mysweetadversary · 2 months
i hate how "being a girl's girl" has replaced feminism. I hate that enforced conformity has replaced genuine compassion for and solidarity with other women. I hate how women call each other "pick me's" for not conforming to femininity or for daring to critique something other women like. I hate how we just keep finding new socially acceptable ways to bully other women for being unattractive or outspoken or difficult or complicated or weird or ambitious or for not performing femininity. I hate those front facing camera "comedians" whose whole thing is making up a straw-woman to make fun of. I hate the obsession with "girlhood" and clinging to being a girl instead of a woman. i hate "the girl version of the roman empire" and "girlhood" and it's just consumerism and I hate the characterised of girlhood as passivity, niceness, sweetness, helplessness and frivolity and I hate the revival of gender essentialism even as a joke!!!
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mysweetadversary · 2 months
thinking about how richard papen was so desperate to find somewhere to belong because of the broken family he came from and he was obsessed with the exclusive class and after joining them he started resembling them, picking up their habits and their attitude, all because he wanted a family, to be included, and yet even after he joined them he still remained an outsider up until the very end. “your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing” is so richard papen
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mysweetadversary · 3 months
Literally in the rearview mirror i saw the setting sun on your neck and felt the taste of you bubbled inside me but with everybody watching us our every move we do have reputations we keep it secret won’t let them have it so come inside and be with me alone with me alone with me alone if you would let me give you pinky promise kisses then i wouldn’t have to scream your name atop of every roof in the city of my heart if i could see you once more to see you
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mysweetadversary · 3 months
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
i don’t think gym muscle counts. i think you should put on muscle from ploughing the field. rowing a boat. spending your days at the loom weaving intricate carpets. things of that nature
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
ik i'm late to the party but
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
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and yet we dance!
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
i love women
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
there is nothing like homemade stuff. make me a friendship bracelet, cook me your favourite pasta and you have a place in my heart forever
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
i got myself red eyeliner today :DD I don't need it but we're all going to die someday so, whatever
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
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Zoe Aguerreberry (@agueb_)
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
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snoopy of the day
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
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i’m printing this out and i’m putting it on the mirror so i can confront myself with it
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
God remove me from the strongest soldiers list…. take me off the roster
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
we need to bring back inviting people over for cake and coffee. my grandma used to do that all the time and I think it's a lost art
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mysweetadversary · 4 months
long walk didn't fix my problems... is it time for tinder yet
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