Broken Promises
I always plan on keeping this blog up to date. The problem is life gets busy, causing me to forget things that I truly enjoy. Most recently I’ve moved to a new city and started to grow towards my professional goal of being a successful business owner. Although I have been self-employed for nearly six years now, it has by no means be an easy journey. Life is good at the moment, I feel like I’m making real progress and in the not too distant future, I’ll reach my goal.
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Clarity lost.
On my way home today, I found myself reminded of a story my father once told me. But it wasn't the story that had me dwelling over this train of thought, rather the fact I could no longer remember my fathers' voice. Like a catchy song or saying, you lose clarity over time. You know how most of it goes, but it is always just on the tip of your tongue, straining to remember. So I find myself frantically trying to find a home movie, just to find that clarity again. Are we all just fading memories to others? is our existence entirely reliant on others and their experiences and memories of you? Will I be remembered or will I fade away?
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Changing your perspective
Trying to make things right, but right for who? In any argument, there are always two sides to the store, two perspectives, and two people. Acknowledging the others perspective and their feelings. Always smothers the fire of rage and help build  a stronger foundation. Make things right for all parties involved, stray from the self-absorbed ideal, that makes everyone in it for themselves. Better yourself and others.
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Couldn't agree more!
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Quote by Synchronicity
Time is a great teacher, that eventually kills all its students. LOVED THIS
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Today I stand accomplished, it's been a whole year since I started this blog. The hilarious truth is that I forgot about how good it felt to write. Happy one year blog, let us have many more.
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Time comes and go, we measure it and we monetise it. We feel like our time is not our own, when in fact we are in control. Yes in this modern day society, we are raised with structure and force into a square box. People will tell you what you should do, what is right and what is wrong. But the one thing they will try to circumcise from your being, is that you are free. Be free and allow yourself to be happy.
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End of an journey.
Today I lay here, shaken at my very foundations. Feeling broken and alone. What is left? My only option is to start again. So I shall... Reluctant but determined. Today is a new day opportunity and to waste it, is wasting a gift.
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Blind with 20 20 Vision
This one starts some time ago, so hold onto your metaphorical hats. while I was at school I had a great amount of friends that I was close to. Now this did extend to the opposite sex a fair bit. But for my oblivious self I never saw it as more then just having great friends. I was blind, but I could see clear as day, or so I thought.
It has been nearly ten years since I graduated from high school. I finally caught up with some old friends which brought everything into the light. I actually was really much like and desired by a large amount of the girls in my grade, to the point that they had my very own code name. At first I didn't believe her but it was later confirmed. Looking back now I can't believe how blind I was, I thought I could see my surroundings perfectly, but I was completely blinded by my lack of confidence and doubt.
I find it so interesting how we perceive ourselves can directly effect, the world around us. At the end of the day, my vision has improved and I encourage you to take a second look.
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Dealing With Tradesmen
I’ve learned some interesting facts about tradesmen over the past six months. First being, if they say it will take a day, plan for an extra day. Its not so much they are dishonest, more that they are more optimistic. Now saying that there are some tradesmen which just should find a new carrier path. Best way to pick these types of tradesmen is very simple. First thing you look for is....  1. Do they arrive on time? (best if they are early) 2. They dont treat you like an idiot when explaining things - this is important as some trades will see you more as an ATM then a customer. 3. Do they clean up after themselves? 4. Once they are done, do they double check their work? 5. Do they keep their promises? In this case if they say they will come in today, but decided it would be better just to come in tomorrow, with out a word of warning?  If the answer to these questions are yes, tell your trades to leave and find someone else. It may be a pain but you’ll save yourself a lot of money and get the job done right the first time. My list tip to you is that you always DOUBLE check you are completely happy with the work that has been done, BEFORE you pay your trades. This is extremely important as if they have already been payed they will treat you like a second rate customer. Good luck!
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My Theory About Family
Family is a necessity, Wether you have your blood family or the people that transcend other relationship titles. Find people you care about and that care for you. Hold on tight and together you’ll grow stronger.
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Beast Like Shadow ♥
As we are propelled through life at an uncontrollable velocity. How is one suppose to still his beating heart. Slaying the beast like shadow, which are his nerves, or, will he retreat into the dull mediocrity of his life.
How does one step out and be bold? That is the question that keeps me up at tonight.
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Closure at long last
For this post it requires a bit of a back story. A couple years back I fell head over heals in love with a woman, she and I were like two peas in a pod. But after life became complicated with her moving away and things steadily declining, we broke up. Now I've had this weight I've been carrying for the last few years. Every day it became a little harder to carry. It grew resentment, depression and a bitter outlook on life. No relationship that I attempted prospered and I became very lonely. Finally at a mutual friends wedding, she try to apologise to me for what has happened. But with how bitter I had become I threw it in her face. I'm not proud of how I acted but it did lead to us sitting down and adding perspective to how things became the way they had. We talked for hours and caught up with what we both have been upto. In the end we have agreed to stay in touch, I feel as if a weight has finally come off my shoulders. I just wish we had done it sooner. I've lost so much time, if only I wasn't a coward and did something sooner. Don't hold resentment to closely as it poisons not only you, but the people around you.
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Writing speeches
Writing speeches is without a doubt, one of the most difficult things for me to do. I know what I want to say, but not how to say it. Need to do more and hope it works out.
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fathers day without a father.
This is my second fathers day without my father. One would think it would just become another day and fade into the background. For me this isn't what has happened and the day seems to drag on longer then it has it the past. Thinking of all the advice and poorly time dad jokes, that I miss. I'm thankful to my father for making the man I have become, but I still wish I could call him for advice. Happy fathers day and remember to cherish ever ridiculous dad joke.
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My Blog Goal
I'm setting goals for myself. Simple enough right? Well my first goal is to blog something every day. Do you think I should up my game? Or is one blog entry enough?
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Being Bold
One thing that I’ve learned during my journey on this earth, is that i am not the bold grand gesture kind of person. I’m the play it safe and see what happens. But not today my friends i’ve made a plan and i’ve put it into action. Something thoughtful and quirky. Its time to role the dice and see what happens.
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