myimaginespot · 7 years
I’m so sorry for the delay these months were crazy and I did not have time to finish the chapter but I promise to upload new chapters every week and make them longer. :)
Reader x Thomas Shelby
Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
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I took her to a guest room, she weight nothing, her bones felt prominent. Wasn’t she eating? I’ll have a talk with her babysitter, as she call her. She have a rare sense of humor, I like it. She’s so stubborn just like me or maybe more. I  worry about her dislike to being touch, not because I wanted to touch her , I really truly not… I think. But because that means she’ve been dealing with abuse for  a long time, clearly by her fathers hand , I don’t even want to think about that but one more reason to hate that bastard. She is definitely not what I expected. Something within me makes me want to help her  and protect her but at the same time I can’t trust her, what she told us makes sense, I do believe that all of this wedding thing is a trap, I must watch her closely this month. I place her in the bed and examine the wound on her head, it looks that she is really good at sewing. I make the maid call for the doctor and wait in her room, she looks tiny in the big bed, she makes it difficult to remember her stature, thanks to her attitude she seams taller than must men I knew. Even in her sleep peace eludes her. Teresa enter the room with worry on her face. she has not seen me sitting in the chair in the corner. She starts to take the pins of (Y/N) hair, then she proceeds to remove the gloves from (Y/N)  hands, that’s when I see the blood staining her hands and bruises on her knuckles. Teresa take the tray with water that she brought with her and start cleaning (Y/N) hands with a sigh. She does not look surprised, rather resigned, that makes me wonder what the fuck really happen . “What really happen before she arrived here?” I demand in a cold voice. Teresa jumps scared and looks for the intruder, she looks at me and bow her head. “ I’m sorry Mr. Shelby I didn’t see you siting there” “ I ask you a question” I repeat . “ She look between me and (Y/N)  thinking about what to say or what to do. “ I’m sorry sir but is not up to me to revel information of Miss. (Y/N)” she said apologetic “ If you want to remain with her you’ll tell me what I want to know or else go pack your bag and leave my house.” I said with any remorse. She looks at me trying to figure me out. Good luck with that. “She was in a fight “ was all she said. “ obviously, but why ?” I waited. “ I honestly don’t know how to answer that question Mr. Shelby” “She told us that she ‘ll kill Vitali and what he planed , she is willing to work with me , so if your afraid of betraying her , don’t. I want to know if I can trust her and you seem to know her really well, she respects you, for the little I saw.” Teresa stare at me with shock then back to (Y/N). She sigh and took a sit in the chair near the bed.
“I care for her, and I will never do something to harm her, I fear more her anger than yours Mr. Shelby but I was the one to tell her that she needed to cooperate with you, because you both seem to have the same goal. I think she try to do that by what are you telling me, you need to understand that she is very different and complicated. She struggle to interact in a civilized way with people and that’s because she had have a rough life whether you believe it or not.” She look at (y/N) again and sight “Her father send men to do that to her because you call him and make him believe that you would call of the wedding because of her behavior and he got angry at her, that’s what happened.” I didn’t know what to say , guilt and anger run through my mind, this was the first time I regretted the way I handle things to achieve what I wanted . “Men? ” I ask with disbelieve. “ Yes, men. It’s not the first time neither.” “Why? she is his daughter why would he do something like that?” “Because he can” “ That motherfucker. I dislike him more and more” “Mr. Shelby….you can trust her, she is the kind of person that does not have to lie or cheat to get something, she sees and takes, she says and acts, she promises and fulfills, she dictates and exercises. That is why in our world she is feared. Brutal honestly is fear among this circles, you should know, People do not expect it.” “ How can I trust her when I don’t know anything about her. No one I hired could find information about her, it’s like she don’t even exist.” I told her. “I talk to women in the city to find out about you Mr. Shelby, you’re very famous, respected and feared, I know your people try to find information about her. ” I study Teresa closer, she was about Pollys age and didn’t seem to be a simple maid. I was now intrigue to know the relation between her and (Y/N). I take a cigarette and lit it up. “She moves in a different circle than anyone, not richer , but darker and dangerous. The people that know about her will never tell. within this land the probability that at least one person knows about her is high if some one is in debt with the iItalian mafia. But you see, they fear her more than they fear you , that is why you found nothing about her. “ “ Like I said, she is honest and if you want to know about her just ask her.” I thought about the things that Teresa told me, what kind of circles exactly? Would it be true that people fear her more than they fear me? Better change the subject for now. “She is so thin, Doesn’t she eat ?” I ask her. Teresa looked  uncomfortable “ She does eat Mr. Shelby, sometimes she doesn’t have time or she forgets to eat at all,  she lives under a lot of stress. That’s why she call me her babysitter” she smile “ I often bother her about this subject and make her sit down and eat, she cannot leave until she finish everything.” “ I can’t imagine her doing as she’s told, you’re important  for her if she  does what  you tell her” “ Her mother died when she was five years old, I’ve known and carry for her since that age. “ “Good, then you’ll make sure that she eats proper, I’ll supervise her but when I’m not around it’ll be your duty” “Of course Mr. Shelby”
We waited in silence until the doctor arrive. He was about to examine her and he  ask me to go out of the room, I tell him to fuck off and do his job. Teresa was about to said something but she think it twice. I was not about to leave (Y/N) with a strange man in her room.
The doctor check for a concussion but there was non, they take her dress out to examine her ribs and I could see her body just cover by a thin piece of clothe, I focus on her wounded arms, they were fill with bruises from defending her self, she had black bruises in her ribs, they were not broken just a couple were  fracture, the blood that she coughwas du to a hit lung but she was not in danger she just needed rest. When the doctor finish he gave us instructions to take care of her and then they left her room and I stay back contemplating her.   What have I gotten myself into?
“She ok Tom?” Arthur ask . “She’ll be just fine, she needs rest thats all.” I sit down on a couch and lit up a cigarette. “She is something else” John laugh and Esme look at him. “ She thinks she is better than us John” Esme argue. Polly stay silent looking hard at me. “ What is it Poll spit it put” “I don’t trust her Thomas, keep your eyes open. You don’t want another surprise like what happened with Grace, a fucking cop”
It was late I was in my office doing some paperwork but I couldn’t seem to focus. Grace have been gone for almost two year now, she got married and I let her go but a couple of months back she started to write me letters, I never open one. I didn’t want to know about her  but true be told I don’t know what would happen if I ever see her again. I fell in love with her and she betray me .
I woke up in pain, nothing new, the bed felt different, fluffier and big, immediately I sit and look around me, reaching for my gun but there was no gun and  I was in my underwear, my head spin and my ribs were killing me. “Fuck!!” I said without a breath. What the hell happen? all I remember are cold eyes of the most intense blue I have ever seen… Thomas! I am in Thomas house, I faint. Fuck. I tried to get up of bed, my knees felt weak, what the fuck did I sleep through the whole year?. I tried to reach the bathroom and I fell to the floor. “Motherfucker!!” I let out a small scream and I stay lying on the floor in pain and  resigned. I start thinking about the meeting with the Shelbys, sure as hell I made an impression. I sigh. Why can I get along with people!? I try I swear I tried but what is the point if they already think bad about me . Bha.. even if they get to know me they ‘ll probably hate me, I’m not a good person. While I was ranting someone enter the room. “Teresa how many years did I sleep in, my legs don’t function.” I said with my face buried in the wooden floor. She didn’t  answers and I felt a strong hand turn me around  with care. My eyes collided with the must beautiful set of eyes, I felt shivers running through my body.
“You should take it easy” Thomas said, he approach me with the intention of lifting me up. “Stop” I said with panic to Thomas “Whats the matter? you can’t stay on the ground you’re wounds haven’t heal yet, yo need rest” he was about to pick me up but i held my hand to stop him “ I can get up by my self “ “ Clearly you can’t even stand up so let me help you don’t be stubborn” he tried to touch me again. I started to feel scared , this is one of the things that i couldn’t handle. being touch. there are a few reasons why I don’t let people touch me, fist one,  innocent people get close to me they die, Michael was innocent . Maybe Thomas was not innocent at all but he didn’t deserve my bad luck. I gather all my strength and lift myself up the floor , the pain run through my body. I almost lost my balance but reach the bed and I held on. I look Thomas in the eye and I could see that they way I was acting was strange and will I would raise suspicions about why I hated being touch but I couldn’t care less.
“I’m ok now so you can continue with your things I don’t need another babysitter.” Thomas took a sit in front of the bed , took out a cigaret and light it up. the way he held the cigar and smoke it was something so intense to behold,. “Tell me more about you’re fathers plan“ I took a seat on the edge of the bed and realized that I was in my underwear in front of Thomas and I felt my face turn red but I decided to act naturally as if I do not care. “All I know is that this marriage is a trap he is crazy about getting the wedding held and some people of the new york familia are in town.” “but if somewhat came to happened you will be at risk at the wedding reception, you’re the daughter of the Head.
I laughed hard “ He couldn’t care less for me Thomas I am disposable” he look at me not believing what  I told him I could see it in his eyes. “ Lets assume that what you’re telling me is true, for me to trust in you I need to now every detail, how many people came from new york?”
“I have no idea but I could find out” “I also need to know who are they and why they came here “ “yeah that may be a little difficult but I’ll see what I can do” I stretch my hand to the night stand and pick up my cigars and lit  one” “See Thomas you're not the only one who needs to trust someone , we’ll work together but don’t you ever think of betraying me, you would not like the outcome” he smile at me, not a real smile “ The same goes for you and you better watch the way you talk to me y/n I am not working for you and I don’t like threats , be careful” I stare at the ceiling“ I think we both need to be careful”
With that being said he walk out the room  and I kept staring at the ceiling. Something wet was rolling down my cheek, water stain my fingers. Tears, I could not remember the last time I cry so it was a shock. It have to be cause by the pain I felt , must certainly was that. Nothing to do with the fact that my chest felt hollow.
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myimaginespot · 7 years
Reader x Thomas Shelby
Prologue - Chapter 1  -  Chapter 2  -   Chapter 3  -  Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
I step out of the kitchen heading to my bedroom, when I pass in front of the office I hear men yelling out, I guess the familia from New York have already arrived. I speed up to my room , I had no intention to be around them. I throw myself on the bed , what Tete said makes sense I need to work with Thomas but I don’t know how to do that. Some one knock my door. “ Who the fuck is it?” I yell. “ Miss (Y/N),  your father is calling for you, meet him at his office.” “Fuck my life” I said in a low voice. “Ok I’ll be there”  I yell back.
Please, please don´t let me be in there with all those men. I beg to no-one in particular. I feel cold rushing through my body and the adrenaline pumping in my veins. People think I fear no one, I don’t kneel and never ask forgiveness, my face reflects nothing but I’m not stupid. Someone who fears nothing have no survival instinct.
I open the door and step inside the office, my father was sitting behind his desk , just us thank God. “You call for me” I said “Take a sit” He order. “ Thomas Shelby call me” I hope Thomas did not accuse me for that slap. It would have been funny to hear that call. I wait for him to continue. “ The little fucker  thinks he can push me around” he slam his hand in the desk. “He said that he wants you to meet his family and your new home, he said that he has no fucking time to come and go every time he wants to see you. He demand for you to spend the month in his house.” “ What ?!”  I can’t believe his daring. “You did not agree, right?” “ He took a glass full of whiskey and  he threw it at me. I dodged it, as it passed near my face the drink spilled on me. I do not even blink, keeping my face impassive. “ I had to give up, you  fucking shit!” His face turning red from the fury. “ He threatened to cancel the wedding, he said that he wanted to know who the fuck he was going to get married with and that you were not very cooperative that day of the meeting.”  Goddamnit Thomas, thank you for that.  “ I tried to be nice to him but he insult me, I couldn’t let him do that.” my father get up from his seat and walk around the desk . He took my arm hard and lifted me from the seat. “ You stupid cunt!, you will let him talk to you the way he wants, your nothing ! just a means to an end. I will fucking kill you if you ruin this for the familia.!” I snatched my arm from his grip “ Be careful old man, you know who the fuck I am and what I can do to you. Don’t try my patience, because you’ll discover I have absolutely none. You are my father, out of respect I let you live ” Liar, liar, liar. He swallowed and I saw in his eye fear, he knows that everything i said is true. “ You would’t dare. If you kill me you will lose your chance to sit in my place and the familia will hunt you and put you down like the animal you are.” He walk back to his seat “ Go pack a bag, you’ll be staying with Thomas until the wedding day you’ll take Teresa and a couple of men with you.” he order “ So I’ll take a babysitter?” I snored “ Yes , I do not trust you to keep your legs closed” I  let out a loud laugh “ You have an obsession with my sexuality”  “ Shut the fuck up you nasty bitch and get the hell out of my office !” “ Sir yes sir!” I yell and step out of his office.
I furiously enter my room, grab a pillow and scream loudly. One day … one day this will be over I swear.  Some one enter my room and I immediately take my gun out and aimed at the intruder.  “God lord is me girl !” Theresa enter and close the door. “Sorry, sorry!”  “ I heard we are moving for a while?”  she ask
“ Yes I can’t fucking believe it, At least you will be with me.”  I sigh “ Of course my child, now lets pack your things, Mr. Vitali said we’ll be leaving in two hours.” I grab my hair and pull “ Fuck my life”
Everything was set up, I was picking up my last bag when four men burst into the bedroom. They carried sticks in their hands. Damn coward, always sending others to do his dirty work. “A goodbye party? You guuuuuys!” i said spitting sarcasm.  “ Well how do you want to do this?” I drop my bag and wait for their move.
“What were you thinking!” Teresa  yell at me. “ They started it!” We were in the car heading to Thomas house.  Leaning in the sit I have trouble breathing, my ribs hurt and my head bleeds.  “Four against one is not fair” I complained. She was healing the wound in my head.   “ I hope the wound is not visible.”  Teresa said. “ At least it didn’t stain my clothes” the car  approach the entrance of the mansion , I grab my gloves and cover my wounded hands “They are going to hate me, you know I don’t do well with other, less with women”  
After the call to Vitali I called Polly to give her the news. She’ll have to be hear in two hours with everyone to meet (Y/N). And she and Ada  will have the job to watch her moves. I stared out side the window with a glass of whiskey in my hand.  I will take the truth out of her at all costs. I don’t know what this feeling is but I think I’m excited to have her here all for myself. I just hope we do not end up killing each other.
We were all sitting scattered in the office,Arthur, John, Finn,Ada, Polly, Esme and Linda, smoking, talking and laughing. “ So Tommy why bringing her here for a month we just wanted to talk to her a little” John said  “ Because I don’t want you to keep bothering me so she’ll stay here and Polly and Ada are going to take care of her since they were the ones who demanded that they wanted to know her.” Arthur laugh “ Poor girl , she’s  going to want to go back home today!” Ada hit him in the arm “ Shut up Arthur! we are excellent company” they start to fight when I heard the engine of a car. I make myself wait sitting, a maid came to the office and announce her arriving so I stand up and walk to the living room where she was waiting.
She was standing near the window far away from everyone, she was dress all in black and her hair was in a beautiful mess . She came with a woman  and two bodyguards,as expected,  they were standing near the entrance of the living room.  When she hear us walking in, her eyes locked with mine for a moment, then she quickly look at the rest of the shelby. She start walking to get in front of me with a smirk in her face. “ So you bitch with my father, eh?  I was not cooperative”  I give her a smirk of my own “ I didn’t “ bitch “ I demanded and he fulfilled” As I look at her closely I was able to see blood in the base of her hair, she stand slightly bent, suddenly a trace of blood start falling from her hair sliding to her cheek.” What happen to you?” I ask really worried about her appearance.
She didn’t answer to me, she brought her hand to her forehead and wiped the blood, extended her arm and opening her hand, the woman who came with her immediately gave her a cloth handkerchief. She clean her forehead with the handkerchief and look at me with a fake smile “A little accident on the way over. But here I am to make your life miserable for a month, this is your family I suppose” She look so unaffected, she step away from me to face everyone. “Indeed “ I make the introductions. She look beat up, that fucker of Vitali. “Oh, this is my staff they’ll be staying here” she  walk to them “ She is Teresa my babysitter, Tony and Alonzo my butler and gardener”.  Arthur star to laugh and she gave a little smile. We all took a sit and I let the maid show her staff where to go and to take her belonging to her room. Her face reflected no emotion, She touch her hair and her fingers were stained with blood. “Do you have something to sew around here? I think I need like two stitches” “We have a nurse she could look at it” Polly said reclining on the sofa examining her, assessing her attentively as only she knows how to do it.. “I don’t like nurses, they are too rough for my taste” (Y/N) answered  with a cold look directed at Polly, realizing that she is being evaluated by everyone in the room. The woman call Teresa walk outside the living room with one of the maids. (Y/N) notice and call for her. “Teresa thread and needle” she asks politely. Interesting so she respects this woman.  I thought that Teresa was going to look for it but she approached her and took it out of her bag as if it were something she carried with her constantly. How many times did (Y/N) have “accidents”? “Would you like me to do it for you miss ?” Teresa ask. “No thank you, You know I do not like people touching me” (Y/N)  answer with an impassive voice. she is weirder as time goes by. Teresa left the room and (Y/N) stand up heading to a mirror  behind her sit . “So you bring me here to evaluate me and that your family decides if I am enough for you?” she ask.  “ Yes and we wanted to meet the woman who slap my brother” Ada reply “ So you can slap me back? I didn’t believe that your were a man that needed protection Thomas” she said as she start to sew her wound as casually as you like. Ada laugh “ Not to return the slap, to thank you for putting my brother in his place” (Y/N)  let out a real laugh. “ Well you welcome then. I think someone should do that more often.” I just smile at them watching (Y/N) as she work. she look so confident despite being surrounded  by potential enemies. She was not afraid.
“So what is the mafia true intention to have proposed this wedding” Polly demand. “Polly!” I scold looking at her with warning in my eyes. (Y/N) finish sewing and turn around to face us, she walk to the sofa and took a seat making a small grimace, crossing her legs and putting her arms on the sofa she reach inside her pocket and took out a cigar case pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up. “Directly to the point” I like it. she point Polly with her cigarette her fingers cover with gloves stained with blood. A weird thought crossed my mind, for some strange reason the red suit her hands. “Polly isn’t it?” She exhaled the smoke. “ I could ask you the same fucking question, but why make are selfs idiots when we know how things are.This fucking marriage is not about love or some bullshit of those” “Of course it is not but I don’t believe that is about peace either” John reply with a classic smirk on his face. “You would be an idiot if you thought it was about peace” she said looking at him up and down. “ Don’t talk to my husband that way you stiff bitch” Esme yell at (Y/N)  she really hate rich people, being his people mistreated by people like (Y/N) really affect her. getting used to the wealth that John gives her is complicated. (Y/N) laugh “ I would put a leash on your wife if I were you. We do not want anything bad to happen to her” “ Are you treating my family “ I asked in a threatening voice taking a sip of my whiskey. “ I don’t need to make treats Thomas, is a statement of facts, you seem to forget who I am and the little chat we had. I am not like you or the women here present and I say it without the intention of offending. “   I stand up and walk towards her taking her arm and  lifting her from the seat, bring my face to her face, Just an excuse to have her near. “I would take care of the words that come out of my mouth if I were you. I told you, even if you are going to become my wife, it does not mean that you are part of this family. The only thing you're getting is making enemies. You’ll be alone in here without daddys protection or influence.” I remind her , she’ll know me as well, I’ll not tolerate this behaviour. She flinch at my grip and put her other hand across her waist. she look at my hand around her arm and with surprising speed she take a pocketknife out of her pocket and put it against my throat. John, Arthur and Polly take out their guns and point them at her. She did not even pay attention to them “ I do not like to be touch Thomas, take your fucking hand of me or else  I’ll  start the war  here and now by slicing your throat. I don’t need your family nor the protection or influence of that fucker. Alone?  Loneliness is my kingdom, enemies?  I sleep among them.” We stare at each other closely, our faces without expression, without fear of death and with empty eyes that burn the other.  “ You’re so stubborn , will you be willing to die here and now? look around sweetheart,  this people pointing at you would not hesitate to pull the trigger for me. Because they are my family, I am not alone.” she press the knife deeper into my throat leaving a trail of blood. “ I've been ready for a long time, I don’t need guns, I can promise you this, after I slice your throat I will take your body as a shield, take out the gun inside your jacket and kill everyone of them. We the Italian mafia live by a code, our word is promise and law.” She look like a fucking soldier, I believe her now that she’ll act.
I let go of her arm and she took the knife away.  I indicated them to lower their weapons. I clean the blood from my throat. She took a seat and looked at the ceiling. she  took a deep breath . “As I was saying  before being insulted, You would be stupid to believe in peace. Of course something else is going to happen.  They won’t tell me shit. You do not know anything about me but my father does not trust me, in fact he detests me. I have a goal a very personal one. I told you before we could use each other. I now for a fact that you accept this wedding because you wanted to use me to gain information of the organisation. My father proposes this deal knowing this and you felt in his trap. He wants what he always wanted, your death.” “ And you will be the one to kill me?” I ask taking a seat in front of her as the others. “ No, I’m not the one chosen for that.I already told you he does not trust me. “ “ Then how do you know all of this?” Polly ask her. “ I can feel it, he is so eager  about this wedding, he gets so upset with me, he is afraid that I will make you regret this.” she start laughing  a beautiful sound. “ You see I am not good at human interaction. And there’s something else… The familia from New York is here. They arrived today.”
“ That motherfucker! “ I said furiously “ Yeah” I sigh “What part do you have in all this” I question her. “ I really don’t know, he just likes to use, maybe hi is expecting me to die in all of this. It wouldn’t be the first time he have tried.” “What do you gain by telling me all this?” I look directly at her eyes, searching for the true, for some emotion. “I told you we can use each other.” she sigh. she get up and start walking “ I’ll kill Vitali” there was silence in the room. “Would you kill your own father? Why?” Ada ask. “I have reason that are non of your business. But you see, we have the same objective so we can join forces  to end him.  And when everything is said and done we will go different paths.”  She stopped walking and press her hand in her waist , she started coughing, her hand had blood. “ Fuck my life” she said in a low voice before collapsing. I got up quickly and I took her in my arms before she touched the floor.
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myimaginespot · 7 years
Reader x Thomas Shelby
Prologue, Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 ,  Chapter 3
Chapter 4
“We want to meet her” Polly and Ada were sitting in front of me. I really can´t catch a breath. “No” I said leaving no room for questioning but knowing them they won’t give up. “It wasn’t a request” Polly said. What is happening to women ? showing no respect to me. I lean back and lit up a cigarette  “ You can’t meet her “ “Why not?” they demand. “Cause her father won’t allow it, I could’t even find out the basic about her cause Vitali guard her like she’s made of gold. ”  I stand up to leave.  “So you just gonna let this guy to decide everything about your future wife? I thought you were Thomas Shelby” Ada said I look at them trying to figure out why would they want with (Y/N). After a few moment of silence I just turn around and head to the door. Of course I’m Thomas fucking Shelby. It’ll be interesting to watch (Y/N) dealing with Poll and Ada. What would she do? A fucking fight is imminent. I step into the office and take a seat, I pick up the phone. I will get her here at all cost, besides, my fucking month to get to “know her”  is just starting.
“Do you think he’s gonna fall for it? “ Ada ask “ Of course he is.  Men are rule by two things, their pride and their dicks “ "God Polly" she chuckle "So tell me, Why do we want to meet this girl ?” Ada ask. Polly lit up a cigarette and stare at the wall. "When he went to meet her three days ago I was praying for him not to return in a box. Fucking mafia, they’re crazy bastards. Then he came back and there was something different with him. He almost look alive” "My god, What do you mean?”  Ada listen closely lighting up a cigarette for her self. "I'm not quite sure but I saw life in him, some kind of  fire, that I had’t seen after he came back from the war. I don't think he realise that. But I think it has to do with this girl. He had a very red mark of a hand in his cheek" They both laugh. “ I would have pay good money to see that!” Ada  said with out air, still laughing. “Me too, but it wasn’t real anger I saw in him, it was…. enjoyment, I ask him what happened, he told me about the meeting and that we could be facing a trap ” “ Then don’t let him marry her ! If he thinks everything is a lie and they just want to kill us he should not be marring her !” Ada yell “ That’s what I told him but he said he had a plan, we have to hear him and then decide. You know, when your brother takes a decision nothing will change his mind whether we like it or not. He thinks he’s a one man fucking army.” They stay silent for a while. “ So you think is about her?” Ada ask. “ In some way, yes .” Polly finish her cigarette and stare at the fire  “I just have this… feeling ”
In this business women are not welcome to participate in anything, they are just  perfect pieces of porcelain sitting in the corner waiting for the next punch, like my mother was when she was alive. I promise to my self to never be one of those women. I was a little girl when I saw my mother vanish with every day it pass, my father take her will to live , she took the hits for both of us, I owe her that, but then she take her life and left me with a monster, for that I can not forgive her. That was the first time I knew what true fear felt like. He turn his rage on me for years until he marry again, the slut he calls wife now ,knows how to control him, she must be a fucking demon in bed. The beating stop for a while but when he found out that he was not able to procreate with his slut the beatings started again, he hates the thought of me leading his empire. I often wonder why he haven’t kill me yet if he hated me so much. It will look bad for him to kill his own daughter and there’s when it begin my need to learn to fight back, to be able to defend myself from anyone because if he couldn’t kill me he will have someone to do it and that for sure was not going to happened. So I found someone to teach me how to fight, how to kill. I was 13 years old when I met him, he was two years older than me and we fell in love at that sweet age, well we thought it was love. I should have known better, after all  I was the reason for his death. He was the son of an assassin that worked for my father, the only boy in the mansion, at that age I thought he was bigger and stronger, someone to look up to, so I seek him out and demanded that he teach me the same things I saw him train with his father. He was a sweet, good hearted boy, at first he felt sorry for me, for all the bruises I display so he agreed. That’s how I made my first and only friend. I learn a bunch of stuff and within a year I was crazy for him as he was for me, but he was a low rank, no one, in the big enterprise of my father, so when some one went to him with the news that his only daughter was kissing this no one boy he went crazy.  My father made me and the father of the boy watched as he kill my sweet boy. His father couldn’t do anything he fight he beg, he offer his life but nothing stop my father to teach his daughter a lesson that will remain to this day in my heart. His name was Michael, the one and only light I had in my short life and I was the death of him.  Michael’s father was forgiven for the sins of his son and he was offered to continue to work as an assassin for my father because he was the greatest assassin the Italian mafia ever had. So he stay pretending to been loyal to my father, he took me under his wind and make me his  weapon. The day will come when I be the one to end my fathers life, for my mother, for my dear Michael, the kid who show me mercy, love and friendship, for me and my shattered dreams and hopes, for my broken soul.
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 @millie67​ @fuckitwithlove 
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myimaginespot · 7 years
Kakashi and Reader
Part 1 
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(Y/N) It was my day off so I decided to take a walk around the village and get familiar with the place. It was a beautiful day people were busy around the shops or the restaurants I walk in front of a ramen place call Ichiraku it smell really really good so I decide to stop by on my way home. I walk toward a bench and took a sit I feel happy in here, a new begging. I took out my favourite book and star to read I was so immersed in my reading when I look up the sun was falling so I stood up to head back home and  stop by Ichiraku, I continue my reading  and suddenly I hit  a wall and fell on my butt losing the air and my book, I look up and the sun cloud my vision my eyes took a wile to adjust but what I saw was not a wall it was the shinobi of the bookstore . He was dress the same way as the last time, he had a hand on his pocket and the other one held a book, my book.
He keept staring at me, not even try to help me get up. so rude. I stood up and try to clean my clothes to get rid of the dust. He was just standing there looking at me without any worry.  I have no words, He is completely appealing, the way he look at me, his cold attitude , his relaxed way, but I was angry, he did not even try to help me and held MY book in his hands. I extended my hand “ Give me back my book” I demanded. “Excuse me ?”  he look at me with shocked eyes. “Give me back my book” I repeat
I didn´t even saw her coming until I push her to the ground. I was so entertained with my book. Her beauty caught me off guard  I just stood there looking at those amazing eyes that I could´t even help her up I just kept staring at her like a teenager. she was talking to me but I did´t hear her. Did she say MY book? “Excuse me?” I look at her with shock. “Give me back my book” she repeat and I start blushing, dammit. I look at my hand that was holding the Icha Icha novel. I can´t believe what I´m hearing. “ Do you mean this book?” I asked her I need to know ! Could it be possible that she appreciate this masterpiece ? more blushing , DAMMIT. Keep it together Hatake, be cool, be cool. “Yes, thats my book you´re holding and I want it back… please.” how could she look  so calmed, nor a blush not nothing. maybe she does´t know that I know what is the content of this book…. no, no.  She should have looked at the information in the book that I asked. Was she messing with me? no, no I don´t think so…. All or nothing. “This is my book” I look around and saw a copy of Icha Icha thrown on the floor. I walk pass her and pick it up. “ I think this is YOURS” She look at me grabbing a book in each hand. “ ohhh” she said and a pink tone covered her cheeks. So beautiful. In spite of what people think, I am interested in women, I have simply never met anyone who makes me want to approach and get to know her. But she has something, I do not know how to explain it but I need to know her, I was arrogant the last time we saw each other but I'm going to remedy it and I hope she wants to know me too. “So… I see that we are both fans of the same book.” I smile at her “…” She just kept staring me and now I feel nervous. “I am Hatake Kakashi” I offer my hand and waited. Be cool, be cool.
I looked at the hand he offered me then at his eyes and again at his hand. Should I?… what the hell. I took his hand and electricity ran through my hand where we touched and climbed up my body. I look back at his eyes and saw that he felt it too. He smile at me and I smile back “ I´m (Y/N)” This will be interesting.
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myimaginespot · 7 years
Reader x Thomas Shelby 
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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My future wife. She was not what I expected . I see problems coming our way, I just can´t figure out  what is the end game of Vitaly, after looked at her face  I´m now sure that he´ll use his daughter in every way. I´m so fucking angry, How could I not see this at the beginning? a trap, a trick, a death sentence.  The opportunity to be inside and gain information of her  blind my mind. She´ll  be not easy to handle nor  doable , my cheek still burns I know I earn it but I wanted to see that fire burn, teste her. I do believe her when she said I´ll lear who she is, I´ll be lying to my self if I deny that i'm intrigued to find that out. The thing is, I´m very interested to know how we could help each other and the way I´m gonna benefit from this. One thing I´m certain of is that she´ll be a big problem in the future.
I hope she keep that fire because it ll be a downfall to hell. sha have proven to me that she can take it, so i won’t be easy on her. If that broken lip is the prove of what she has to deal with maybe our marriage won’t be a bad change of scenery for her, we could use each other. I lit up a cigarette and let the smoke fill my lungs and exhaled softly, sweet venom . I can´t keep her out of my mind and I hate it, the way she looked, her body hidden but keeping nothing to the imagination with that dress, her raven hair that I´ll love to see in my fist, her voice, her smell, her fire, but what really stayed in my mind is her eyes ... as empty as mine.“We are so fucked.” I sigh.
My future husband. He was definitely not what I expect him to be. I can´t stop thinking about him, I really never felt this way about someone. I hate it and I hate him, all it need was his presence to make me fell nervous,  he really is compelling, , his smell, his voice even though his word were insulting I wanted to hear more and more.   Thomas fucking Shelby, he is really something no wonder almost all the women in the city are crazy about him. Yes, I ask about him, I can not be blamed. But what really is messing with me is  his ice blue eyes searching something within me. To bad I´m empty inside… just like him.
The wedding will be in a month, the people of the house want it to be as soon as possible. Something bad is going to happened I can feel it in my bones, but theres no way I can scape from this now. I walk towards the kitchen were Teresa is preparing everything for father´s reunion. Some people from New York he said, of course I´m not invited thank God. I want nothing to do with them. Family he said, Sicilian mafia.The fucking Cosa Nostra, the worst of the worst. Teresa has been here since I was a little girl she took care of me. She is like the grandma I never knew, the little I know and understand about love is because of her. She is so loving and nice I  would want to show her how much I care for her  but I was´t built that way, something in me is missing that I can´t make my self show that kind of feeling, they make me uncomfortable. The thing that I understand the most is hate and fear, the way it feels crawling through my body, sucking the air and filling everything with darkness.
“There you are I have something for you” Teresa said handing me a plate full of food.  “Yes!! I´m starving, thanks”  I take a bite and the flavour brings me back to life. I really miss warm food. “So… are you exited ?” she ask “About what?” I replay with my mouth full. She approaches me and pinches my arm “Ouch !!” “No talking with the mouth full how many times I have to tell you” “Sorry Tete” she sighs and continue chopping vegetables. “Are you excited about the wedding?” she ask again “ Of course not, Why would I be excited? somethings wrong I don´t like it and is more strange because of the new york men” “Don´t say that, you should be excited, you´ll be free from this place girl, no more abuse” I put the plate down and stare at her. I´m really gonna miss her. “ Tete, in this life with this kind of people the abuse is never over and you know that” she stares back at me “ I know child but I ask around to the ladies in the city about this shelby guy and they said that yes he is exactly the man people say he is but they have never heard that he will hit a woman, his aunt is almost like his right hand that means that he appreciate smart woman. You my girl are one of the smartest people I ever met. You could fit well together .” I take a sit and cross my arms “ Yeah he treats his aunt like that because they are family, he told me that I will never be his family and I am not allow to know about his business. So you see he is like everyone else, besides I don´t want to be his family nor his employee. People work for me not the other way.”  She sighs and walk to sit next to me . “ (Y/N), you have to learn to deal with him, not fight him, why you like to make your life this difficult?” I stare at the sealing. “ You already know the answer to that question. I don´t know how to be nice to people, I don´t like human interaction. If I stop fighting I´ll die, they will eat and take advantage of me. I will never allow that. I don´t want to be like my mother, she died because she lost her fight, she was weak and I am not!” I yell the last part and my breathing is irregular I can´t act this way I have to remain calm , people can´t know what affects me. She grabs my hand and squeezes it. “You are stronger than her and brave, you do not have to worry about that, no doubt people see what you are and fear you for that, that is your protection. But maybe your new husband can protect you too, you must learn to get along with him. You will marry him and you will belong to his family whether he wants it or not, your new family against your old family, think about it.” Fuck. I sigh.
Chapter 4 ...
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myimaginespot · 7 years
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Peaky Blinders - Season 4 Epi 1
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myimaginespot · 7 years
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“He said, “Fuck you.” “Yeah?!”
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myimaginespot · 7 years
thomas shelby in circular vintage glasses is my aesthetic
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myimaginespot · 7 years
No offence but Peaky Blinders is back tonight… and I literally could not give a fuck about anything else rn
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myimaginespot · 7 years
Reader x Thomas Shelby
Chapter 1 
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Chapter 2
It was a mansion indeed  guard with heavy security the fucker  felt the king, how wrong he was. His dogs search me and guide  me through a hallway to the living room. The house was extravagant just like mine. Vitali enter the room accompanied by two of the guards. "Well good morning Thomas you’re late,  don´t you think?“ He ask while walking to pour himself a drink."A problem arose and I had to deal with it. Sorry for keep you and your daughter waiting. But i’m here now  as we agreed”. “Yes you are” he took a sit  and stare at me. I stay up waiting for him to revel anything. “Please take a sit Thomas relax” I stay steal for a moment and walk to the sit in front of him. “ Where is your daughter?” What if this was in fact a trick to bring me here alone? The words of Arthur and John came to my mind . Does she really exist?. “ She’ll be here soon you know how woman are they took hours to get ready”. We stare to each other for a long time .
“ Finally !” He cheered  I stand up and turn to face the new arrived. Just one word came to my mind. Danger.
Her beauty was dangerous, she look like a problem waiting to happen. It was like i could almost  feel her in my skin even tough we were 20 steps away from each other . “Thomas this is my daughter (Y/N)” 
Her eyes were made of fire and they were burning me .
She was at least 10 years younger than I expected. Pettit and curvy with long dark hair. It make me wanna grab it in my fist. She walk towards me and with confidence gave me her hand . Being this closed I could smell her and appreciate her closely, her lip was broken but she tried to hide it with makeup. Who the fuck dare to do that to her. Beneath that hate fire, her eyes were empty of any emotion it was like looking at my own reflection.
I grab her hand and place a soft kiss. She take away her hand like if I had burned it and took a sit in the chair next to her father. “The wedding will be in a month as planned and  you two will have this time to get to know each other as you requested Thomas but it has to be here were is safe for my only daughter is that a problem?” Vitaly ask. This situation is beginning to be suspicious but I’ll play along until I know exactly what is he planning. “ no problem at all we don’t want that anything bad happens to (Y/N).” I smirk and took my package of cigarettes pit of my jacket. “ And you’ll be her guardian or i would be able to spend time with my future wife alone? Either way she  is already mine.” I light up my cigarette and take a deep drag.
(Y/N) My father left the room anger radiating from his body I was a little  surprise that he had agreed to the demands of Thomas. I didn’t understand quite well what was the end game here but it had to be bad. Thomas was not what I expected. I thought I’ll have to deal with a decrepit man but the mas that´s  in front of me is something else. Power is the first word that came to my mind. He carried him self with more confidence than the king, he is quite handsome and attractive but the one thing that capture my interest was the storm in his eyes. I feel electricity running through my body. He look at me like he already own me. I feel it in my bones and I hate him immediately.
He stare at me for a long time I know he was trying to make me feel unconformable, little did he know that I was the queen at this games. “So here she is. The famous daughter of Vitali the one everyone have hear about but no one have ever seen. Why?" His  gaze was fixed on mine I look back at him. I would not give him the satisfaction of making me uncomfortable. " You can't speak is that it? That's why you haven't spoke a word since you arrive to this room?" He stood up and sit next to me. "Maybe that's even better. I will not have to deal with your demands. “ He took a lock of my hair “Late me break thing for you sweetheart, first of all your loyalty is for me and me alone from now on and if you ever think or try to betray me  I will make your life a living hell I can promise you that. “ he let go of my hair and sit back “Second, you might be my wife but that doesn´t mean that you are part of the family or the business. Third, you´ll do anything that Polly ask you to do and…. "
I turn to face him, he was so close now I could feel the heat coming from his body. His eyes were quite beautiful, I lean closer and open my lips, he waited for words to come out of me, his eyes lock in my lips and with all the strength that I have I slap him and smirk. " You will never speak to me like that nor demand anything. Who the fuck do you think I am. You're beneath my boot. “ I said with calm and soft voice, never loosing my cool. I lean back and took a cigarette from the pocket of my dress and light it up. I could feel his surprise. “You will lear soon enough who I am and were you got your self into. If you thought that I was gonna be like you describe well you're wrong. I'll fight you if I must. You're entering my world now not the other way. If you're nice and obedient we could help each other, become a means to an end for both of us." He look at me amazed and furious, a red mark in his cheek. "But you never speak to me like that again or I’ll hurt you.” I stand up to leave the room with the cigarette in my hand and he took my arm. " I guess there´s no need to do date days I already now who you are." I free my arm and begin to walk." Thomas... You couldn't be more wrong" "We'll see" he whispers and accept the challenge.
I saw him leave the mansion in his vehicle. I let out the sight I didn't know I was holding. My hand burned and felt funny. I touched him and we were so close. At the mere thought I start blushing. "What is wrong with me?" I whispered. I started laughing at my question. “Where do I start?”
Chapter 3 ...
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myimaginespot · 7 years
Kakashi and Reader
Warning: bad writing :3
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I saw him the second day I start to work in the bookstore  , I have move from mi village because I have nothing that keep me there, so I decided to star again in Konoha I found job in the local library of which I fall in love .
 I was unboxing the new stuff that came to the library when I listen someone get in,  I walk to the counter and  there´s when I first saw him. Tall and muscular , gloves on his hands, a green vest , my eyes run through  his body and  I knew that this body have to belong to someone very handsome, as my eye reach the top all I could see was a mask covering his face and  I felt disappointed. Finally our eyes met well mine met one of his eyes the other one was cover , he had silver hair and a shinobi band around the head, even though the only visible thing was his eye it was so compelling that I immediately fell the blush on my cheeks.
 “Hello how can i help you?” I smile at him and waited “You´re new here. Where is Mrs. Naori?” he ask roughly like accusing me for being here. “Y-Yes I´m new and Mrs. Naori is not here right now. How...”- “When is she coming back?” he interrupted me. “Amm she´s not gonna be here in a while she is old and wanted to take a rest that´s why she hired me”. I wait for his answer, he was looking me  up and down “ I need to make an order and pay for a delivery when you get the book” “ Ok” I took the receipt book and star to write “What´s you name?” I ask looking at the notebook. He let out a sight and pinch the bridge of his nose “ Tha´s why I need Mrs Naori she all ready knows all of this” He said with boredom and I started to get angry, I was only but nice to him and he was so rude to me. “ Look just give me your name so we can get over with this” I answer now angry.  “ Hatake Kakashi” he said a little more calm. “ Ok and which book do we have to deliver to you?” he immediately star to blush and open his eye in shock. “ Ich-ic...” he couldn´t finish the sentence and snatched the notebook from my hands and wrote the remaining data , he returned the notebook and left quickly from the store leaving the money on the counter. I look at the information that he had written “ Icha Ich....” my face star to burn with shame as I recognize the name of the book.I was a huge fan of the icha icha saga and treasure all the books and was waiting for the same book to be released. “ ha ha ha ha” I started to laugh at the thought of the big and rude ninja being  a fan of this kind of books.
I hurry to leave the bookstore I couldn´t belive that I acted that way . When I first saw her I just could think of one word... beautiful. I saw the way she looked at me and felt anxious and nervous. I have never fell this way before so I acted like and idiot to her but she keept looking at me with does amazing eyes that make me feel exposed even though every part of myself is cover. 
I have never feel ashamed of the books I read,  I walk around exhibiting them and don´t give a fuck about what people think, but with her I felt like a pervert. Is silly cause I do not think she knows what the books are about. I hope so.... or I would be completely lost.
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myimaginespot · 7 years
Warning: curses, violence abuse and bad writing.
Reader x Thomas Shelby
Chapter 1 
“What the fuck are you waiting for?!” my father yell for the 3 time within 5 minutes. He was so excited for what was about to happen. Thomas Shelby had ask for a previous meeting with me  before the wedding day so he could get to know me he said. Of course I know better, he just wanted to get as much intel of the mansion where all  Italian mafia operation were planned.
I left the bathroom with the biggest boredom I could achieve I was getting ready to meet Thomas. I was intrigued to meet the man who would be my husband, to know the poor bastard  which in its five senses took the decision to marry me without even knowing me or knowing where he was getting himself in because if he thought he was going to have an obedient wife he was so fucking wrong.
“Hurry up he´ll arrive any minute now!” my father yell.. Again. “What the fuck are you so excited about? You sound like a teenager in heat”. I answered, knowing that his hand slapping mi cheek was well deserve. “ Shut up show some respect for your father and stop the fucking swearing or I´ll make you regret it I don´t want to people think that i´ve raise a vulgar whore” . I taste the blood on my lips and spit it out to his feet I smile at him showing my bloody teeth. “Vulgar I am but a whore? I am not like the slut you call wife”.
He was about to hit me again but a servant enter the room and announce that Mr. Shelby has arrived.He took my arm and squeezed it with all his strength. "I warn you for the last time, behave yourself or I'll make sure you regret it. Show some interest in him.I do not want him to retracted this deal.Remember ... you could end up with someone worse than him.” He let go my arm and start walking towards the first floor to meet Mr. Shelby. I enter the bathroom again to wash my mouth and see if some of his abuse was visible on my face, all I could see was brown eyes, cold and empty, looking back at me, My lip was broken and my mouth taste like blood so I wash my teeth and tried to cover mi broken lip with some make up but it was useless, maybe Thomas will know exactly what kind of man he is . I sight at my reflexion looking down at my black dress that accentuated my figure, not a dress i´ll pick up myself but i have no decent clothes, according to my father, I was only 5.2 ft a body with enough curves, light brown skin with thin silver scars only if you look closely, my wavy hair loose to the waist. I was not able to see if I was beautiful or not, all I see is someone tired of life. I recovered and went downstairs.
When the boss of the italian Mafia came offering a deal for peace between our families I was supposed to say fuck no but then he offer his only daughter to be my wife and this was a proposal that I could not refuse. Not because I wanted the woman in fact I had no idea who she was,it  was the perfect opportunity to get into the center of the Mafia, and her daughter was a valuable opportunity, information from within the organization was something I could not ignore. So I accept the deal and demand a meeting with his daughter cause I knew he is overprotective and the meeting will take place in his home. I would go to the wolf's mouth to recognize the terrain and see where his daughter's loyalty lies and how manipulable she would be.
Two weeks later...
It was a busy night at the Garrison the booze flow freely, Arthur and John continue their mockery. “ It was about time Tommy !!” Arthur yell and take a sip. John nod in agreement. “ Yeah Tommy you're finally going to take a woman I hope you have the same luck as I did with Esme.” “Tommy people don´t know this girl no one have ever seen her what if she´s crazy or something” You had not thought about that at the time but right know you were curious. Who was this girl that you had not discovered anything about? It's like she's a ghost and that bothers you. What if this deal was a lie and that asshole trick you. “Shut up Arthur and what were you thinking Thomas to accept this deal without a family meeting!” Polly call from the door of the booth.” I have to learn about this from Lizzie at the office” you light a smoke and stare at her “...”
“FINE!!!” she take off her coat and took a seat. “ So who is she?” Polly ask.” We don´t know Poll we ask around but it´s like she doesn´t exist.” John said. “Well thats impossible! being the daughter of the Italian boss someone have to know about her! I ´ll ask around, anyway you finally gonna have a wife Tommy I hope that she bring some light to your life, you need a good woman.”she look at me with sad eyes. “Well Polly I´m not doing this to get the woman you should know better, is about the future of the business ” she sight “Whatever, I have to go see Ada, at less tell me when the wedding day will be to buy a fucking dress” she got up an left the booth. The 3 of you start laughing. “ But really Tommy aren´t you at least a little curios about  that girl who will be your wife? We are gonna have the enemy inside our house” Arthur point out. “ Will see ....” I said smoking out the concerns for tomorrow, the day that I would meet the mysterious girl.
Chapter 2 ...
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myimaginespot · 7 years
 Reader x Thomas Shelby - The story of a wild and cruel girl that learn to love or something like that we will see how the story develops ;) (The title is from an image i saw and i feel in love)
It is hard to live in a world rule by men but when you are the daughter and successor of the Italian mafia boss  you have to be tough and the baddest of them all, at the age of 24 I make them fear me and piss their pants whenever I look at them, SO FUCKING FUNNY.
It helps that my  father is a fucking bastard, I didn´t know why he hated me so much but I  learn to hate him back. I work for everything in my life, sometimes I even have to steal, not that I am proud of it but who said that fathers wealth was mine? I starve and suffer under his roof but in the eyes of the world I was the perfect daughter and he was a role model. The truth is that he is so fucking paranoid and a psycho, he feared that one day he wil have to leave the kingdom to me or anyone at that matter so he decide to get rid of his precious daugther by offering me like  a piece of meat to the Shelby family to create an alliance between the families.
He arrenged the marriage with the boss, the big bad wolf Thomas Shelby. I have heard of him and the reputation that  follows wherever he goes but I have never seen him, he is a mystery. I´m intrigued to meet the person who accepts a deal like this but it doesn´t matter  if it´s him or anyone else who takes me away from this prison because whoever that allied with my father must be a bad man. Everyone in this business is rotten to the core. Myself included. I don´t intend to change one  prison for another, I will be free either with the help of Thomas Shelby or without it, but if I have to go against him i will do it with a smile on my face.
I was born a victim of the circumstances and I grew up to be cold and ruthless. Nothing touched me, neither my own pain nor the pain of others.
I was in the darkness, so DARKNESS I became...
Chapter 1
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