mymiraclebox · 6 days
Are you going to make the rest of the Native/North American miracle box (the goose and woodpecker)
Karrma the Goose does not want to be designed. All the sketches I have of her I am not satisfied with. Kwamis with long necks are hard to design and bills are hard to draw.
As for Drill the Woodpecker, yeah, I should probably just draw him seeing how close I am to finishing that box. xD
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mymiraclebox · 6 days
I’m kinda new to this and I’m not sure if you do or not but do you continuously update the miracle box with new kwami’s or is the miracle box completed?
At this point I have no plans on adding any new kwamis, so technically it is complete in the terms that I have all my kwamis and their Miracle Boxes planned out, but I've had yet to complete drawing them or publishing their bios and stories. So there's still new content to be posted. :)
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mymiraclebox · 10 days
So all the timekeepers used to be the oldest elemental kwami, excluding Uunice ?
Yes. All the Elementals are very close to the same age, but Eeterna was the oldest originally, and now it is Uunice after the Timekeepers came along.
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mymiraclebox · 10 days
Which Deltas came from the concept of Death ?
Death has the least amount of Deltas that come from him, but they are:
-Fangg the Bat of Fatigue -Verr the Gorilla of Sacrifice -Allces the Moose of Evocation -Glaace the Polar Bear of Endurance
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mymiraclebox · 12 days
1. Could explain the essents more
2 is it just the ones you’ve listed or would say tikki and vitaa or shii and tikki be able to merge for example. Like can any alpha Kwami merge with any other alpha Kwami?
Okay long post time! There's a TL;DR at the bottom because... long. xD
So, there are three levels of entities that make up the universe. The first is a Transcendent, who can then further divide into Essents, who from there can divide into Kwamis. Kwamis can either split their concept further into more kwamis, or can create new Kwamis that are aspects of their concepts without further dividing. Each level of division creates a being whose concept/domain/embodiment is more intricate than what came before.
The one and only Transcendent is a being that the kwamis call Omnii, who embodies the Universe as a whole. Omnii did not have a name in its time, as Omni did not have a conscious or a sense of self. At this point Memories, Psyche, or even Time did not exist. Kwamis themselves barely understand the full concept of Omnii, and have more of a vague awareness that it once existed.
Omnii divided and reformed many times when it was, and this was when Essents came to be. Like Omnii, at this point Essents did not have any sense of self. There were just vast forces of raw power and energy. Essents embody very vast domains, which often changed depending on how Omnii divided its form. At times it was divided into Negative and Positive energy, other times it became things that embodied other aspects. Being and Matter. Existence, Reality, Balance, Infinity. Sometimes it would only divide a part from itself, creating an Essent that could not remain for long. All that came with these Essents were never stable, and it always collapsed back into Omnii.
This changed when the Essents themselves divided, creating beings that represented more fine concepts; which is what created the Kwamis. The Essents themselves were too vast, but by dividing further they created two opposite forces that were once one Essent. Forces of a whole that could act on their own, and create a stability that wasn't there before.
From Existence came Life and Death. From Reality came Creation and Destruction. From Balance came Order and Chaos. From Infinity came Space and Void. And from them came the foundation of the known universe, this splitting of the Essents into Kwamis creating the event that humans would came to call the Big Bang.
Omnii at one point split into Positive and Negative energy Essents, but they were not stable. Instead it split into Essents that encompassed both of this energies (these being Existence, Reality, Balance, and Infinity), and then when they divided they split into more refined concepts with one made from pure negative and one pure positive energy, each of these halves creating the Alpha Duos.
This splitting however resulted with a release of pure neutral energy spreading out into the universe, which formed the youngest Essent, Leebra, Essent of Neutral Energy. Like other Essents however Leebra was not stable, and soon divided into Kwamis as well. Kwamis like Eeterna, the Kwami of Time; and Uunice Kwami of Magic; Leebra becoming all of the Elemental Kwamis.
At this point only the Alpha Kwamis and Elemental Kwamis existed in the universe, and like the Essents that came before them they were raw forces of power and not individual beings with thoughts and personalities. They too did not have their names at this point, as these would come billions of years later.
The only Kwami with any form of awareness at this point would be Eeterna, the Elemental Kwami of Time. They did not have an awareness of self or anything like the life seen in the universe today, but Eeterna embodied all aspects of Time. It was likely every single moment ever to exist in the universe was their reality all at once, meaning this being had a full awareness of all that would happen in existence. Because of this they were... aware, for lack of a better word, that the Kwami of Time would not exist for long. So like the Essents they came from Eeterna too divided (being the only kwami to do so), creating all the Timekeepers, who embody finer aspects of Time.
From this point on the universe, and thus the Kwamis themselves, became more complex. These kwamis however, did not divide like Eeterna or Essents, but new concepts were still being formed as the universe grew, and thus new forces for these concepts came into existence. Instead of being new beings divided from higher ones, they were beings that branched off from the Alphas Kwamis. The Alphas still existed, but had finer aspects of their domain representing these new concepts, thus creating the Delta Kwamis. And of course as new concepts came, so did traits like individuality and consciousness, leading to the kwamis we know today. Delta kwamis can also have younger kwamis be branches of their concepts (like the Kwamis of Love, Sorrow, Hope, etc being aspects of the Kwami of Emotion, who is an aspect of the kwami of Life).
While when Essents first existed they had no consciousness of any kind, they have been able to experience awareness when the Alpha kwamis do merge together, by drawing on the memories of the kwamis that merged. This leads to a strange instance where Essents are technically the older and more powerful being, but act much younger and more naive of living with such a complex understanding as they've spent little time in this state. And they cannot spend much time like this, as they are still very unstable compared to kwamis and can only stay merged for a limited amount of time.
In theory any Alpha kwami can merge with any Alpha, but its vary rare that they do so outside of their Alpha Duo. The most common mergance outside of the Duo would be with Alphas of the same energy as them. The only combos that will get names are Alpha Duos merging, all Alphas of the same energy merging, and I also do have names for the physical Alpha Duos (Creation, Destruction, Space, and Void) merging along the spiritual Alpha Duos (Life, Death, Order, Chaos), but honestly I don't think those mergences will have any role in this AU story wise or lore wise. (If you are curious though their names are Ress the Essent of Matter for the Alphas that embody physical aspects and then Ibbi the Essent of Being for the Alphas that embody spiritual aspects.)
The only other kwamis that can merge are the Elementals, but only with each other and if all the Elementals are there... which they aren't because Eeterna divided into the Timekeepers. It is currently unknown if the Timekeepers can undergo a mergence themselves to become Eeterna again, since Eeterna was a kwami and not an Essent, and therefore a stable being.
TL;DR: A Transcendent named Omnii kept dividing into beings called Essents were who unstable and would collapse back into Omnii. One day four of the Essents divided into the Alpha Kwamis, who were stable beings that created the Big Bang and one more Essent who divided into the Elemental kwamis. One Elemental of Time divided into the Timekeepers, then new kwamis started popping up as the universe grew giving us the Delta Kwamis.
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mymiraclebox · 13 days
Fleet the Ostrich, Kwami of Guidance
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Fleet is the definition of a mother hen, always ready to jump in to help, and usually the first one there. He's a very nurturing soul, knowing when to listen, and just what to say. His powers give him a keen insight for those he interacts with. When on his own Fleet is very energetic, and can rarely keep still in these moments.
Fleet's Miraculous is a gimbal compass, and his tool is a map. His favorite food is homemade pumpkin pie, and their transformation phase is “Fleet, follow me!”.
Fleet currently resides in the Cycle Box, which can be found in the ruins of the Order of the Guardians’ temple in Tibet.
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mymiraclebox · 13 days
A drabble about Kirrin?
[Kirrin's bio, Qilin of Light.]
Kirrin awoke to darkness.
Their eyes blinked open, stretching out as they took in their surroundings. They were exactly where they had fallen asleep, sprawled out on a smooth rock that had always made the perfect basking spot. There was no sign of any kind of disturbance about them, all was how it should be.
Save for the sky above them was pitch black, not even the stars visible.
"Duskk!" Kirrin thundered, rising up into the air, their mane of rainbow Light flaring in their anger, sending shadows dancing across the realm of the Miracle Box.
They didn't have to fly too far, simply drifting in the direction where their natural Light did not shiny quite as brightly, knowing that the kwami they were looking for would be waiting. A glow brightly surrounded Kirrin, illuminating their immediate surroundings. They shown like a beacon, all other kwamis would known exactly where they were, and to stay away.
Kirrin glowered down at their target as they at last found them, the canine below being the only thing that did not show in the Light that Kirrin cast. Instead the Grim was directly covered in shadows, even with Kirrin's bright antler looming right behind her. Darkness and Light seemed to hiss as the auras intertwined, and the Grim glanced up at the angry Qilin above her.
"Hi!" Duskk said happily, tail wagging as she regarded Kirrin. The shadows about Duskk seemed to intensified, naturally trying to block out the light shining on her. "Mind turning it down a bit? You're blinding me."
"There's nothing to turn down," Kirrin growled. "Considering that it's still my fortnight– it shouldn't be night right now!"
Duskk's playful expression immediately darkened. "Really? That's what this is about?"
"We agreed to every two weeks!" Kirrin shouted. "Two weeks of Light, and in return we'll all suffer in the nothingness of the shadows you bring for two more– what made you think you had the right to cloak the Miracle Box like this?"
"You were asleep," Duskk said, as if this was obvious. "For three days on end. No reason for me to be burned alive if you weren't even awake to enjoy the stupid glow."
Kirrin's mouth opened for a moment, but no words came out for a moment, the Qilin looking like a fish for a moment. They then let out a snarl of frustration, hooves curling under them.
"I wanted it to be Light out while I slept," Kirrin hissed through gritted teeth. "Is that so hard to understand you shaded cur?"
Duskk just rolled her eyes. "You know, most of us actually sleep at night. If anything it was just more natural."
"There is nothing natural about the suffocating calamity of your shadows," Kirrin hissed. "How is one supposed to sleep with shivers and unease, because nothing can be seen?"
"How can anyone fall asleep when a solar flare shines straight through closed eyelids?"
"A good thing that's not a problem for you since you drench yourself with shadows as if its another layer of your mangled fur!"
Duskk's ears fell flat. "At least I'm not waltzing around with fire burning from my back."
"It's light, not fire!" Kirrin cried, the aurora of their mane flaring up in reply.
"Which is a kind of light."
"You want light?" Kirrin roared, rearing up, antlers and hooves beginning to pulse. "Let's see you take a Radiance right to the face!"
"I'll make sure every day of yours is Eclipsed!" Duskk cried back, a shadowy orb forming between their paws as they rose up to meet Kirrin.
"You two, enough!" A new voice snapped in frustration, causing both Elementals to pause their powers for a moment, glow and shade twisting about them in the sudden silence.
Allta stood not far off, red eyes narrow in the darkness. Cheeks puffed up for a moment, a frustrated croak coming from the Frog, before she let out a deep sigh.
"I thought we were over this," The words were a statement, but Allta's voice sounded more pleading than anything.
"She spread her Darkness during my allotted day!" Kirrin cried, pointing an accusing hoof at the darkened sky.
"He was asleep and not even paying attention to his stupid Light so why did I have to suffer for three more days?" Duskk added with a glare.
The two Elementals sent a growl at each other, and Allta pressed a paw to her forehead.
"It doesn't matter what I was doing, it was still part of my day!"
"You were sleeping so there was no reason why it should't be night!"
"I took a nap in my Light for a reason, and it wasn't to wake up in this pitch black emptiness!"
"You know all other Miracle Boxes live what appears to be a constant night and all us kwamis survive, but nooo, its too much for you."
"Those 'nights' actually look like nights, with stars in the sky, and enough actual light to get by, not this void of nothingness that you create for all of us to suffer in."
"Nocturnal kwamis exist."
"So do diurnal ones!"
"I said enough!" Allta cried, waving her arms, turning the attention back to her before the two could go at each others' throats again. "Duskk, it's still Kirrin's turn to decide the sky, you don't get to just take his days away. Kirrin, if there's a problem we can discuss it civilly, you don't have to go marching straight to a fight like this."
"It wouldn't be a fight if she'd just stay out of this..." Kirrin muttered.
"Are you saying it's my fault? I tried to be nice, but you wouldn't even say hello!"
Allta dragged her paws down her face, letting out a groan.
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mymiraclebox · 15 days
To Uunice, what do you love in particular about Vitaa and Shii?
Uunice: Vitaa... finds beauty in everything she looks at, no matter what surrounds her or what her reality becomes, she loves it deeply. Shii... he is brave in a way I have no see others embrace. His understanding of existence and dedication to it is like no other. Also they are both very handsome.
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mymiraclebox · 15 days
i have 2 questions; 1. so we know that tikki and plagg form gimmi(the kwami of reality) when they are merged, could you please tell us what happens when the other alphas are merged with there duo. 2. what happens to the mergence when the due that forms it is currently not merged. does it like just soughta sit in a magical kwami realm and wait or somthing.
Beings like Gimmi I call "essents" in my AU, just to make them more distinct from the kwamis.
-When Vitaa and Shii merge they become Dessar, the essent of Existence. -When Graay and Prrysm merge they become Sikeen, the essent of Balance. -When Stellar and Koree merge they become Reequa, the essent of Infinity. -When all Timekeepers unite they become Eeterna, the Elemental kwami of Time. -When Tikki, Vitaa, Graay, and Stellar are merged they become Evree, an essent of pure positive energy. -When Plagg, Shii, Prrysm, and Koree merge they become Null, an essent of pure negative energy. -When all Elemental kwamis merge they become Leebra, the essent of pure neutral energy. -When all the Alphas merge they become Omnii, the transcendent of the Universe.
Their name origins are: Dessar being based on the word "desire", Sikeen on "seeking", Reequa on "request", Eeterna is based on "eternal", Evree on "every", Null is literally "null", and Leebra is based on "libra". Omnii is based on the prefix "-omni" (credit to @silverslate221 for the name!).
The thing is the essent and the Alpha Duo are all the same being. Different individuals, yes, but they are all One at the same time. Gimmi doesn't go to any other realm, as they simply become Tikki and Plagg when the mergence no longer takes place, Gimmi dividing into two.
Gimmi is Tikki and Plagg. Plagg and Tikki are Gimmi.
When a mergence isn't in place, Gimmi does not experience existence. Their essence is split into two separate beings, who are the ones in existence. It is the same but opposite for the kwamis too, when they are merged Tikki and Plagg do not experience their own existence, as a completely different individual is experiencing their reality. They are all tied to the same essence, Tikki and Plagg being two different halves, and Gimmi being their whole. They are themselves, but what makes up their existence is tied together as one.
The only thing that can carry over between mergence and unmerging is memories. Gimmi call recall all that Tikki and Plagg experienced with ease, but they do not view the world the same as Tikki and Plagg because they have their own perspective, thoughts, and feelings on things. Tikki and Plagg can also recalls small bits of Gimmi's memory, but it is more fractured since its divided between the two of them.
Gimmi could look at Marinette and Adrien and have full awareness of who they are, what lives they are living, and what their names are; as Tikki and Plagg know them well. However Gimmi would feel no affection or connection to Marinette and Adrien as Gimmi themself has never personally gotten to know them. Plagg and Tikki would be well aware of a Wish Gimmi has granted, but would probably never agree with the fact that Gimmi actually granted it, while Gimmi is mostly very accepting with the reality of granting Wishes.
Gimmi is very different from Tikki and Plagg in personality. Gimmi acts a lot like a young child as their time being aware as been so limited compared to the billions of years Tikki and Plagg have been continuously aware and active in the universe. Gimmi understands the universe from the memories of the kwamis they merged from, but they have not truly experienced it for themselves at the same time.
In short, it is very complicated and hard for humans to perceive the existence of an Alpha Duo and their essent with full understanding: but they are all one being, simply divided or merged into different individuals at different times.
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mymiraclebox · 15 days
If Vitaa, Shii, Uunice or all of them at once were needed, like no other choice situation, how would anyone get to them?
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mymiraclebox · 17 days
say theoretically one found a way to detect kwamis, coulld one use uunice to make a miraculous
Yes and no. Uunice's Magic is the main driving force behind what can make a Miraculous, but a lot of other kwamis' powers are involved as well to make a true Miraculous.
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mymiraclebox · 17 days
When a Miracle Box is opened and a Miraculous is taken out, what does that look like for the Kwamis from inside the Miracle Box's world in which dormant Kwamis inhabit?
The kwamis turn to energy briefly (same light as when they first exit their Miraculous), then suddenly vanish. I imagine it can be annoying for the kwamis at times, like they might be in the middle of a conversation then suddenly poof they're elsewhere.
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mymiraclebox · 18 days
when you have the design done but the color scheme doesn't look right
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mymiraclebox · 18 days
Reef the Coral, Kwami of Sensitivity
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Reef is a warm and friendly kwami, though easily overwhelmed, needing a quiet place to retreat to calm down. They take a lot of comfort in food, and bond tightly with holders who they can relate to. Reef has a love for water, and can easily get lost in thought for hours.
Reef's Miraculous is a silver gyroscope, and their tool are shurikens. Their favorite food is salt water taffy, and their transformation phase is “Reef, surf's up!”.
Reef currently resides in the Drifting Box, which can be found wandering the Pacific Islands with their Guardian.
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mymiraclebox · 18 days
Maybe a Teer drabble?
[Teer's bio: Vulture of Sorrow.]
"Mira, this is Teer, kwami of Sorrow, and they will be your kwami as you set off on your journey."
Teer opened her eyes as she was summoned into the world, peering at the one who held her Miraculous– her new holder.
"Your training has impressed many within the Order," Teer's eyes shifted from the holder to the Guardian that was speaking. She recognized him as the current Guardian on her Miracle Box, though she didn't know much about him. Guardians trained by the Order had never been social with the kwamis.
Besides, he would be dead in a few decades anyways, there was not a point in getting to know him.
"But most of all you have impressed me, which is why I am not only trusting you with a kwami from my box, but with an aspect of Emotion," the Guardian continued. "These powers are not to be taken lightly, or used outside of the threat you are facing. Unlike many abilities, those born from Emotion can affect many people, and you are not responsible for making sure Sorrow only touches those who threaten the world."
The Guardian seemed to be done with his speech, Mira bowing respectfully to him. "Don't worry, Master, your trust in me will not be misplaced." She then took the black handkerchief in her hand, the Miraculous of the Vulture, tying it around her wrist. Mira then looked at Teer, giving her a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you, I'm glad that I'll get the opportunity to work with you"
"It is not a thing to be glad about," Teer replied, drifting over to stand by her new holder's side. "If I am fortunate you will be a good holder who is truly a hero, but then I will only know you for a few years. If luck frowns on me then you will become corrupted and misuse these powers, tearing me from safety for decades to come. Either way this encounter will not end happy."
"Teer," her Guardian snapped. "You do not insinuate that a holder I have picked will turn against the Order!"
Mira on the other hand did not seem upset. "Well, I hope I can prove to you, Teer, that I will be a good partner."
Teer did not see how a good partner would be a good thing. Maybe many years ago it would have been, back when holders were lifelong companions, but those days were now painful memories since she had fallen into the Order's hands. Mira did not understand what being a good holder meant to a kwami, how they would only get a few years of the kindness and the thrill, before the Miraculous would be taken from them again, holder and kwami to no longer meet.
Life was a tragedy as a kwami of the Order.
Mira was a good holder.
She fought for good, fearlessly facing the threats the Order of the Guardians guided her to. She was good when it came to battle, defeating those who stood in her way. She was a good person, always kind to Teer, letting her roam within her home, and always having onions on hand for her to feast on.
Mira was a not only a good holder, but also a good friend.
Teer silently cried herself to sleep the night she realized that, tucked in the nook of Mira's neck. Teer had found a kind and valiant holder, and she would not be hers to keep. The Guardians would only let her hold a Miraculous for as long she were young and able to fight, which would not be for much longer. Mira was already a few decades old, and would only have a few more decades left of fighting years at most. And even if this limit wasn't set by the Guardians, humans did not even live for a century. It was a cruel fate, to have such a wonderful species to only lived for such a short moment.
Teer wiped her tears away as she laid there, carefully using her wings to comb at Mira's long black hair. Here she had a wonderful holder, but half of her life she'd spend sleeping like this. Now was a time they could have been together, more moments they could use to just be with one another, but this mortal form did not allow humans to do so.
She was going to lose Mira. To death, to the Order, or to battle. It did not matter how it would happen, this would all painfully end one day, and Teer hated it.
She loved this holder.
"I'm pregnant."
Teer looked at her holder, blinking, taking in this news. She was very aware that humans did carry their young inside them, but it had been a long time since she had encountered it in a holder, and she did not quite remember how she was supposed to react to this.
"So there is a young human inside of you?" Teer asked peering at her stomach, finding this so strange. Unifying with a holder or fellow kwami during transformation made sense, but being literally inside other being? How bizarre.
"Yes," Mira said, hesitating. "I haven't told the Guardian yet, and I probably can hide it for just a bit longer, but soon it will be obvious that I'm expecting. After that... I'm going to have to give up my Miraculous."
Teer had gone from curious moments before, to absolutely horrified with just those few words. Wide eyes stared up at her holder, tears forming as she processed what she was saying.
This couldn't be happening. Not now. Mira was a good holder, a strong fighter, she was supposed to have a Miraculous for many more years!
"The Order only allows childless women to be holders," Mira explained softly as Teer grabbed at her dress. "We must have no other duties to serve with the Order. Once they find out I will be ordered to give you back... and for that I'm sorry, Teer, I'm so sorry."
"No!" Teer cried, tears falling down her face. "No, no, no! You're not supposed to leave, not yet! The fight is still happening, you're supposed to be my holder still!"
Teer had been preparing for this day to happen, she had always known it was coming, but now... so soon... she thought she had longer!
"It's not yet," Mira said, scooping her out of the air, thumbs wiping across her face as tears fell. Mira was now crying as well, cradling Teer close. "A few more months."
A few months at most. Teer may not remember everything about young humans, but she knew they grew within their mothers quickly. She did not know how long Mira had been carrying this young one, but she knew it would grow, and it would show.
"Are you... okay ?" Teer asked, looking up at Mira. She could barely make out her holder's expression, tears blurring her sight. She could sense the Sorrow within the human, but she knew that humans felt many emotions at once.
"I'm excited for the child," Mira said softly. "But not for what I must do because of this. I... I do not wish to lose you Teer."
Teer clutched her human tightly, her chest feeling heavy. She had been prepared to lose this holder one day... but not like this. As for the young one growing within her, Teer did not know what to feel. It would be risky to feel anything for them, as she would never get to know this young human. She knew they existed... but like all other humans in her life, they would be taken from her before she could even meet them.
"Maybe one day my child will be your holder," Mira said softly, as if reading Teer's mind.
A possibility, yes, the Order often looked at families of past holders for those to pick in the future, but the possibility of such paths crossing was not worth putting stock in. To place hope into something only for it not to happen was just pain waiting to happen.
If Teer knew a way to make sure this child could be her holder, then perhaps she would hope. If she knew that she could see Mira again after this, then maybe she could find it in her heart to celebrate this child– but Teer could not. All she felt was this aching pain, potent and churning.
What was the point of having so much in her life if she was only going to lose it all?
Teer's wings tightened around Mira, eyes snapping open, and for a moment Teer's tears were dry. She sat there, clinging to her holder, a determination setting in.
She did not want to lose Mira yet.
"We could run," Teer whispered, looking up at her.
"What?" Mira stammered.
"We could run away from the Order," Teer said softly. "Then they could not take the Miraculous away. You would still be my holder, and one day your child could do the same."
A rare giddy feeling was bubbling up in Teer, the sudden hope flaring bright. Running from the Order would mean so much... it would mean departing from her Miracle Box, but it would also mean being with Mira for the rest of her life. It would mean being with this child for their whole life.
A holder from birth until death... a potential good hundred years with one she could love. It would end painfully, perhaps more so than with other holders... but a hundred years with a holder...
"The Order would not forgive us," Mira said softly. "They would hunt us down."
"Other kwamis have done it before."
"Is... is that what you want?" Mira asked quietly. "To come with me, to be away from the Order."
Teer felt their eyes grow wet, tears of joy forming. "More than anything."
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mymiraclebox · 19 days
can i do art for this. id love to draw costume designs for some of the kwamis here, esspecially the panda, crow and unicorn
Of course you can! Let me know if you do, because that would be awesome to see! :D
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mymiraclebox · 19 days
What about Ommen for a drabble
[Ommen's bio here: Raven of Probability]
[Yanna's bio.]
Ommen ruffled her feathers, yellow eyes gleaming as she stared into intense golden ones, which watched her unblinkingly. A smirk tugged at her beak, the Center of the Miracle Box gleaming bright as the two of them stood in the middle. The other kwamis of the box surrounded them, each standing in their designated space of the Center circle, surrounding her and Yanna.
The Bison kwami tossed her head, horns gleaming and fur shaking. Ommen stayed still, before reaching down to toss several dried beans to the side her and Yanna, adding to the small pile that was their betting pool. Snacks were the most common things to be gambled, having the most value in the Miracle Box. They were consumable, unlike trinkets and knickknacks, and were limited due to the Guardians providing limited food for them to take into the box.
But despite the frequency food found itself as currency for their games, putting one's favorite food on the line was a rare thing indeed.
So Yanna's eyes were wide as she saw the kidney beans enter the ring, Ommen sending a silent challenge. Murmurs from those standing around the Center echoed about them, all kwamis eagerly awaiting to see what would happen next.
The Bison kwami reached for the dice, not adding anything herself to pool– just tossing the two dice. Ommen watched the cubes as they rolled, resisting the urge to extend her powers. To tip the Probability into her favorite, but she knew it was never that simple when fighting against Victory herself.
The dice landed each on a one.
"Habuu-eyes!" The kwamis watching cried excitedly. "Zero points!"
"Just call it snake-eyes," the Rattlesnake muttered.
Yanna grinned, in a game were earning the most points would make you lose, this was the best roll she could get. Especially since this kept Ommen's score as the highest. As soon as one of them hit a thousand the game would be over, and they were steadily crawling closer to that point, and Ommen knew it would be a dangerous game from here. The more Victory Yanna gained, the stronger the Bison became. Ommen didn't let her worry show, however, just drifting over and scooping up the dice herself, letting them drop.
Once again, she did not exert her powers– in fact, she had not turned the tides in her favorite once the whole game. Despite that she hadn't been losing by a landslide this whole time. Perhaps it had been luck, or perhaps Victory's aura had been rubbing off on her. Either way Yanna assumed Ommen had been her using powers, and must be thinking that she was getting drained.
Ommen looked down at her roll– a five and a six– nearly the worst roll possible, adding eleven points to her score.
Yanna grinned Victoriously, cheers going up among the watching kwamis. Ommen was rapidly approaching a thousand points, which would not only end the game, but let Yanna claim the whole pot. There was a good claim as well, quite the assortment of treats were waiting as the prize, along with a beautiful doll Ommen had her eyes on, and a golden pocket watch she had lost several decades ago in a game that she was determined to win back.
Yanna did not reach for the dice as her turn came again, instead zipping back a ways. Ommen floated up high, looking to see what the Bison was flying away to retrieve. Her eyes widened when she saw what exactly Yanna was flying back with, causing all the other kwamis to mutter as they realized just how much the stakes were now being raised.
Yanna placed a square piece of cake at the top of the betting pile, eyes bright and determined. Yanna loved cake of all kind, it was her very favorite of all foods, but it was also one thing she never gambled with. Yanna didn't even need to say a word to declare the confidence she was feeling on this game, because Yanna would never risk her cake–this was a statement that said she was sure she going to win no matter what.
Ommen smirked as Yanna tossed the dice up into the air, at last reaching out with her powers, throwing all she could to turn the Probability to her favor. With Yanna's Triumph ability running high she knew that the odds were naturally in the Bison's favor, but that wasn't accounting for the powers she had been holding back until now.
Two sixes shown up from the Center as the dice landed– the worst roll possible in their game, and earning double points.
Ommen didn't waste a moment, sliding forward to strike the dice, sending them rolling once more. A pair of snake-eyes showing as they came to a stop. This caused Yanna to hesitate for a moment, before slowly moving to the dice once more, rolling them with only a moment's pause, her eyes widening as once more two sixes showed up.
Yanna looked up at Ommen in disbelief, her confidence from before now completely gone.
"975 to 988," Ommen mused to herself. Technically she was still losing being the closest to a thousand– but she was completely fine with that. She rolled the dice again, not getting snakes-eyes, but the three points wasn't bad at all either. "Make that 991."
"Nine more points and it's game over for you," Yanna said softly.
Ommen grinned as Yanna picked up the dice again. "May the odds be in your favor."
But when you controlled the odds, those words didn't mean a thing. Ommen let a small glow surround her wing as Yanna rolled the dice, excitement racing through her as she found yet another two sixes were rolled, twenty-four more points being added.
999 for Yanna.
One more point and Victory would lose.
"So it comes down to this," Ommen said as she picked up the dice for the last time. "If I get nine or more points its your game. If I get lower... well, then I take the whole lot."
Yanna's eye twitched, looking at the piece of delicious cake she had added to the pile.
Ommen didn't even roll the dice far, just letting them fall from her gleaming wings. They clattered against the floor, tumbling a ways before coming to a stop, revealing a two and a six on the dice.
Eight points, putting her up to 999 as well.
Ommen scooped up the dice, flying them over to Yanna, placing them into her hooves. "You can still win if you get snake eyes, you know."
Yanna snatched them from the Raven, saying nothing. She tossed the dice over her shoulders, not looking at what they would roll as they tumbled towards the edge of the Center. All kwamis looking on craned their heads, flying up to watch if this would be the game match.
One of the die landed on a one, the other one skittering to a stop. Everyone held their breath as it teetered for a moment, before it fell.
Two gleamed on top– three points.
Ommen let out a cheer alongside the fellow kwamis who were watching, which told Yanna all she needed to know. Hooves were crossed, eyes seeming to burn as she took in her loss. Ommen didn't waste a moment, zipping over to the pile of goods that were now all hers.
"You did it, Ommen!" Fawnna screamed, the Deer running to tackle her into a hug.
"Fascinating game," Dess muttered, the Cougar keeping their distance as the others rushed forward, cheering and chattering.
Ommen stayed on top of her new pile of treasures, looking out at Yanna. The Bison was looking down a the ground, muttering under her breath, before her gaze flickered up at Ommen. Her eyes were bitter, there was no denying that she was not happy with her loss.
Yet despite it all, a gleam of pride smoldered beneath it all– because after all it was no easy feat to defeat Victory herself.
"Good job, birdbrain," Yanna said with a grunt. "You better enjoy that cake."
"Oh, I don't plan on eating it," Ommen said with a sweep of her tail. "I'm sure you'll see it again in a future game."
Yanna's eyes gleamed with an unspoken challenge at this, the two rivals smiling at each other– neither could wait for the next game they would play.
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