i am sweet like sugar
i am mean like a snake
i am gentle like summer winds
i am hard like cemented steel
i am sad like winter rain
i am happy like kids with icecream
i am bad like who Mom warned you about
i am good like that angel on your shoulder
i am complex like calculus
i am simple like grey … in between black and white
i am deep like the ocean
i am shallow like a puddle
i am you like i am ME
i am ME like what you want me to be …
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Wooooow .....
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i know its the mets, but this is the coolest shit i’ve ever seen a human being do
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Hey! I thought of you today! Actually, I think about you EVERYDAY!
But I stopped myself in the middle of my day and I dropped to my knees to speak your name!
I still pray for you, even though you're gone ... I didn't get to say goodbye or even say SO LONG!
You struggled so hard to hide yourself, denying your beauty and your health ... you didn't do dope as much as dope did you! But you left behind a son, families an friends who ALL loved you!
I don't know when, why or where it happened ... but I was told you were electrocuted in an abandoned cabin! If this is true, I wouldn't know! It's a scary thing to think about you dying all alone! You tried to run, knowing I'd give chase ... many times I thought you hated me, when you pushed me away and lied to my face! But I kept after you my friend, strengthened by the love in my heart! Letting you go was so painfully hard! You never knew just how many you touched, as the drugs clouded your vision, mind and left your body more weak than tough! It's been almost 40yrs since we first met and not having you here now, I must tell you, you left a love debt!
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#NowPlaying Riches by Moniece Slaughter
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Men + Women = WWIII
For hours…
I’ve been writing
Yet, I’m unable to find the right words
Nothing fits
Nothing works…
I can’t really pin-point it
I can’t speak my feelings
I can’t feel my words…
But you don’t want what I try to offer
So many excuses, not one REASON,
You TRY to disguise your APATHY for sympathy
Too many wasted tears
Me, ALONE, could flood the Nile for 1100 years
                                 WHY? ?
Because, my friend,
An Idiot with a hurting heart
But, an idiot just the same…
Don’t disrespect me with …  
‘It’s not YOU it’s ME’
'I’m not in a good place right now’
'Things are moving too fast’…
That’s 'child’s play’, and we are BOTH adults
We can both play the same game
The rules have not changed…
But, YOU don’t have to suffer
You don’t feel burdened
You don’t feel the pain or loss 
I suffer alone and in silence…
Muted crying, bathed in tears
Testing my resilience…
But guess what … I HAVE WON!! 
I conquered your “hill”,
Because I love MYSELF more than you or anyone else ever will! !
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Sadly Smiling
now i lay me down to sleep i pray my soul The Lord will keep behind my eyes the light has dimmed darkness has taken over, locking my emotions from within one way in and the same way out, passage blocked will i ever be free? or has my ship already docked? all i ever wanted was love ... friends, family, even from myself things aren't that easy when numbness is the only thing felt i hide behind lipstick and glasses, hats and scarves covering the horrid truth of a lifetime of scars tired of living, not wanting to continue on begging and praying i never see another dawn ... ~CLH~
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no title
just good to be back!
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The Fool ...
Looking foolish … what have I done?
Feelings without meaning
Looking but not seeing
Mouth moving but not speaking
Sounding stupid
Missing something I’ve never had
Crying tears made of lies
Heart hurts because I forgot NOT to care
Mistakes made though I can look back
Without remorse or guilt
Because I  see them as memories
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mytruthspeaksvolumes · 10 years
An Open Letter to My Best Friend Shannan --------------------------------------- Girl, from the first time we met, it seemed like we had known each other our entire lifetimes! Best friends! You are there whenever I need you! You and ONLY YOU know the exact words to calm me down, fire me up, and make me laugh so hard my ribs break and my face cramps from laughing! We, have SEEN drama (way to damn much), though we try to steer clear of all the bitchassness and bullshit! Every now and again SOMEONE slips it in … but we just shew it away! Life is soo short and crowded, busy and rushed! Even if we don’t talk for a day or 2, we ALWAYS pick up right back where we left off .. WITH OUT fail! You are an amazing person, a devoted loving wife, a Mother like none other, and you embrace your perfect imperfections and I LOVE THAT ABOUT YOU!!! God desired for YOU to be this way,  A PHENOMENAL WOMAN! You are strong, driven, loving, determined … attributes I can only pray for You so are optimistic, up-beat, you can always bring out the very best in Anyone! I am honored and privileged to have you in my life! You have an infectious laugh and a smile SO bright, YOU could give the moon a break! I love you “Momma” … God created you just for me! And I will FOREVER thank Him for that! We are BEST FRIENDS! But, more than that, WE are sisters in life and Christ and everyday left in between! xoxo ~CLH~ ============
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mytruthspeaksvolumes · 10 years
The REturned!
I've been away for FAR too long!! Though my writing has slowed due to an ASSHOLE named LIFE ... I AM BACK!! (at least I HOPE!!)
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mytruthspeaksvolumes · 10 years
Merry christmas everybody! Thank you to all that have stayed whilst I’ve been in recovery, here’s to the new year approaching! *raises nonalcoholic beverage*
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