds me back
Crushing positivity and logic
these people love hate me
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you”
Who said you could
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
All those people
Dark hair blue/green eyes is such an eye opener it’s so bright and powerful and intoxicating
Blond hair and brown eyes is so soft and warm and comforting like a warm bed and honesty
Brown hair and brown eyes is sharp like coffee but warm at the same time it’s comforting and normal
Blond hair and blue eyes is angelic and sweet made of pure light
Dark hair and dark eyes is like an abyss you can get sucked in and never escape
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
I don’t want to succeed, I want to live!
.. ... _ .... ._ _ _ ___ ___ __ .._ _._. .... _ ___ ._ ... _._?
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
I crave a place that doesn’t exist
A place I’m not allowed to miss
It’s all in my head but the words bleed out infecting my skin and reality
How could I miss people who aren’t real and lives that never happened?
The space is there but my heart is not
And when I’m dead the noise in my head might decide to leave for someone else
This future that can’t be true and reality that doesn’t exist
That’s where I am
That’s my home
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
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the sun will rise and we will try again
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
For me emotions are like the ocean, beautiful but will drown you in an instant.
You see it coming and it’s no better than when you don’t.
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mybullshitbrain · 5 years
To burn the economy you only need like what?? 3 matches and as much gasoline as I can fit in my hands right???
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