mynameisbartholomew · 2 years
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I’m a hater at heart. I hate it when it rains and the remnants of water linger on the sole of a cheap canvas shoe tracking little drops of shit-colored water wherever they may step. I hate how the smell of leather gets more and more prominent the moment it makes contact with sweat. Like god please just take the jacket off and let the air circulate under your arms so the lingering B.O. and overactive sweat glands can have some semblance of control. It’s really annoying when in a fit of laughter that throaty sound sneaks its way up and ruins the whole mood. I wanted to laugh not listen to a metal fork shoved so deep into a garbage disposal that it just clangs and clangs begging someone to rip it out. I hate when a movie is playing and just as it’s reaching its climax the grating sound of a voice shatters the world-building I’ve spent the hour invested in. It’s utterly repulsive when going out with someone to boba and they pull out a buy 1, get 1 free coupon to pay with. I never know where I stand when it comes to that. Am I not worthy of a full-priced drink? Or is it that you feel the need to treat others while giving yourself the underhand? Are you so strapped for cash a five-dollar drink breaks the bank? Either way, it makes me wonder if I’m hanging around the right company. I hate when it storms and gets dark and cold. But I also hate when it's too bright and so hot that I'd rather be vacationing in Satan's asscrack. But you like the cold, huh? I have a deep-seated hatred for when people use finger guns after saying a particularly risky statement. Put the fingers away. Finger guns are reserved for disaster bisexuals and repressed millennials that have Harry Potter tattoos and say “doggo” unironically. I hate that everything these days is ironic. I hate having a superior music taste to everyone. I would love to get good recommendations other than  “Oh did you hear the Kendrick Lamar album?”  or “ Kanye is the most genius artist of our generation.” I feel no need to keep arguing over why that is so problematic, so for now, I will suffer the burden of being better than a group of brainwashed frat boys that peaked in college. I hate greek life. You were a part of Greek life. I hate people that don’t like Marina. Her music is literally a drug and I’m not afraid to get hooked. I hate people that do drugs. Yes, that is including weed. I don't care how much it Fuuuuuuuccckkkks. I have asthma. I hate people who are oblivious to their surroundings. I hate optimism. I hate pessimism. Just be a normal fucking person and accept that perspectives are constantly changing. I hate bad texters. I hate when people come back into your life like nothing ever happened after months of no contact. I hate deviated septums. You should really get that checked out. I hate people obsessed with watching let’s plays. Like seriously what are you? A middle school highlighter kid? I hate ankle socks. I hate socks that seem as though there is no end in sight. I hate pants that are hicked up too high. I really don’t need to see the ashy gap between the top of your converse hightop and the hem of your jeans begging to be lengthened. I swear your hem is the only inanimate object I’ve seen quite literally begging to be fixed. “Help me! Help me!” I hate messy hair. I hate having too much Hair. Actually, I can condense this by saying I hate poor hygiene. Overall I just generally hate every aspect. It’s not me, it’s you.
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mynameisbartholomew · 2 years
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Britney for Glamour Magazine, 2003⋆ ˚。⋆♡˚
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mynameisbartholomew · 2 years
The older you get, the more you choose calm over chaos and distance over disrespect. Drama becomes intolerable to you and your peace becomes your ultimate priority. You start surrounding yourself with people who are good for your mental health, heart and soul.
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mynameisbartholomew · 2 years
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mynameisbartholomew · 2 years
The Rebel does have a cause: Daddy issues
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When dissecting 1950s Americana, it is almost impossible to do without acknowledging the emerging subgroup of teenagers. The Movie Rebel Without a Cause capitalizes on the new subcategory of adolescence in the era where suburban nuclear families and Jello salads reign supreme. Following the stories of Jim Stark, John "Plato" Crawford, and Judy this story seeks to find the answer of what plagues the youth these days. Whether it is struggling to figure out one's identity, grappling with the changing dynamics of life in preparation for adulthood, or feeling as though youth is slipping away at a rapid speed without fully comprehending what it means to experience life in a childish and jovial manner. This film seems as though it wants to tackle these issues head on, but what seems to connect these characters' stories together is not merely the defiant nature of teenagedom but is rather a shared experience with familial issues of the time.
The setting of this film is integral to each character's motivations. For example, Jim Stark is supposedly a rebel no good mysterious character always up to no good that moves around from town to town every time his life goes belly up. However, it is revealed his motivation is feeling like a weak man that needs to defend his honor due to his father's more meek and submissive role to Mrs. Stark. The thought that men were meant to be strong providers and not be as caring or understanding fuels Jim's aggravation and overall need to prove that despite his parents' dynamic he can still be brave and honorable like his fellow peers. Additionally, Judy grapples with the fact she is no longer a young girl but is rather maturing into a grown woman. She expresses this discontent when it comes to her relationship with her father. In Judy's interpretation her father no longer loves her due to the lack of outward affection she's received from him, however, her father claims he still loves her but that it is wrong to kiss his daughter because she is mature now. The fact this move takes place in the 1950s highlights how Judy grew up in this picture perfect nuclear family that was expected of the time, but fails to consider how that dynamic changes when the children grow up and start to make their way in the world. Lastly Plato's ambitions are to seek out a family unit. In contrast to the other two main character's Plato want what they have. Though families may not always get along Plato yearns to experience what that is like because his parents are absent in his life. Plato take his ambitions so far that he puts Judy and Jim on a pedestal and acts as though they're his parents. Throughout the film it's revealed that Plato doesn't know anything about his father despite him sending child support checks which leaves him with a massive void to fill.
Overall these characters have their own emotional baggage to work through, but they may have gone from strangers to such close friends throughout the movie because they have one main thing in common: Daddy Issues.
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