n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
"There's always pain around. That's one thing you can guarantee in life - there will always be a surplus of pain."
— Nick Cave
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
Assuming the arrogant pose of a solar deity, Yaldabaoth falsely believes himself to be the only god in the entire cosmos.
Thus, for Gnostics, the identification of Yaldabaoth with Jehovah of the Old Testament, a deity who suffers from this very complex of cosmic egotism, is a foregone conclusion, prefigured in the Sophianic origin myth.
Being blind, he cannot perceive the Pleroma (galactic core), nor does he recognize Sophia, the cosmic current that surged from the core and produced him in the first place.
He becomes infatuated, bloated with grandiosity, causing Sophia to feel shame and want to hide him from the sight of the Pleromic Aeons.
"She cast him away from her radiance, so that no one among the immortal ones might see him... She joined a luminous cloud with him, and placed a throne in the middle of the cloud."
(Apoc John BG 38, 1-10)
The Aeon Sophia is that cosmic current whose impact organizes the demaand produces the Archons.
This happens because She acts unilaterally in Her plunge from the galactic core, but Sophia does not unilaterally cause the birth of the Sun. This is a process continually occurring in the galactic limbs, due to the physics of the limb structure itself. In an action that might be compared to a mill wheel grinding stones, the galactic armature churns and refines elementary matter, constantly producing star-birth, the promise of new worlds of experience. 
The key to the unique status of our planetary system is the convergence of Sophia's impact with the nebular expulsion of a newborn star. The material of the Archons is incorporated into that material vortex that forms around this star, and Sophia herself fixes the chief Archon centrally ("enthroned") in the center of the proto-planetary disk ("luminous cloud").
Overseen by Yaldabaoth, the Archons now proceed to fabricate the planetary system from the inorganic elements of which them themselves are composed. As they have no intentionality (ennoia) and no creative capacity (epinoia) of their own, they can only do this by imitation.
The Apocryphon of John (II, 10, 24-25) describes how the Lord Archon "produced for himself cyclic worlds (orbiting bodies) from the luminous spark that still shines in the sky." Thus, he draws upon the vortex power of the central star, the newborn Sun, to organize the matter swirling in the proto-planetary disk.
Yaldabaoth originates nothing, however. He can only copy the model of the Pleroma, without even knowing that he does so:
And he was amazed by his own arrogance, for he seemed to beget material powers (exousiai, "authorities") out of his own solitary power, but after the patterns of the imperishable Aeons... And so there came to be a stereoma ("firmament") corresponding to the cyclic formations of the Pleroma. 
(II, 10, 26-28, and 12, 25)
Gnostic teachings constantly emphasize that the Archons are imitators who cannot produce anything original, yet they arrogantly claim they can.
The Lord Archon is called antimimon pneuma, "counterfeit spirit." (Apoc John III, 36:17. The term occurs several times in different texts.) The cosmos he produces is described by the Coptic term hal, "simulation." The vast planetary system of the Archons is a stereoma, a virtual reality projection in simulation of a higher dimensional pattern. 
Typically, the Archontic framework of the planetary system has been depicted by "armillary bands" that surround the Earth. (Illustration from A. Cellarius, Harmonia Macrocosma, 1660.) Taken in many esoteric systems (Hermetics and Rosicrucianism) as the preeminent image of cosmic harmony, the model of the planetary spheres reflects a mindless imitation of divine design, not the living reality of the cosmos. 
Yaldabaoth, the presumed all-mighty creator God, really creates nothing; instead, he copies from "archetypal" patterns in the Pleroma. The planetary stereoma of his making is like a plastic copy of an abalone shell. Only someone who does not know the reality of the abalone shell, and what living miracle of nature is required to produce it, would accept the plastic substitution. Here again, the cosmic-noetic parallel applies: Archons simulate in the cosmos at large, and they also simulate in the human mind. This is a key indication of their effect, a clue to their subtle intrusion tactics. 
The main cosmological texts in the Nag Hamadi Library (NHL), On the Origin of the World, The Hypostasis of the Archons, and The Apocryphon of John, are consistent in describing how the solar system arises as an inorganic simulation of the living pattern of the eternal Aeons. Here is further insight into "the generation of error."
 One might be excused (but just barely) for mistaking plastic for pearl, but it would be terrible ignorance indeed to be unaware that it takes an entire ocean and a living, symbiotic biosphere to produce a pearl. Yet such is the ignorance of the Archons that they cannot comprehend the living miracle of divine order, rooted in the Pleroma, even when they are imitating it. 
The stereoma of the Archons is truly a grandiose accomplishment, rather like the many-roomed Venetian palace of a Mafia don afflicted with religious grandiosity and a militaristic sense of the command chain:
Now the prime parent (archigenetor), the master breeder of the Archons, since he commanded vast orbiting worlds, produced heavens for each of his offspring... beautiful dwellings, and in each heaven Yaldabaoth produced glorious decor, seven times excellent: thrones and mansions and temples, and also chariots and celestial virgins... consigning to each one its own heaven-like realm, and providing them with mighty armies of gods and commanders and messengers and overseers, in countless myriads, so that they might all serve and be served. 
On the Origin of the World, 19.
Readers familiar with the archetypal psychology of C. G. Jung will recognize in this passage all the elements of the heaven archetype common to the mainstream religions:
heavenly mansions
celestial armies
cloud chariots
virgins on order
choirs of angels arranged with military precision
The stereoma is loaded with spiritual kitsch.
If anyone needs evidence of how the Archons can infect human imagination, here it is, seven times excellent.
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
Yaldabaoth and Sethian Creation
Yaldabaoth and Sethian Creation
Yaldabaoth and Sethian Creation. By Gnostic Jesus.
The Trinity
The Sethian (or Classic) Gnostic creation myth comes from the Apocryphon of John.
There is one invisible spirit. He is pure, holy and immaculate. This ineffable one emanated pure, immeasurable light. He is indestructible and eternal.
Jesus reveals Him in the New Testament as the First Aeon and God.
The Spirit drinks in water-light from the power of life. Through the power of thought, he brings forth the feminine emanation of Him. Barbelo (the forethought of all) is His feminine counterpart. Barbelo is the perfect aeon. The Spirit bestowed five powers upon her: image of the invisible spirit, foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth.
Pure light radiates between the Spirit and Barbelo. A spark ignites from this light, resulting in yet another pale light. This is the “only begotten child”, named Autogenes, the aeon Christ, the Anointed One. This is how the Gnostic Trinity is born; there is the Father, Mother and Son. Each is a perfect aeon.
Autogenes is androgynous, like his Father and Mother. Despite their masculine and feminine names (Father, Mother), each Perfect aeon is a dyad of gender. Together with his Father, Autogenes produces four more aeons named Harmozel, Oroiael, Daveithai and Eleleth. The four aeons are helpers for Autogenes.
Each of the four aeon helpers creates three more aeons. Harmozel emanates Grace, Truth and Form. Oroiael emanates Conception, Perception and Memory. Daveithai emanates Understanding, Love and Idea. Eleleth emanates Perfection, Peace and Wisdom – also named Sophia.
All four light aeons and their three serve Autogenes. These are the original aeons, the angels. In addition, four other beings dwelled with the luminaries (the aeons/angels). Pigera (or Adamas, the perfect being or Cosmic Man) lived with Harmozel. Seth (the son of Adamas) lived with Oroiael. Posterity of Seth (the souls of holy people) lived with Daveithai. Finally, the Souls (those that have yet to attain gnosis) lived with Eleleth.
Sophia Myth
Many Gnostics regard Sophia as the most important aeon after Christ. It is important to remember that Sophia is responsible for the creation of the material world via her offspring, the Demiurge.
Barbelo is the forethought, and Sophia is the afterthought. Most likely, out of pride, Sophia wanted to emulate the Invisible Spirit (the Father) by producing an image of her. However, Sophia did not consult the Father before doing this. Sophia had the power to procreate, but lacked the necessary knowledge. Sophia became horrified at the sight of her creation.
He was an ugly, imperfect creature with a body of a serpent and the face of a lion. He had eyes of fire. Sophia called her child Yaldabaoth. Out of shame and disgust, Sophia cast Yaldabaoth out of her pleroma and hid him in a thick cloud. By hiding him behind a cloud, the other aeons would not be able to see him. The Sethian Gnostics believe that Yaldabaoth was the consequence of Sophia’s desire.
Yaldabaoth then stole his mother’s power so that she was not able to escape from the cloud that she had originally trapped him in. Despite the fact that he had gained his mother’s power, Yaldabaoth was still weak, but he had strong ambitions. Inherited from his mother, Yaldabaoth also lacked knowledge.
Because of this inherent deficit, Yaldabaoth then fathered twelve archons to aide him in his conquests. Seven of the archons were to rule the seven heavens, and five would rule in the abyss, which Yaldabaoth created with the archons. Together, Yaldabaoth and his archons created 365 angels to help with their expanding empire.
From here, Yaldabaoth created a realm called matter. From this matter, he created seven androgynous offspring to rule the seven realms. Some Sethian Gnostics believe that this is how the seven planets came into being.
Yaldabaoth became weak and ignorant, as he believed that he was the first and true God. Sophia began to refer to her son as Samael and Saklas, both names for the devil. Yaldabaoth was still proud, and he truly believed that none was more powerful than he was.
Yaldabaoth challenged Sophia, but he could only hear her because of the darkness that he created. Sophia stretched out her finger and brought infinite light into Yaldaboaoth’s creation of darkness and chaos. Yaldabaoth longed to see his mother’s face. He could hear her voice, but he wanted more.
Yaldabaoth followed his mother’s voice, and found her reflection in water. Yaldabaoth then attempted to take hold of the image, but he could not. This is yet another example of his ignorance – the image was coming from above him, and he could not understand this. He begins to claim that he is a jealous God, and that he is the only God.
Sophia finally realizes the great magnitude of her mistake and begins to repent. Sophia begins to pray to the Father, and asks him to restore the power that Yaldabaoth stole from her. The Father accepted her prayer for deliverance. Yaldabaoth now heard the voice of the invisible spirit. The Father rebuked Yaldabaoth and his archons. When Yaldabaoth looked back into the water, he saw not the face of his mother, but instead saw an image of God – in human form.
Adam and Eve
The physical world has now come into existence. Yaldabaoth is also aware that he is not the only God, and he is not a truly powerful one.
Yaldabaoth now wants to create an image of God from the image that he had seen in the water. To help his quest, Yaldabaoth summoned all the angels and archons; together they created a being in the likeness of the first man. The purpose of this was to steal the Spirit of the Father.
To their dismay, their creation was lifeless and without a soul. Little did Yaldabaoth know, his mother (Sophia) was meeting with the Father and Barbelo in a desperate attempt to regain her power. To help Sophia, the Father and Barbelo tell Yaldabaoth to blow air (life) into his creation, and that will awaken it. Ignorant, Yaldabaoth did as he was told. This is how Adam’s soul was created.
When Yaldabaoth saw that Adam was good, pure and free from evil, he cast Adam out of the pleroma and sent him to live on the lowest plane of existence: Earth. To help Adam, Barbelo decided to send a helper along with him; a spirit named Epinoia. Adam’s body hid Epinoia. While in hiding, she gives Adam secret knowledge of his existence, and taught him how to ascend back to the pleroma.
Angry, the archons wanted to confine Adam. Out of punishment, Yaldabaoth created a physical body out of flesh to confine his soul. His body was mortal, and Yaldabaoth again cast him away, this time, sending Adam into the Garden of Eden. Yaldabaoth also bound Adam by sleep and forgetfulness.
While Adam was sleeping, Yaldabaoth attempted to bring Epinoia out of his body through his rib, but she managed to escape. Yaldabaoth then quickly created another mortal body from Epinoia’s image, and captured Epinoia inside. Yaldabaoth then placed Epinoia next to Adam in the Garden.
Epinoia commanded Adam to awaken. Because of the spell of ignorance from Yaldabaoth, Adam thought that Epinoia was the one who gave him life, and he called her Eve. Yaldabaoth wanted Adam and Eve to remain ignorant. If the two first humans were forever ignorant, then they would forever worship him. Yaldabaoth told the two to do as they pleased, but to say away from the Tree of Knowledge.
Some Gnostics believe that it was Jesus himself that told them to eat from the tree; the Sethian Gnostics hold the serpent of Genesis as the deliverer of knowledge.
Once they ate from the Tree, Adam and Eve awakened from their ignorance. Now they realized that Yaldabaoth was a false God. The fruit from the tree had given them the gnosis to understand that their creator was not God. Yaldabaoth then placed a curse on the serpent, Adam and Eve.
Yaldabaoth was angry, and threw Adam out of the Garden. Yaldabaoth snatched Eve when he observed her faithfulness to Adam. Epinoia escaped from the mortal body as Yaldabaoth raped the physical body of Eve out of anger.
In the Apocryphon of John, this produced Cain and Abel. However, the Hypostasis of the Archons teaches that Cain was the only child conceived from this event.
Adam and Eve later had a child together that they named Seth, and it is his descendents that possess the gnosis that their ancestors did.
The Sethian Gnostics regard Seth as the son of Adam and Eve, a very wise and faithful follower of gnosis. However, Seth also had a sister that was even wiser than he was. Sethian Gnostics believe that Norea is Sophia after her fall from grace. She is sometimes the Syzygy of Adam and the wife of Noah.
The archons wanted to destroy humankind with the deluge. The demiurge had warned Noah of these plans, and told him to build an ark to escape. Norea arrives and attempts to board the ark, but Noah will not allow her. Norea blows onto the vessel, engulfing it in flames and destroying it. This happened three separate times. Norea claims that her powers come from stolen sparks recovered from sexual emissions.
Seeing her power, the archons decide to capture her, but she defies them they tell her that her mother (Eve) had belonged to them at one point. Because she was so wise, Norea knew that Yaldabaoth was not her true God, but that he was a creature of darkness. Out of anger, he attempts to rape her, but Norea knew to call out to the True God for help. The aeon Eleleth arrives. Eleleth frightens the archons away.
Eleleth reveals to Norea that he came not only to save her, but also to teach her of her true origins. It is now that Norea learns that she is a descendent of God. Eleleth also teaches Norea about the origins of Yaldabaoth. Norea now knows that she is more powerful than Yaldabaoth.
Once again, Yaldabaoth grows angry and boastful, claiming that he is the most powerful being and the only God. Sabaoth (one of Yaldabaoth’s offspring) witnesses the power of Eleleth against Yaldabaoth. Sabaoth repents and pledges allegiance to Eleleth and the True God. Sophia and Eleleth reward Sabaoth and make him ruler of the eighth heaven.
Yaldabaoth witnesses the good treatment given to Sabaoth and begins to envy him. Yaldabaoth is the first to create envy. From envy, he created death. It is he that brought death to humankind.
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
Pagan Destruction Chronology (314-870 C.E)
Pagan Destruction Chronology (314-870 C.E)
Source: Demolish Them!
Vlassis R. Rassias, Es Edafos Ferein - «Ες Έδαφος Φέρειν»
edisi ke-2, Athens, 2000, ISBN 960-7748-20-4
314 Immediately after its full legalization, the Christian Church attacks the gentiles (non-Christians). The Council of Ancyra denounces the worship of Goddess Artemis.
324 The emperor Constantine declares Christianity as the only official religion of the Roman empire. In Dydima, Minor Asia, he sacks the Oracle of the god Apollo and tortures the pagan priests to death. He also evicts all non-Christian peoples from Mount Athos and destroys all the local Hellenic temples.
326 Constantine, following the instructions of his mother Helen, destroys the temple of the god Asclepius in Aigeai of Cilicia and many temples of the goddess Aphrodite in Jerusalem, Aphaca, Mambre, Phoenice, Baalbek, etc.
330 Constantine steals the treasures and statues of the pagan temples of Greece to decorate Nova Roma (Constantinople), the new capital of his Empire.
335 Constantine sacks many pagan temples of Minor Asia and Palestine and orders the execution by crucifixion of "all magicians and soothsayers." Martyrdom of the neoplatonist philosopher Sopatrus.
341 Flavius Julius Constantius persecutes "all the soothsayers and the Hellenists." Many gentile Hellenes are either imprisoned or executed.
346 New large scale persecutions against non-Christian peoples in Constantinople. Banishment of the famous orator Libanius accused as a "magician".
353 An edict of Constantius orders the death penalty for all kind of worship through sacrifices and "idols".
354 A new edict orders the closing of all the pagan temples. Some of them are profaned and turned into brothels or gambling rooms. Executions of pagan priests.
354 A new edict of Constantius orders the destruction of the pagan temples and the execution of all "idolaters". First burning of libraries in various cities of the empire. The first lime factories are being organised next to the closed pagan temples. A major part of the holy architecture of the pagans turns to lime.
357 Constantius outlaws all methods of divination (astrology not excluded).
359 In Skythopolis, Syria, the Christians organize the first death camps for the torture and executions of the arrested non-Christians from all around the empire.
361 to 363 Religious tolerance and restoration of the pagan cults declared in Constantinople (11th December 361) by the pagan emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus.
363 Assassination of Julianus (26th June).
364 Emperor Flavius Jovianus orders the burning of the Library of Antioch.
364 An Imperial edict (11th September) orders the death penalty for all those that worship their ancestral gods or practice divination ("sileat omnibus perpetuo divinandi curiositas"). Three different edicts (4th February, 9th September, 23rd December) order the confiscation of all properties of the pagan temples and the death penalty for participation in pagan rituals, even private ones.
365 An Imperial edict (17th November) forbids the gentile (pagan) officers of the army to command Christian soldiers.
370 Valens orders a tremendous persecution of non-Christian peoples in all the Eastern Empire. In Antioch, among many other non-Christians, the ex-governor Fidustius and the priests Hilarius and Patricius are executed. Tons of books are burnt in the squares of the cities of the Eastern Empire. All the friends of Julianus are persecuted (Orebasius, Sallustius, Pegasius etc.), the philosopher Simonides is burned alive and the philosopher Maximus is decapitated.
372 Valens orders the governor of Minor Asia to exterminate all the Hellenes and all documents of their wisdom.
373 New prohibition of all divination methods. The term "pagan" (pagani, villagers, equivalent to the modern insult, "peasants") is introduced by the Christians to demean non-believers.
375 The temple of god Asclepius in Epidaurus, Greece, is closed down by the Christians.
380 On 27th February, Christianism becomes the exclusive religion of the Roman empire by an edict of the emperor Flavius Theodosius, requiring that:
All the various nations which are subject to our clemency and moderation should continue in the profession of that religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter.
 The non-Christians are called "loathsome, heretics, stupid and blind". In another edict, Theodosius calls "insane" those that do not believe to the Christian God and outlaws all disagreements with the Church dogmas. Ambrosius, bishop of Milan, starts destroying all the pagan temples of his area. The Christian priests lead the hungry mob against the temple of goddess Demeter in Eleusis and try to lynch the hierophants Nestorius and Priskus. The 95 years old hierophant Nestorius ends the Eleusinian Mysteries and announces the predominance of mental darkness over the human race.
381 On 2nd May, Theodosius deprives of all their rights the Christians that return back to the pagan religion. In all the Eastern Empire the pagan temples and Libraries are looted or burned down. On 21st December, Theodosius outlaws even simple visits to the temples of the Hellenes. In Constantinople, the temple of goddess Aphrodite is turned to a brothel and the temples of Sun and Artemis to stables.
382 "Hellelujah" ("Glory to Yahweh") is imposed in the Christian mass.
384 Theodosius orders the Praetorian Prefect Maternus Cynegius, a dedicated Christian, to cooperate with the local bishops and destroy the temples of the pagans in Northern Greece and Minor Asia.
385 to 388 Maternus Cynegius, encouraged by his fanatic wife, and bishop "Saint" Marcellus with his gangs scour the countryside and sack and destroy hundreds of Hellenic temples, shrines and altars. Among others they destroy the temple of Edessa, the Cabeireion of Imbros, the temple of Zeus in Apamea, the temple of Apollo in Dydima and all the temples of Palmyra. Thousands of innocent pagans from all sides of the empire suffer martyrdom in the notorious death camps of Skythopolis.
386 Theodosius outlaws (16th June) the care of the sacked pagan temples.
388 Public talks on religious subjects are outlawed by Theodosius. The old orator Libanius sends his famous epistle "Pro Templis" to Theodosius with the hope that the few remaining Hellenic temples will be respected and spared.
389 to 390 All non-Christian date-methods are outlawed. Hordes of fanatic hermits from the desert flood the cities of the Middle East and Egypt and destroy statues, altars, libraries and pagan temples, and lynch the pagans. Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria, starts heavy persecutions against non-Christian peoples, turns the temple of Dionysos into a Christian church, burns down the Mithraeum of the city, destroys the temple of Zeus and burlesques the pagan priests before they are killed by stoning. The Christian mob profanes the cult images.
391 On 24th February, a new edict of Theodosius prohibits not only visits to pagan temples but also looking at the vandalized statues. New heavy persecutions all around the empire. In Alexandria, Egypt, pagans, led by the philosopher Olympius, revolt and after some street fights they lock themselves inside the fortified temple of god Serapis (the Serapeion). After a violent siege, the Christians take over the building, demolish it, burn its famous library and profane the cult images.
392 On 8th November, Theodosius outlaws all the non-Christian rituals and names them "superstitions of the gentiles" (gentilicia superstitio). New full scale persecutions against pagans. The Mysteries of Samothrace are ended and the priests slaughtered. In Cyprus the local bishop "Saint" Epiphanius and "Saint" Tychon destroy almost all the temples of the island and exterminate thousands of non-Christians. The local Mysteries of goddess Aphrodite are ended. Theodosius's edict declares: "the ones that won't obey pater Epiphanius have no right to keep living in that island". The pagans revolt against the emperor and the Church in Petra, Aeropolis, Rafia, Gaza, Baalbek and other cities of the Middle East.
393 The Pythian Games, the Aktia Games and the Olympic Games are outlawed as part of the Hellenic "idolatry". The Christians sack the temples of Olympia.
395 Two new edicts (22nd July and 7th August) cause new persecutions against pagans. Rufinus, the eunuch Prime Minister of emperor Flavius Arcadius directs the hordes of the baptized Goths (led by Alaric) to the country of the Hellenes. Encouraged by Christian monks the barbarians sack and burn many cities (Dion, Delphi, Megara, Corinth, Pheneos, Argos, Nemea, Lycosoura, Sparta, Messene, Phigaleia, Olympia, etc.), slaughter or enslave innumerable gentile Hellenes and burn down all the temples. Among others, they burn down the Eleusinian Sanctuary and burn alive all its priests (including the hierophant of Mithras Hilarius).
396 On 7th December, a new edict by Arcadius orders that paganism be treated as high treason. Imprisonment of the few remaining pagan priests and hierophants.
397 "Demolish them!". Flavius Arcadius orders all the still standing pagan temples to be demolished.
398 The Fourth Church Council of Carthage prohibits to everybody, including to the Christian bishops, the study of the books of the pagans. Porphyrius, bishop of Gaza, demolishes almost all the pagan temples of his city (except 9 of them that remain active).
399 With a new edict (13th July) Flavius Arcadius orders all the still standing pagan temples, mainly in the countryside, to be immediately demolished.
400 Bishop Nicetas destroys the Oracle of the god Dionysus in Vesai and baptizes all the non-Christians of this area.
401 The Christian mob of Carthage lynches non-Christians and destroys temples and "idols". In Gaza too, the local bishop "Saint" Porphyrius sends his followers to lynch pagans and to demolish the remaining 9 still active temples of the city. The 15th Council of Chalkedon orders all the Christians that still keep good relations with their gentile relatives to be excommunicated (even after their death).
405 John Chrysostom sends hordes of gray dressed monks armed with clubs and iron bars to destroy the "idols" in all the cities of Palestine.
406 John Chrysostom collects funds from rich Christian women to financially support the demolition of the Hellenic temples. In Ephessus he orders the destruction of the famous temple of goddess Artemis. In Salamis, Cyprus, "Saints" Epiphanius and Eutychius continue the persecutions of the pagans and the total destruction of their temples and sanctuaries.
407 A new edict outlaws once more all the non-Christian acts of worship
408 The emperor of the Western Empire, Honorius, and the emperor of the Eastern Empire, Arcadius, order together all the sculptures of the pagan temples to be either destroyed or to be taken away. Private ownership of pagan sculpture is also outlawed. The local bishops lead new heavy persecutions against the pagans and new book burning. The judges that have pity for the pagans are also persecuted. "Saint" Augustine massacres hundreds of protesting pagans in Calama, Algeria.
409 Another edict orders all methods of divination including astrology to be punished by death.
415 In Alexandria, Egypt, the Christian mob, urged by the bishop Cyrillus, attacks a few days before the Judaeo-Christian Pascha (Easter) and cuts to pieces the famous and beautiful philosopher Hypatia. The pieces of her body, carried around by the Christian mob through the streets of Alexandria, are finally burned together with her books in a place called Cynaron. On 30th August, new persecutions start against all the pagan priests of North Africa who end their lives either crucified or burned alive.
416 The inquisitor Hypatius, alias "The Sword of God", exterminates the last pagans of Bithynia. In Constantinople (7th December) all non-Christian army officers, public employees and judges are dismissed.
423 Emperor Theodosius II declares (8th June) that the religion of the pagans is nothing more than "demon worship" and orders all those who persist in practicing it to be punished by imprisonment and torture.
429 The temple of goddess Athena (Parthenon) on the Acropolis of Athens is sacked. The Athenian pagans are persecuted.
435 On 14th November, a new edict by Theodosius II orders the death penalty for all "heretics" and pagans of the empire. Only Judaism is considered a legal non-Christian religion.
438 Theodosius II issues an new edict (31st January) against the pagans, incriminating their "idolatry" as the reason of a recent plague!
440 to 450 The Christians demolish all the monuments, altars and temples of Athens, Olympia, and other Greek cities.
448 Theodosius II orders all non-Christian books to be burned.
450 All the temples of Aphrodisias (the City of the Goddess Aphrodite) are demolished and all its libraries burned down. The city is renamed Stavroupolis (City of the Cross).
451 New edict by Theodosius II (4th November) emphasises that "idolatry" is punished by death.
457 to 491 Sporadic persecutions against the pagans of the Eastern Empire. Among others, the physician Jacobus and the philosopher Gessius are executed. Severianus, Herestios, Zosimus, Isidorus and others are tortured and imprisoned. The proselytiser Conon and his followers exterminate the last non-Christians of Imbros Island, Norheast Aegean Sea. The last worshippers of Lavranius Zeus are exterminated in Cyprus.
482 to 488 The majority of the pagans of Minor Asia are exterminated after a desperate revolt against the emperor and the Church.
486 More "underground" pagan priests are discovered, arrested, burlesqued, tortured and executed in Alexandria, Egypt.
515 Baptism becomes obligatory even for those that already say they are Christians. The emperor of Constantinople, Anastasius, orders the massacre of the pagans in the Arabian city Zoara and the demolition of the temple of local godndrites.
528 Emperor Jutprada (Justinianus) outlaws the "alternative" Olympian Games of Antioch. He also orders the execution—by fire, crucifixion, tearing to pieces by wild beasts or cutting to pieces by iron nails—of all who practice "sorcery, divination, magic or idolatry" and prohibits all teachings by the pagans ("the ones suffering from the blasphemous insanity of the Hellenes").
529 Justinianus outlaws the Athenian Philosophical Academy and has its property confiscated.
532 The inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus, a fanatic monk, leads a crusade against the pagans of Minor Asia.
542 Justinianus allows the inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus to convert the pagans of Phrygia, Caria and Lydia, Minor Asia. Within 35 years of this crusade, 99 churches and 12 monasteries are built on the sites of demolished pagan temples.
546 Hundreds of pagans are put to death in Constantinople by the inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus.
556 Justinianus orders the notorious inquisitor Amantius to go to Antioch, to find, arrest, torture and exterminate the last non-Christians of the city and burn all the private libraries down.
562 Mass arrests, burlesquing, tortures, imprisonments and executions of gentile Hellenes in Athens, Antioch, Palmyra and Constantinople.
578 to 582 The Christians torture and crucify gentile Hellenes all around the Eastern Empire, and exterminate the last non-Christians of Heliopolis (Baalbek).
580 The Christian inquisitors attack a secret temple of Zeus in Antioch. The priest commits suicide, but the rest of the pagans are arrested. All the prisoners, the Vice Governor Anatolius included, are tortured and sent to Constantinople to face trial. Sentenced to death they are thrown to the lions. The wild animals being unwilling to tear them to pieces, they end up crucified. Their dead bodies are dragged in the streets by the Christian mob and afterwards thrown unburied in the dump.
583 New persecutions against the gentile Hellenes by the Mauricius.
590 In all the Eastern Empire the Christian accusers "discover" pagan conspiracies. New storm of torture and executions.
692 The "Penthekto" Council of Constantinople prohibits the remains of Calends, Brumalia, Anthesteria, and other pagan/Dionysian celebrations.
804 The gentile Hellenes of Mesa Mani (Cape Tainaron, Lakonia, Greece) resist successfully the attempt of Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, to convert them to Christianity.
850 to 860 Violent conversion of the last gentile Hellenes of Laconia by the Armenian "Saint" Nikon
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
another day decays into yet another night.
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
Nihilism, Destruction, Negativity. Walter Benjamin and the ‘Organization of Pessimism’
“The destructive character does his job. It is only creative work that he avoids. Just as the creator seeks out solitude for himself, the destroyer must continuously surround himself with people, with witnesses to his efficacy.” (Walter Benjamin, 1931)
Equally repudiated by today’s neo-liberal, left-liberal, and neo-conservative ideologies, the legacy of nihilism takes the position of an “accursed share” (Georges Bataille). Although nihilism as a political, philosophical, and ethical concept can be traced back to the most influential strands of post-Nietzschean thought and modern continental philosophy, it retains a bad name. Contemporary philosophies of agency, creativity, and communitarianism all agree that nihilism eventually leads to defeatism, destruction, or violence. Nihilism thus is mostly associated with destructive anarchism, right-wing or left-wing extremism.
Against this lament, the workshop examines the question whether and to what extend we can think of nihilism as a liberating force of thought that is true to the modern capitalist experience of a world of “transcendental homelessness” (Georg Lukács). Is there a destructiveness, a non-sublatable negation, “a persistence of the negative” (Benjamin Noys) without which theory lacks its critical thrust and becomes all too easily digestible for contemporary ideologies of liberal capitalist activism? Starting with Walter Benjamin, the workshop calls concepts of nihilism into question and elucidates possibilities of a negativity that is not limited to specific activities or attitudes (i.e. reluctance, refusal, or resistance). In 1937 Benjamin’s Parisian friend Georges Bataille asked: “If action is – as Hegel says – negativity, the question arises as to whether the negativity of one who has ‘nothing more to do’ disappears or remains in a state of ‘unemployed negativity’.” – Unemployed negativity, that is a non-symmetrical negativity, cannot be employed within the dialectic of position and negation. It designates a remaining negativity that resists any form of economic productivity. The workshop explores forms of subjectivity beyond agency that could embody this sort of unemployed negativity.
Benjamin’s name for the figure who has nothing to do, nothing than doing nothing, is the “destructive character” (1931). His or her ‘activity’ neither designates active creativity nor passive inertia, but is the inoperative operation of an annihilating defiguration [Entstaltung]. The unemployable surplus of this peculiar sort of negativity is not excessive or ferociously violent since it is fully self-content, immersed into its own activity. In contrast to the capitalist “creative destruction” (Joseph Schumpeter), defigurative negativity has no productive ends. It alludes to destruction as a “pure means” that interrupts, derails, dissolves productive means-end relations and introduces a site beyond the binary opposition of negativity and positivity. It renders visible a nothingness of creation that is less than zero without being simply negative.
For Benjamin the political counterpart of this defigurative negativity is pessimism. Against the optimist belief in progress and, as we could add today, ideologies of endless perfectibility, sustainability, and innovation, he called for an “organization of pessimism” (1929) that “expel[s] the moral metaphor from politics” and “discover[s] within the space of political action the one hundred per cent image-space [Bildraum].” The workshop will explore the political thresholds of this image-space.
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
"What keeps all living things busy and in motion is the striving to exist. But when existence is secured, they do not know what to do: that is why the second thing that sets them in motion is a striving to get rid of the burden of existence, not to feel it any longer, 'to kill time', i.e. to escape boredom."
— Arthur Schopenhauer
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
Herstory to History 1: The Exodus from Matriarchy to The Rise of the 1st Patriarchial Dynasties.
" Part 1 of an introductory overview that will attempt to explain the history of government & the New World Order starting from Pre Dynastic times up until the 1st ruling Dynasties. This video will reveal one of the greatest deceptions of all time by explaining how time was manipulated, why the timeline was split BC/AD & the TRUE ORIGINS OF HUMANITY. Evolution is a Darwinian philosophy rooted in racism. We are taught to believe that it is really year 2018 right now and that prior to 7000 years ago humans were bow & arrow carrying apes! We are really taught believe that civilization just popped up in the desert 7000 years ago because of some bogus king named Narmer/Menes/Atum or Minos. Greece & Egypt have many secrets regarding their true origins & the secret societies of world created evolution to hide our true human origins behind ape stories. The timeline was split because a new calendar was made when the first royal families assumed their thrones. The first civilizations on earth were vegan based gardening socieities that vanished with the rise of the 1st hunting civilizations. This video explains how & why we were literally kicked out of "The Garden of Eden". This video also explains how the very first wars on earth played crucial roles in shaping the world we currently live in. There's so much to learn so let's get's started! Enjoy the video much love!"
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
"THE GREAT UNMENTIONABLE EVIL at the center of our culture is monotheism. From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three anti-human religions have evolved - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These are sky-god religions. They are, literally, patriarchal - God is the Omnipotent Father - hence the loathing of women for 2,000 years in those countries afflicted by the sky-god and his earthly male delegates.
The sky-god is a jealous god, of course. He requires total obedience from everyone on earth, as he is not just in place for one tribe, but for all creation. Those who would reject him must be converted or killed for their own good. Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god's purpose.
Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and those of his delegates on earth. One God, One King, One Pope, One Master in the factory, One Father-Leader in the family at home…"
— Gore Vidal
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
An excellent example of the misperception of religion, and cultural ideology. BRO. SANCHEZ pinpoints the faulty aspects of religion in its ability to divide and control us.
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
Excellent talk on the basis of control through Christian Hegemony.
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
"Christianity is a divide and control mechanism. Since its inception, Christianity has utilized the flawed rhetoric surrounding the binary of "good vs. evil" to stabilize their cultural institutions through mass ignorance and behavioral mind control. The goal of Christianity is to highlight morality. These colonialist tactics were used to "nigger" the bodies of those considered "evil" — mostly those black, disabled, queer, trans, women, etc this polarity help to foreground the use of white bodies for the universal (commercial) ideological mechanism of whiteness — normalcy, purity, virginal, and wholesome."
— Now is Later, January 3, 2019
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n-o-w-is-l-a-t-e-r · 6 years
When Marlon Brando asked Harry Dean Stanton what he thought of him, Stanton replied: “I think you’re nothing.”
Brando enjoyed that. Stanton explained:
“He knew what I was talking about. The old eastern concept, one guy phrased it, ‘To realise you’re nothing is wisdom. To realise you’re everything is love. Or pure intelligence or pure awareness. Ultimately that can’t be defined in words, it’s beyond words, beyond consciousness. And that’s a hard sell, but it’s true."
What, then, of free will?
“Again there’s no answer to that. Don’t you follow what I’m trying to say? Everyone wants an answer to why I did this, why all this happened, ultimately there is no answer to it.
“Everything happens the way it’s going to happen, no one’s in charge, it’s all going to go down, you know, Iraq, war, Napoleon, serial killers, wars, all of it. You never know what’s going to happen next. We think we’re in charge and ten seconds from now none of us in this room know what we’re going to be thinking or saying. So who the fuck’s in charge?
All very Zen, and reminiscent of D.T. Suzuki (October 18, 1870–July 12, 1966), who wrote in the 1927 book Essays in Zen Buddhism:
Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s own being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom. By making us drink right from the fountain of life, it liberates us from all the yokes under which we finite beings are usually suffering in this world.
This body of ours is something like an electric battery in which a mysterious power latently lies. When this power is not properly brought into operation, it either grows mouldy and withers away or is warped and expresses itself abnormally. It is the object of Zen, therefore, to save us from going crazy or being crippled. This is what I mean by freedom, giving free play to all the creative and benevolent impulses inherently lying in our hearts. Generally, we are blind to this fact, that we are in possession of all the necessary faculties that will make us happy and loving towards one another. All the struggles that we see around us come from this ignorance… When the cloud of ignorance disappears… we see for the first time into the nature of our own being.
On November 7 2008, HDS shared ‘What I Learned’ in a magazine interview.
“Everyone wants an answer. I think it was Gertrude Stein who wrote, ‘There is no answer, there never was an answer, there’ll never be an answer. That’s the answer.’ It’s a hard sell, but that’s the ultimate truth."
Go with it and let it be epitomised his acting style:
“For Ride in the Whirlwind, Jack came to me and said, ‘Harry I’ve got this part for you. His name is Blind Dick Reilly and he’s the head of the gang. He’s got a patch over one eye and a derby hat.’ Then he says, ‘But I don’t want you to do anything. Let the wardrobe play the character.’ Which meant, just play yourself. That became my whole approach.”
Can anyone act?
“We had a scene in One from the Heart. Francis Ford Coppola comes up to me and he says, ‘Harry Dean, why don’t you direct this scene?’ Can you imagine that?”
“Ten seconds from now you don’t know what you’re gonna say or think. So who’s in charge?”
“I’m 87 years old…I only eat so I can smoke and stay alive.. The only fear I have is how long consciousness is gonna hang on after my body goes. I just hope there’s nothing. Like there was before I was born. I’m not really into religion, they’re all macrocosms of the ego. When man began to think he was a separate person with a separate soul, it created a violent situation.
“The void, the concept of nothingness, is terrifying to most people on the planet. And I get anxiety attacks myself. I know the fear of that void. You have to learn to die before you die. You give up, surrender to the void, to nothingness.
“Anybody else you’ve interviewed bring these things up? Hang on, I gotta take this call….. Hey, brother. That’s great, man. Yeah, I’m being interviewed… We’re talking about nothing. I’ve got him well-steeped in nothing right now. He’s stopped asking questions.”
Harry Dean Stanton and David Lynch – 2012
In 2012, the actor was the subject of Harry Dean Stanton: Partly Fiction. David Lynch, who directed Stanton in Twin Peaks apprised his friend:
“He’s got this innocence and naturalness that’s really rare. And he says a line and it’s just real. It’s so phenomenal. And what he does in between the lines is incredible. A lot of people, you can sort of see them, they’re not really listening. They’re not within the thing in between the lines, and you can see them start thinking about their next line. Just a subtle little thing. Not Harry. You watch him in between the lines, he is there. Whatever there needs to be, he’s there.”
“No, I’m not curious about anything. I’m just letting it all happen” – Harry Dean Stanton
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