mystybelle · 6 hours
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Stream wound up ending a little earlier than planned today over connection issues, but that's alright. I'll be seeing you tomorrow anyhow ^w^
We even managed a little progress on the background today, see!
We'll be working on making it move a little smoother, and connecting the last few frames tomorrow most likely~
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mystybelle · 12 hours
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Deep myst be upon ye~
stream specifically
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mystybelle · 18 hours
Update on the kids fighting too much thing form before. I tried out the gentle parenting thing, didn't work. I even gave it a whole century.
That said, regular old discipline basically saved the day. I had to break the rod, but it was fine. They even asked me to do it again after, it was crazy. "Put her back together, make her again, please"
But to be honest, I think they were only begging because I used Gestris to make dinner too.
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I love when I can get simple answers to my problems
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mystybelle · 24 hours
Once upon a time, when flesh and sinew still made up my form
The thing I wanted most, was a room I could decorate however I liked
and I got so close a few times too
if I never had a shot in the first place, it might not have hurt to fail so many times
I might not have been so desperate later
But if it weren't for all that, I wouldn't be here either!
And out here, forget a room! I can make a whole world however I want!
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mystybelle · 5 days
hey hey hey~ I'm descending in the myst to play league today ^w^
It's the end of the season, but I think I'm warmed up enough, so we're gonna play ranked! Come join me in the myst tonight~
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mystybelle · 6 days
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Thank you so so much for joining me on such a dark and mysty evening! I... I severely flubbed the export for the rotoscope practice today, so I didn't get to trap a random danceer into a tiny box.
As a consolation prize to make up for the lack of torment being inflicted upon your fellow humans, enjoy this bell!
It's 36 frames of the unfinished background, and most of the action is done! (I just have to tie the actual ribbon on later...
In any case, I'll see you lot tomorrow~
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mystybelle · 6 days
I Made a fucky wucky, so we're doing summoner's rift first, and then practicing after!
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mystybelle · 8 days
Sentenced to volleyball
guess what i found out can happen
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mystybelle · 8 days
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Oh hi there... Whatever you are I was just wondering if you'd seen this flyer~! No?
Well jeez, you should take it then. You don't wanna miss out on a flyer with dubious information on it!!
I promise it won't have any unsettling consequences like a general decrease in your mental stability or capacity for reason! Not that you were worried about that, you're of such sound mind and body already!
(You should also go here:
It's co-work stream day again, as usual~
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mystybelle · 9 days
You look bored.
You should walk into the mysterious fog this wednesday @2:30 CST and be less bored. Or lonely. Or slightly peckish. Or anxious about the future of your miserable planet. Whatever it is you humans worry about, you should come look at me and stop doing that.
I promise it's better for you in the long run, especially if you're currently flying a plane. Listen to the sound of my voice, and relaxx...
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Did that work? No?
Alright, I'm drawing a background animation and then working on art assets for a game if I finish in time. Co-working is good for you or whatever, and it starts tomorrow 🖤
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mystybelle · 9 days
After image makes you 80% cooler
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mystybelle · 9 days
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It should be pretty mysty by wednesday, so I'll see you then 🖤
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mystybelle · 11 days
Thank you all so so much for joining me on such a dark and mysty saturday evening~! And extra thanks to @/earend on bluesky for the huge raid on top of it all!
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All that said, until the next time I see you. Remember to count how many eyes you have before bed! You wouldn't wanna be missing one
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mystybelle · 11 days
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I decided on the summoner's rift again tonight, so let's go ruin a promo (kidding, we're playing normals) C'mon in 🖤
I might regret this
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mystybelle · 11 days
If you spend your days desperately wishing to be someone else...
Eventually that monkey's paw will curl
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mystybelle · 12 days
We're doing Phantom Brave today~ 🖤
As the day draws to a close, a thick myst gathers on the horizon, and the soft chime of bells draws near...
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mystybelle · 12 days
It's funny how easily the hearts of man falter in the paths to their destinies. How hilarious that their spirits linger on those roads to heaven. How silly that their wills shatter under the weight of their own dreams
How... sniff H-how... sniffle How goofy
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