mythinspoarea · 6 years
just saw a post about how All Binging Is Valid No Matter How Many Calories
but here’s the thing. YES, the feeling of loss of control you get from a binge is valid whether you ate 3000 calories or 800 in one go. 
BUT restrictive EDs like ana or mia or EDNOS are COMPETITIVE.
We don’t talk about this because it’s not attractive. It’s not cute and pleasant and validating. 
But most people with eating disorders I’ve met online and irl want to be 
The Thinnest. 
The Sickest. 
The Most Restrictive. 
So when someone says “omg I binged”, they’re talking about losing control and feeling awful. They’re communicating the Emotional Experience of binging.  And it’s important to reassure and validate the fallout from those emotions–NO MATTER HOW MANY CALORIES. 
But when someone says “omg I binged on 200 calories!” they’re telling their followers “my meals are all under 200cal”. It’s part of the competitive eating. It’s a way of saying How Low Their Intake Is and getting sympathy while bragging AND triggering other people. And that is not okay. 
If you want to complain about a binge, please do! Tell us about your day! Or even tell us that you’re upset even though your binge was low calorie! Tell us about your feelings. 
But when all your “Binging” posts specify a calorie intake, it’s alarmingly clear that you’re less interested in getting much-needed validation for your binge and more interested in normalising a specific number as “an unacceptable intake” that qualifies as a “binge”. 
Binging isn’t about medical definitions or numbers. It’s about a complete, dissociative loss of control. But let’s stop pretending that we don’t use all those numbers to make each other more and more sick. And that’s a kind of insidious pro-ana i don’t want to be a part of.
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
It’s getting difficult…
I gotta say it’s getting so hard to put up with myself lately with this pregnancy. My appetite has gotten bigger unfortunately, and ever since I looked in the mirror I’m horrified with myself… I’ve gained so much and with my baby belly I look so big…. I hate it.. hate hate hate 😭 I still have 8 weeks left… so chances are I’ll be getting bigger…. ugh I hate that I think like this but it’s getting so painful… I just wanna work out non stop and stop eating but I can’t without harming my baby
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
Pregnant and anorexic
Is there anyone else that is pregnant and anorexic?
I am currently 28 weeks along in my pregnancy, and trust me… it’s hard. It sucks when you want to lose weight and all that’s happening is grow grow grow lol I’m now forced to eat to insure my baby is healthy but I hate having to eat and hate how big I’m getting.
Please tell me I’m not alone in this 😓
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
Maybe someone here can enlighten me on this, how does this help with anorexia… he stated because it increases appetite but that’s not really that big an issue with me. Sure I don’t get hungry and such but it’s not only that I struggle with when it comes to this disorder.
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
Trigger warning!
This is a personal journal type thing I keep. Mainly thinspo but also includes my depression thoughts, etc.
Many thoughts on what to add? Some times it makes me feel better to write this stuff out.
I apologize for the messy writing, I’m usually upset when writing in here haha
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
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ig: daintyyangel
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
if youre reading this i am so sorry that youre following me bc that means youre probably going through the same thing i am and i hope you all can find peace in your lives and beat your disorders
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
My new blog, feel free to follow.
Follow me
Follow my day to day journey of battling eating disorders, depression, anxiety and more.
Trigger warning for some.
I will not be censoring anything on my blog, these are personal thoughts I do have and sometimes they are dark.
I am not promoting anything, I need a place to vent and connect with others who struggle as I do
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
Weightloss help!!
I’m going to try and lose 50 pounds in two weeks, I know it’s crazy but I will do my best. 
My friend is leaving for a bit and I want to look completely different when they’re back. 
I’m going to work myself hard. I’ll drink a lot of water and green tea, 
Take pills, 
Drink ACV, 
Only eat fruits/veggies/chicken/eggs, 
Take the dog for a walk in the morning, 
Walk to work (about an hour walk), 
Walk home, 
Then take the dog for a walk when I’m home,
Then go to the gym and lift weights,
Then when I’m home work out on my elliptical while I watch tv,
Sleep well at night I’m going to work myself hard for two straight weeks. 
Any tips? Tricks? 
I’ll take any help I can. Please I want to lose as much weight as possible, I don’t care if it’s unhealthy, I’m willing to not eat at this point but my metabolism sucks as it is so starving myself would only make my body gain it all back in the end. Please help me, motivate me, anything!!
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mythinspoarea · 7 years
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mythinspoarea · 8 years
Really? Your honestly going to try and eat that. What the fuck is wrong with you, fat ass cow. What is wrong with you. Do you not think. You say you want to be skinny but you sit around and eat all the damn time. What is wrong with you, you know besides your fat-ass body. You know what, go ahead and eat. Lose all the effort that took so long and so much pain. Yes waist those hours in pain to lose weight. 
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mythinspoarea · 8 years
Me: *eats normal healthy amount of calories *
Brain to me: oh fuck man, really??? Are you serious right now??? Hate yourself. Hate your body hate your everything.
Me: why???
Brain to me: you gotta
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mythinspoarea · 8 years
I have a few things I can't wait to do when I'm at my goal weight. 1) is get a belly button piercing 2) get into photography I'm excited to be able to do these. Now I just gotta lose the weight to do so. Trying so hard to at least be better for when I get my bike, I want to look hot in leather ;)
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mythinspoarea · 8 years
I'm sick
- Im sick of elastic bands giving me muffin top
-I’m sick of having to wear jeggings because jeans are uncomfortable
- I’m sick of looking bad in tight AND loose clothes
- I’m sick of having days where I feel too fat to wear ANYTHING
- I’m sick of dreading trying on clothes in my favorite store
- I’m sick of having fat rolls when sitting, bending forward, or laying on my side
- I’m sick of having to pull my pants up high on my waist to hide my fat bump
- I’m sick of knowing he’d rather look at skinny girls than me
- I’m sick of being afraid that I’ll finally tip the scale to overweight
- I’m sick of covering up at the pool/beach
- I’m sick of always giving in to my cravings
- It’s time to make a change because I’m sick of not feeling good in my own skin
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