mysticwords · 5 years
A pursuit of nothingness
people. They smile
The idiotic grin of oblivious faces
Glide though life
Slipping on wooden floors with socks on
Until they 're flat on the floor
scrunched eyes sifting for meaning
None exists whatsoever
But the pain, just the pain
Tiptoe between floods of yesterday
and chasms of tomorrow
Never discovering the end
or the beginning
of the chain of misery
woven into their DNA
Did they ever even stand a chance?
Was there even a possibility
of happiness?
Or was this entire lifetime
a shebang of squandered nihility?
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mysticwords · 5 years
Dreams unborn
a shaky, crumbling face
corners of your eyes humbling
with the weight
of uncommon knowledge,
a silent ghost seated
on your nimble shoulders
you won't win this one
the last war, was it, warrior?
wit of a lightning flash
depth of an ocean floor
you could have bent the sky at your feet
to what use?
a self- anointed vigilante
must have saved a few lost hearts
yet moved not a finger
for the one soul that mattered (your own)
all you had to do was - say the words
yet you let it pass
every single time was meant to be the last
just walk by the walls now
not to run into uninvited guests
in your own home
not every dream can be called your own
your rarity is now mundane
your floundering passion but bygone
shoo away, into the dust
no salutes for miracles unhoned
no cheers for dreams unborn.
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mysticwords · 5 years
I do not write
I only throw up
a concoction of pain
some troubles vain
few pebbles aimed
at moments long past
wishes burning away
across the gloomy sky
the truths I know of
the cadavers of untold lies.
I do not write
I just hold up a sheet
and cry
and sometimes
when no one is looking
I just smile randomly
at the sky
just another ghost
happy to be alive..
I do not write
I just paint kisses
across the sky
may my words be the hope
for those that tread
my troubled tracks
let it be known
she might have failed
in the end,
but atleast she tried.
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mysticwords · 5 years
I run into my old paradise
just like that
on a turn of the road
he laughs ostensibly
there's my favorite person
"there's my least favorite one" I mumble
I clench my jaw an inch further
he doesn't have to know
I can lie (pretty well)
if he doesn't know by now
he never needs to know
let him walk away
one more time
assuming he is the victor
in a game
he never sat on the table for.
the world is saturated with egomaniacal fools
and I am the first in line
my pain- the most nerve wrecking
my heartbreak - the most wretched
my truth- the monalisa of the ugly
am the anonymous demi-god
that saved nobody
and he, the delusional wise man who fucked none else
but himself.
need me not
I work best when i have no baggages strapped onto me
but you know that already
who am I kidding
only myself
only the valuable days I let pass by
only my life
not yours, not today.
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mysticwords · 5 years
i waddle alone
in the errors of my existence
in mistakes inherent in my assumptions
in unreversed pangs of remorse
for lines long crossed
to never return to
yet never really breached
in the conundrum of my dreams,
unrevered ghosts that haunt me
creaking wooden floors
leaky taps
hauling sounds of the wind
cats wailing to no avail
or is that the brokenness of my heart
plotting a revenge against my own mind?
a sad countenance of a woman still witnessing
the cross roads where it all came apart
a trinket of her soul
vanished without a trace
it wasn't a man, no,
she wouldn't have a man render
such power over her
just a dream it was,
just a shade of innocence
bleached pale
that evening in autumn
when it all fell apart.
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mysticwords · 5 years
sometimes I hear myself mumbling
I can't do this any more
I keep on going anyway,
at times I am disenchanted
there's nothing more to this abyss
my mind keeps wondering anyway,
sometimes I worry my frame might be too tall
to fit under the roof
I must keep hunching anyway,
sometimes I doubt
if this was what life was meant to be
I still keep believing anyway,
perhaps I know deep down
it is the end
still keep going anyway
I still keep walking anyway!
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mysticwords · 5 years
how do I love?
in last seen timestamp on year old messages
in imaginary time maps of his life against mine
in hesitating to pull away my eyes for one final second
in forgetting every time why I vowed to never look at him again
in visiting dead blog posts probably never written for me in the first place
in wanting so hard no words can be conceived to explain why
in resigning to fall weightless into a bottomless abyss without a whimper
in delibrating on a million reasons to let go and ending up with none
how do you, if at all?
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mysticwords · 5 years
o, damaged little bird
nestled in a corner
of a cold, cold world
o, little child
who has dug out her way
for as long as she can remember,
may you be safe
may you be loved
may your smile be the sunshine
that thaws the stone cold pretense
of a fragmented universe,
may every heart you touch
flutter with possibilities
of a cosmos
beyond the the numb templates of
a callous existence
inherited in ignorance.
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mysticwords · 5 years
I whispered it's love
he said it's a phase
i said it's beautiful
he feared it's a looming heartbreak
he said let's be friends
I said there's more to it than meets the eye
he said you are a lovely creature
I said I am left with no tears to cry
he said it's love
i sighed I am not sure I comprehend
I was slithering to darker spaces
he was skipping to the end
he was keeping it all together
I was still making amends
a dark beginning
an ominous sojourn
not betting my life on how it ends.
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mysticwords · 5 years
the sun
so wide awake
in my sleepy window
bursting with promise
of a distant summer bliss
makes me forget
why I rather ache and slumber
in the inky shadows
bakes my pallid limbs
with embers of mischief
breathes life
into blue parched remnants
of my lips
I surrender
to the heat of its arrival
to the sheer warmth
of unsullied strands of adoration
to the answers
that remain vieled between us
even if no one dares mention the questions.
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mysticwords · 5 years
~ gossamer ~
the glass is still brimming
long after
you poured the last one
~ you left
you left me
you left me with a friend
I never knew I had
the infusion in my glass
the dissonance in my logic
the gentleness of your voice
the tears in my throat
~ note to self
before you burn a forest
to make a clearance
for your arrival
at least ascertain with your heart
if you really even care?
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mysticwords · 5 years
a bizarre woman
whose only wind down
is to fabricate poetry
to pacify the frenzy
that corrodes her insides
dawn and dusk
a constant rebellion
so intense
could make your insides retch
so utterly strong
this woman, her words
could bring shivers down your spine
with a sigh
so fragile
of being swept away
a house of cards
in a stormy night
her footsteps quieter than a shadow
her ambition voracious than a lion
her heart a chamber of heartbreaks
her smile a portrait of pain and resolve
fading away in her notebook
one verse at a time.
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mysticwords · 5 years
break even
an aura
still as a ghost
in an 18th century cemetery
a restless man flickers in the background
is it the man or the ghost I crave for?
walk undeterred in his direction
after all, you have to have it all
or lose it without a thought
was never a good gambler
that didn't stop you from risking it all
even a broken clock is right twice a day
break even
is a possibility
never a reality
like a toast that always falls on the buttered side
holocost written all over his humble face
walk away, walk away now
it's too late
I need my dose of pain alright
how shall I live if I didn't break apart again tonight?
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mysticwords · 5 years
you, monsieur,
you, go on,
explore the universe
gasp for the bourgeois
marvel for the extraordinary
tip toe to the beat
of this twisted game of chess
laid out in front of us
called "life",
what would I do? you ask
I, am gonna go home
rest my feet up on the couch
and wonder about us..
about all the possibilities
that could have been
but never were
while i numb myself to sleep
with the amicable assistance
of socially acceptable tranquilizers.
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mysticwords · 5 years
being born
being pushed from the edge
to fly on my own
to learn for myself
what they could never hone
being born
being reminded
every revolution around the sun
to celebrate the debacle
"don't frown" 'm instructed
creases hesitate to permanence
a hearty smile is now crow's feet
plump cheeks now sunken
my massage lady exclaims
"you are too young for wrinkles"
mother explains
"you are too good to complain"
have i seen enough
to account for the number
on the birthday cake
I am sorry this is a mistake
I haven't loved enough
been happy enough
I most certainly haven't lived enough
to justify the book keeping of my life
clerical error
or a manual blunder
don't have to solve it tonight
one more round on the carousel
another glass of my fancy red wine
one more chance
to redeem the innocence
that all those years ago
was a fantasy sublime.
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mysticwords · 6 years
fallen head over heels for you too many times already
I thought by now you could see the bumps
keep tracing the silent gait
let your bones sizzle as embers against the setting sun
one could never land too far but they haven't yet seen me run
I failed, I failed, I made mistakes
now watch me hit the home run
wipe away that sweat from your brow
it's not the end until we 've won
love is a curve ball to the heart
who could 've guessed this was to come?
watch the world spin at our speed
our innings has only but begun.
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mysticwords · 6 years
the journey I was on was a righteous one
an obedient child
an honours student
on a chartered path
no distractions
I was promised a distant heaven,
every sacrifice I made along the way
was only meant to elevate the reward,
what do you have to say now, dad?
now that I sit withdrawn in the subway
headphones blaring
lips pursed
eyes teary of undefinable misery
unable to fathom the moment where it all went downhill
when the unfulfilled desires of my forming youth
withered into acceptance of a permanent disappointment
when I realized the only way I can be happy
is by breaking myself from everyone else
when I found that the few I thought I could trust
have manipulated me manifold without my knowledge
or I suppose it was when I realized that the moment
I let my damaged heart be vulnerable for your love
all you ended up doing was smother it with your disapproval
or malign it with your nonchalance.
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